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Kurt Lewin [1890 - 1947]

           Kurt Lewin was an
         American psychologist
         and having contributed
            to science group
           dynamics & action
         research, but perhaps
         he is being well known
          for developing force
              field analysis

     Driving Forces
     Restraining Forces

 Force-field analysis is a problem-solving tool
 that is used to identify the reasons (forces) that
 support two positions to a question and the
 strength of each force.
D                                             Cost
r   Customers want
i    new product
                           Plan:                             r
v                                                            a
i                                          Disruption
n                         Upgrade
    Improve speed of                                         n
      production &
                        factory with                         i
         output.            new                              n
f                      manufacturing    impact of new        g
o                                        technologies.
r                                                            f
c   Maintenance cost
e      increasing.
                                       Staff frightened of   r
                                       new technologies.
 Force Field Analysis is a technique for explaining forces that will
  drive and resist a change.
 It portrays driving forces and restraining forces that affect a
  central question or problem.
 A force field diagram can be used to compare any kind of
  opposites, actions and consequences, different points of view, and
  so on to set the stage for making change possible.
 Changes will not occur when the driving forces and restraining
  forces are equal, or the restraining forces are stronger than the
  driving forces. For change to be possible, the driving forces must
  overcome the restraining forces.
Field Force Process is 

  Unfreezing--melting away resistance

  Change--departure from the status quo

  Refreezing--change becomes routine


Force-field analysis focuses our attention on ways of reducing
the hindering forces and encouraging the positive ones.
.           How is a force-field analysis conducted?
    The following steps are followed to conduct a force-field analysis:

    1.State the question that is to be answered. Make sure that all
    participants agree on how the question is posed. It needs to be
    worded so that there are only two acceptable responses.

    2.Use a flip chart or a blackboard and label one side of the paper
    or board as one of the acceptable responses, in this case Yes,
    and label the other side as the other acceptable response, in this
    case No. See sample chart.
Should ABC establish an office in Singapore?

                  Yes                                        No
High demand

Too far from Japan                        Travel costs too great

Stable economy                            Too much investment

Lack of competition                       No employees are culturally aware

College graduates available to work for   Japan can cover
Business plan shows high potential
4.Once the team can provide no new information to the
brainstorming session, the items provided should be reviewed
for clarification, duplication, and so on. Items should be
reworded, if necessary, for clarification.

5.The next step is to identify how strong a force each item is.
There are many ways to do this. One simple way is to treat each
item with a five-point Likert scale. The facilitator may handle
this process in the following manner:
if you believe that the statement I read is a very strong
    argument for establishing an office in Singapore, hold
    up five fingers. If you believe that is a very weak
    argument for the position, hold up only one finger.
    How strong an argument do you think High demand
The facilitator will then do a quick scan of the group and
count the participants responses. This number is then written
on the chart. See sample chart on the following page
Conducting a Force-Field Analysis (continued)

                 Yes                                    No
High demand                           No existing customers

Too far from Japan                    Travel costs too great

Stable economy                        Too much investment

Lack of competition                   No employees are culturally aware

College graduates available to work   Japan can cover
for ABC
Business plan shows high potential
6. Items that are perceived to be low in interest should be
    eliminated from the chart. In the sample chart above, items
    with a 1 or 2 would be removed. See sample chart below.

Should ABC establish an               Yes                      No
  office in Singapore?
                             5 High demand           5 Too much investment

                             3 Too far from Japan    5 Japan can cover

                             4 Stable economy        3 Dictatorship

                             5 Business plan shows
                             high potential profit
7.      Given the arguments that remain, participants would try
to decide the question.


      Driving forces                          Restraining forces

D     The commercial
      market for GPS
                                              Cannot meet
                                            competitor price
r   technology was still
v                             situation :                           a
i       strong r &d            Running                              i
n                           losses due to                           n
                                            Late entry & presence
g                                           of strong competitors   i
      continuous                lack of         in commercial
                           concentration            market,
f                                                                   g
o                          in commercial
        Quality                               Environmental
r     management               market         impact of new         f
c                                              technologies.
e                                                                   r
    good reputation
                                            Union problems          c
Recommended Solutions

2.Construction of semi-permanent cross functional teams with real decision making

power .

3.Back on track

4. focus on r &D -approach

5.Capitalize on the available human capital in the company.

6.Tackling with the forces on the priority basis,.

7.Strengthen the already positive forces
 Brings into the open factors which will work for and against the
  closing of a gap
 Identified by a needs analysis.
 Helps to recognize circumstances which can and cannot be
 Provides a means to analyze ways to minimize or eliminate
  barriers to goal attainment.
 Process is subjective and requires collaborative
  thinking and agreement
 Concerning forces for and against the solution to a
  particular problem.
 May oversimplify the relationships between factors
  that impact a problem.
 All aspects of a problem may not be identified.

This tool has a long history and still maintains
its utility despite its apparent simplicity. Use it
when your team is blocked in some way or you
need to see the wider picture in a change
program. It is an essential tool in the armory of
a consultant and despite its simplicity is a
profound way of looking at an organization

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  • 3. Kurt Lewin [1890 - 1947] Kurt Lewin was an American psychologist and having contributed to science group dynamics & action research, but perhaps he is being well known for developing force field analysis
  • 4. LEWINS THREE-STEP MODEL OF LEWIN ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE Driving Forces Restraining Forces Equilibrium
  • 5. WHAT IS A FORCE-FIELD ANALYSIS? Force-field analysis is a problem-solving tool that is used to identify the reasons (forces) that support two positions to a question and the strength of each force.
  • 6. R e D Cost s r Customers want t i new product Plan: r v a i Disruption i n Upgrade Improve speed of n g production & factory with i output. new n Environmental f manufacturing impact of new g o technologies. machines r f c Maintenance cost o e increasing. Staff frightened of r new technologies. c e
  • 7. Force Field Analysis is a technique for explaining forces that will drive and resist a change. It portrays driving forces and restraining forces that affect a central question or problem. A force field diagram can be used to compare any kind of opposites, actions and consequences, different points of view, and so on to set the stage for making change possible.
  • 8. Changes will not occur when the driving forces and restraining forces are equal, or the restraining forces are stronger than the driving forces. For change to be possible, the driving forces must overcome the restraining forces.
  • 9. Field Force Process is Unfreezing--melting away resistance Change--departure from the status quo Refreezing--change becomes routine WHY TO USE? Force-field analysis focuses our attention on ways of reducing the hindering forces and encouraging the positive ones.
  • 10. . How is a force-field analysis conducted? The following steps are followed to conduct a force-field analysis: 1.State the question that is to be answered. Make sure that all participants agree on how the question is posed. It needs to be worded so that there are only two acceptable responses. 2.Use a flip chart or a blackboard and label one side of the paper or board as one of the acceptable responses, in this case Yes, and label the other side as the other acceptable response, in this case No. See sample chart.
  • 11. Should ABC establish an office in Singapore? Yes No High demand Too far from Japan Travel costs too great Stable economy Too much investment Lack of competition No employees are culturally aware College graduates available to work for Japan can cover ABC Dictatorship Business plan shows high potential profit
  • 12. 4.Once the team can provide no new information to the brainstorming session, the items provided should be reviewed for clarification, duplication, and so on. Items should be reworded, if necessary, for clarification. 5.The next step is to identify how strong a force each item is. There are many ways to do this. One simple way is to treat each item with a five-point Likert scale. The facilitator may handle this process in the following manner:
  • 13. if you believe that the statement I read is a very strong argument for establishing an office in Singapore, hold up five fingers. If you believe that is a very weak argument for the position, hold up only one finger. How strong an argument do you think High demand is? The facilitator will then do a quick scan of the group and count the participants responses. This number is then written on the chart. See sample chart on the following page
  • 14. Conducting a Force-Field Analysis (continued) Yes No High demand No existing customers Too far from Japan Travel costs too great Stable economy Too much investment Lack of competition No employees are culturally aware College graduates available to work Japan can cover for ABC Dictatorship Business plan shows high potential profit
  • 15. 6. Items that are perceived to be low in interest should be eliminated from the chart. In the sample chart above, items with a 1 or 2 would be removed. See sample chart below. Should ABC establish an Yes No office in Singapore? 5 High demand 5 Too much investment 3 Too far from Japan 5 Japan can cover 4 Stable economy 3 Dictatorship 5 Business plan shows high potential profit
  • 16. 7. Given the arguments that remain, participants would try to decide the question. Current Driving forces Restraining forces situation
  • 17. R e D The commercial market for GPS Cannot meet s competitor price r technology was still t i young Current Interdepartmental r v situation : a issues i strong r &d Running i n losses due to n Late entry & presence g of strong competitors i continuous lack of in commercial innovation concentration market, n f g o in commercial Quality Environmental r management market impact of new f c technologies. o e r good reputation Union problems c e
  • 18. Recommended Solutions 1.AD-HOC 2.Construction of semi-permanent cross functional teams with real decision making power . 3.Back on track 4. focus on r &D -approach 5.Capitalize on the available human capital in the company. 6.Tackling with the forces on the priority basis,. 7.Strengthen the already positive forces
  • 19. Brings into the open factors which will work for and against the closing of a gap Identified by a needs analysis. Helps to recognize circumstances which can and cannot be changed. Provides a means to analyze ways to minimize or eliminate barriers to goal attainment.
  • 20. Process is subjective and requires collaborative thinking and agreement Concerning forces for and against the solution to a particular problem. May oversimplify the relationships between factors that impact a problem. All aspects of a problem may not be identified.
  • 21. Conclusion: This tool has a long history and still maintains its utility despite its apparent simplicity. Use it when your team is blocked in some way or you need to see the wider picture in a change program. It is an essential tool in the armory of a consultant and despite its simplicity is a profound way of looking at an organization