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PCI Requirement on
                  Change Management
1.1.1 A formal process for approving and testing all
network connections and changes to the firewall and
router configurations
6.4.5 - Change control procedures for the
implementation of security patches and software
modifications. Procedures must include the following:
    Documentation of impact
    Documented change approval by authorized parties
    Functionality testing to verify that the change does not adversely
    impact the security of the system
    Back-out procedures
IT Compliance Consulting                                                 2
What is Change Management?
ITIL Definitions:
   Change Management C
   The process responsible for controlling the lifecycle of all
   changes. The primary objective of Change Management
   is to enable beneficial changes to be made, with
   minimum disruption to IT services, security standards
   and updating the existing ones
   Request For Change (RFC) C
  A formal proposal for a change to be made. An RFC includes
  details of the proposed change, and may be recorded on paper
  or electronically. The term RFC is often misused to mean a
  change record or the change itself
  IT Compliance Consulting                                        3
What is Change Management?
ITIL Definitions:
   A Change C
  The addition, modification or removal of anything that could
  have an effect on IT services. The scope should include all IT
  services, configuration items, processes, documentation, etc.
  Change Advisory Board (CAB) C
  A group of people that advises the Change Manager in
  the assessment, prioritization and scheduling of
  changes. This board is usually made up of
  representatives from all areas within the IT service
  provider, representatives from the business and third
  parties such as suppliers
   IT Compliance Consulting                                        4
What is included/ in scope?
Anything that is considered to be part of the production
environment and within PCI scope
  Changes to the IT infrastructure (HW) or operating
  system (patches)
  Any software changes, be it application (bespoke/
  standard) or database, new installations or upgrades
  Changes to LAN and WAN, data lines, configuration
  changes, firmware upgrades, etc.
  External systems such as mail servers, PBX for call
  centre, voice recording systems etc.
  Data center supporting equipment like UPS, generators,
  cooling units, fire suppression, etc.
  IT Compliance Consulting                                 5
Change Advisory Board (CAB)
The Change Advisory Board (CAB) is a body that exists
to support the authorization of changes and to assist
Change Management (assessment and prioritization)
with changes to LAN and WAN, data lines, configuration
changes, firmware upgrades, etc.
The Change Manager normally chairs the CAB, and
potential member include
         Facilities/office services staff
         Services and operations staff
         User manager(s), user group representative(s)
         Contractors or third parties representativesOther parties
         Applications developers/maintainers, specialists/technical consultants
IT Compliance Consulting                                                          6
CAB Agenda
The Change Management process, including any amendments made to it
during the period under discussion, as well as proposed changes
RFCs that have already been assessed by CAB members and were put on
hold, pending additional information or testing
Failed changes, unauthorized, backed-out changes, or changes applied
without reference to the CAB by incident management, problem
management or Change Management
Outstanding changes and changes in progress
RFCs to be assessed by CAB members C in structured and priority order
Advance notice of RFCs expected for review at next CAB
Review of unauthorized changes detected through Configuration
IT Compliance Consulting                                                7
Emergency Change
In an emergency situation it may not be possible to convene a
full CAB meeting. Where CAB approval is required, this will be
provided by the Emergency CAB (ECAB)
Not all emergency changes will require the ECAB involvement
An emergency change procedure will follow the normal change
procedure except that approval will be given by the ECAB
rather than waiting for the full CAB meeting
The CAB should be informed of any emergency changes and/
or changes that have been implemented as a workaround
All emergency changes are documented and signed off by
three CAB members

IT Compliance Consulting                                         8
   Change            Detailed Change Process                             Change Builder
                                                                        Change, Rollback,
 Change Mgr.                                                            Testing, Implem.
 reviews RFC
               No        Close                                               Urgent?
   Accept?              Change
 Change Mgr.                                                              Independent
  Prioritizes                                                                Testing

              Yes       ECAB      Evaluation &                    Yes   No
   Urgent?             Meeting      Review             Urgent?               Positive?
         No                                                                        Yes
 Change Mgr.                                                            Change Manager
 Categorizes                                                             Release Change
                                                                          & Implement
           Minor        Significant          Major         Standard
 Change Mgr.        CAB           CAB/ Mgmt.       Change Mgr.
 Authorizes &    Authorizes &     Authorizes &      Monitors                                 No
  Monitors        Monitors          Monitors         Process                     Positive?        Implement
              Yes                                   per process                       Yes
Authorized?                                                                    Change Mgr.
         No                                                                      Review

Submit more                      Yes                No                            Close
Information                            Need Info?                                Change
    IT Compliance Consulting                                                                            9
PCI Compliance Challenges
Verify that the correct access rights have been given to
the various roles
Ensure that every week has two records of the change
log C before and after the CAB
Consistency of the data in the log e.g. approval date
cannot be after the installation date, a status cannot be
All CAB members need to sign off on the change log as
a collective endorsement of everything agreed upon
during the meeting

IT Compliance Consulting                                    10
Implementation Challenges
Everything takes longer, especially in the beginning
No more shortcuts by sales and management
It takes time for IT staff and developers to understand
what complete information on a change request means
Starting with more than less, is the way to go. When
people make assumptions, they are generally wrong
Testing of the change AND the roll back scenario is not
only required, but must be documented
HR policies need to be upgraded to allow consequences
when the process is not adhered to

IT Compliance Consulting                                  11
Change Categorization
Minor impact and few resources needed
    Change Manager evaluates and can approve autonomously

Significant impact and significant resources needed
    CAB meeting to evaluate and approve or reject

Major impact and a high level of resources needed
    After CAB approval, may additionally seek management approval

Standard C pre-approved changes
    Change manager checks that the correct procedures are followed

IT Compliance Consulting                                             12

More Related Content

Change Management Overview

  • 1. Why its important to your business CHANGE MANAGEMENT
  • 2. PCI Requirement on Change Management 1.1.1 A formal process for approving and testing all network connections and changes to the firewall and router configurations 6.4.5 - Change control procedures for the implementation of security patches and software modifications. Procedures must include the following: Documentation of impact Documented change approval by authorized parties Functionality testing to verify that the change does not adversely impact the security of the system Back-out procedures IT Compliance Consulting 2
  • 3. What is Change Management? ITIL Definitions: Change Management C The process responsible for controlling the lifecycle of all changes. The primary objective of Change Management is to enable beneficial changes to be made, with minimum disruption to IT services, security standards and updating the existing ones Request For Change (RFC) C A formal proposal for a change to be made. An RFC includes details of the proposed change, and may be recorded on paper or electronically. The term RFC is often misused to mean a change record or the change itself IT Compliance Consulting 3
  • 4. What is Change Management? ITIL Definitions: A Change C The addition, modification or removal of anything that could have an effect on IT services. The scope should include all IT services, configuration items, processes, documentation, etc. Change Advisory Board (CAB) C A group of people that advises the Change Manager in the assessment, prioritization and scheduling of changes. This board is usually made up of representatives from all areas within the IT service provider, representatives from the business and third parties such as suppliers IT Compliance Consulting 4
  • 5. What is included/ in scope? Anything that is considered to be part of the production environment and within PCI scope Changes to the IT infrastructure (HW) or operating system (patches) Any software changes, be it application (bespoke/ standard) or database, new installations or upgrades Changes to LAN and WAN, data lines, configuration changes, firmware upgrades, etc. External systems such as mail servers, PBX for call centre, voice recording systems etc. Data center supporting equipment like UPS, generators, cooling units, fire suppression, etc. IT Compliance Consulting 5
  • 6. Change Advisory Board (CAB) The Change Advisory Board (CAB) is a body that exists to support the authorization of changes and to assist Change Management (assessment and prioritization) with changes to LAN and WAN, data lines, configuration changes, firmware upgrades, etc. The Change Manager normally chairs the CAB, and potential member include Customer(s) Facilities/office services staff Services and operations staff User manager(s), user group representative(s) Contractors or third parties representativesOther parties Applications developers/maintainers, specialists/technical consultants IT Compliance Consulting 6
  • 7. CAB Agenda The Change Management process, including any amendments made to it during the period under discussion, as well as proposed changes RFCs that have already been assessed by CAB members and were put on hold, pending additional information or testing Failed changes, unauthorized, backed-out changes, or changes applied without reference to the CAB by incident management, problem management or Change Management Outstanding changes and changes in progress RFCs to be assessed by CAB members C in structured and priority order Advance notice of RFCs expected for review at next CAB Review of unauthorized changes detected through Configuration Management IT Compliance Consulting 7
  • 8. Emergency Change In an emergency situation it may not be possible to convene a full CAB meeting. Where CAB approval is required, this will be provided by the Emergency CAB (ECAB) Not all emergency changes will require the ECAB involvement An emergency change procedure will follow the normal change procedure except that approval will be given by the ECAB rather than waiting for the full CAB meeting The CAB should be informed of any emergency changes and/ or changes that have been implemented as a workaround All emergency changes are documented and signed off by three CAB members IT Compliance Consulting 8
  • 9. Initiate Change Detailed Change Process Change Builder Change, Rollback, Change Mgr. Testing, Implem. reviews RFC Yes No Close Urgent? Accept? Change No Yes Change Mgr. Independent Prioritizes Testing Yes ECAB Evaluation & Yes No Urgent? Meeting Review Urgent? Positive? No Yes No Change Mgr. Change Manager Categorizes Release Change & Implement Minor Significant Major Standard Change Mgr. CAB CAB/ Mgmt. Change Mgr. Authorizes & Authorizes & Authorizes & Monitors No Monitors Monitors Monitors Process Positive? Implement Rollback Implement Yes per process Yes Authorized? Change Mgr. No Review Submit more Yes No Close Information Need Info? Change IT Compliance Consulting 9
  • 10. PCI Compliance Challenges Verify that the correct access rights have been given to the various roles Ensure that every week has two records of the change log C before and after the CAB Consistency of the data in the log e.g. approval date cannot be after the installation date, a status cannot be skipped All CAB members need to sign off on the change log as a collective endorsement of everything agreed upon during the meeting IT Compliance Consulting 10
  • 11. Implementation Challenges Everything takes longer, especially in the beginning No more shortcuts by sales and management It takes time for IT staff and developers to understand what complete information on a change request means Starting with more than less, is the way to go. When people make assumptions, they are generally wrong Testing of the change AND the roll back scenario is not only required, but must be documented HR policies need to be upgraded to allow consequences when the process is not adhered to IT Compliance Consulting 11
  • 12. Change Categorization Minor impact and few resources needed Change Manager evaluates and can approve autonomously Significant impact and significant resources needed CAB meeting to evaluate and approve or reject Major impact and a high level of resources needed After CAB approval, may additionally seek management approval Standard C pre-approved changes Change manager checks that the correct procedures are followed IT Compliance Consulting 12