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Chapter 4


  Knowledge on health risks of food and herbal supplements among ULS faculty member

       This chapter presents the analysis made by the researchers after a rigid analysis with the

use of prescribed statistical tools in measuring the validity and accuracy of the respondents about

the different information or data gathered with the used survey questionnaire.

Part I  Profile of the Respondents

       The data gathered were presented in tables with designated interpretation and analysis.

Table1. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to the Age of Female

AGE BRACKET                      FREQUENCY                         PERCENTAGE
35-39                            7                                 23
40-44                            7                                 23
45-49                            5                                 17
50-54                            8                                 27
55-59                            1                                 3
60-64                            2                                 7
TOTAL                            30                                100

       As shown on table 1, there are 27% of female users who are at the age of 50-54. And the

least female users, are at the age of 55-59 with a percentage of 3%. 7 or 23% belongs to age

bracket of 35-39 and 40-44years old. 5 or 17% belong s to the age bracket of 45-49 years old. 2

or 7% belongs to the age bracket of 60-64 years old.
Table 2. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to the Age of Male


AGE BRACKET                      FREQUENCY                        PERCENTAGE
35-39                            4                                40
40-44                            3                                30
45-49                            0                                0
50-54                            0                                0
55-59                            2                                20
60-64                            1                                10
TOTAL                            10                               100

        As shown in table 2, most male users are at the age of 35-39, with a percentage of 40 or

4. And the least male users are at the age of 60-64 with a percentage of 10 or 1. 30% or 3 are at

the age of 40-44. 20% or 2 are at the age bracket of 55-59.It shows that majority of the

respondents were at the age bracket of 50-54 years old for female and 35-39years old for male.

Table 3. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to Gender

GENDER                           FREQUENCY                        PERCENTAGE
Male                             10                               25
Female                           30                               75
TOTAL                            40                               100

        As presented on table 3, most of the respondents are female with a percentage of 75. And

25% or 10 were male users of food supplements and herbal products. It shows that majority of

the respondents are female.
Table 4. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to the Educational

Attainment of Female Users

EDUCATIONAL                     FREQUENCY                        PERCENTAGE
College Graduate                3                                10
Masteral                        26                               87
Doctorate                       1                                3
TOTAL                           30                               100

       As presented in table 4, 26 or 87% from the female respondents are masteral graduate. 3

or 10% are college graduate and 1 or 3% who finished doctoral.

Table 5. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to the Educational

Attainment of male Users

EDUCATIONAL                     FREQUENCY                        PERCENTAGE
College Graduate                1                                10
Masteral                        9                                90
Doctorate                       0                                0
TOTAL                           10                               100

       As presented on table 5, there were 9 or 90% male users who graduated with masters

degree. And only 1 or 1% is college graduate. It shows that majority of the respondents are

masteral graduate.
Table 6. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to the Civil Status of

Female Users

CIVIL STATUS                    FREQUENCY                        PERCENTAGE
Single                          0                                0
Married                         28                               94
Widowed                         1                                3
Separated                       1                                3
TOTAL                           30                               100

       As gleaned on table 6, 28 or 94% are the married female users. 3% are the widowed and

separated female users.

Table 7. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to the Civil Status of

Male Users

CIVIL STATUS                    FREQUENCY                        PERCENTAGE
Single                          0                                0
Married                         10                               100
Widowed                         0                                0
Separated                       0                                0
TOTAL                           10                               100

       As presented on table 7, all male respondents were married. It shows that majority of the

respondents were married.

Table 8. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to the Religion of

Female Users
RELIGION                         FREQUENCY                        PERCENTAGE
Roman Catholic                   0                                0
Iglesia Ni Cristo                30                               100
Protestant                       0                                0
TOTAL                            30                               100

       As shown, on table 8,all of the female respondents are Roman Catholic in religion with a

percentage of 100.

Table 9. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to the Religion of

Male Users

RELIGION                         FREQUENCY                        PERCENTAGE
Roman Catholic                   10                               100
Iglesia Ni Cristo                0                                0
Protestant                       0                                0
TOTAL                            10                               100

       As gleaned on table 9, all of the male respondents are Roman Catholic in religion with a

percentage of 100. It shows that all of the respondents are Roman Catholic.

Table 10. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to the Type of Food

Supplement Used by Female Users

TYPE     OF    FOOD              FREQUENCY                        PERCENTAGE
HERBAL TEA                       5                                17
HERBAL CAPSULE                   4                                13
HERBAL JUICE                     4                                13
AMPALAYA TEA                     4                                13
AMPALAYA CAPSULE                 0                                0
HERBAL EXTRACT                   0                                0
PROBIOTICS                       4                                13
VITAMINS                         9                                 31
TOTAL                            30                                100

        As gleaned on table 10, 31% or 9 of female use vitamins. 17% or 5 of them use herbal

tea and 13% or 4 of them use herbal capsule, herbal juice, ampalaya tea, and probiotics.

Table 11. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to the Type of Food

Supplement Used by Male Users

TYPE     OF    FOOD              FREQUENCY                         PERCENTAGE
HERBAL TEA                       3                                 30
HERBAL CAPSULE                   2                                 20
HERBAL JUICE                     1                                 10
AMPALAYA TEA                     1                                 10
AMPALAYA CAPSULE                 0                                 0
HERBAL EXTRACT                   1                                 10
PROBIOTICS                       1                                 10
VITAMINS                         1                                 10
TOTAL                            10                                100

       As shown on table 11, most of the male use herbal tea with a percentage of 30. 20% of

them use herbal capsule. And 10% of them use herbal juice, herbal extract, probiotics and

vitamins.It shows that majority of the respondents use vitamins.

Table 12. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to the Length of

time that Female Users have been using the Food Supplement

LENGTH OF TIME                   FREQUENCY                         PERCENTAGE
LESS THAN 6 MOS.                16                             53
6 MOS.  1 YEAR                 6                              20
1 YEAR-5 YEARS                  8                              27
TOTAL                           30                             100

       As shown on table 12, most of the female use herbal supplements for less than 6 months

with a percentage of 16. 27% of them use herbal supplements for almost 6 months  1 year.

20% or 6 of them use herbal supplement for 6 months-1year.

Table 13. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to the Length of

time that Male Users have been using the Food Supplement

LENGTH OF TIME                  FREQUENCY                      PERCENTAGE
LESS THAN 6 MOS.                5                              50
6 MOS.  1 YEAR                 2                              20
1 YEAR-5 YEARS                  3                              30
TOTAL                           10                             100

       As shown on table 13, male use herbal supplements for less than 6 months with a

percentage of 50. 30% of them use herbal supplements for 1 year- 5 years. And 20% of them use

herbal supplements for almost 6 months- 1 year.It shows that majority of the respondents use

herbal supplements for less than 6 months.

Table 14. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to the Benefits

gained by Female Users

BENEFITS                        FREQUENCY                      PERCENTAGE
RELIEF OF SYMPTOMS               4                                 13
WEIGHT GAIN                      0                                 0
WEIGHT LOSS                      5                                 17
REGULATION OF BP                 0                                 0
REGULATION OF SUGAR              5                                 17
IMPROVEMENT        IN            16                                53
TOTAL                            30                                100

       As shown on table 14, 53% of female users stated improvement in functioning as health

benefits when using herbal products. 17% of them stated weight loss and regulation of blood

sugar as their health benefits. 13% of them stated a relief of symptoms as their health benefits.

Table 15. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to the Benefits

gained by Male Users

BENEFITS                         FREQUENCY                         PERCENTAGE
RELIEF OF SYMPTOMS               0                                 0
WEIGHT GAIN                      0                                 0
WEIGHT LOSS                      1                                 10
REGULATION OF BP                 1                                 10
REGULATION OF SUGAR              2                                 20
IMPROVEMENT        IN            6                                 60
TOTAL                            10                                100

       As presented on table 15, 60% of male users stated improvement in functioning as their

health benefits in using herbal products. 20% of them stated regulation of blood sugar. 10% of

them stated regulation of blood pressure and weight loss as their health benefits. It shows that

majority of the respondents improved their functioning when using herbal products.
Table 16. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to the Common

Side Effects Experienced by Female Users

SIDE EFFECT                      FREQUENCY                        PERCENTAGE
WEIGHT LOSS                      3                                10
DIARRHEA                         3                                10
NONE                             24                               80
TOTAL                            30                               100

        As gleaned on table 16, 80% of female users stated that there are no side effects of food

supplements and herbal products. 10% of them stated weight loss and diarrhea as side effects.

Table 17. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to the Common

Side Effects Experienced by Male Users

SIDE EFFECT                      FREQUENCY                        PERCENTAGE
WEIGHT GAIN                      1                                10
WEIGHT LOSS                      1                                10
ORANGE URINE                     1                                10
NONE                             7                                70
TOTAL                            10                               100

        As presented on table 17, 70% of female users stated that there were no side effects of

food and herbal supplements. 10% stated that weight gain, weight loss and orange urine are the

side effects.

It shows that majority of the respondents experienced no side effects when using food and herbal

Table 18. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to Whom the

Female Users knew of this product

WHO     RECOMMENDED            FREQUENCY                       PERCENTAGE
DOCTOR                         12                              40
CO-WORKER                      12                              40
NEIGHBOR                       0                               0
RELATIVE                       6                               20
TOTAL                          30                              100

        As shown on table 18, 40% of female users knew the products through co-worker and

through recommendations of doctor. 20% of them knew the product through relatives.

Table 19. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to Whom the Male

Users knew of this product

WHO     RECOMMENDED            FREQUENCY                       PERCENTAGE
DOCTOR                         3                               30
CO-WORKER                      3                               30
NEIGHBOR                       0                               0
RELATIVE                       4                               40
TOTAL                          10                              100

        As presented on table 19, 40% of male users knew the products through relatives and

30% of them knew the products through doctor and co-workers.It shows that majority of the

respondents knew the products through co-workers and recommendations of doctor.

Table 20. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents on How Female Users knew of

this product
HOW THEY KNEW              OF FREQUENCY                          PERCENTAGE
TV                              17                               57
RADIO                           0                                0
PRINT MEDIA                     1                                3
WORD OF MOUTH                   12                               40
TOTAL                           30                               100

        As shown on table20, 57% of the female users knew the products by watching on

advertisements via television. 3% of them knew the products via print media.

Table 21. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents on How Male Users knew of

this product

HOW THEY KNEW              OF FREQUENCY                          PERCENTAGE
TV                              6                                60
RADIO                           0                                0
PRINT MEDIA                     0                                0
WORD OF MOUTH                   4                                40
TOTAL                           10

       As shown on table 21, 60% of the male users knew the products via television. And 40%

of them knew the products through word of mouth. It shows that majority of the respondents

knew the products through watching television.

Table 22. Frequency and Percentage Distribution According to Female Users Reason for

patronizing the product
REASON          FOR               FREQUENCY                        PERCENTAGE
HEALTH BENEFITS                   23                               77
SERVES AS MEDICAL                 1                                3
FEAR OF ACQUIRING                 6                                20
COST                              0                                0
TREND                             0                                0
TOTAL                             30                               100

        As presented on table 22, 77% of female users stated that health benefits were the reasons

for patronizing the product. 3% of them stated that food and herbal supplements serve as medical


Table 23. Frequency and Percentage Distribution According to Female Users Reason for

patronizing the product

REASON          FOR               FREQUENCY                        PERCENTAGE
HEALTH BENEFITS                   7                                70
SERVES AS MEDICAL                 0                                0
FEAR OF ACQUIRING                 1                                10
COST                              0                                0
TREND                             0                                0
TOTAL                             10                               100

        As gleaned on table 23, 70% of male users stated that health benefits were the reason for

patronizing the products. 10% of them stated that they are afraid of acquiring a disease as the

reason of patronizing the product.It shows that majority of the respondents continue patronizing

the products because of health benefits it give.
Table 23. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Female Users on what they answered to the


ANSWER                         FREQUENCY                      PERCENTAGE
YES                            25                             83
NO                             5                              17
TOTAL                          10                             100

       As presented on table 23, 83% of female users answered yes when asked if they

experienced any symptoms of any disease process. 17% of them answered no.

Table 24. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Male Users on what they answered to the


ANSWER                         FREQUENCY                      PERCENTAGE
YES                            10                             100
NO                             0                              0
TOTAL                          10                             100

       As shown on table 24, 100% of male users answered yes when asked if they experienced

symptoms of any disease process. It shows that majority of the respondents experienced

symptoms of any disease process.

Table 25. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Female Users on what they answered to the


ANSWER                         FREQUENCY                      PERCENTAGE
YES                            24                               80
NO                             6                                20
TOTAL                          30                               100

       As gleaned on table 25, 80% of female users answered yes when asked if they treat their

disease with medications. 20% of them answered no.

Table 26. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Male Users on what they answered to the


ANSWER                         FREQUENCY                        PERCENTAGE
YES                            10                               100
NO                             0                                0
TOTAL                          10                               100

       As shown on table 26, 100% of male users answered yes when asked if they treat their

disease with medications. It shows that majority of the respondents treat their disease with


Table 27. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Female Users on what they answered to the


ANSWER                         FREQUENCY                        PERCENTAGE
YES                            26                               87
NO                             4                                13
TOTAL                          30                               100
As presented on table 27, 87% of female users consult their doctor before taking

medications. 13% of them are not consulting their doctor.

Table 28. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Male Users on what they answered to the


ANSWER                           FREQUENCY                    PERCENTAGE
YES                              8                            80
NO                               2                            20
TOTAL                            10                           10

       As presented on table 28, 80% of male users consult their doctor before taking

medications. And 20% of them are not consulting their doctor. It shows that majority of the

respondents consult their doctor before taking medications.

Table 29. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Female Users on what they answered to the


ANSWER                           FREQUENCY                    PERCENTAGE
YES                              27                           90
NO                               3                            10
TOTAL                            30                           100

       As gleaned on table 29, 90% of female use natural products. 10% of them doesnt use

natural products.
Table 30. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Male Users on what they answered to the


ANSWER                           FREQUENCY                       PERCENTAGE
YES                              10                              100
NO                               0                               0
TOTAL                            10                              100

         As shown on table 30, 100% of male use natural products. It shows that majority of the

respondents are using natural products.

Table 29. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Female Users on what they answered to the


ANSWER                         FREQUENCY                     PERCENTAGE
YES                            27                            90
NO                             3                             10
TOTAL                          30                            100
     As presented on table 29, 90% of female use food supplements. And 10% of them are not


Table 30. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Male Users on what they answered to the


ANSWER                           FREQUENCY                       PERCENTAGE
YES                              10                              100
NO                               0                               0
TOTAL                            10                              100
As gleaned on table 30, 100% of male use food supplements. It shows that majority of the

respondents use food supplements.

Table 31. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Female Users on what they answered to the


ANSWER                          FREQUENCY                       PERCENTAGE
YES                             20                              67
NO                              10                              33
TOTAL                           30                              100

       As shown on table 31, 67% of female users said they are taking the food supplement for a

long time. 33% of them answered no.

Table 32. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Male Users on what they answered to the


ANSWER                          FREQUENCY                       PERCENTAGE
YES                             6                               60
NO                              4                               40
TOTAL                           10                              10

       As presented on table 32, 60% of male users said they are taking the food supplement for

a long time. And 40% answered no. It shows that majority of the respondents take the food

supplements for a long time.
Table 33. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Female Users on what they answered to the


ANSWER                           FREQUENCY                        PERCENTAGE
YES                              30                               100
NO                               0                                0
TOTAL                            30                               100

       As gleaned on table 33, 100% of female users experienced relief of symptoms when

taking of food supplements.

Table 34. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Male Users on what they answered to the


ANSWER                           FREQUENCY                        PERCENTAGE
YES                              10                               100
NO                               0                                0
TOTAL                            10                               100

        As presented on table 34, 100% of male users experienced relief of symptoms when

using food supplements. It shows that all the respondents experienced a relief of symptoms.

Table 35. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Female Users on what they answered to the


ANSWER                           FREQUENCY                        PERCENTAGE
YES                              9                                30
NO                               21                               70
TOTAL                           30                                 100

       As shown on table 35, 70% of female users stated they did not experienced side effects.

30% of them stated they do experienced side effects of food supplements.

Table 36. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Male Users on what they answered to the


ANSWER                          FREQUENCY                          PERCENTAGE
YES                             4                                  40
NO                              6                                  60
TOTAL                           10                                 100

       As gleaned on table 36, most of the female users experienced side effects with a

percentage of 60.

40% answerethay did not experienced any side effects. It shows that majority of the respondents

do not experienced side effects brought by the food supplements.

Table 37. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Female Users on what they answered to the


ANSWER                        FREQUENCY                            PERCENTAGE
VERY                          10                                   33
KNOWLEDGEABLE                 14                                   47
SLIGHTLY                        5                               17
NOT KNOWLEDGEABLE               1                               3
TOTAL                           30                              100
WEIGHTED MEAN                   3.1

       As presented on table        37, as 3.1weighted mean, it shows that female users are

knowledgeable that food supplements are not tested by FDA.

Table 38. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Male Users on what they answered to the


ANSWER                      FREQUENCY                           PERCENTAGE
VERY                        3                                   30
KNOWLEDGEABLE               3                                   30
SLIGHTLY                    3                                   30
NOT                         1                                   10
TOTAL                       10                                  100
WEIGHTEDMEAN                2.8

       As presented on table        38, as 2.8 weighted mean, it shows that male users are

knowledgeable that food supplements are not tested by FDA. It shows that majority of the

respondents are knowledgeable that food supplements are not tested by FDA.
Table 39. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Female Users on what they answered to the



ANSWER                     FREQUENCY                           PERCENTAGE
VERY                       27                                  90
KNOWLEDGEABLE              2                                   7
SLIGHTLY                   1                                   3
NOT                        0                                   0
TOTAL                      30                             100
WEIGHTEDMEAN                                         3.86
INTERPRETATION                               VERY KNOWLEDGEABLE

       As shown on table 39, as 3.86 weighted mean, it shows that female are very

knowledgeable about the meaning of  NO APPROVED THERAPEUTIC CLAIMS

Table 40. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Male Users on what they answered to the



ANSWER                          FREQUENCY                     PERCENTAGE
VERY KNOWLEDGEABLE              8                             80
KNOWLEDGEABLE                   1                             10
SLIGHTLY                        1                             10
NOT KNOWLEDGEABLE               0                         0
TOTAL                           10                        100
WEIGHTEDMEAN                                           3.7
INTERPRETATION                                 VERY KNOWLEDGEABLE
As shown on table 40, as 3.7 weighted mean, it shows that male are very knowledgeable

about the meaning of  NO APPROVED THERAPEUTIC CLAIMS it shows that majority of

the respondents are very knowledgeable about the meaning of  NO APPROVED


Table 41. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Female Users on what they answered to the



ANSWER                          FREQUENCY                        PERCENTAGE
VERY KNOWLEDGEABLE              17                               57
KNOWLEDGEABLE                   8                                27
SLIGHTLY                        4                                13
NOT KNOWLEDGEABLE               1                           3
TOTAL                           30                          100
WEIGHTEDMEAN                                             3.37
INTERPRETATION                                   VERY KNOWLEDGEABLE

       As shown on table 41, as 3.37 weighted mean, it shows that female users are very

knowledgeable about the effects of food supplements that they are taking.

Table 42. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Male Users on what they answered to the



ANSWER                          FREQUENCY                        PERCENTAGE
VERY KNOWLEDGEABLE              6                                60
KNOWLEDGEABLE                   1                                10
SLIGHTLY                        1                                10
NOT KNOWLEDGEABLE               2                            20
TOTAL                           10                           100
WEIGHTEDMEAN                                              3.1
INTERPRETATION                                       KNOWLEDGEABLE

       As shown on table 42, as 3.1 weighted mean, it shows that male users are knowledgeable

about the effects of food supplements that they are taking. It shows that majority of the

respondents are very knowledgeable about the effects of supplements that they are taking.

Table 43. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Female Users on what they answered to the

question   DO    YOU     KNOW       THE    HEALTH      RISKS     WHEN      TAKING      THESE


ANSWER                          FREQUENCY                        PERCENTAGE
VERY KNOWLEDGEABLE              9                                31
KNOWLEDGEABLE                   10                               33
SLIGHTLY                        10                               33
NOT KNOWLEDGEABLE               1                            3
TOTAL                           30                           100
WEIGHTEDMEAN                                              2.9
INTERPRETATION                                       KNOWLEDGEABLE

       As gleaned on table 43, as 2.9 weighted mean, it shows that female users are

knowledgeable about the health risks of taking these food supplements.
Table 44. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Male Users on what they answered to the

question   DO    YOU     KNOW        THE   HEALTH       RISKS     WHEN      TAKING      THESE


ANSWER                           FREQUENCY                        PERCENTAGE
VERY KNOWLEDGEABLE               1                                10
KNOWLEDGEABLE                    3                                30
SLIGHTLY                         4                                40
NOT KNOWLEDGEABLE                2                           20
TOTAL                            10                          100
WEIGHTEDMEAN                                              2.3

As gleaned on table 44, as 2.3 weighted mean, it shows that male users are slightly

knowledgeable about the health risks of taking these food supplements.It shows that majority of

the respondents are slightly knowlegeable about the health risks of these food supplements.

Table 45. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Female Users on what they answered to the


ANSWER                           FREQUENCY                        PERCENTAGE
VERY KNOWLEDGEABLE               21                               70
KNOWLEDGEABLE                    9                                30
SLIGHTLY                         0                                0
NOT KNOWLEDGEABLE                0                           0
TOTAL                            30                          100
WEIGHTEDMEAN                                              3.7
INTERPRETATION                                    VERY KNOWLEDGEABLE
As presented on table 45, as 3.7 weighted mean, it shows that female users are very

knowledgeable about the health benefits of the food supplements they are taking.

Table 46. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Male Users on what they answered to the


ANSWER                          FREQUENCY                        PERCENTAGE
VERY KNOWLEDGEABLE              8                                80
KNOWLEDGEABLE                   1                                1
SLIGHTLY                        1                                1
NOT KNOWLEDGEABLE               0                           0
TOTAL                           10                          10
WEIGHTEDMEAN                                             3.7
INTERPRETATION                                   VERY KNOWLEDGEABLE

       As gleaned on table 46, as 3.7 weighted mean, it shows that male users are very

knowledgeable on the health benefits of the food supplements they are taking. It shows that

majority of the respondents are very knowledgeable on the health benefits of the food

supplements they are taking.

More Related Content

Chapter 4

  • 1. Chapter 4 PRESENTATION, INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS OF DATA Knowledge on health risks of food and herbal supplements among ULS faculty member This chapter presents the analysis made by the researchers after a rigid analysis with the use of prescribed statistical tools in measuring the validity and accuracy of the respondents about the different information or data gathered with the used survey questionnaire. Part I Profile of the Respondents The data gathered were presented in tables with designated interpretation and analysis. Table1. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to the Age of Female Users AGE BRACKET FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE 35-39 7 23 40-44 7 23 45-49 5 17 50-54 8 27 55-59 1 3 60-64 2 7 TOTAL 30 100 As shown on table 1, there are 27% of female users who are at the age of 50-54. And the least female users, are at the age of 55-59 with a percentage of 3%. 7 or 23% belongs to age bracket of 35-39 and 40-44years old. 5 or 17% belong s to the age bracket of 45-49 years old. 2 or 7% belongs to the age bracket of 60-64 years old.
  • 2. Table 2. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to the Age of Male Users AGE BRACKET FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE 35-39 4 40 40-44 3 30 45-49 0 0 50-54 0 0 55-59 2 20 60-64 1 10 TOTAL 10 100 As shown in table 2, most male users are at the age of 35-39, with a percentage of 40 or 4. And the least male users are at the age of 60-64 with a percentage of 10 or 1. 30% or 3 are at the age of 40-44. 20% or 2 are at the age bracket of 55-59.It shows that majority of the respondents were at the age bracket of 50-54 years old for female and 35-39years old for male. Table 3. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to Gender GENDER FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE Male 10 25 Female 30 75 TOTAL 40 100 As presented on table 3, most of the respondents are female with a percentage of 75. And 25% or 10 were male users of food supplements and herbal products. It shows that majority of the respondents are female.
  • 3. Table 4. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to the Educational Attainment of Female Users EDUCATIONAL FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE ATTAINMENT College Graduate 3 10 Masteral 26 87 Doctorate 1 3 TOTAL 30 100 As presented in table 4, 26 or 87% from the female respondents are masteral graduate. 3 or 10% are college graduate and 1 or 3% who finished doctoral. Table 5. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to the Educational Attainment of male Users EDUCATIONAL FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE ATTAINMENT College Graduate 1 10 Masteral 9 90 Doctorate 0 0 TOTAL 10 100 As presented on table 5, there were 9 or 90% male users who graduated with masters degree. And only 1 or 1% is college graduate. It shows that majority of the respondents are masteral graduate.
  • 4. Table 6. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to the Civil Status of Female Users CIVIL STATUS FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE Single 0 0 Married 28 94 Widowed 1 3 Separated 1 3 TOTAL 30 100 As gleaned on table 6, 28 or 94% are the married female users. 3% are the widowed and separated female users. Table 7. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to the Civil Status of Male Users CIVIL STATUS FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE Single 0 0 Married 10 100 Widowed 0 0 Separated 0 0 TOTAL 10 100 As presented on table 7, all male respondents were married. It shows that majority of the respondents were married. Table 8. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to the Religion of Female Users
  • 5. RELIGION FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE Roman Catholic 0 0 Iglesia Ni Cristo 30 100 Protestant 0 0 TOTAL 30 100 As shown, on table 8,all of the female respondents are Roman Catholic in religion with a percentage of 100. Table 9. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to the Religion of Male Users RELIGION FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE Roman Catholic 10 100 Iglesia Ni Cristo 0 0 Protestant 0 0 TOTAL 10 100 As gleaned on table 9, all of the male respondents are Roman Catholic in religion with a percentage of 100. It shows that all of the respondents are Roman Catholic. Table 10. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to the Type of Food Supplement Used by Female Users TYPE OF FOOD FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE SUPPLEMENT HERBAL TEA 5 17 HERBAL CAPSULE 4 13 HERBAL JUICE 4 13 AMPALAYA TEA 4 13 AMPALAYA CAPSULE 0 0 HERBAL EXTRACT 0 0 PROBIOTICS 4 13
  • 6. VITAMINS 9 31 TOTAL 30 100 As gleaned on table 10, 31% or 9 of female use vitamins. 17% or 5 of them use herbal tea and 13% or 4 of them use herbal capsule, herbal juice, ampalaya tea, and probiotics. Table 11. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to the Type of Food Supplement Used by Male Users TYPE OF FOOD FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE SUPPLEMENT HERBAL TEA 3 30 HERBAL CAPSULE 2 20 HERBAL JUICE 1 10 AMPALAYA TEA 1 10 AMPALAYA CAPSULE 0 0 HERBAL EXTRACT 1 10 PROBIOTICS 1 10 VITAMINS 1 10 TOTAL 10 100 As shown on table 11, most of the male use herbal tea with a percentage of 30. 20% of them use herbal capsule. And 10% of them use herbal juice, herbal extract, probiotics and vitamins.It shows that majority of the respondents use vitamins. Table 12. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to the Length of time that Female Users have been using the Food Supplement LENGTH OF TIME FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE
  • 7. LESS THAN 6 MOS. 16 53 6 MOS. 1 YEAR 6 20 1 YEAR-5 YEARS 8 27 TOTAL 30 100 As shown on table 12, most of the female use herbal supplements for less than 6 months with a percentage of 16. 27% of them use herbal supplements for almost 6 months 1 year. 20% or 6 of them use herbal supplement for 6 months-1year. Table 13. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to the Length of time that Male Users have been using the Food Supplement LENGTH OF TIME FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE LESS THAN 6 MOS. 5 50 6 MOS. 1 YEAR 2 20 1 YEAR-5 YEARS 3 30 TOTAL 10 100 As shown on table 13, male use herbal supplements for less than 6 months with a percentage of 50. 30% of them use herbal supplements for 1 year- 5 years. And 20% of them use herbal supplements for almost 6 months- 1 year.It shows that majority of the respondents use herbal supplements for less than 6 months. Table 14. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to the Benefits gained by Female Users BENEFITS FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE
  • 8. RELIEF OF SYMPTOMS 4 13 WEIGHT GAIN 0 0 WEIGHT LOSS 5 17 REGULATION OF BP 0 0 REGULATION OF SUGAR 5 17 IMPROVEMENT IN 16 53 FUNCTIONING TOTAL 30 100 As shown on table 14, 53% of female users stated improvement in functioning as health benefits when using herbal products. 17% of them stated weight loss and regulation of blood sugar as their health benefits. 13% of them stated a relief of symptoms as their health benefits. Table 15. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to the Benefits gained by Male Users BENEFITS FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE RELIEF OF SYMPTOMS 0 0 WEIGHT GAIN 0 0 WEIGHT LOSS 1 10 REGULATION OF BP 1 10 REGULATION OF SUGAR 2 20 IMPROVEMENT IN 6 60 FUNCTIONING TOTAL 10 100 As presented on table 15, 60% of male users stated improvement in functioning as their health benefits in using herbal products. 20% of them stated regulation of blood sugar. 10% of them stated regulation of blood pressure and weight loss as their health benefits. It shows that majority of the respondents improved their functioning when using herbal products.
  • 9. Table 16. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to the Common Side Effects Experienced by Female Users SIDE EFFECT FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE WEIGHT LOSS 3 10 DIARRHEA 3 10 NONE 24 80 TOTAL 30 100 As gleaned on table 16, 80% of female users stated that there are no side effects of food supplements and herbal products. 10% of them stated weight loss and diarrhea as side effects. Table 17. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to the Common Side Effects Experienced by Male Users SIDE EFFECT FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE WEIGHT GAIN 1 10 WEIGHT LOSS 1 10 ORANGE URINE 1 10 NONE 7 70 TOTAL 10 100 As presented on table 17, 70% of female users stated that there were no side effects of food and herbal supplements. 10% stated that weight gain, weight loss and orange urine are the side effects. It shows that majority of the respondents experienced no side effects when using food and herbal products.
  • 10. Table 18. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to Whom the Female Users knew of this product WHO RECOMMENDED FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE THE PRODUCT DOCTOR 12 40 CO-WORKER 12 40 NEIGHBOR 0 0 RELATIVE 6 20 TOTAL 30 100 As shown on table 18, 40% of female users knew the products through co-worker and through recommendations of doctor. 20% of them knew the product through relatives. Table 19. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents According to Whom the Male Users knew of this product WHO RECOMMENDED FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE THE PRODUCT DOCTOR 3 30 CO-WORKER 3 30 NEIGHBOR 0 0 RELATIVE 4 40 TOTAL 10 100 As presented on table 19, 40% of male users knew the products through relatives and 30% of them knew the products through doctor and co-workers.It shows that majority of the respondents knew the products through co-workers and recommendations of doctor. Table 20. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents on How Female Users knew of this product
  • 11. HOW THEY KNEW OF FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE THIS PRODUCT TV 17 57 RADIO 0 0 PRINT MEDIA 1 3 WORD OF MOUTH 12 40 TOTAL 30 100 As shown on table20, 57% of the female users knew the products by watching on advertisements via television. 3% of them knew the products via print media. Table 21. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents on How Male Users knew of this product HOW THEY KNEW OF FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE THIS PRODUCT TV 6 60 RADIO 0 0 PRINT MEDIA 0 0 WORD OF MOUTH 4 40 TOTAL 10 As shown on table 21, 60% of the male users knew the products via television. And 40% of them knew the products through word of mouth. It shows that majority of the respondents knew the products through watching television. Table 22. Frequency and Percentage Distribution According to Female Users Reason for patronizing the product
  • 12. REASON FOR FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE PATRONIZING HEALTH BENEFITS 23 77 SERVES AS MEDICAL 1 3 SUBSTITUTE FEAR OF ACQUIRING 6 20 DISEASE COST 0 0 TREND 0 0 TOTAL 30 100 As presented on table 22, 77% of female users stated that health benefits were the reasons for patronizing the product. 3% of them stated that food and herbal supplements serve as medical substitute. Table 23. Frequency and Percentage Distribution According to Female Users Reason for patronizing the product REASON FOR FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE PATRONIZING HEALTH BENEFITS 7 70 SERVES AS MEDICAL 0 0 SUBSTITUTE FEAR OF ACQUIRING 1 10 DISEASE COST 0 0 TREND 0 0 TOTAL 10 100 As gleaned on table 23, 70% of male users stated that health benefits were the reason for patronizing the products. 10% of them stated that they are afraid of acquiring a disease as the reason of patronizing the product.It shows that majority of the respondents continue patronizing the products because of health benefits it give.
  • 13. Table 23. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Female Users on what they answered to the question HAVE YOU EXPERIENCED SYMPTOMS OR ANY DISEASE PROCESS? ANSWER FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE YES 25 83 NO 5 17 TOTAL 10 100 As presented on table 23, 83% of female users answered yes when asked if they experienced any symptoms of any disease process. 17% of them answered no. Table 24. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Male Users on what they answered to the question HAVE YOU EXPERIENCED SYMPTOMS OR ANY DISEASE PROCESS? ANSWER FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE YES 10 100 NO 0 0 TOTAL 10 100 As shown on table 24, 100% of male users answered yes when asked if they experienced symptoms of any disease process. It shows that majority of the respondents experienced symptoms of any disease process. Table 25. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Female Users on what they answered to the question DO YOU TREAT THEM WITH MEDICATIONS? ANSWER FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE
  • 14. YES 24 80 NO 6 20 TOTAL 30 100 As gleaned on table 25, 80% of female users answered yes when asked if they treat their disease with medications. 20% of them answered no. Table 26. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Male Users on what they answered to the question DO YOU TREAT THEM WITH MEDICATIONS? ANSWER FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE YES 10 100 NO 0 0 TOTAL 10 100 As shown on table 26, 100% of male users answered yes when asked if they treat their disease with medications. It shows that majority of the respondents treat their disease with medications. Table 27. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Female Users on what they answered to the question DO YOU CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE TAKING THIS MEDICATION? ANSWER FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE YES 26 87 NO 4 13 TOTAL 30 100
  • 15. As presented on table 27, 87% of female users consult their doctor before taking medications. 13% of them are not consulting their doctor. Table 28. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Male Users on what they answered to the question DO YOU CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE TAKING THIS MEDICATION? ANSWER FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE YES 8 80 NO 2 20 TOTAL 10 10 As presented on table 28, 80% of male users consult their doctor before taking medications. And 20% of them are not consulting their doctor. It shows that majority of the respondents consult their doctor before taking medications. Table 29. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Female Users on what they answered to the question DO YOU USE NATURAL PRODUCTS? ANSWER FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE YES 27 90 NO 3 10 TOTAL 30 100 As gleaned on table 29, 90% of female use natural products. 10% of them doesnt use natural products.
  • 16. Table 30. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Male Users on what they answered to the question DO YOU USE NATURAL PRODUCTS? ANSWER FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE YES 10 100 NO 0 0 TOTAL 10 100 As shown on table 30, 100% of male use natural products. It shows that majority of the respondents are using natural products. Table 29. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Female Users on what they answered to the question ARE YOU USING FOOD SUPPLEMENTS? ANSWER FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE YES 27 90 NO 3 10 TOTAL 30 100 As presented on table 29, 90% of female use food supplements. And 10% of them are not using. Table 30. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Male Users on what they answered to the question ARE YOU USING FOOD SUPPLEMENTS? ANSWER FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE YES 10 100 NO 0 0 TOTAL 10 100
  • 17. As gleaned on table 30, 100% of male use food supplements. It shows that majority of the respondents use food supplements. Table 31. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Female Users on what they answered to the question HAVE YOU BEEN TAKING IT FOR A LONG TIME? ANSWER FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE YES 20 67 NO 10 33 TOTAL 30 100 As shown on table 31, 67% of female users said they are taking the food supplement for a long time. 33% of them answered no. Table 32. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Male Users on what they answered to the question HAVE YOU BEEN TAKING IT FOR A LONG TIME? ANSWER FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE YES 6 60 NO 4 40 TOTAL 10 10 As presented on table 32, 60% of male users said they are taking the food supplement for a long time. And 40% answered no. It shows that majority of the respondents take the food supplements for a long time.
  • 18. Table 33. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Female Users on what they answered to the question DO YOU EXPERIENCE RELIEF OF SYMPTOMS? ANSWER FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE YES 30 100 NO 0 0 TOTAL 30 100 As gleaned on table 33, 100% of female users experienced relief of symptoms when taking of food supplements. Table 34. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Male Users on what they answered to the question DO YOU EXPERIENCE RELIEF OF SYMPTOMS? ANSWER FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE YES 10 100 NO 0 0 TOTAL 10 100 As presented on table 34, 100% of male users experienced relief of symptoms when using food supplements. It shows that all the respondents experienced a relief of symptoms. Table 35. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Female Users on what they answered to the question DO YOU EXPERIENCE SIDE EFFECTS? ANSWER FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE YES 9 30 NO 21 70
  • 19. TOTAL 30 100 As shown on table 35, 70% of female users stated they did not experienced side effects. 30% of them stated they do experienced side effects of food supplements. Table 36. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Male Users on what they answered to the question DO YOU EXPERIENCE SIDE EFFECTS? ANSWER FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE YES 4 40 NO 6 60 TOTAL 10 100 As gleaned on table 36, most of the female users experienced side effects with a percentage of 60. 40% answerethay did not experienced any side effects. It shows that majority of the respondents do not experienced side effects brought by the food supplements. Table 37. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Female Users on what they answered to the question DO YOU KNOW THAT SUPPLEMENTS ARE NOT TESTED BY FDA? ANSWER FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE VERY 10 33 KNOWLEDGEABLE KNOWLEDGEABLE 14 47
  • 20. SLIGHTLY 5 17 KNOWLEDGEABLE NOT KNOWLEDGEABLE 1 3 TOTAL 30 100 WEIGHTED MEAN 3.1 INTERPRETATION KNOWLEDGEABLE As presented on table 37, as 3.1weighted mean, it shows that female users are knowledgeable that food supplements are not tested by FDA. Table 38. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Male Users on what they answered to the question DO YOU KNOW THAT SUPPLEMENTS ARE NOT TESTED BY FDA? ANSWER FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE VERY 3 30 KNOWLEDGEABLE KNOWLEDGEABLE 3 30 SLIGHTLY 3 30 KNOWLEDGEABLE NOT 1 10 KNOWLEDGEABLE TOTAL 10 100 WEIGHTEDMEAN 2.8 INTERPRETATION KNOWLEDGEABLE As presented on table 38, as 2.8 weighted mean, it shows that male users are knowledgeable that food supplements are not tested by FDA. It shows that majority of the respondents are knowledgeable that food supplements are not tested by FDA.
  • 21. Table 39. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Female Users on what they answered to the question DO YOU KNOW THE MEANING OF NO APPROVED THERAPEUTIC CLAIMS? ANSWER FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE VERY 27 90 KNOWLEDGEABLE KNOWLEDGEABLE 2 7 SLIGHTLY 1 3 KNOWLEDGEABLE NOT 0 0 KNOWLEDGEABLE TOTAL 30 100 WEIGHTEDMEAN 3.86 INTERPRETATION VERY KNOWLEDGEABLE As shown on table 39, as 3.86 weighted mean, it shows that female are very knowledgeable about the meaning of NO APPROVED THERAPEUTIC CLAIMS Table 40. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Male Users on what they answered to the question DO YOU KNOW THE MEANING OF NO APPROVED THERAPEUTIC CLAIMS? ANSWER FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE VERY KNOWLEDGEABLE 8 80 KNOWLEDGEABLE 1 10 SLIGHTLY 1 10 KNOWLEDGEABLE NOT KNOWLEDGEABLE 0 0 TOTAL 10 100 WEIGHTEDMEAN 3.7 INTERPRETATION VERY KNOWLEDGEABLE
  • 22. As shown on table 40, as 3.7 weighted mean, it shows that male are very knowledgeable about the meaning of NO APPROVED THERAPEUTIC CLAIMS it shows that majority of the respondents are very knowledgeable about the meaning of NO APPROVED THERAPEUTIC CLAIMS. Table 41. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Female Users on what they answered to the question DO YOU KNOW THE EFFECTS OF SUPPLEMENTS THAT YOU ARE TAKING? ANSWER FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE VERY KNOWLEDGEABLE 17 57 KNOWLEDGEABLE 8 27 SLIGHTLY 4 13 KNOWLEDGEABLE NOT KNOWLEDGEABLE 1 3 TOTAL 30 100 WEIGHTEDMEAN 3.37 INTERPRETATION VERY KNOWLEDGEABLE As shown on table 41, as 3.37 weighted mean, it shows that female users are very knowledgeable about the effects of food supplements that they are taking. Table 42. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Male Users on what they answered to the question DO YOU KNOW THE EFFECTS OF SUPPLEMENTS THAT YOU ARE TAKING? ANSWER FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE VERY KNOWLEDGEABLE 6 60
  • 23. KNOWLEDGEABLE 1 10 SLIGHTLY 1 10 KNOWLEDGEABLE NOT KNOWLEDGEABLE 2 20 TOTAL 10 100 WEIGHTEDMEAN 3.1 INTERPRETATION KNOWLEDGEABLE As shown on table 42, as 3.1 weighted mean, it shows that male users are knowledgeable about the effects of food supplements that they are taking. It shows that majority of the respondents are very knowledgeable about the effects of supplements that they are taking. Table 43. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Female Users on what they answered to the question DO YOU KNOW THE HEALTH RISKS WHEN TAKING THESE SUPPLEMENTS? ANSWER FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE VERY KNOWLEDGEABLE 9 31 KNOWLEDGEABLE 10 33 SLIGHTLY 10 33 KNOWLEDGEABLE NOT KNOWLEDGEABLE 1 3 TOTAL 30 100 WEIGHTEDMEAN 2.9 INTERPRETATION KNOWLEDGEABLE As gleaned on table 43, as 2.9 weighted mean, it shows that female users are knowledgeable about the health risks of taking these food supplements.
  • 24. Table 44. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Male Users on what they answered to the question DO YOU KNOW THE HEALTH RISKS WHEN TAKING THESE SUPPLEMENTS? ANSWER FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE VERY KNOWLEDGEABLE 1 10 KNOWLEDGEABLE 3 30 SLIGHTLY 4 40 KNOWLEDGEABLE NOT KNOWLEDGEABLE 2 20 TOTAL 10 100 WEIGHTEDMEAN 2.3 INTERPRETATION SLIGHTLY KNOWLEDGEABLE As gleaned on table 44, as 2.3 weighted mean, it shows that male users are slightly knowledgeable about the health risks of taking these food supplements.It shows that majority of the respondents are slightly knowlegeable about the health risks of these food supplements. Table 45. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Female Users on what they answered to the question DO YOU KNOW THE HEALTH BENEFITS OF THESE SUPPLEMENTS? ANSWER FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE VERY KNOWLEDGEABLE 21 70 KNOWLEDGEABLE 9 30 SLIGHTLY 0 0 KNOWLEDGEABLE NOT KNOWLEDGEABLE 0 0 TOTAL 30 100 WEIGHTEDMEAN 3.7 INTERPRETATION VERY KNOWLEDGEABLE
  • 25. As presented on table 45, as 3.7 weighted mean, it shows that female users are very knowledgeable about the health benefits of the food supplements they are taking. Table 46. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Male Users on what they answered to the question DO YOU KNOW THE HEALTH BENEFITS OF THESE SUPPLEMENTS? ANSWER FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE VERY KNOWLEDGEABLE 8 80 KNOWLEDGEABLE 1 1 SLIGHTLY 1 1 KNOWLEDGEABLE NOT KNOWLEDGEABLE 0 0 TOTAL 10 10 WEIGHTEDMEAN 3.7 INTERPRETATION VERY KNOWLEDGEABLE As gleaned on table 46, as 3.7 weighted mean, it shows that male users are very knowledgeable on the health benefits of the food supplements they are taking. It shows that majority of the respondents are very knowledgeable on the health benefits of the food supplements they are taking.