This document is a resume for Chappell J. Carter, III providing contact information, work experience, education, and skills. Carter has experience in sales, business, customer service and creating customized financial strategies. He is pursuing an Associate of Science in Business Administration expected in May 2015 from Utica School of Commerce. His current role is a Sales Representative for Vemma where he develops sales opportunities and meets targets. Prior roles include positions at Motor Club of America, Check Pass, and Liberty Taxes utilizing skills in communications, meeting deadlines, and professionalism.
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Chappell Carter Resume 2015
1. Chappell J. Carter, III.
1808 Baker Avenue, Apartment 2, Utica, NY 13501, (615) 685-0225,
ï‚· Experience inSales,Business,CustomerService
ï‚· Skilledincreatingcustomizedfinancial strategiestomeetclientneeds
ï‚· Excellentpublicspeakingandinterpersonal communicationskills
ï‚· Work effectivelytowardmeetingdeadlinesandquotas
ï‚· Approachworkwitha keensense of professionalismatall times
ï‚· Proficientinutilizingsocial mediaforcommunications
ï‚· MS Office Suite
Utica School Of Commerce,Utica, NY
Associate of Science inBusinessAdministration(expected May2015)
Mohawk ValleyCommunityCollege,Utica,NY
On Point for College,Inc.,Utica,NY
ProgramParticipant (June 2013—Present)
Vemma,Utica, NY (August2013—Present)
Sales Representative
ï‚· Develop,identify,andsecure directsalesopportunities
ï‚· Meetindividual andcompanysalestarget.
Motor Club of America,Utica, NY (October2014—January 2015)
Sales Representative
ï‚· Placedcoldcallsto prospective clientstoinformthemaboutnew productsanddeals
ï‚· Addednewclientstosocial mediagroupsandassistedthemincompletingonlinetrainingsand
Check Pass,Utica, NY (September2014—October2014)
ï‚· Interactedwithcustomerandmarketingagencybysustainingregularcontactbetweenthe two,
ï‚· Workedto ensure thatcommunicationswere successful
Liberty Taxes,Utica, NY (February2013—May 2013)
 Promotedcompany’sservicesthroughoutdooradvertising
PlannedParenthood(September2011—June 2013)
Peer Educator
ï‚· Counseledandadvisedpeersonissuesandconcernspertainingtotheirsexual health