The document summarizes the roots of Quebec nationalism from the 1930s to present day. It discusses key figures and events that shaped Quebec's pursuit of autonomy and sovereignty, including Maurice Duplessis' promotion of Quebec as a distinct society, the Quiet Revolution's modernization of Quebec, René Lévesque forming the Parti Québécois and advocating for independence, and the two sovereignty referendums in 1980 and 1995 that were rejected. It also outlines the impacts that Quebec's potential separation could have on both Quebec and the rest of Canada.
2. The Roots of Quebec Nationalism
? Maurice Duplessis 1936-1939 and
1944-1959 (Union Nationale)
– Quebec is distinct society or “nation”
– Padlock Law
– Avoid English influence at all costs
– Refused money from federal govt
– “la grande noirceur” = the Great Darkness
? Bad working conditions
? Unions discouraged and strong armed tactics
against them
3. ? Jean Lesage (Liberal) 1960-1966
– “Maitre chez nous” = masters of our own house
– Not independence, but more control over decisions
affecting its future
– New and equal partnership with English-Canada
? Quiet Revolution (la revolution tranquille)
– Rapid reform and modernization
– Secularization, invest in public education, strengthen
the welfare state, unionize civil service, control of
economy, nationalization of hydroelectricity
– Lesage wanted “special status” for Quebec to protect
French language and culture
– Federal govt allows Quebec to run its own pension
plan and medical insurance
– French-Canadians become “Quebecois”
4. ? Expo 67
– Montreal
– French president Charles DeGaulle
– “Vive le Quebec Libre”
– Encourages French nationalism
– Enrages English-Canadians
? Daniel Johnson (Union Nationale) 1966
– Quebec must get absolute equality with rest
of Canada
– If not separatists will win (Levesque and Parti
5. ? Rene Levesque, Liberal cabinet minister in
Quebec leaves party to form Parti Quebecois
(PQ) in 1967
? Front de Liberation du Quebec
– Terrorist organization
– Marxist objectives and separatists
– Members trained by revolutionaries who were
supporters of the Cuban revolutionary
– Also receive guerrilla training in selective
assassination from Palestinian commandos in Jordan
– 1963-1970 over 200 political actions ie. bombings of
mail boxes, public monuments, English owned
businesses, banks, McGill University and homes of
prominent English-Canadians
6. ? 1964 new flag (Pearson Pennant)
? Quebec uses fleur-de-lis
? Ottawa appoints Royal Commission on
Bilingualism and Biculturalism (Bi and Bi
– Recommendations include making Canada
? Official Languages Act (1969)
– Canadians have legal right and ability to deal
with federal govt in either French or English
– All products sold in Canada must be in both
– French immersion programs across Canada
7. October Crisis (1970)
? Trudeau PM in 1968 is a federalist and rejects
special status for Quebec
? The October Crisis/FLQ Crisis (1970)
– Oct 5
? James Cross (British Trade Commissioner)
kidnapped by Liberation cell
? Want ransom of $500 000, transport to Cuba,
want FLQ Manifesto read to public and release of
FLQ “political prisoners”
? Bourassa agrees to reading of Manifesto on radio
and transport to Cuba only
– Oct 10
? Pierre Laporte (Quebec labour minister and depute
premier) kidnapped by Chenier cell
8. – Oct 16
? Bourassa asks Trudeau for help (federal troops),
additional search and arrest powers for police
? Trudeau sees an “apprehended insurrection” ie.
? War Measures Act invoked
– Oct 17
? Laporte’s dead body found
– By December discovered Cross still alive
? Govt negotiated release in return for safe passage
to Cuba
– January
? Kidnappers of Laporte found, tried, convicted,
sentenced (light sentences of FLQ members)
? Affects on Canada? Quebec?
9. ? War Measures Act
– Gave govt power to take away certain civil
– Thousands of searches and over 400 arrests
– Membership is FLQ became criminal and
political rallies banned
– Govt can arrest, questions, detain suspects
without charge for up to 90 days
? Trudeau – justified because widespread
conspiracy to overthrow govt
– Trudeau questioned by reporter how far he
would go: “Just watch me” “There’s a lot of
bleeding hearts around – go on and bleed.”
10. ? Bill 22 (1974)
– Under Liberals R. Bourassa
– Fr is official language of Quebec
– Children had to pass English proficiency test
to be allowed to register at English schools
– Fear that French language will disappear with
declining birthrate and increasing immigration
11. ? Levesque, PQ elected in 1976
? Bill 101 (1977) replaced Bill 22
– Charter of French Language bill
– Fr is language used by govt, courts and
business in Quebec
– Commercial signs are to be displayed in Fr
– Restricted access to English schools – at least
one parent had to have attended an English
school in Quebec
– English businesses left Quebec
12. ? 1980 Referendum on sovereignty-
– 90% voter turn out
– 60% NO
? Constitution Act 1982
– November 4, 1981 Kitchen Compromise
? 9 provinces reached an agreement, Quebec
(Levesque) felt betrayed and did not sign
– New amending formula and Charter of Rights
and Freedoms
13. Meech Lake, 1987
? PM Mulroney met with all 10 premiers
(Bourassa is premier of QC) to change
constitution to include Quebec
? Reached tentative agreement, but need
unanimous consent from Ottawa and the
– Quebec is “distinct society”
– 3 of 9 Supreme Court were to come from QC
– Amendments to new constitution would require
agreement from all provinces
– Provinces could choose to opt out of federal funding
– QC able to control its own immigration
14. ? Concerns over Quebec referred to as
“distinct society”
? Aboriginal peoples felt Quebec should not
have special consideration because no
consideration for them or for women
? Enfold, NB, MB didn’t ratify
? 1990 Lucien Bouchard resigned in protest
from Mulroney’s Cabinet and formed Bloc
15. Charlottetown Accord, 1992
? Made provisions for Aboriginal self-govt, Senate
reform, universal health care, workers’ rights,
and environmental protection
– Negotiations were called the Canada Round
? Canada Clause
– “distinct society” for QC, outlined values and
characteristics that define all Cdns, including a
commitment to equality of men and women
? Goes to referendum, only 4 of 10 provinces
– Provisions too large and daunting
– Aboriginal peoples and women opposed the accord as
well as the Reform party
16. ? 1993 Bloc Quebecois become official
opposition led by Lucien Bouchard
? 1995 Referendum
– Rejection of Charlottetown left Fr-Cdns feeling
like Canada was indifferent to QC
– 1995 premier Jacque Parizeau (PQ) held
another referendum
– 50.6% NO
– PQ Parizeau resigns…Bouchard switches to
provincial politics and wants to call another
sovereignty referendum but “under winning
17. ? Calgary Declaration, 1997
– Gesture of goodwill = Cdns govt declared QC to be a
“unique society”
– BQ leader Bouchard did not attend
? Supreme Court decision, 1998
– Ruled QC did not have right to separate unilaterally
from Canada
– To achieve independence QC has to negotiate with
federal govt and other provinces, the Aboriginal
nations living in QC and other minorities living there
– Negotiations could begin after a referendum where a
“clear majority” voted “yes” to a “clear question”
18. ? Clarity Act, 1999
– States that in any future referenda, QC must
ask a clear questions, win a clear majority
– Makes it next to impossible for QC to gain
independence from Canada through a
19. Potential impact of separation for Quebec
? Forced to negotiate international trade deals such as NAFTA
? QC no longer receive federal grants or assistance
? Anglophone population and big business may move to other
? Foreign and domestic investment might drop
? Economic or social problems such as unemployment or
poverty might worsen
? QC may be asked to repay its portion of Canada’s national
? QC may lost land to Aboriginal groups
? QC would be forced to re-negotiate its status in North
American Trade Agreement
? QC may not receive ownership of federal property owned by
20. Potential impact of separation for Canada
? Canada would lose 15.5% of its land area
? Canada would lose up to 25% of its population
? Canada may lose up to 23% of its GNP
? Canada would lose 15% of its fresh water and 14% of its
mineral production capability
? Atlantic Canada would be physically severed and isolated from
the rest of Canada
? Canadian defence would become more difficult
? QC’s separation may cause other provinces to consider
separating from Confederation
? Francophones in other provinces would be left without one of
their most powerful allies
21. Aboriginal peoples in Canada
? Status Indian: have legal rights under
Indian Act, have rights under treaties or
where no treaties have been signed, rights
as Registered Indians
? Non-status Indian: have given up their
legal status as Indians while still keeping
their cultural identity
? First Nation: used in 1990s in place of
“Indian band” or “Indian nation”
22. ? Royal Proclamation, 1763
– Prevented further settlement across North
America until treaties had been negotiated
– Recognized that Aboriginal peoples lived as
nations on their own lands
? Between 1864 and 1867
– Assimilation of Aboriginal nations into
Canadian mainstream
23. ? The Reserve System, 1830
– Aboriginal peoples were seen as blocking settlement
of BNA
– Pushed onto reservation managed by agents of govt
– 0.4% of Cdn land is set-aside for Indian reserves
– Limiting of Aboriginals from fully participating in
economy and generating wealth ie. Leverage land for
loans and wealth creation
– Land is federal govt’s
– Living conditions are lower than rest of Canada
– Life expectancy is lower, suicide rates are over 8
times higher
24. Indian Act, 1876
? Encourage Aboriginal peoples to give up
their own culture and traditions –
assimilation into mainstream
? Benefits
– Schools, medical care, hunting and fishing rights,
annual treaty payments provided
– Exempt from paying income and sales tax
– “special status” to Aboriginals
25. ? Disadvantages
– Colonial mind set – treats Aboriginals as children and
wards of state
– Denied right to take up land as others
– Denied right to vote in provincial elections
– Viewed as incompatible with being a Canadian citizen
– If they want vote?must give up “Indian status”
– Lose status is move off reserves, join military, obtain
higher education, or marry a non-Indian
26. ? Residential Schools
– Federal govt assumed responsibility for education of
Aboriginal children
– Taken from their homes and forced to abandon their
own language and culture
– Administered by Protestant and Catholic missionaries
? By 1930 only 3% of native students go beyond
grade 6
? By 1950 only 1/3 go beyond grade 3
? Not until 1951 that Aboriginal children were
allowed to attend public school system
– 1990s United Church and Catholic orders accept
responsibility for abuse and harmful practices
– Some awarded compensation…lawsuits ongoing
27. ? 1960: Aboriginal peoples given the right
to vote in federal elections
? White Paper, 1969
– Proposed abolition of reserves and end to
special status for treaty Indians
– Equality was necessary for solution to the
problems of Indians and special status has
been the major cause of difficulties
– Hostile response to White Paper
28. ? National Indian Brotherhood formed to
represent Status Indians and Native
Council of Canada created to represent
non-Status Indians and Metis
? They presented “Red Paper”
– Demand self-govt and control over their own
? Trudeau’s govt withdrew White Paper in
29. Land Claims
? NIB renamed Assembly of First Nations to
demand better conditions for Aboriginal
– Office of Native land Claims dealt with both
specific land claims and comprehensive land
? Declaration of the First Nations
– Adopted in 1975 which included the rights of
nationhood and self-govt
30. ? Oka Standoff, 1990
– Want to extend golf course on land that
Mohawks claimed that belonged to them
– Mohawks set up blockades of major roads
– Police stormed barricade and one officer was
– Army was called in?tense standoff
– Solution: federal govt bought the disputed
land and negotiated its transfer to Kanesatake
First Nation
31. ? Gustafsen Lake in BC
– Aboriginal people re-occupied land they
claimed was sacred ground
? Ipperwash in ON
– Aboriginal people occupied land on former
army base that was taken during WWII and
never returned
? Meech Lake Accord
– Did not recognize distinct status of Aboriginals
32. Self-government
? Aboriginals believe they have inherent right to
– Self-govt would recognize right to make decisions
about matters internal to their communities, integral
to their unique cultures, traditions and languages and
connected with their relationship to land and
? Constitution of 1982 guaranteed existing rights
would be recognized and affirmed
– Self-govt would be similar to provincial govt
– Responsible for own policing, health care, education
and equal access to institutions and benefits provided
by fed govt
33. ? Self-govt in MB
– 1990s Aboriginal people took over
responsibilities of the Dept of Indian Affairs
and Northern Development in MB and
assumed self-govt
34. ? Nisga’a Treaty
– 1998 in BC signed treaty with both provincial
and federal govt
– Nisga’a given wide powers of self-govt
pertaining to issues of culture, language and
family life
– Nisga’a given ownership of 1,922 square km
of land, including all resources, fishing and
hunting rights and $190 million
– No non-Aboriginal settlers were forced from
the territory that the Nisga’a control
– Non-Aboriginal settlers do not have the right
to vote for the councils that govern the region
35. ? Creation of Nunavut territory in 1999
– Aboriginal peoples were given the right to
self-govt over natural resources, education
and justice systems
– No political parties – people run as individuals
and elected members vote for the member
who they want to lead the govt
? Statement of Reconciliation, 1998
– Cdn govt recognized that policies which
sought to assimilate Aboriginals were not
conducive to building a strong country
36. Today--inequality
? 500 000 face worse living conditions than rest of
? Average income is half of national average
? 50% of reserve families live below poverty line
? 66% are either unemployed or on welfare
? Less than 55% Aboriginal houses are served
with sewer and water connections (national rate
in 90%)
? Suicide 6 times national rate – exceeds rates for
all other racial and ethnic groups in the world