The document discusses challenges that family-owned businesses face, including organizing the business, managing family relationships, succession planning, and tax/estate planning. It provides tips for written mission statements, including children in decisions, family discussions, and dealing with spousal ownership. Challenges in preparing the next generation and obstacles in the succession process are also examined, such as the founder's role and potential replacement options.
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Chap 15 family business
1. Chapter 15
Family-Owned *
Businesses *
Copyright 息 2009 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
2. Chapter
Family-Owned Business
Organizing/Operating Family- *
Owned Business *
Family Relationships & Business *
Preparing For The Next
Generation & Management *
Succession *
Tax/Estate Planning *
2 - 2
3. Family & Business
Written Mission
Statement *
Include Children *
In Decisions *
Family Discussions *
2 - 3
4. Family Mission Statement
Start From
Trust/Openness *
Unanimous Agreement On *
Values & Vision *
Copies To All *
Rushing Family *
Favoring An Agenda Photodisc
Forgetting Purpose *
2 - 4
5. Trends In Family Business
Kids Start Business & Get
Capital From Parents
Parent Given Executive *
Spouses Working *
Together- Service Royalty-Free/CORBIS
Businesses With *
Technology *
Needs Clear Chain Of *
Command *
2 - 5
7. Daughters Considering
Succession To Family Business
Express Get Involved
Interest Meet Women *
Outside *
Define *
Experience Yourself *
Learn From Develop A *
Seniors *
Be Sensitive *
2 - 7
8. Successful
Family Interaction
Founder = Head
Some Family In High *
Positions *
Instill Sense Of *
Deal With Incompetents *
Compensate *
Recognize Limitations *
2 - 8
9. Steps In Divorce
1. Business Appraisal
2. Negotiate Buyout *
3. Decide What To Do *
With Stock *
4. Seek Tax Professionals *
2 - 9
10. Family Culture & Business
Large Families
o Stay-At-Home Mom *
o Develop Hobbies As *
Business Keith Brofsky/Getty Images
Working Moms Establish *
Business *
o Economy More Difficult *
o Need Additional Income *
o Large Business No Longer *
Family-Friendly *
2 - 10
12. Next
Generation Preparation
Start Part/Full- Earn
Promotions *
Time Job
Teaching & *
Start Entry or *
Higher-Level Training
Leave Work At *
In Business *
Outside *
If Prepared,
Experience Give *
Rotate Jobs Responsibility *
2 - 12
14. Succession Problems
Treat All Children Fairly
Nonfamily Employees? *
Family Concerns: *
o Communication *
o Conflict *
o Estate Taxes *
More Than 1 Child *
Succession *
2 - 14
15. Succession
Obstacles: Founder
Financial Security Founders
Sudden Free Time
Responsibility To *
Self-Esteem Nonfamily *
Founder Fair To Employees
Successor(s) Friends Continue
To Work *
Successor Ready? *
Fear Of Death
Jealousy/ Rivalry
Reluctance To *
To Successor Release Power *
Effect On Spouse Coaching Skills? *
Source: Family Business Experts,
2 - 15
16. Succession
Obstacles: Family
Spouses Role In
Business *
Reluctance To Discuss *
Future Beyond Parents *
Life Jack Hollingsworth/Getty Images *
Fairness vs. Favoritism *
Fear Of Parents Death *
Source: Family Business Experts,
2 - 16
17. Succession
Obstacles: Employees
Personal Relationship
With Founder *
Differentiating Amongst *
Key Managers *
Reluctance To Establish Royalty-Free/CORBIS
Formal Controls *
Fear Of Change *
Source: Family Business Experts,
2 - 17
18. Succession
Obstacles: Outsiders
Customers & Suppliers
Dependence On *
Founder *
Trust/Confidence In Royalty-Free/CORBIS
Potential Successor *
Source: Family Business Experts,
2 - 18
19. Causes Of
Succession Family Leader:
Sudden Departure
o Dies *
o Becomes Incapacitated
Planned Departure *
o Leaves Company
o Retires *
2 - 19
21. Selling To Family
Members- Advantages
Stays In Family
Source Of Family *
Employment *
Stature Maintained *
Owner = Relax *
Pleasure Of Success *
Strengthen Family *
2 - 21
24. Ease The
Transition For Owner
Broaden Focus
Devote Time To: *
o Hobbies *
o Other Groups Doug Menuez/Getty Images *
Gradually Turn Over *
Control *
2 - 24
25. Inc. 500
CEOs Net Worth
50% *
10% *
0% *
<$1 $1-5 $5-10 $10-25 $25
Million Million Million Million Million+ *
Source: Inc. Magazine, Compensation, November 2004. *
2 - 25
26. INC. 500 CEOs
Take-Home Pay
$3 M+
$1-3 M *
$750-1 M *
$500-750 K *
$250-500 K *
$100-250 K *
<$100,000 *
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% *
Source: Inc. Magazine, Compensation, November 2004. *
2 - 26
27. Financial Planning
Tax - Annual Conferences
With Tax Accountant
Estate Transfer Of Assets At *
Death *
o Perpetuation
o Liquidity *
Business Standpoint *
o Reduce Cash Strain *
Keith Brofsky/Getty Images
o Maintain Beneficiaries Interest *
o Smooth Transition *
2 - 27
28. Estate Planning Techniques
Stock Sales
Living Trusts *
Family Limited *
Partnerships *
o Minimize Cost *
o Retain Control *
PhotoLink/Getty Images
Buy/Sell Agreement *
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