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Chapter One
Introduction to International
Chapter One Outline
 Introduction to International Business
 Barriers to International Business
 International business enablers
 The Reasons for International Business
 Role of International Business
 International business and multinational
corporate activities have grown significantly
during the past two decades.
 The rapid and continuous growth of cross-
border economic linkages have contributed to
the importance of the study of international
 What is International Business?
 International business is described as any
business activity that crosses national
 The economic system of exchanging goods and
services, conducted among individuals and
businesses in multiple countries
 The entities involved in business can be
 Governmental, or
 A mixture of the two
 International business can be broken down
into four types:
Foreign trade
Trade in services
Portfolio investments, and
Direct investments
 Foreign trade
 Foreign trade, visible physical goods or
 commodities move between countries as
exports or imports.
 Exports consist of merchandise that leaves
a country.
 Imports are those items brought across
national borders into a country
 Trade in services
 Trade in services, such as insurance, banking,
hotels, consulting, and travel and
 The international firm is paid for services it
renders in another country.
 Portfolio investments
 Portfolio investments are financial
investments made in foreign countries.
 The investor purchases debt or equity in the
expectation of financial return on the
 Resources such as equipment, time, or
personnel are not contributed to the
overseas venture.
 Direct investments
 Direct investments are differentiated by much
greater levels of control over the project or
enterprise by the investor.
 The level of control can vary from full control,
when a firm owns a foreign subsidiary entirely,
to partial control, as in arrangements such as
joint ventures with other domestic or foreign
firms or a foreign government
 Many businesses succeed by expanding
Markets globally
Production operations
supply chains internationally.
 Doing international business requires practical
knowledge of business leadership bolstered
by economic knowledge, an understanding of
markets, and the ability to learn political and
cultural trends.
 Understanding international business is
important to the global economic opportunity
 Business professionals who have a successful
career in international business need various
skills and expertise.
 Acquiring these combined skills along with
international business experience, can lead to
long-term career success.
 Some of these important skills include:
Strong communication skills
Emotional intelligence
Cultural awareness
Knowledge of finance and accounting
Entrepreneurship skills
Understanding of global economics
 In 21st
Century enhancing growth and
Development through international business
 To achieve this objective, trade is an
 To that end, countries need to go for
interanational business because they are not
self seficient/autarky
 Hence, countries trade with each other
because they obtain some benefits in terms of
absolute or comparative advantage.
 The benefits of international business are:
Increases in domestic production and
consumption as a result of specialization
Specialization is the production by a country
of a range of goods and services it can
produce at a low cost.
If you are efficient in producing something,
you will be able to produce more of it.
 Therefore, if a country specializes increase
total output will increase and consumption
will increase
 Economies of scale involve the ability of a
firm to decrease average costs by increasing
its size and quantity produced.
 If a country trades its potential market
becomes larger and so the possibility of
achieving economies of scale certain.
 Generally trade makes possible the flow of new
ideas, new technologies and skills.
 Makes countries interdependent, decreasing
possibility of wars.
 Free trade can lead to a more efficient allocation of
 All these advantages imply increase domestic output
and therefore greater economic growth.
 Even the IBM PC Isnt All-American

Total manufacturing cost:
Portion made overseas:
$860 $625 73%
Distribution of Manufacturing Parts
 Monitor Korea
 Semiconductors Japan
 Power supply Japan
 Graphics Printer Japan
 Floppy Disk Drives Singapore
 Assembly of disk drives U.S
 Keyboard Japan
 Case and final Assembly U.S
 Even the Boeing 777 Isnt All American
The suppliers come from U.S. ,Japan, France,
Canada, Italy, Australia, South Korea, United
So it is increasingly difficult to say what is a U.S. product; what is
Japanese product.
 The modern era of international trade began
in the 19th century, especially during the
second half.
 Trade as a percent of GDP quadrupled
between 1850 and 1913.
 Growth was interrupted and disrupted by two
world wars and the great depression of the
 Over the two centuries, world trade has grown
from about 5 per cent of global GDP to about
40 per cent.
 Ethiopian global trade performance is
disapprovingly low compared to other countries
 According WTO report of 2017, Ethiopian import
share in the global market around 0.09%
 While the export is 0.02%
 The total import-Export share of the country is
 Given the policy focus to international trade
particularly export performance is low
 The economic growth and other benefits from
international trade can happen through trade
 But in reality, there are a number trade barrier
which can obstacle international trade.
 What are trade barriers to international
International Trade Barriers
International Trade Barriers
 Protectionism: Protectionism is an ideology
that views international trade as threatening
to a nation and that promotes the adoption of
protectionist policies
 policies that restrict trade.
 The restriction policies can be grouped into
two major groups:
 Tariff Protection
 Non-tariff protection
International Trade BarriersContd
 Tariff Protection
 Tariffs, which are taxes on imports of
commodities into a country or region, are
among the oldest forms of government
intervention in economic activity.
 They are implemented for two clear economic
 First, they provide revenue for the government.
 Second, they improve economic returns to firms and
suppliers of resources to domestic industry that face
competition from foreign imports.
International Trade BarriersContd
 Tariffs are widely used to protect domestic
producers incomes from foreign competition
 This protection comes at an economic cost to:
 domestic consumers who pay higher prices for
import-competing goods and
 to the economy as a whole through the inefficient
allocation of resources to the import competing
domestic industry
International Trade BarriersContd
 Non-Tariff Protection: Non-tariff protection can
take different form:
 Procedural barriers or lengthy customs procedures
 Restrictive licenses
 Over-valued currency
 Foreign exchange controls
 Fixation of a minimum import price
 Additional trade documents like
 Packaging conditions
 Quality conditions imposed
 Bribery and corruption
International Trade BarriersContd
 To eliminate or reduce trade barriers different
measures have been taken by developed
economies as well as developing nations.
 What are the mechanisms to reduce or
eliminate international trade barriers
discussed above briefly ?
International Trade BarriersContd
The instruments can take two forms:
 Multilateral trade conventions and
 Regional trade agreements
 International Business Enablers
International Business Enablers
 Trade agreements and government policies
 International trade legal and commercial
The motives to international business
Why we go for international business?
The Reasons for International Trade
 The reasons for international trade are many.
It can be
 To understand the models of international
trade it is important to classify internal trade
reasons into discreet groups.
 The following five category are as follows
The Reasons..
 Reason for Trade #1: Differences in Technology
 Advantageous trade can occur between countries
if the countries differ in their technological
abilities to produce goods and services.
 Technology refers to the techniques used to turn
resources (labor, capital, land) into outputs (goods
and services).
 The basis for trade in the Ricardian model of
comparative advantage "The Ricardian Theory of
Comparative Advantage" is differences in
The Reasons..
 Reason for Trade #2: Differences in Resource
 Advantageous trade can occur between
countries if the countries differ in their
endowments of resources.
 Resource endowments refer to:
 the skills and abilities of a countrys workforce,
 the natural resources available within its borders
(minerals, farmland, etc.), and
 the sophistication of its capital stock (machinery,
infrastructure, communications systems).
 The basis for trade in both the pure exchange
model in and the Heckscher-Ohlin model in is
differences in resource endowments.
 Reason for Trade #3: Differences in Demand
 Advantageous trade can occur between
countries if demands or preferences differ
between countries.
 Individuals in different countries may have
different preferences or demands for various
The Reasons..
 For example, the Chinese are likely to demand more rice
than Americans, even if consumers face the same price.
Canadians may demand more beer, the Dutch more
wooden shoes, and the Japanese more fish than Americans
would, even if they all faced the same prices. Ethiopian
demands more teff more than any country in the world.
 Ethiopian demand for Petroleum and other industrial
products as well.
 There is no formal trade model with demand differences,
although the monopolistic competition model does include
a demand for variety that can be based on differences in
tastes between consumers.
The Reasons..
 Reason for Trade #4: Existence of Economies
of Scale in Production
 The existence of economies of scale in
production is sufficient to generate
advantageous trade between two countries.
 Economies of scale refer to a production
process in which production costs fall as the
scale of production rises.
 This feature of production is also known as
increasing returns to scale.
The Reasons..
 Reason for Trade #5: Existence of
Government Policies
 Government tax and subsidy programs alter
the prices charged for goods and services.
 These changes can be sufficient to generate
advantages in production of certain products.
 In these circumstances, advantageous trade
may arise solely due to differences in
government policies across countries.
The Reasons..
 The analysis indicates that domestic policies
can be a cause of trade even in the absence of
other reasons for trade.
 In other words, even if countries were
identical with respect to their resource
endowments, their technology, and their
preferences and even if there were no
economies of scale or imperfectly competitive
markets, domestic policies could induce
trade between countries.
 Role of International Business
Role of International Business
 The role of international business in terms
economic, political and social development is
 Developing countries raise significant share of
public revenue from international business
 For example Ethiopia significant share of public
budged comes from the intonation business
Role of Customs ..Contd
 The public source of finance can be
grouped in external and domestic sources
 Domestic sources of tax revenue can
categorized into tax and non-tax
 In the developing countries indirect taxes
are main source of central government
Domestic resources also can be grouped into:
Tax Revenues (85%)
Non Tax Revenue (15%,)
 Ratio of Direct vs Indirect Taxes
Ratioof Direct Tax to
Ratioof Indirect Tax to
Role of Customs ..Contd
Role of Customs ..Contd
 Tax to GDP Ratio Average over the Period (1999/2000-
Direct Tax
Indirect Tax
Trade Tax
Ethiopia 3.70 2.42 4.82
Kenya 7.53 8.50 1.89
 Ratio of Domestic indirect vs International Trade Taxes
Ratio of Direct Tax to Total Tax
Ratio of Indirect Tax to Total Tax
Role of Customs ..Contd
Role of Customs ..Contd
 There are 24 developing countries
members of the World Customs
 The Customs receipts amount to more
than 20%
 12 states Customs receipt is more than
30% of total government revenue.
Role of Customs ..Contd
 In the case of Ethiopia:
 Customs import duties and other levies on
international trade constitute more than 40% of
total tax revenues.
 This shows the significance of Ethiopian Customs
revenues from international trade in the country
economic development
 Introduction to International Business
 Barriers to International Business
 International business enablers
 The Reasons for International Trade
 Role of International Business
The End of Chapter One

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Chapter 1 Introduction to International Business er 2.pptx

  • 1. 1 Chapter One Introduction to International Business
  • 2. 2 Chapter One Outline Introduction to International Business Barriers to International Business International business enablers The Reasons for International Business Role of International Business Summary
  • 3. 3 Introduction International business and multinational corporate activities have grown significantly during the past two decades. The rapid and continuous growth of cross- border economic linkages have contributed to the importance of the study of international business What is International Business?
  • 4. 4 鴛稼岳姻看糸顎界岳庄看稼C看稼岳d Definition International business is described as any business activity that crosses national boundaries. The economic system of exchanging goods and services, conducted among individuals and businesses in multiple countries
  • 5. 5 鴛稼岳姻看糸顎界岳庄看稼C看稼岳d The entities involved in business can be Private, Governmental, or A mixture of the two International business can be broken down into four types: Foreign trade Trade in services Portfolio investments, and Direct investments
  • 6. 6 鴛稼岳姻看糸顎界岳庄看稼C看稼岳d Foreign trade Foreign trade, visible physical goods or commodities move between countries as exports or imports. Exports consist of merchandise that leaves a country. Imports are those items brought across national borders into a country
  • 7. 7 鴛稼岳姻看糸顎界岳庄看稼C看稼岳d Trade in services Trade in services, such as insurance, banking, hotels, consulting, and travel and transportation. The international firm is paid for services it renders in another country.
  • 8. 8 鴛稼岳姻看糸顎界岳庄看稼C看稼岳d Portfolio investments Portfolio investments are financial investments made in foreign countries. The investor purchases debt or equity in the expectation of financial return on the investment. Resources such as equipment, time, or personnel are not contributed to the overseas venture.
  • 9. 9 鴛稼岳姻看糸顎界岳庄看稼C看稼岳d Direct investments Direct investments are differentiated by much greater levels of control over the project or enterprise by the investor. The level of control can vary from full control, when a firm owns a foreign subsidiary entirely, to partial control, as in arrangements such as joint ventures with other domestic or foreign firms or a foreign government
  • 10. 10 鴛稼岳姻看糸顎界岳庄看稼C看稼岳d WHY DO YOU STUDY IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS? Many businesses succeed by expanding Markets globally Production operations supply chains internationally.
  • 11. 11 鴛稼岳姻看糸顎界岳庄看稼C看稼岳d WHY DO YOU STUDY IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS? Doing international business requires practical knowledge of business leadership bolstered by economic knowledge, an understanding of markets, and the ability to learn political and cultural trends. Understanding international business is important to the global economic opportunity
  • 12. 12 鴛稼岳姻看糸顎界岳庄看稼C看稼岳d WHY DO YOU STUDY IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS? Business professionals who have a successful career in international business need various skills and expertise. Acquiring these combined skills along with international business experience, can lead to long-term career success.
  • 13. 13 鴛稼岳姻看糸顎界岳庄看稼C看稼岳d WHY DO YOU STUDY IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS? Some of these important skills include: Strong communication skills Emotional intelligence Cultural awareness Knowledge of finance and accounting Entrepreneurship skills Understanding of global economics
  • 14. 14 鴛稼岳姻看糸顎界岳庄看稼C看稼岳d In 21st Century enhancing growth and Development through international business To achieve this objective, trade is an instrumental To that end, countries need to go for interanational business because they are not self seficient/autarky Hence, countries trade with each other because they obtain some benefits in terms of absolute or comparative advantage.
  • 15. 15 鴛稼岳姻看糸顎界岳庄看稼C看稼岳d The benefits of international business are: Increases in domestic production and consumption as a result of specialization Specialization is the production by a country of a range of goods and services it can produce at a low cost. If you are efficient in producing something, you will be able to produce more of it.
  • 16. 16 鴛稼岳姻看糸顎界岳庄看稼C看稼岳d Therefore, if a country specializes increase total output will increase and consumption will increase Economies of scale involve the ability of a firm to decrease average costs by increasing its size and quantity produced. If a country trades its potential market becomes larger and so the possibility of achieving economies of scale certain.
  • 17. 17 Generally trade makes possible the flow of new ideas, new technologies and skills. Makes countries interdependent, decreasing possibility of wars. Free trade can lead to a more efficient allocation of resources. All these advantages imply increase domestic output and therefore greater economic growth. 鴛稼岳姻看糸顎界岳庄看稼C看稼岳d
  • 18. 鴛稼岳姻看糸顎界岳庄看稼C看稼岳d Example Even the IBM PC Isnt All-American Total manufacturing cost: US$860 Portion made overseas: US$625 $860 $625 73%
  • 19. 鴛稼岳姻看糸顎界岳庄看稼C看稼岳d Distribution of Manufacturing Parts Monitor Korea Semiconductors Japan Power supply Japan Graphics Printer Japan Floppy Disk Drives Singapore Assembly of disk drives U.S Keyboard Japan Case and final Assembly U.S
  • 20. 鴛稼岳姻看糸顎界岳庄看稼C看稼岳d Even the Boeing 777 Isnt All American The suppliers come from U.S. ,Japan, France, Canada, Italy, Australia, South Korea, United Kingdom So it is increasingly difficult to say what is a U.S. product; what is Japanese product.
  • 22. 鴛稼岳姻看糸顎界岳庄看稼C看稼岳d The modern era of international trade began in the 19th century, especially during the second half. Trade as a percent of GDP quadrupled between 1850 and 1913. Growth was interrupted and disrupted by two world wars and the great depression of the 1930s. Over the two centuries, world trade has grown from about 5 per cent of global GDP to about 40 per cent.
  • 23. 23 鴛稼岳姻看糸顎界岳庄看稼C看稼岳d Ethiopian global trade performance is disapprovingly low compared to other countries According WTO report of 2017, Ethiopian import share in the global market around 0.09% While the export is 0.02% The total import-Export share of the country is 0.1% Given the policy focus to international trade particularly export performance is low
  • 24. 24 鴛稼岳姻看糸顎界岳庄看稼C看稼岳d The economic growth and other benefits from international trade can happen through trade facilitation But in reality, there are a number trade barrier which can obstacle international trade. What are trade barriers to international trade?
  • 26. 26 International Trade Barriers Protectionism: Protectionism is an ideology that views international trade as threatening to a nation and that promotes the adoption of protectionist policies policies that restrict trade. The restriction policies can be grouped into two major groups: Tariff Protection Non-tariff protection
  • 27. 27 International Trade BarriersContd Tariff Protection Tariffs, which are taxes on imports of commodities into a country or region, are among the oldest forms of government intervention in economic activity. They are implemented for two clear economic purposes. First, they provide revenue for the government. Second, they improve economic returns to firms and suppliers of resources to domestic industry that face competition from foreign imports.
  • 28. 28 International Trade BarriersContd Tariffs are widely used to protect domestic producers incomes from foreign competition This protection comes at an economic cost to: domestic consumers who pay higher prices for import-competing goods and to the economy as a whole through the inefficient allocation of resources to the import competing domestic industry
  • 29. 29 International Trade BarriersContd Non-Tariff Protection: Non-tariff protection can take different form: Procedural barriers or lengthy customs procedures Restrictive licenses Over-valued currency Foreign exchange controls Fixation of a minimum import price Additional trade documents like Packaging conditions Quality conditions imposed Bribery and corruption
  • 30. 30 International Trade BarriersContd To eliminate or reduce trade barriers different measures have been taken by developed economies as well as developing nations. What are the mechanisms to reduce or eliminate international trade barriers discussed above briefly ?
  • 31. 31 International Trade BarriersContd The instruments can take two forms: Multilateral trade conventions and agreements Regional trade agreements
  • 33. 33 International Business Enablers Transportation Communication Trade agreements and government policies International trade legal and commercial institutes
  • 34. 34 The motives to international business Why we go for international business?
  • 35. 35 The Reasons for International Trade The reasons for international trade are many. It can be Political Economy Social Technological To understand the models of international trade it is important to classify internal trade reasons into discreet groups. The following five category are as follows
  • 36. 36 The Reasons.. Reason for Trade #1: Differences in Technology Advantageous trade can occur between countries if the countries differ in their technological abilities to produce goods and services. Technology refers to the techniques used to turn resources (labor, capital, land) into outputs (goods and services). The basis for trade in the Ricardian model of comparative advantage "The Ricardian Theory of Comparative Advantage" is differences in technology.
  • 37. 37 The Reasons.. Reason for Trade #2: Differences in Resource Endowments Advantageous trade can occur between countries if the countries differ in their endowments of resources. Resource endowments refer to: the skills and abilities of a countrys workforce, the natural resources available within its borders (minerals, farmland, etc.), and the sophistication of its capital stock (machinery, infrastructure, communications systems).
  • 38. 38 The basis for trade in both the pure exchange model in and the Heckscher-Ohlin model in is differences in resource endowments. Reason for Trade #3: Differences in Demand Advantageous trade can occur between countries if demands or preferences differ between countries. Individuals in different countries may have different preferences or demands for various products.
  • 39. 39 The Reasons.. For example, the Chinese are likely to demand more rice than Americans, even if consumers face the same price. Canadians may demand more beer, the Dutch more wooden shoes, and the Japanese more fish than Americans would, even if they all faced the same prices. Ethiopian demands more teff more than any country in the world. Ethiopian demand for Petroleum and other industrial products as well. There is no formal trade model with demand differences, although the monopolistic competition model does include a demand for variety that can be based on differences in tastes between consumers.
  • 40. 40 The Reasons.. Reason for Trade #4: Existence of Economies of Scale in Production The existence of economies of scale in production is sufficient to generate advantageous trade between two countries. Economies of scale refer to a production process in which production costs fall as the scale of production rises. This feature of production is also known as increasing returns to scale.
  • 41. 41 The Reasons.. Reason for Trade #5: Existence of Government Policies Government tax and subsidy programs alter the prices charged for goods and services. These changes can be sufficient to generate advantages in production of certain products. In these circumstances, advantageous trade may arise solely due to differences in government policies across countries.
  • 42. 42 The Reasons.. The analysis indicates that domestic policies can be a cause of trade even in the absence of other reasons for trade. In other words, even if countries were identical with respect to their resource endowments, their technology, and their preferences and even if there were no economies of scale or imperfectly competitive markets, domestic policies could induce trade between countries.
  • 43. 43 Role of International Business
  • 44. 44 Role of International Business The role of international business in terms economic, political and social development is important Developing countries raise significant share of public revenue from international business For example Ethiopia significant share of public budged comes from the intonation business
  • 45. 45 Role of Customs ..Contd The public source of finance can be grouped in external and domestic sources Domestic sources of tax revenue can categorized into tax and non-tax In the developing countries indirect taxes are main source of central government revenue Domestic resources also can be grouped into: Tax Revenues (85%) Non Tax Revenue (15%,)
  • 46. Ratio of Direct vs Indirect Taxes 46 35% 65% Ratioof Direct Tax to TotalTax Ratioof Indirect Tax to TotalTax Role of Customs ..Contd
  • 47. Role of Customs ..Contd 47 Tax to GDP Ratio Average over the Period (1999/2000- 2012/2013) Direct Tax Domestic Indirect Tax International Trade Tax Ethiopia 3.70 2.42 4.82 Kenya 7.53 8.50 1.89
  • 48. Ratio of Domestic indirect vs International Trade Taxes 48 33% 67% Ratio of Direct Tax to Total Tax Ratio of Indirect Tax to Total Tax Role of Customs ..Contd
  • 49. 49 Role of Customs ..Contd There are 24 developing countries members of the World Customs Organization The Customs receipts amount to more than 20% 12 states Customs receipt is more than 30% of total government revenue.
  • 50. 50 Role of Customs ..Contd In the case of Ethiopia: Customs import duties and other levies on international trade constitute more than 40% of total tax revenues. This shows the significance of Ethiopian Customs revenues from international trade in the country economic development
  • 51. 51 Summary Introduction to International Business Barriers to International Business International business enablers The Reasons for International Trade Role of International Business
  • 52. 52 The End of Chapter One