This document discusses criteria for properly identifying and calculating cash flows for valuation using discounted cash flow analysis. It emphasizes that cash flows, not accounting income, should be used. An example compares NPV using cash flows versus accounting income to show the difference. The document also discusses factors like incremental cash flows, sunk costs, opportunity costs, working capital, inflation, and methods for calculating total cash flow from capital investments, working capital, and operations.
2. 9-
Cash Flows
Chapter 8 introduced valuation techniques
based on discounted cash flows.
This chapter develops criteria for properly
identifying and calculating cash flows.
3. 9-
Identifying Cash Flows:
Cash Flow vs. Accounting Income
Discount actual cash flows, not necessarily net income.
Using accounting income, rather than cash flow, could
lead to erroneous decisions.
4. 9-
NPV: Accounting Income -
A project costs $2,000 and is expected to last 2 years, producing cash
income of $1,500 and $500 respectively. The cost of the project can be
depreciated at $1,000 per year. Given a 10% required return, compare the
NPV using cash flows to the NPV using accounting income.
Year 1 Year 2
Cash Inflow $1,500 $ 500
Depreciation -$1,000 -$1,000
Accounting Income +$ 500 - $ 500
+ + - =
Apparent NPV = 0 500 500 $41.32
1.10 (1.10)
5. A project costs $2,000 and is expected to last 2 years, producing cash income of
$1,500 and $500 respectively. The cost of the project can be depreciated at $1,000
per year. Given a 10% required return, compare the NPV using cash flows to the
NPV using accounting income.
NPV: Cash Flows-Example
Today Year 1 Year 2
Cash Inflow $1,500 $ 500
Project Cost -$2,000
Free Cash Flow -$2,000 +$1,500 + $500
Cash NPV= - $2,000 + $1,500 + $500 = -
(1.10) (1.10)
Which is correct?
6. 9-
Incremental Cash Flows
Discount Incremental Cash Flows
Include All Indirect Effects
Forget Sunk Costs
Include Opportunity Costs
Recognize the Investment in Working Capital
Beware of Allocated Overhead Costs
Remember Shutdown Cash Flows
Cash Flow
Cash Flow
with Project
Cash Flow
= - without Project
7. 9-
Inflation and Discounting Cash
DDiissccoouunnttiinngg RRuullee:: Real cash flows must be discounted at
a real discount rate, nominal cash flows at a nominal rate.
1 + real interest rate = 1+nominal interest rate
1+inflation rate
8. 9-
Inflation Example:
Nominal Rates
You own a lease that will earn you $8,000 next year, increasing at 3%
a year for 3 additional years (4 years total). If discount rates are 10%
what is the present value of the lease?
Year Cash Flow PV @ 10%
0 $ 8,000 $8,000
1 $ 8,000 x 1.03 1 = $ 8,240 8240
$7, 491
2 $ 8,000 x 1.03 2 = $ 8,487 8487
3 $ 8,000 x 1.03 3 = $ 8,742 8742
9. 9-
Inflation Example:
Real Rates Example (ctd)
You own a lease that will earn you $8,000 next year, increasing at 3% a year
for 3 additional years (4 years total). If discount rates are 10%, what is the
present value of the lease?
Year Cash Flow PV @ 6.80%
0 $ 8,000 $ 8,000
1 $ 8,000 $7,491
2 $ 8,000 $7,014
3 $ 8,000 $6,568
10. 9-
Include all Indirect Effects
IInnddiirreecctt EEffffeecctt RRuullee:: You must include all
indirect effects in your analysis.
11. 9-
Sunk Costs
Sunk Cost
A cost that cannot be recovered
SSuunnkk CCoosstt RRuullee:: Always ignore sunk costs.
12. 9-
Opportunity Costs
Opportunity Cost Benefit or cash flow foregone as a
result of an action.
OOppppoorrttuunniittyy CCoosstt RRuullee:: Be sure to recognize
the opportunity cost (that which is foregone).
13. 9-
Investments in Working Capital
WWoorrkkiinngg CCaappiittaall RRuullee:: Investments in
working capital, just like investments in
plant and equipment, result in cash
Common ways working capital is overlooked:
1. Forgetting about working capital entirely.
2. Forgetting that working capital may change during the life of the project.
3. Forgetting that working capital is recovered at the end of the project.
15. 9-
Final Thought:
Incremental Cash Flows
Ask the following question:
Would the cash flow still exist if the project
does not exist?
If yes, do not include it in your analysis.
If no, include it.
16. 9-
Calculating Cash Flows
Cash flows are made up of three separate parts.
Total cash flow =
+ cash flows from capital investments
+ cash flows from changes in working
capital + operating cash flows
17. 9-
Calculating Cash Flows
Capital Investments
Changes in Working Capital
Operating Cash Flows Operating cash flow =
Revenue Costs Taxes
18. Operating Cash Flow (OCF) = After-tax Profit + Depreciation
Cash Flow from Operations:
Three Methods of Calculation
Method 1: Dollars in Minus Dollars Out
Operating Cash Flow = Revenue - Cash Expenses - Taxes
Method 2: Adjusted Accounting Profits
Method 3: Tax Shields
OCF = (Revenue Cash Expenses) (1 Tax R - 卒 - ate)+(Tax Rate卒Depreciation)
19. 99--1199
Calculating Cash Flow: Example
Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Fixed Assets
Purchase of Factory (sale in 4 years) -$100,000 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 50,000
Total Cash Flow from Fixed Assets -$100,000 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 50,000
Working Capital
CF from Inventory (- buildup,+ sell off) $ 0 -$ 20,000 -$ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 20,000
CF from Accounts Receivable $ 0 -$ 35,000 -$ 25,000 $ 30,000 $ 30,000
Total Cash Flow from Working Capital $ 0 -$ 55,000 -$ 35,000 $ 40,000 $ 50,000
Revenues $ 0 $120,000 $125,000 $150,000 $150,000
Expenses $ 0 $ 60,000 $ 61,250 $ 70,000 $ 70,000
Depreciation $ 0 $ 12,500 $ 12,500 $ 12,500 $ 12,500
Pre-Tax Profits $ 0 $ 47,500 $ 51,250 $ 67,500 $ 67,500
After-Tax Profits (tax rate = 35%) $ 0 $ 30,875 $ 33,313 $ 43,875 $ 43,875
Total Cash Flow from Operations $ 0 $ 43,375 $ 45,813 $ 56,375 $ 56,375
Total Cash Flow -$100,000 -$11,625 $10,813 $ 96,375 $156,37
Editor's Notes
#2: Chapter 9 Learning Objectives
1. Identify the cash flows properly attributable to a proposed new project.
2. Calculate the cash flows of a project from standard financial statements.
3. Understand how the companys tax bill is affected by depreciation and how this affects project value.
4. Understand how changes in working capital affect project cash flows.
#3: Chapter 9 Outline
Identifying Cash Flows
Discount Cash Flows, Not Profits
Discount Incremental Cash Flows
Discount Nominal Cash Flows by the Nominal Cost of Capitol
Separate Investment & Financing Decisions
Calculating Cash Flows
Example: Blooper Industries
#7: Incremental Cash Flow The extra cash flows produced by a project.
#8: Inflation rising price levels
Discounting Rule: Real cash flows must be discounted at a real discount rate, nominal cash flows at a nominal rate.
#11: Indirect Effect Rule: You must include all indirect effects
#12: Sunk Cost A cost already paid that cannot be recovered
Sunk Cost Rule: Always ignore sunk costs.
#13: Opportunity Cost Benefit or cash flow foregone as a result of an action.
OPPORTUNITY COST RULE: Be sure to recognize the opportunity cost (that which is foregone)
#14: Net Working Capital Current assets minus current liabilities
Working Capital Rule: Investments in working capital, just like investments in plant and equipment, result in cash outflows.
#19: Depreciation Tax Shield Reduction in taxes attributable to depreciation.