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Name: Chantal Jackson
                                                                                        Date February 13, 2013
                                      SL Assignment #2 - Discrimination
Michaelson, M. T. (2008). Inclusion and social justice for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender members of the
        learning community in Queensland State Schools. Australian Journal of Guidance & Counseling, 18(1), 76-
Earls, M. (2005). GLBTQ youth: The facts. Retrieved from

After reading the articles, answer the following questions honestly and completely in short answer form
between 150-500 words each (Answers not in this range will not be graded and credit will not be given).
Collegiate level writing is expected with appropriate supporting evidence for your statements that
should reflect critical thinking. Each question should address the information in the article, content
from class, and your reflections of the material. Your answers are for your own reflection and will only
be viewed by your instructors.

    1. A. The article discusses some of the emotional affects that students that are discriminated
       against experience. Discuss the impact on students who are victims of discrimination AND your
       thoughts about the implications discrimination has on others.

        It is obvious before reading these articles that students who are discriminated against because
        of their sexual orientation are most likely to drop out of high school or commit suicide. I think
        that most GLBT students are afraid to come out because of the discrimination decide to stay
        hidden when they can be helping other GLBT students who have already come out. Every
        GLBT student needs someone to talk to that has gone down or is going down the same path.
        No GLBT student should ever feel alone. Discrimination not only affects the victim but
        everyone in the entire school. Students who stand by and watch the harassment could start to
        think that it is acceptable to bully the GLBT students. GLBT who have yet to come out hide
        their true selves which can give them anxiety, stress, depression, or thoughts of suicide all
        because they feel the school is not a safe place for them.

        B. Share an example of a time you were picked on or discriminated against. (Consider: How did
        it make you feel? What affects did it have on you, your views, your behavior, etc? Did you have
        access to a safe environment and/or someone to help?)

        For a short while in the sixth grade, I was bullied for being friends with the big girl. Students
        started to call me the same rude names they called her like Big Bertha. That did hurt my
        feelings to the point of tears. Thats when I first started becoming self-conscious about my
        looks. I was the tallest girl in the sixth grade but certainly not the heaviest so I always
        wondered why they were calling me fat names. Luckily, I was smart enough to not take the
        bullying for very long before I told the school principal. I knew the teacher heard those
        comments toward me in the classroom and never once intervened so I went straight to the
        principal. He was kind and acted immediately. The bullies where put in after school detention
        and they never picked on me again. I knew I was going to be labeled the tattle tale but I knew
        I did not deserve the emotional pain they were giving me.
2.    Identify and discuss common words, phrases or slang that you or the people around you use
     regularly that may negatively affect a marginalized population or group? What can you do as an
     individual to reduce this type of negative effect on others?

     I remember several years ago when I was in high school, I use to say the phrase thats gay. It
     was just a phrase me and my friends used and meant it like thats stupid. Then junior year
     came around and thats when our best friend Craig told us he was gay. He was happy it was all
     out in the open and we still loved him because, after all, he was still the same person. One
     day, I said thats gay and Craig asked me what I just said. I corrected myself immediately
     and have never said that phrase since. As a future elementary teacher, I plan on taking action
     when I hear discriminating phrases by telling students that was not a nice thing to say. As an
     aunt, I do plan on having a long talk with them about how hurtful words can be. Luckily one
     day my niece did come up to me telling me stories about students who are bullying others.
     We did have a long talk about being bullied because of body image, special education, and
     sexual orientation. She knows all is wrong and that she will get more respect for accepting
     everyone for who they are.

3. Go through the What, So What, Now What process, analyzing pertinent information from the
   assigned article(s)/material, lessons and discussions in class, and your experience during your
   service. Refer back to the Critical Reflection guidelines provided in class. (You will be graded
   separately in each of the 3 areas, and your answer in each section should be between 150-500

     What  Discuss the most significant information from this article to consider that relates to your
     service to the community and our lessons in class? Explain in depth. {Consider: What type of
     discrimination does or could the population you serve face? Why may they be subject to
     discrimination, by whom, and?}

     The most significant information I remember from this article is that most teacher ignore the
     problem because they are more concerned with the maintenance of the power structure
     than with creating a more socially just school. I also think back to when I was bullied in class
     when the teacher was present and she too never got involved. Working with mostly
     elementary students at the Boys and Girls club, I have yet to hear any type of discrimination
     towards other students. When I do hear something discriminating, I do plan on kindly telling
     them that what they said was not nice. If they continue, I plan letting my supervisor know and
     maybe schedule time for all of us to have a talk. Unlike my sixth grade teacher, I do not plan
     on ignoring discrimination. I can have a full of list of things to do but I will never put bullying
     at the bottom of the list because a student being emotionally or physically abused should
     always go straight to top priorities.

     So what  Why is your what analysis important or significant to you and to the community?
     (Discuss the implications of the topic on you and the community at large.)

     Let me start with a scenario where I know there is discrimination going on but I decide to get
     to it later because I think I have other important things to do than deal with this bullying
issue. Soon after, the student drops out of school or even worse, commits suicide. None of
    that could have happened if I just made the bullying a priority by having a talk with the victim
    and the offender to let them know that what is going on is wrong. That is the worst case
    scenario and I hope I will never have to find myself in that situation. I am only human so of
    course there can be discrimination going on right under my nose but I just do not see it. My
    plan is to confront every situation I see when it comes to discrimination whether it is a simple
    comment or scheduling a meeting with the parents. I would never want to ignore it.

    What now  Who is already doing work to fight discrimination?

    1. Research at least 3 organizations, speakers, writers, etc., who are currently taking action to
       alleviate discrimination of any kind. Include the following for each:
        Organization name: Theres No Excuse for Peer Abuse
        Organization website: antibullyingprograms.org
        The type of discrimination the organization or person is addressing: bullying, cyber,
           social, physical, emotional, bias based.
        Brief description of the program/activity/action the organization is doing to alleviate
           discrimination: Becoming a positive bystander without putting yourself or anyone else
           in danger, internet safety, difference between ratting and reporting, how to create a
           bully free environment.

           Organization name: Fighting Discrimination
           Organization website: humanrightsfirst.org
           The type of discrimination the organization or person is addressing: hate or bias crimes
           Brief description of the program/activity/action the organization is doing to alleviate
            discrimination: Promoting inclusion and combating hate crime as a serious human
            rights violation.

        Organization name: Healthy Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Students Project
   Organization website: http://www.apa.org/pi/lgbt/programs/hlgbsp/index.aspx
        The type of discrimination the organization or person is addressing: lesbian, gay,
           bisexual, and questioning youth
        Brief description of the program/activity/action the organization is doing to alleviate
           discrimination: Goal is to help schools, families, and communities promote the
           healthy growth and full development of LGBQ youth.

    2. Then, comment on how YOU can take action to alleviate discrimination.
       The best way to alleviate discrimination is by setting examples myself, even when no one
       is looking. Students look up to me as a leader and I would never lead them down a path
       to discriminating other for being different. It is what makes them unique. Like the article
       said, children are the future and children who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, and
       transgender are equal contributors in that future. It is also best to teach students that
       every single person is equal. They deserve equal rights and deserve equal respect. As
       mentioned earlier, I plan on never setting a discrimination situation aside for later. I will
       always make it a top priority whether it is correcting a student by saying what they said
       was rude or wrong. If I have to I will set a meeting with offender, victim, and their parents
       to confront the issue. I will never ignore or try to avoid the problem.

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Chantal jackson sl2

  • 1. Name: Chantal Jackson Date February 13, 2013 SL Assignment #2 - Discrimination Michaelson, M. T. (2008). Inclusion and social justice for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender members of the learning community in Queensland State Schools. Australian Journal of Guidance & Counseling, 18(1), 76- 83. Earls, M. (2005). GLBTQ youth: The facts. Retrieved from http://www.advocatesforyouth.org/index.php/component/content/article/424-glbtq-youth.html. After reading the articles, answer the following questions honestly and completely in short answer form between 150-500 words each (Answers not in this range will not be graded and credit will not be given). Collegiate level writing is expected with appropriate supporting evidence for your statements that should reflect critical thinking. Each question should address the information in the article, content from class, and your reflections of the material. Your answers are for your own reflection and will only be viewed by your instructors. 1. A. The article discusses some of the emotional affects that students that are discriminated against experience. Discuss the impact on students who are victims of discrimination AND your thoughts about the implications discrimination has on others. It is obvious before reading these articles that students who are discriminated against because of their sexual orientation are most likely to drop out of high school or commit suicide. I think that most GLBT students are afraid to come out because of the discrimination decide to stay hidden when they can be helping other GLBT students who have already come out. Every GLBT student needs someone to talk to that has gone down or is going down the same path. No GLBT student should ever feel alone. Discrimination not only affects the victim but everyone in the entire school. Students who stand by and watch the harassment could start to think that it is acceptable to bully the GLBT students. GLBT who have yet to come out hide their true selves which can give them anxiety, stress, depression, or thoughts of suicide all because they feel the school is not a safe place for them. B. Share an example of a time you were picked on or discriminated against. (Consider: How did it make you feel? What affects did it have on you, your views, your behavior, etc? Did you have access to a safe environment and/or someone to help?) For a short while in the sixth grade, I was bullied for being friends with the big girl. Students started to call me the same rude names they called her like Big Bertha. That did hurt my feelings to the point of tears. Thats when I first started becoming self-conscious about my looks. I was the tallest girl in the sixth grade but certainly not the heaviest so I always wondered why they were calling me fat names. Luckily, I was smart enough to not take the bullying for very long before I told the school principal. I knew the teacher heard those comments toward me in the classroom and never once intervened so I went straight to the principal. He was kind and acted immediately. The bullies where put in after school detention and they never picked on me again. I knew I was going to be labeled the tattle tale but I knew I did not deserve the emotional pain they were giving me.
  • 2. 2. Identify and discuss common words, phrases or slang that you or the people around you use regularly that may negatively affect a marginalized population or group? What can you do as an individual to reduce this type of negative effect on others? I remember several years ago when I was in high school, I use to say the phrase thats gay. It was just a phrase me and my friends used and meant it like thats stupid. Then junior year came around and thats when our best friend Craig told us he was gay. He was happy it was all out in the open and we still loved him because, after all, he was still the same person. One day, I said thats gay and Craig asked me what I just said. I corrected myself immediately and have never said that phrase since. As a future elementary teacher, I plan on taking action when I hear discriminating phrases by telling students that was not a nice thing to say. As an aunt, I do plan on having a long talk with them about how hurtful words can be. Luckily one day my niece did come up to me telling me stories about students who are bullying others. We did have a long talk about being bullied because of body image, special education, and sexual orientation. She knows all is wrong and that she will get more respect for accepting everyone for who they are. 3. Go through the What, So What, Now What process, analyzing pertinent information from the assigned article(s)/material, lessons and discussions in class, and your experience during your service. Refer back to the Critical Reflection guidelines provided in class. (You will be graded separately in each of the 3 areas, and your answer in each section should be between 150-500 words.) What Discuss the most significant information from this article to consider that relates to your service to the community and our lessons in class? Explain in depth. {Consider: What type of discrimination does or could the population you serve face? Why may they be subject to discrimination, by whom, and?} The most significant information I remember from this article is that most teacher ignore the problem because they are more concerned with the maintenance of the power structure than with creating a more socially just school. I also think back to when I was bullied in class when the teacher was present and she too never got involved. Working with mostly elementary students at the Boys and Girls club, I have yet to hear any type of discrimination towards other students. When I do hear something discriminating, I do plan on kindly telling them that what they said was not nice. If they continue, I plan letting my supervisor know and maybe schedule time for all of us to have a talk. Unlike my sixth grade teacher, I do not plan on ignoring discrimination. I can have a full of list of things to do but I will never put bullying at the bottom of the list because a student being emotionally or physically abused should always go straight to top priorities. So what Why is your what analysis important or significant to you and to the community? (Discuss the implications of the topic on you and the community at large.) Let me start with a scenario where I know there is discrimination going on but I decide to get to it later because I think I have other important things to do than deal with this bullying
  • 3. issue. Soon after, the student drops out of school or even worse, commits suicide. None of that could have happened if I just made the bullying a priority by having a talk with the victim and the offender to let them know that what is going on is wrong. That is the worst case scenario and I hope I will never have to find myself in that situation. I am only human so of course there can be discrimination going on right under my nose but I just do not see it. My plan is to confront every situation I see when it comes to discrimination whether it is a simple comment or scheduling a meeting with the parents. I would never want to ignore it. What now Who is already doing work to fight discrimination? 1. Research at least 3 organizations, speakers, writers, etc., who are currently taking action to alleviate discrimination of any kind. Include the following for each: Organization name: Theres No Excuse for Peer Abuse Organization website: antibullyingprograms.org The type of discrimination the organization or person is addressing: bullying, cyber, social, physical, emotional, bias based. Brief description of the program/activity/action the organization is doing to alleviate discrimination: Becoming a positive bystander without putting yourself or anyone else in danger, internet safety, difference between ratting and reporting, how to create a bully free environment. Organization name: Fighting Discrimination Organization website: humanrightsfirst.org The type of discrimination the organization or person is addressing: hate or bias crimes Brief description of the program/activity/action the organization is doing to alleviate discrimination: Promoting inclusion and combating hate crime as a serious human rights violation. Organization name: Healthy Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Students Project Organization website: http://www.apa.org/pi/lgbt/programs/hlgbsp/index.aspx The type of discrimination the organization or person is addressing: lesbian, gay, bisexual, and questioning youth Brief description of the program/activity/action the organization is doing to alleviate discrimination: Goal is to help schools, families, and communities promote the healthy growth and full development of LGBQ youth. 2. Then, comment on how YOU can take action to alleviate discrimination. The best way to alleviate discrimination is by setting examples myself, even when no one is looking. Students look up to me as a leader and I would never lead them down a path to discriminating other for being different. It is what makes them unique. Like the article said, children are the future and children who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender are equal contributors in that future. It is also best to teach students that every single person is equal. They deserve equal rights and deserve equal respect. As mentioned earlier, I plan on never setting a discrimination situation aside for later. I will always make it a top priority whether it is correcting a student by saying what they said was rude or wrong. If I have to I will set a meeting with offender, victim, and their parents to confront the issue. I will never ignore or try to avoid the problem.