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To examine the promotional function and the growing importance
of advertising and other promotional elements

    To introduce the concept of IMC and consider how it has

     To introduce the various elements of the promotional mix

    To examine how various marketing, promotional elements
    must be communicated effectively

To introduce a model of the IMC planning process and examine
the steps in developing a marketing communications program.
Integration of advertising
              Different approach adopted       efforts with a variety of
                      to marketing              other communication

                                                           The fragmentation of mass
Recognition of the idea that                                markets, the explosion of
  communication tools are                                  new technologies, the rapid
 most effective when they                                  growth of the Internet and
are coordinated with other                                  electronic commerce have
 elements of the marketing                                    changed the marketing
         program                                                    approach

                                              Increasing expenditure on
                Advertising and promotion
                                                 marketing reflect an
                integral part of social and
                                               increasing importance of
                    economic systems
                                                  marketing function
Increase of advertising expenditure exponentially

Focus on relationship marketing rather than mere selling

Superior customer value desired by customers

Advances in information technology, along with flexible
manufacturing systems and new marketing processes, have led
to mass customization
During 1980’s, companies began moving towards IMC

IMC involves coordinating the various promotional elements
and other marketing activities that communicate with a firm’s
customers                                                       Customer
IMC used as way to coordinate and manage their marketing
communications programs to ensure that they give customers
a consistent message
Immense value in strategically integrating the various
communications functions rather than having them
operate autonomously

Reflection of an adaptation by marketers to a
changing environment, particularly with respect to
consumers, technology and media

Traditional media becoming more fragmented and
reaching smaller and more selective audiences

Consumers being turned off by advertising and tired
of being bombarded with sales messages

A shifting of marketing dollars from media advertising
to other forms of promotion, particularly consumer-
and trade-oriented sales promotions
Recognition of fact that in the modern world of marketing there
are many different opportunities and methods for contacting
current and prospective customers to provide them with
information about a company and/or brands

Challenge is to understand how to use the various IMC tools to
make such contacts and deliver the branding message effectively
and efficiently

Each element of the promotional mix is viewed as an integrated
marketing communications tool that plays a distinctive role in an
IMC program
A detailed situation analysis that consists of an internal
marketing audit and review and an external analysis of
the market competition and environmental factors.

     Specific marketing objectives that provide direction, a
     time frame for marketing activities, and a mechanism for
     measuring performance.

           A marketing strategy and program that include selection
           of target market(s) and decisions and plans for the four
           elements of the marketing mix.

                 A program for implementing the marketing
                 strategy, including determining specific tasks to be
                 performed and responsibilities.

                      A process for monitoring and evaluating performance
                      and providing feedback for having proper control

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Chapter 1

  • 1. To examine the promotional function and the growing importance of advertising and other promotional elements To introduce the concept of IMC and consider how it has evolved To introduce the various elements of the promotional mix To examine how various marketing, promotional elements must be communicated effectively To introduce a model of the IMC planning process and examine the steps in developing a marketing communications program.
  • 2. Integration of advertising Different approach adopted efforts with a variety of to marketing other communication techniques The fragmentation of mass Recognition of the idea that markets, the explosion of communication tools are new technologies, the rapid most effective when they growth of the Internet and are coordinated with other electronic commerce have elements of the marketing changed the marketing program approach Increasing expenditure on Advertising and promotion marketing reflect an integral part of social and increasing importance of economic systems marketing function
  • 3. Increase of advertising expenditure exponentially Focus on relationship marketing rather than mere selling Superior customer value desired by customers Advances in information technology, along with flexible manufacturing systems and new marketing processes, have led to mass customization Quality During 1980’s, companies began moving towards IMC Marketing IMC involves coordinating the various promotional elements and other marketing activities that communicate with a firm’s customers Customer Relationship IMC used as way to coordinate and manage their marketing communications programs to ensure that they give customers a consistent message
  • 4. Immense value in strategically integrating the various communications functions rather than having them operate autonomously Reflection of an adaptation by marketers to a changing environment, particularly with respect to consumers, technology and media Traditional media becoming more fragmented and reaching smaller and more selective audiences Consumers being turned off by advertising and tired of being bombarded with sales messages A shifting of marketing dollars from media advertising to other forms of promotion, particularly consumer- and trade-oriented sales promotions
  • 5. Recognition of fact that in the modern world of marketing there are many different opportunities and methods for contacting current and prospective customers to provide them with information about a company and/or brands Challenge is to understand how to use the various IMC tools to make such contacts and deliver the branding message effectively and efficiently Each element of the promotional mix is viewed as an integrated marketing communications tool that plays a distinctive role in an IMC program
  • 6. A detailed situation analysis that consists of an internal marketing audit and review and an external analysis of the market competition and environmental factors. Specific marketing objectives that provide direction, a time frame for marketing activities, and a mechanism for measuring performance. A marketing strategy and program that include selection of target market(s) and decisions and plans for the four elements of the marketing mix. A program for implementing the marketing strategy, including determining specific tasks to be performed and responsibilities. A process for monitoring and evaluating performance and providing feedback for having proper control