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                                   丶丱 丐弌丐

弌亞仍:       102- 亞仍   舒亞亳亶仆 仆:           .丼舒仆舒仍
仆亞亳,弍勵仍亞:           11         丱亳仍亳亶仆 仆:         仆亞仍亳 仍
弌舒亞仆 仆:                    丱亳仍亳亶仆 亟于:       唏仆亳亶 舒仍亞舒仍仆 仂亳仍

唏亞仍唏亢 亟舒舒亟 CTL+S 亟舒舒舒舒亶.

                                           丱亟舒 1

弌亞仍:     102- 亞仍             舒亞亳亶仆 仆:        .丼舒仆舒仍
仆亞亳,弍勵仍亞:         11                   丱亳仍亳亶仆 仆:      仆亞仍亳 仍
弌舒亞仆 仆:        0                   丱亳仍亳亶仆 亟于:    唏仆亳亶 舒仍亞舒仍仆 仂亳仍

                                                   丱舒亳仍仆 亟舒
  仍               1           2         3       4      5       6               7          8   9   10

1. I.like onion, but like it now.
A. didn`t used to      B. used to C. did used to D. didn`t use to E. not used to
2. A present! For me? You`re.. kind!
A. such               B. such a     C. so            D. enough          E. so much
3. Congratulations.. passing your exams.
                  A. for               B. by        C. of            D. with           E. on
4. Saruul.. wear costume to work but she usually does.
A. Doesn`t have to B. could`nt C. must not            D. may not         E. wouldn`
5. He .. the news to everybody in the village.
A. Said               B. told       C. asked        D. spoke           E. talked
6. You`d feel healthier if you .. more exercise.
A. Have done           B. will do   C. would do      D. did             E. do
7.  What`s he?He is.. .
A. work                B. works     C. working       D. having worked       E. to work
8. Don`t be too strict on your son. It is not his fault the bicycle .. .
. has stolen          B. was stole C. has been stolen D. stolen         E.had stolen
9. I prefer cycling . Walking.
. than               B. for        C. as                 D. to         E. with
10. My instructor made me .. down the steep mountain.
A. to ski              B. ski       C. skiing              D. skied     E. skid

                                                               丱亟舒 2

弌亞仍:       102- 亞仍               舒亞亳亶仆 仆:       .丼舒仆舒仍
仆亞亳,弍勵仍亞:           11                     丱亳仍亳亶仆 仆:     仆亞仍亳 仍
弌舒亞仆 仆:          0                     丱亳仍亳亶仆 亟于:   唏仆亳亶 舒仍亞舒仍仆 仂亳仍

   舒仍            仂仆仂仂          舒亳仍
      1               0              弍
      2               0              弍
      3               0              弍
      4               0              弍
      5               0              弍
      6               0              弍
      7               0              弍
      8               0              弍
      9               0              弍
     10               0              弍
           舒于舒 仂仆仂仂                  10
          舒于舒仆 仂仆仂仂                   0
         亰唏于 舒亳仍                   0
        弍 舒亳仍                 10
             于                      0
         勵亞 勵仆仍亞                  F

         弍舒亶仆舒, 亟舒亳仆 亳亶仆 勵勵!

唏亞仍唏亢 亟舒舒亟 CTL+S 亟舒舒舒舒亶.

                                 丱亟舒 3

仆亞仍亳 仍
唏仆亳亶 舒仍亞舒仍仆 仂亳仍

                         丱亟舒 4

         弌亞仍:       102- 亞仍               舒亞亳亶仆 仆:               .丼舒仆舒仍
         仆亞亳,弍勵仍亞:           11                    丱亳仍亳亶仆 仆:              仆亞仍亳 仍
         弌舒亞仆 仆:          0                   丱亳仍亳亶仆 亟于:             唏仆亳亶 舒仍亞舒仍仆 仂亳仍

舒仍     舒亳仍       唏于 舒亳仍 仆:             仆舒舒舒 亰勵亶仍:
  1          弍                         仍亟舒仆 弍舒亶仆舒, 亟舒亳仆 弍唏亞仍唏 亞亶
  2          弍                         仍亟舒仆 弍舒亶仆舒, 亟舒亳仆 弍唏亞仍唏 亞亶
  3          弍                         仍亟舒仆 弍舒亶仆舒, 亟舒亳仆 弍唏亞仍唏 亞亶
  4          弍                         仍亟舒仆 弍舒亶仆舒, 亟舒亳仆 弍唏亞仍唏 亞亶
  5          弍                         仍亟舒仆 弍舒亶仆舒, 亟舒亳仆 弍唏亞仍唏 亞亶
  6          弍                         仍亟舒仆 弍舒亶仆舒, 亟舒亳仆 弍唏亞仍唏 亞亶
  7          弍                         仍亟舒仆 弍舒亶仆舒, 亟舒亳仆 弍唏亞仍唏 亞亶
  8          弍                         仍亟舒仆 弍舒亶仆舒, 亟舒亳仆 弍唏亞仍唏 亞亶
  9          弍                         仍亟舒仆 弍舒亶仆舒, 亟舒亳仆 弍唏亞仍唏 亞亶
  10         弍                         仍亟舒仆 弍舒亶仆舒, 亟舒亳仆 弍唏亞仍唏 亞亶

                                                  丱亟舒 5

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  • 1. nuur 丶丱 丐弌丐 弌亞仍: 102- 亞仍 舒亞亳亶仆 仆: .丼舒仆舒仍 仆亞亳,弍勵仍亞: 11 丱亳仍亳亶仆 仆: 仆亞仍亳 仍 弌舒亞仆 仆: 丱亳仍亳亶仆 亟于: 唏仆亳亶 舒仍亞舒仍仆 仂亳仍 唏亞仍唏亢 亟舒舒亟 CTL+S 亟舒舒舒舒亶. 丱于亳仍弍舒-1 丱亟舒 1
  • 2. test1 弌亞仍: 102- 亞仍 舒亞亳亶仆 仆: .丼舒仆舒仍 仆亞亳,弍勵仍亞: 11 丱亳仍亳亶仆 仆: 仆亞仍亳 仍 弌舒亞仆 仆: 0 丱亳仍亳亶仆 亟于: 唏仆亳亶 舒仍亞舒仍仆 仂亳仍 丱舒亳仍仆 亟舒 仍 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 丱舒亳仍 1. I.like onion, but like it now. A. didn`t used to B. used to C. did used to D. didn`t use to E. not used to 2. A present! For me? You`re.. kind! A. such B. such a C. so D. enough E. so much 3. Congratulations.. passing your exams. A. for B. by C. of D. with E. on 4. Saruul.. wear costume to work but she usually does. A. Doesn`t have to B. could`nt C. must not D. may not E. wouldn` 5. He .. the news to everybody in the village. A. Said B. told C. asked D. spoke E. talked 6. You`d feel healthier if you .. more exercise. A. Have done B. will do C. would do D. did E. do 7. What`s he?He is.. . A. work B. works C. working D. having worked E. to work 8. Don`t be too strict on your son. It is not his fault the bicycle .. . . has stolen B. was stole C. has been stolen D. stolen E.had stolen 9. I prefer cycling . Walking. . than B. for C. as D. to E. with 10. My instructor made me .. down the steep mountain. A. to ski B. ski C. skiing D. skied E. skid 丱亟舒 2
  • 3. dun 弌亞仍: 102- 亞仍 舒亞亳亶仆 仆: .丼舒仆舒仍 仆亞亳,弍勵仍亞: 11 丱亳仍亳亶仆 仆: 仆亞仍亳 仍 弌舒亞仆 仆: 0 丱亳仍亳亶仆 亟于: 唏仆亳亶 舒仍亞舒仍仆 仂亳仍 丱丕-1: 舒仍 仂仆仂仂 舒亳仍 1 0 弍 2 0 弍 3 0 弍 4 0 弍 5 0 弍 6 0 弍 7 0 弍 8 0 弍 9 0 弍 10 0 弍 舒于舒 仂仆仂仂 10 舒于舒仆 仂仆仂仂 0 亰唏于 舒亳仍 0 弍 舒亳仍 10 于 0 勵亞 勵仆仍亞 F 弍舒亶仆舒, 亟舒亳仆 亳亶仆 勵勵! 唏亞仍唏亢 亟舒舒亟 CTL+S 亟舒舒舒舒亶. 丱亟舒 3
  • 5. chat 弌亞仍: 102- 亞仍 舒亞亳亶仆 仆: .丼舒仆舒仍 仆亞亳,弍勵仍亞: 11 丱亳仍亳亶仆 仆: 仆亞仍亳 仍 弌舒亞仆 仆: 0 丱亳仍亳亶仆 亟于: 唏仆亳亶 舒仍亞舒仍仆 仂亳仍 舒仍 舒亳仍 唏于 舒亳仍 仆: 仆舒舒舒 亰勵亶仍: 1 弍 仍亟舒仆 弍舒亶仆舒, 亟舒亳仆 弍唏亞仍唏 亞亶 2 弍 仍亟舒仆 弍舒亶仆舒, 亟舒亳仆 弍唏亞仍唏 亞亶 3 弍 仍亟舒仆 弍舒亶仆舒, 亟舒亳仆 弍唏亞仍唏 亞亶 4 弍 仍亟舒仆 弍舒亶仆舒, 亟舒亳仆 弍唏亞仍唏 亞亶 5 弍 仍亟舒仆 弍舒亶仆舒, 亟舒亳仆 弍唏亞仍唏 亞亶 6 弍 仍亟舒仆 弍舒亶仆舒, 亟舒亳仆 弍唏亞仍唏 亞亶 7 弍 仍亟舒仆 弍舒亶仆舒, 亟舒亳仆 弍唏亞仍唏 亞亶 8 弍 仍亟舒仆 弍舒亶仆舒, 亟舒亳仆 弍唏亞仍唏 亞亶 9 弍 仍亟舒仆 弍舒亶仆舒, 亟舒亳仆 弍唏亞仍唏 亞亶 10 弍 仍亟舒仆 弍舒亶仆舒, 亟舒亳仆 弍唏亞仍唏 亞亶 丱亟舒 5