This document discusses research methodology and provides information about different types of quantitative research designs. It explains that the research methodology chapter outlines the methods used to collect and analyze data in a study. This allows readers to evaluate the reliability and validity of the research. The document also describes exploratory, descriptive, and causal research designs. It provides details about survey, correlation, and evaluation research under descriptive design. Specifically, it explains that survey research involves collecting opinions through questionnaires, correlation determines relationships between variables, and evaluation assesses program implementation and outcomes.
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Chapter 2- Research Design.pptx
1. Research Methodology
It discusses and explains the data
collection and analysis methods
you used in your research. This
chapter explains what you did and
how you did it, allowing readers to
evaluate the reliability and validity of
your research.
3. Research Methodology should include:
The type of research you conducted
How you collected and analyzed your data
Any tools or materials you used in the
Why you chose these methods
5. Activity: Arrange the following parts of
Research Methodology in order.
Research Design
Locale and Population of Study
Instrumentation and data Collection
Tools for data Analysis
Data Categorization
Ethical Consideration
6. Types of Quantitative Research Design
It is often used to establish an initial
understanding and background information
about a research study of interest, often
with very few or earlier related studies
found relevant to the research study.
7. Exploratory
? It is described as informal or
unstructured way of investigating
available sources.
? It is a research used to investigate a
problem which is not clearly defined. It is
conducted to have a better
understanding of the existing problem,
but will not provide conclusive results.
8. Descriptive
? It is used to gather information on current
situations and conditions.
? It helps provide answers to the
questions of WHO, WHAT, WHEN,
WHERE, and HOW of a particular
research study.
9. Descriptive
? It provide accurate data after subjecting
them to a rigorous procedure and using
large amounts of data from large
numbers of samples.
? It leads to logical conclusions and
pertinent recommendations.
11. Activity: Compare the three types of
Descriptive Research
12. Survey
? It is usually used in securing opinions
and trends through the use of
questionnaires and interviews.
? A survey is used in gathering data from
institutions, government, and business to
help in decision- making regarding
change of strategies, improving practices
and so on.
13. Correlation
? It is used for research studies aimed to
determine the existence of a relationship
between two or more variables and to
determine the degree of relationship.
? Quantitative variable that can be
correlated: Mental ability and math
grade; gender and math grade; income
and expenses
14. Evaluation
? It is conducted to elicit useful feedback
from a variety of respondents from
various fields to aid in decision making or
policy making.
? Commonly used types of evaluation
based on the purpose of the study are
15. Evaluation
determine the quality of implementation
of a project, the efficiency and
effectiveness of a program, assessment
or organizational process such as
procedures, policies, guidelines, human
resource development, and the like.
16. Evaluation
the implementation of program. It
examines the outcomes, products or
effects of the program.
17. Causal
? It is used to measure the impact that an
independent variable (Causing effect)
has on another variable (being affected)
or why certain results are obtained.
? It can also be used to identify the extent
and nature of cause and effect