This document outlines an agenda for a session on managing change during an organizational crisis. The objectives are to understand the differences between crisis change management and regular change management, learn specific skills for navigating a crisis, and experience how crises impact organizations. The agenda includes introducing the speakers and participants, discussing the differences between regular and crisis change management, sharing a story of a managed crisis, having participants role-play responding to a crisis scenario in small groups, debriefing the role-play as a large group, and discussing how to apply the lessons. The overall goal is to help participants bring crisis change management skills and tools to their own organizations.
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Managing Change in a Crisis
4. Session Agenda
@DrKeelyK #changeconnect #crisisCM
Interact Meet the Speaker, Meet the Audience
Share Learning Objectives
Tell Story of a Change Managed Crisis
Play Play out a CM Crisis
Learn Group Debrief
Apply Add Skills to Your Toolkit
Meet the Speakers, Meet the Audience
Seasoned CM Practitioners
Myriad of project experiences
across various industries
Distributed team across all of
Piloting an innovative C&A
methodology, trending positive
Clap to Answer!
Less than 5 years CM work?
More than 5 years?
Internal Employee?
External Consultant?
Looking for next opportunity?
Ever managed the change of
a crisis before?
If you havent clapped, clap
now so youre not left out
Change & Adoption Team
@DrKeelyK #changeconnect #crisisCM
Learning Objectives
At the end of this session, participants will be able to.
Understand the distinction between crisis change management and
programmatic change management
Brag to your friends about practicing the specific skills required to
successfully navigate organizational crisis
Personally experience some of the ways that crisis impacts
different groups within organizations and tools for addressing needs
Realize that a change management strategy is an integral part of
recovering from a crisis
@DrKeelyK #changeconnect #crisisCM
Small groups play out CM work in a crisis
Observe &
assess CM
Team efforts
Weigh in on
your concerns
Create your CM
activities plan
Vet your plan
with the SVP
& Employee
Voice your
concerns to the
CM Team
Evaluate CM
Team efforts
1 2 3
EmployeeCM PractitionerSenior Vice
@DrKeelyK #changeconnect #crisisCM
Large Group Debrief
You knew it would just be a matter of time.
The press is knocking on the door with some questions for all of you!
@DrKeelyK #changeconnect #crisisCM
Leverage the experience
For any additional questions or comments
Key Takeaways
Could crisis change management be
applied to smaller projects or initiatives?
In change chaos, leverage activation skills
over the tendency to plan
Crisis happens with frequency Be an asset
to your organization by bringing this toolset!
@DrKeelyK #changeconnect #crisisCM
#3: JZ
The most intense conflicts, if overcome, leave behind a sense of security and calm that is not easily disturbed. It is just these intense conflicts and their conflagration which are needed to produce valuable and lasting results.
Carl Jung
Center your self, ground your feet
Breathing in, I calm body and mind.
Breathing out, I smile.
Dwelling in the present moment I know this is the only moment. Thich Nhat Hanh
#4: JZ
Lots of companies across a variety of industries go through crisis. We have a perspective from the Press as an outsider, but whats going on inside to manage the crisis?
#8: JZ
What are we telling our employees to help them focus on their work? Managing change within.
#9: AT Telling the CM Practitioner story of the crisis - how we minimized distraction and helped employees regain focus on their work.
Best outcomes
Living the values made the recovery the most successful
Right things for the right reasons emotional & operational level
#12: KH role play reporter questions from exercise
#13: MAH
Our CM industry requires quicker responses and results when we are operating in change chaos Need to leverage our activation skills over our tendency to plan
Crisis happens with frequency Be an asset to your org by bringing this toolset