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McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright 息 2008 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Chapter 10
Global Logistics
and Risk
10.1 Introduction
About one-fifth of the output of U.S. firms
is produced overseas.
One-quarter of U.S. imports are between
foreign affiliates and U.S. parent
Since the late 1980s, over half of U.S.
companies increased the number of
countries in which they operate.
International Supply Chain
Dispersed over a larger geographical area
Offers many more opportunities than just
the domestic supply chain
Risk factors are also present
International Supply Chains
 International distribution systems
 Manufacturing still occurs domestically, but distribution and
typically some marketing take place overseas.
 International suppliers
 Raw materials and components are furnished by foreign
 Final assembly is performed domestically.
 In some cases, the final product is then shipped to foreign
 Offshore manufacturing
 Product is typically sourced and manufactured in a single foreign
 Shipped back to domestic warehouses for sale and distribution
 Fully integrated global supply chain
 Products are supplied, manufactured, and distributed from
various facilities located throughout the world.
Forces toward Globalization
Global market forces.
Technological forces.
Global cost forces.
Political and economic forces.
Global Market Forces
 Pressures created by foreign competitors, as
well as the opportunities created by foreign
 Presence of foreign competitors in home
markets can affect their business significantly.
 Much of the demand growth available to
companies is in foreign and emerging markets.
 Increasing demand for products throughout the
world through the global proliferation of
Global Market Forces
Particular markets often serve to drive
technological advances in some areas.
Companies forced to develop and
enhance leading-edge technologies and
Such products can be used to increase or
maintain market position in other areas or
regions where the markets are not as
Technological Forces
 Related to the products
 Various subcomponents and technologies
available in different regions and locations
 Successful firms need to use these resources
quickly and effectively.
 Locate research, design, and production
facilities close to these regions.
 Frequently collaborate, resulting in the location
of joint facilities close to one of the partners.
 Global location of research-and-development
facilities driven by two main reasons:
 As product cycles shrink, locate research facilities
close to manufacturing facilities.
 Specific technical expertise may be available in
certain areas or regions
Global Cost Forces
 Often dictate global location decisions
 Costs of cheaper unskilled labor more than
offset by the increase in other costs associated
with operating facilities in remote locations.
 In some cases cheaper labor is sufficient
justification for overseas manufacturing.
 Other global cost forces have become more
 Cheaper skilled labor is drawing an increasing
number of companies overseas.
Political and Economic Forces
Exchange rate fluctuation
Regional trade agreements
Tariff system
Trade protection mechanisms
More subtle regulations
Local content requirements
Voluntary export restrictions
Government procurement policies
10.2 Risk Management
 Outsourcing and offshoring imply that the supply
chain is geographically more diverse and hence
more exposed to various risks.
 Recent trends toward cost reduction, lean
manufacturing and just-in-time imply that in a
progressive supply chain, low inventory levels
are maintained.
 In the event of an unforeseen disaster, adherence to
this type of strategy could result in a shutdown of
production lines because of lack of raw material or
parts inventory.
Sources of Risks
FIGURE 10-1: Risk sources and their characteristics
Factors Impacting Exposure to
Customer reactions
Competitor reactions
Supplier reactions
Government reactions
Managing the Unknown-
 Invest in redundancy
 Increase velocity in sensing and
 Create an adaptive supply chain
Respond to unforeseen events
Careful analysis of supply chain trade-offs
CPG company with 40 facilities over the world
Initial analysis for reduction of cost by $40M a
shut down 17 of its existing manufacturing facilities
leave 23 plants operating
satisfy market demand all over the world.
Decision Was Risky
 New design left no plant in North America or
 Long and variable supply lead times
 Higher inventory levels.
 Remaining manufacturing facilities in Asia and
Latin America fully utilized
 Any disruption of supply from these countries, due to
epidemics or geopolitical problems, would make it
impossible to satisfy many market areas.
 How can one design the supply chain taking into
account epidemics or geopolitical problems that
are difficult to quantify?
 Analyze the cost trade-offs
FIGURE 10-2: Cost trade-offs in supply chain design
Analysis of the Trade-Offs
Closing 17 plants and leaving 23 open will
minimize supply chain costs.
Total cost function is quite flat around the
optimal strategy.
Increasing the number of open plants from
23 to 30 facilities
increases total cost by less than $2.5M
increases redundancy significantly.
Sensing and Responding
Speed in sensing and responding can
help the firm overcome unexpected supply
Failure to sense could lead to:
Failure to respond to changes in the supply
Can force a company to exit a specific market
Sensing and Responding
 Different responses of Nokia and Ericsson on a
fire at one of the suppliers facility
 Supplier was Philips Semiconductors in Albuquerque,
 Changed product design to source components from
alternate suppliers
 For parts that could not be sourced from elsewhere,
worked with Philips to source it from their plants in
China and Netherlands
 All done in about five days
Sensing and Responding
 Ericssons experience was quite different
 Took 4 weeks for the news to reach upper
 Realized five weeks after the fire regarding the
severity of the situation.
 By that time, the alternative supply of chips was
already taken by Nokia.
 Devastating impact on Ericsson
 $400M in potential sales was lost
 Part of the loss was covered by insurance.
 Led to component shortages
 Wrong product mix and marketing problems caused:
 $1.68B loss to Ericsson Cell Phone Division in 2000
 Forced the company to exit the cell phone market
The most difficult risk management
method to implement effectively.
Requires all supply chain elements to
share the same culture, work towards the
same objectives and benefit from financial
Need a community of supply chain
partners that morph and reorganize to
better react to sudden crisis
 In 1997, Aisin Seiki the sole supplier of 98% of
brake fluid proportioning valves (P-valves) used
by Toyota
 Inexpensive part (about $7 each) but important
in the assembly of any car.
 Saturday, February 1, 1997:Fire stopped Aisins
main factory in the industrial area of Kariya,
 Two weeks to restart the production
 Six months for complete recovery
 Toyota producing close to 15,500 vehicles per
 JIT meant only 2-3 days of inventory supply
Recovery Effort by Toyota
 Blueprints of valves were distributed among all Toyotas
 Engineers from Aisin and Toyota relocated to suppliers
 Other manufacturers like Brother were also brought in
 Existing machinery adapted to build the valves according
to original specifications
 New machinery acquired in the spot market
 Within days, firms with little experience with P-valves
were manufacturing and delivering parts to Aisin
 Aisin assembled and inspected valves before shipment to
 About 200 of Toyotas suppliers were involved
Vehicle Production & P-Valves
FIGURE 10-3: Vehicle production and P-valve inventory levels
Accident initially cost:
7.8B Yen ($65M) to Aisin
160B Yen (or $1.3B) to Toyota
Damage reduced to 30B Yen ($250M)
with extra shifts and overtime
Toyota issued a $100M token of
appreciation to their providers as a gift for
their collaboration
Single Sourcing and Adaptability
Single sourcing is risky
Achieves economies of scale
High quality parts at a low cost
JIT mode of operation builds a culture of:
Working with low inventories
Ability to identify and fix problem quickly
Entire supply chain was stopped once the fire
Prompted every company in the chain to react
to the challenge
Managing Global Risks
Speculative Strategy
A company bets on a single scenario
Spectacular results if the scenario is realized
Dismal ones, otherwise.
Late 1970s and early 1980s
Japanese automakers bet that exchange rate
benefits, rising productivity would offset higher
labor costs
Had to build plants overseas later when this
equation changed
Losses in part of the supply chain will be
offset by gains in another part
Multiple Volkswagen plants in different
Certain plants more profitable at times than
Move production between plants to be
successful overall.
Managing Global Risks
Hedge Strategy
 Allows a company to take advantage of different
 Designed with multiple suppliers and excess
manufacturing capacity in different countries
 Factories designed to be flexible
 Products can be moved at minimal cost from location
to location
 Factors to consider:
 Is there enough variability in the system to justify the
use of flexible strategies?
 Do the benefits of spreading production over various
facilities justify the costs?
 Does the company have the appropriate coordination
and management mechanisms in place?
Managing Global Risks
Flexible Strategy
Approaches to Flexible Strategy
 Production shifting
 Flexible factories and excess capacity/suppliers
 Shift production from region to region
 Information sharing
 Larger presence in many regions and markets
increases availability of information
 Can be used to anticipate market changes/find new
 Global coordination
 Multiple worldwide facilities allows greater market
 Increased leverage limited by international
laws/political pressures
 Political leverage
 Higher political leverage in overseas operations with
global operations
Global Integration Implementation
 Product development
 Design products that can be modified easily for major
 Products can be easily manufactured in various facilities
 May be possible to design a base product or products
that can be more easily adapted to several different
 An international design team may be helpful
 Management teams should purchase important materials
from many vendors around the world
 Quality and delivery options from suppliers have to be
 Qualified team should compare pricing of various
 Sufficient suppliers required in different regions to ensure
 Excess capacity and plants in several regions are essential
 Effective communications systems must be in place
 Centralized management is essential
 Inter-factory communication needs to be established
 Centralized management should make each factory aware of
the system status.
 Demand management
 Setting marketing and sales plans based on projected demand
and available product
 Has to have at least some centralized component.
 Sensitive, market-based information best supplied by analysts
in each region.
 Communication is critical
 Order fulfillment
 Centralized system
 Regional customers must be able to receive deliveries from the
global supply chain with the same efficiency as they do from
local or regionally based supply chains
Global Integration Implementation
10.3 Issues in International Supply
Chain Management
International vs Regional Products
Local Autonomy vs Central Control
Miscellaneous Dangers
International vs Regional Products
 Region-specific products
 Some products have to be designed and
manufactured specifically for certain regions.
 Example: Automobile designs
Honda Accord has two basic body styles
 a smaller body style tailored to European and Japanese
a larger body style catering to American tastes
Nissan designates lead-country status to every model
 Pathfinder and Maxima had U.S. as the lead-country
 Global Products
 Truly global, i.e. no modification necessary for global
 Levis jeans
 Luxury brands such as Coach and Gucci
 Some depend on very specific regional manufacturing
and bottling facilities and distribution networks,
 Others are essentially distributed and sold in the
same way throughout the world
International vs Regional Products
Local Autonomy vs. Central
Centralized control can be important
However, in many cases it makes sense to
allow local autonomy in the supply chain
Important to temper expectations for
regional business depending on the
characteristics of the region involved
However, temptation to follow local
conventional wisdom may cause some
opportunities of a global supply chain to be
Miscellaneous Dangers
 Many potential dangers that firms must face as
they expand their supply chains globally
 Exchange rate fluctuations
 Administer offshore facilities, especially in less-
developed countries.
 Promise of cheap labor masking threat of reduced
Expensive training may be required but it may not be
 Local collaboration in the global supply chain.
Collaborators can ultimately become
 Hitachi, which used to manufacture under license
from Motorola, now makes its own microprocessors.
 Toshiba, which manufactured copiers for 3M, is now a
major supplier of copiers under the Toshiba brand
Dangers with foreign governments.
Access to Chinas huge markets causing
many companies are handing over critical
manufacturing and engineering expertise to
the Chinese government or to Chinese
When these companies become competitors
Would overseas firms be able to compete
successfully in the Chinese market?
Would they lose this opportunity even as Chinese
companies begin to compete on the world stage?
Miscellaneous Dangers
10.4 Regional Differences in
First World Emerging Third World
Infrastructure Highly developed Under development Insufficient to support
advanced logistics
Supplier operating
High Variable Typically not
system availability
Generally available Support system not
Not available
Human resources Available Available with some
Often difficult to find
Cultural Differences
Expressions, gestures, and context
Beliefs, or specific values about something
Can differ widely from culture to culture
Vary greatly from country to country
Important for the businessperson to adhere to
local customs to avoid offending anyone.
Example: the practice of gift giving varies greatly
Performance Expectation and
 Operating standards in First World nations
uniformly high
 Operating standards vary greatly in emerging
 Research and negotiations required
 Governments usually play a large role
 In the Third World traditional performance
measures have no meaning
 Shortages are common
 Customer service measures used in the West are
irrelevant A firm has little control of the timing and
availability of inventory
 Types of international supply chains
 Various forces compelling companies to develop
international supply chains
 Both advantages and risks are inherent in global
supply chains
 Unknown-unknown risks to known-unknown risks
 Variety of strategies to deal with the risks
 Issues in global supply chain management.
 Concepts of:
 international and regional products
 centralized versus decentralized control
 regional logistics differences

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  • 1. McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright 息 2008 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Chapter 10 Global Logistics and Risk Management
  • 2. 10-2 10.1 Introduction About one-fifth of the output of U.S. firms is produced overseas. One-quarter of U.S. imports are between foreign affiliates and U.S. parent companies. Since the late 1980s, over half of U.S. companies increased the number of countries in which they operate.
  • 3. 10-3 International Supply Chain Management Dispersed over a larger geographical area Offers many more opportunities than just the domestic supply chain Risk factors are also present
  • 4. 10-4 International Supply Chains International distribution systems Manufacturing still occurs domestically, but distribution and typically some marketing take place overseas. International suppliers Raw materials and components are furnished by foreign suppliers Final assembly is performed domestically. In some cases, the final product is then shipped to foreign markets. Offshore manufacturing Product is typically sourced and manufactured in a single foreign location Shipped back to domestic warehouses for sale and distribution Fully integrated global supply chain Products are supplied, manufactured, and distributed from various facilities located throughout the world.
  • 5. 10-5 Forces toward Globalization Global market forces. Technological forces. Global cost forces. Political and economic forces.
  • 6. 10-6 Global Market Forces Pressures created by foreign competitors, as well as the opportunities created by foreign customers. Presence of foreign competitors in home markets can affect their business significantly. Much of the demand growth available to companies is in foreign and emerging markets. Increasing demand for products throughout the world through the global proliferation of information.
  • 7. 10-7 Global Market Forces Particular markets often serve to drive technological advances in some areas. Companies forced to develop and enhance leading-edge technologies and products. Such products can be used to increase or maintain market position in other areas or regions where the markets are not as competitive
  • 8. 10-8 Technological Forces Related to the products Various subcomponents and technologies available in different regions and locations Successful firms need to use these resources quickly and effectively. Locate research, design, and production facilities close to these regions. Frequently collaborate, resulting in the location of joint facilities close to one of the partners. Global location of research-and-development facilities driven by two main reasons: As product cycles shrink, locate research facilities close to manufacturing facilities. Specific technical expertise may be available in certain areas or regions
  • 9. 10-9 Global Cost Forces Often dictate global location decisions Costs of cheaper unskilled labor more than offset by the increase in other costs associated with operating facilities in remote locations. In some cases cheaper labor is sufficient justification for overseas manufacturing. Other global cost forces have become more significant Cheaper skilled labor is drawing an increasing number of companies overseas.
  • 10. 10-10 Political and Economic Forces Exchange rate fluctuation Regional trade agreements Tariff system Trade protection mechanisms More subtle regulations Local content requirements Voluntary export restrictions Government procurement policies
  • 11. 10-11 10.2 Risk Management Outsourcing and offshoring imply that the supply chain is geographically more diverse and hence more exposed to various risks. Recent trends toward cost reduction, lean manufacturing and just-in-time imply that in a progressive supply chain, low inventory levels are maintained. In the event of an unforeseen disaster, adherence to this type of strategy could result in a shutdown of production lines because of lack of raw material or parts inventory.
  • 12. 10-12 Sources of Risks FIGURE 10-1: Risk sources and their characteristics
  • 13. 10-13 Factors Impacting Exposure to Risks Customer reactions Competitor reactions Supplier reactions Government reactions
  • 14. 10-14 Managing the Unknown- Unknown Invest in redundancy Increase velocity in sensing and responding Create an adaptive supply chain community
  • 15. 10-15 Redundancy Respond to unforeseen events Careful analysis of supply chain trade-offs Example: CPG company with 40 facilities over the world Initial analysis for reduction of cost by $40M a year shut down 17 of its existing manufacturing facilities leave 23 plants operating satisfy market demand all over the world.
  • 16. 10-16 Decision Was Risky New design left no plant in North America or Europe Long and variable supply lead times Higher inventory levels. Remaining manufacturing facilities in Asia and Latin America fully utilized Any disruption of supply from these countries, due to epidemics or geopolitical problems, would make it impossible to satisfy many market areas. How can one design the supply chain taking into account epidemics or geopolitical problems that are difficult to quantify? Analyze the cost trade-offs
  • 17. 10-17 Trade-Offs FIGURE 10-2: Cost trade-offs in supply chain design
  • 18. 10-18 Analysis of the Trade-Offs Closing 17 plants and leaving 23 open will minimize supply chain costs. Total cost function is quite flat around the optimal strategy. Increasing the number of open plants from 23 to 30 facilities increases total cost by less than $2.5M increases redundancy significantly.
  • 19. 10-19 Sensing and Responding Speed in sensing and responding can help the firm overcome unexpected supply problems Failure to sense could lead to: Failure to respond to changes in the supply chain Can force a company to exit a specific market
  • 20. 10-20 Sensing and Responding Example Different responses of Nokia and Ericsson on a fire at one of the suppliers facility Supplier was Philips Semiconductors in Albuquerque, NM Nokia: Changed product design to source components from alternate suppliers For parts that could not be sourced from elsewhere, worked with Philips to source it from their plants in China and Netherlands All done in about five days
  • 21. 10-21 Sensing and Responding Example Ericssons experience was quite different Took 4 weeks for the news to reach upper management Realized five weeks after the fire regarding the severity of the situation. By that time, the alternative supply of chips was already taken by Nokia. Devastating impact on Ericsson $400M in potential sales was lost Part of the loss was covered by insurance. Led to component shortages Wrong product mix and marketing problems caused: $1.68B loss to Ericsson Cell Phone Division in 2000 Forced the company to exit the cell phone market
  • 22. 10-22 Adaptability The most difficult risk management method to implement effectively. Requires all supply chain elements to share the same culture, work towards the same objectives and benefit from financial gains. Need a community of supply chain partners that morph and reorganize to better react to sudden crisis
  • 23. 10-23 Adaptability Example In 1997, Aisin Seiki the sole supplier of 98% of brake fluid proportioning valves (P-valves) used by Toyota Inexpensive part (about $7 each) but important in the assembly of any car. Saturday, February 1, 1997:Fire stopped Aisins main factory in the industrial area of Kariya, Two weeks to restart the production Six months for complete recovery Toyota producing close to 15,500 vehicles per day. JIT meant only 2-3 days of inventory supply
  • 24. 10-24 Recovery Effort by Toyota Blueprints of valves were distributed among all Toyotas suppliers Engineers from Aisin and Toyota relocated to suppliers facilities Other manufacturers like Brother were also brought in Existing machinery adapted to build the valves according to original specifications New machinery acquired in the spot market Within days, firms with little experience with P-valves were manufacturing and delivering parts to Aisin Aisin assembled and inspected valves before shipment to Toyota About 200 of Toyotas suppliers were involved
  • 25. 10-25 Vehicle Production & P-Valves Inventory FIGURE 10-3: Vehicle production and P-valve inventory levels
  • 26. 10-26 Outcome Accident initially cost: 7.8B Yen ($65M) to Aisin 160B Yen (or $1.3B) to Toyota Damage reduced to 30B Yen ($250M) with extra shifts and overtime Toyota issued a $100M token of appreciation to their providers as a gift for their collaboration
  • 27. 10-27 Single Sourcing and Adaptability Single sourcing is risky Achieves economies of scale High quality parts at a low cost JIT mode of operation builds a culture of: Working with low inventories Ability to identify and fix problem quickly Entire supply chain was stopped once the fire occurred Prompted every company in the chain to react to the challenge
  • 28. 10-28 Managing Global Risks Speculative Strategy A company bets on a single scenario Spectacular results if the scenario is realized Dismal ones, otherwise. Example Late 1970s and early 1980s Japanese automakers bet that exchange rate benefits, rising productivity would offset higher labor costs Had to build plants overseas later when this equation changed
  • 29. 10-29 Losses in part of the supply chain will be offset by gains in another part Example: Multiple Volkswagen plants in different countries. Certain plants more profitable at times than others Move production between plants to be successful overall. Managing Global Risks Hedge Strategy
  • 30. 10-30 Allows a company to take advantage of different scenarios Designed with multiple suppliers and excess manufacturing capacity in different countries Factories designed to be flexible Products can be moved at minimal cost from location to location Factors to consider: Is there enough variability in the system to justify the use of flexible strategies? Do the benefits of spreading production over various facilities justify the costs? Does the company have the appropriate coordination and management mechanisms in place? Managing Global Risks Flexible Strategy
  • 31. 10-31 Approaches to Flexible Strategy Production shifting Flexible factories and excess capacity/suppliers Shift production from region to region Information sharing Larger presence in many regions and markets increases availability of information Can be used to anticipate market changes/find new opportunities Global coordination Multiple worldwide facilities allows greater market leverage Increased leverage limited by international laws/political pressures Political leverage Higher political leverage in overseas operations with global operations
  • 32. 10-32 Global Integration Implementation Product development Design products that can be modified easily for major markets Products can be easily manufactured in various facilities May be possible to design a base product or products that can be more easily adapted to several different markets An international design team may be helpful Purchasing Management teams should purchase important materials from many vendors around the world Quality and delivery options from suppliers have to be compatible Qualified team should compare pricing of various suppliers Sufficient suppliers required in different regions to ensure flexibility
  • 33. 10-33 Production Excess capacity and plants in several regions are essential Effective communications systems must be in place Centralized management is essential Inter-factory communication needs to be established Centralized management should make each factory aware of the system status. Demand management Setting marketing and sales plans based on projected demand and available product Has to have at least some centralized component. Sensitive, market-based information best supplied by analysts in each region. Communication is critical Order fulfillment Centralized system Regional customers must be able to receive deliveries from the global supply chain with the same efficiency as they do from local or regionally based supply chains Global Integration Implementation
  • 34. 10-34 10.3 Issues in International Supply Chain Management International vs Regional Products Local Autonomy vs Central Control Miscellaneous Dangers
  • 35. 10-35 International vs Regional Products Region-specific products Some products have to be designed and manufactured specifically for certain regions. Example: Automobile designs Honda Accord has two basic body styles a smaller body style tailored to European and Japanese tastes a larger body style catering to American tastes Nissan designates lead-country status to every model Pathfinder and Maxima had U.S. as the lead-country
  • 36. 10-36 Global Products Truly global, i.e. no modification necessary for global sales. Coca-Cola Levis jeans Luxury brands such as Coach and Gucci Some depend on very specific regional manufacturing and bottling facilities and distribution networks, Others are essentially distributed and sold in the same way throughout the world International vs Regional Products
  • 37. 10-37 Local Autonomy vs. Central Control Centralized control can be important However, in many cases it makes sense to allow local autonomy in the supply chain Important to temper expectations for regional business depending on the characteristics of the region involved However, temptation to follow local conventional wisdom may cause some opportunities of a global supply chain to be missed
  • 38. 10-38 Miscellaneous Dangers Many potential dangers that firms must face as they expand their supply chains globally Exchange rate fluctuations Administer offshore facilities, especially in less- developed countries. Promise of cheap labor masking threat of reduced productivity Expensive training may be required but it may not be enough Local collaboration in the global supply chain. Collaborators can ultimately become competitors. Hitachi, which used to manufacture under license from Motorola, now makes its own microprocessors. Toshiba, which manufactured copiers for 3M, is now a major supplier of copiers under the Toshiba brand name.
  • 39. 10-39 Dangers with foreign governments. Access to Chinas huge markets causing many companies are handing over critical manufacturing and engineering expertise to the Chinese government or to Chinese partners. When these companies become competitors Would overseas firms be able to compete successfully in the Chinese market? Would they lose this opportunity even as Chinese companies begin to compete on the world stage? Miscellaneous Dangers
  • 40. 10-40 10.4 Regional Differences in Logistics First World Emerging Third World Infrastructure Highly developed Under development Insufficient to support advanced logistics Supplier operating standards High Variable Typically not considered Information system availability Generally available Support system not available Not available Human resources Available Available with some searching Often difficult to find
  • 41. 10-41 Cultural Differences Language Expressions, gestures, and context Beliefs, or specific values about something Can differ widely from culture to culture Customs Vary greatly from country to country Important for the businessperson to adhere to local customs to avoid offending anyone. Example: the practice of gift giving varies greatly
  • 42. 10-42 Performance Expectation and Evaluation Operating standards in First World nations uniformly high Operating standards vary greatly in emerging nations Research and negotiations required Governments usually play a large role In the Third World traditional performance measures have no meaning Shortages are common Customer service measures used in the West are irrelevant A firm has little control of the timing and availability of inventory
  • 43. 10-43 SUMMARY Types of international supply chains Various forces compelling companies to develop international supply chains Both advantages and risks are inherent in global supply chains Unknown-unknown risks to known-unknown risks Variety of strategies to deal with the risks Issues in global supply chain management. Concepts of: international and regional products centralized versus decentralized control regional logistics differences