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                       Some advice and some rules.

Monday, March 25, 13                                 1
GOALS for today
                                    What are good
                                     Giving proper
                                     What makes a
                                     good visual aid
                                      How can you
                                      tell if you did
                                           your job?

Monday, March 25, 13                                2
Monday, March 25, 13             3

    Wikipedia is NOT evil. It is NOT an appropriate source either.
                       Bibliography mining
                       Great source of images and primary sources :)
Monday, March 25, 13                                                   4
The Textbook will be the
     main source for this project

      You should use other sources too,
       but they will have to be credited
Monday, March 25, 13                       5

                  Your days of unregulated use of google image
                  search are over...
Monday, March 25, 13                                             6
Monday, March 25, 13               7
For our purposes we will be
           ignoring fair use and trying to
              follow copyright rules :)

Monday, March 25, 13                         8

Monday, March 25, 13              9
Where To Find pictures

           creative commons
                           Google advanced search
           public domain
                           wikimedia commons
                           Google advanced search

Monday, March 25, 13                                10

Monday, March 25, 13                   11
Monday, March 25, 13   12
Monday, March 25, 13   13
Monday, March 25, 13   14
Monday, March 25, 13   15
Monday, March 25, 13   16

                       Image Credit: yethzart via deviantart.com
Monday, March 25, 13                                           17
wikimedia commons
Monday, March 25, 13                       18
Monday, March 25, 13   19
Image credit: Ludovic Bertron via wikimedia commons
Monday, March 25, 13                                        20
Image credit: public domain
                         via wikimedia commons

Monday, March 25, 13                                 21

Monday, March 25, 13           22
Monday, March 25, 13   23
when in doubt... 鍖nd out

Monday, March 25, 13                   24
All rights reserved

                  ...you cannot use it
                  without permission
Monday, March 25, 13                         25
giving credit where credit is due...

             Always indicate where you got the image.
             ALWAYS. Even if it is public domain.
             If you dont know where an image came from
             or who it belongs to, DONT USE IT.
Monday, March 25, 13                                      26
Editing pictures

                               Paid Editors [photoshop]
                                  Free editors [gimp]
                              Online editors [picmonkey]
                              smart phone apps [PicFX]

Monday, March 25, 13                                       27

What makes a good visual aid?
Monday, March 25, 13                        28
World a Warin Europe that
                       World War I (WWI) was global war centred
                       began on 28 July 1914 and lasted until 11 November 1918. It

                       was predominantly called the World War or the Great War from its

                       occurrence until the start of World War II in 1939, and the
                       First World War or World War I thereafter. It involved all the

                       world's great powers, which were assembled in two opposing alliances:

                       theAllies (based on the Triple Entente of the United Kingdom,

                       France and Russia) and the Central Powers (originally the
                       Triple Alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy; but,

                       as AustriaHungary had taken the offensive against the agreement,

                       Italy did not enter into the war). These alliances were both
                       reorganised and expanded as more nations entered the war: Italy,
                       Japan and the United States joined the Allies, and the Ottoman
                       Empire and Bulgaria the Central Powers. Ultimately, more
                       than 70油million military personnel, including 60 million Europeans,
                       were mobilised in one of the largest wars in history.More than
                       9油 million combatants were killed, largely because of technological
                       advancements that led to enormous increases in the lethality of weapons
                       without corresponding improvements in protection or mobility. It was
                       the sixth-deadliest conflict in world history, subsequently paving the way
                       for various political changes, such as revolutions in many of the nations

Monday, March 25, 13                                                                                29
Digitally Resilient
                                                                              [adj: dij-i-tly ri-zil-ee-uhnt]

                                                                               The refusal to quit
                                                                              when confronted by
                                                                            S    L
                                                                               blocked websites,
                                                                                antiquated tools,
                                                                      O   D       and technology
                                                                G   O

                                                                                   decisions that
                                                                                   aren t aligned
                                                                                with a new vision
                                                                                 for teaching and
                   Monday, March 25, 13                                                                     30
Image activity
                         Choose one of the following topics:
                                            Valentines Day
                                               World War I
                        Create an appropriate slide w/ image
                                         [with image credit]
                               Share the image w/ Mr. Graff.

Monday, March 25, 13                                           31

             1. Picture

             2. photo credit

             3. title

Monday, March 25, 13           32
Monday, March 25, 13   33
Monday, March 25, 13   34
Monday, March 25, 13   35

             TEXT = BAD
             TOO MANY IMAGES = BAD
             Remember the K.I.S.S. rule

Monday, March 25, 13                      36

Image credit: Some rights reserved by davic via flickr
Monday, March 25, 13                                     37
Keeping it interesting...

            audience participation
            visuals that attract but dont distract

Monday, March 25, 13                                  38


Monday, March 25, 13                39
Be kind to your
Monday, March 25, 13                     40

        ...the assessment is to measure how
            effective your presentation was.
Monday, March 25, 13                            41

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  • 1. PRESENTATIONS Some advice and some rules. Monday, March 25, 13 1
  • 2. GOALS for today What are good sources? Giving proper credit What makes a good visual aid How can you tell if you did your job? Monday, March 25, 13 2
  • 4. SOURCES of INFORMATION Wikipedia is NOT evil. It is NOT an appropriate source either. Bibliography mining Great source of images and primary sources :) Monday, March 25, 13 4
  • 5. The Textbook will be the main source for this project You should use other sources too, but they will have to be credited Monday, March 25, 13 5
  • 6. IMAGES Your days of unregulated use of google image search are over... Monday, March 25, 13 6
  • 8. For our purposes we will be ignoring fair use and trying to follow copyright rules :) Monday, March 25, 13 8
  • 10. Where To Find pictures creative commons Google advanced search 鍖ickr public domain wikimedia commons Google advanced search Monday, March 25, 13 10
  • 17. SUPERMAN Image Credit: yethzart via deviantart.com Monday, March 25, 13 17
  • 20. Image credit: Ludovic Bertron via wikimedia commons Monday, March 25, 13 20
  • 21. Image credit: public domain via wikimedia commons Monday, March 25, 13 21
  • 24. when in doubt... 鍖nd out Monday, March 25, 13 24
  • 25. All rights reserved means... ...you cannot use it without permission Monday, March 25, 13 25
  • 26. giving credit where credit is due... Always indicate where you got the image. ALWAYS. Even if it is public domain. If you dont know where an image came from or who it belongs to, DONT USE IT. Monday, March 25, 13 26
  • 27. Editing pictures Paid Editors [photoshop] Free editors [gimp] Online editors [picmonkey] smart phone apps [PicFX] Monday, March 25, 13 27
  • 28. GOOD VISUALS THINK/PAIR/SHARE What makes a good visual aid? Monday, March 25, 13 28
  • 29. World a Warin Europe that World War I (WWI) was global war centred 1 began on 28 July 1914 and lasted until 11 November 1918. It E was predominantly called the World War or the Great War from its ID occurrence until the start of World War II in 1939, and the First World War or World War I thereafter. It involved all the L world's great powers, which were assembled in two opposing alliances: S theAllies (based on the Triple Entente of the United Kingdom, D France and Russia) and the Central Powers (originally the Triple Alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy; but, A as AustriaHungary had taken the offensive against the agreement, B Italy did not enter into the war). These alliances were both reorganised and expanded as more nations entered the war: Italy, Japan and the United States joined the Allies, and the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria the Central Powers. Ultimately, more than 70油million military personnel, including 60 million Europeans, were mobilised in one of the largest wars in history.More than 9油 million combatants were killed, largely because of technological advancements that led to enormous increases in the lethality of weapons without corresponding improvements in protection or mobility. It was the sixth-deadliest conflict in world history, subsequently paving the way for various political changes, such as revolutions in many of the nations involved. Monday, March 25, 13 29
  • 30. Digitally Resilient [adj: dij-i-tly ri-zil-ee-uhnt] The refusal to quit E when confronted by ID S L blocked websites, antiquated tools, O D and technology G O http://www.flickr.com/photos/data_op/2214980986/sizes/l/ decisions that aren t aligned with a new vision for teaching and learning. ! Monday, March 25, 13 30
  • 31. Image activity Choose one of the following topics: Racism Valentines Day World War I Create an appropriate slide w/ image [with image credit] Share the image w/ Mr. Graff. Monday, March 25, 13 31
  • 32. Include: 1. Picture 2. photo credit 3. title Monday, March 25, 13 32
  • 36. DEATH BY POWERPOINT TEXT = BAD TOO MANY IMAGES = BAD Remember the K.I.S.S. rule Monday, March 25, 13 36
  • 37. ENGAGING PRESENTATIONS Image credit: Some rights reserved by davic via flickr Monday, March 25, 13 37
  • 38. Keeping it interesting... audience participation visuals that attract but dont distract variety Monday, March 25, 13 38
  • 39. ASSESSMENTS Re鍖ections Quizzes Evaluations Monday, March 25, 13 39
  • 40. Be kind to your classmates:) Monday, March 25, 13 40
  • 41. Remember... ...the assessment is to measure how effective your presentation was. Monday, March 25, 13 41