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Instructor: Nida Rasheed
 The process of developing influence or operations in other countries
Nationalism: patriotic ideals and policies that glorify a countrys values.
 Its not unusual for Germans, Italians, or Indonesians to speak three or
four languages. More than half of all primary school children in China
now learn English and the number of English speakers in India and
China500 millionnow exceeds the total number of mother-tongue
English speakers elsewhere in the world. On the other hand, most U.S.
children study only English in schoolonly 24,000 are studying
Chinese. And only 22 percent of the population in the United States
speaks a language other than English leading to Monolingualism.
 Parochialism: viewing the world solely through your own
perspectives, leading to an inability to recognize differences
between people.
 People with a parochial attitude do not recognize that others have
different ways of living and working. They ignore others values and
customs and rigidly apply an attitude of ours is better than theirs
to foreign cultures.
 This type of narrow, restricted attitude is one approach that
managers might take, but isnt the only one. In fact, there are three
possible global attitudes.
Ethnocentric attitude
 The parochialistic belief that the best work approaches and
practices are those of the home country (the country in which
the companys headquarters are located).
 Managers with an ethnocentric attitude believe that people in
foreign countries dont have the needed skills, expertise,
knowledge, or experience to make the best business decisions as
people in the home country do. They dont trust foreign
employee with key decisions or technology.
Polycentric attitude is
 The view that employees in the host country (the foreign country
in which the organization is doing business) know the best work
approaches and practices for running their business. Managers
with this attitude view every foreign operation as different and
hard to understand.
 Thus, theyre likely to let employees in the host country figure out
how best to do things.
Geocentric attitude
 A world-oriented view that focuses on using the best approaches
and people from around the globe. Managers with this type of
attitude have a global view and look for the best approaches
and people regardless of origin.
Geocentric attitude
 For instance, Carlos Ghosn, CEO of Nissan and Renault, was born
in Brazil to Lebanese parents, educated in France, and speaks
four languages fluently. He could very well be the model of the
modern major corporate leader in a globalized world
bestraddled by multinational companies. Ghosns background
and perspective have given him a much broader understanding
of what it takes to manage in a global environment, some- thing
that is characteristic of the geocentric attitude. A geocentric
attitude requires eliminating parochial attitudes and developing
an understanding of cross-cultural differences.
 Thats the type of approach successful managers will need in
todays global environment.
Types of International
Multi National
Multinational corporation (MNCs)
 A multinational corporation (MNC) is any type of international
company that maintains operations in multiple countries.
 A multidomestic corporation, which decentralizes management
and other decisions to the local country. This type of globalization
reflects the polycentric attitude.
 A multidomestic corporation doesnt attempt to replicate its
domestic successes by managing foreign operations from its
home country. Instead, local employees typically are hired to
manage the business and marketing strategies are tailored to
that countrys unique characteristics.
Multinational Corporation
 For example, Switzerland-based Nestl辿 is a multidomestic corporation. With operations
in almost every country on the globe, its managers match the companys products to
its consumers. In parts of Europe, Nestl辿 sells products that are not available in the
United States or Latin America.
 Another example is Frito-Lay, a division of PepsiCo, which markets a Dorito chip in the
British market that differs in both taste and texture from the U.S. and Canadian version.
Even the king of retailing, Walmart Stores, has learned that it must think locally to act
globally as it tailors its inventories and store formats to local tastes.
 Many consumer product companies organize their global businesses using this
approach because they must adapt their products to meet the needs of local markets.
Global company
 Centralizes its management and other decisions in the home country. This approach to
globalization reflects the ethnocentric attitude. Global companies treat the world
market as an integrated whole and focus on the need for global efficiency and cost
savings. Although these companies may have considerable global holdings,
management decisions with company-wide implications are made from headquarters
in the home country.
 Some examples of global companies include Sony, Deutsche Bank AG, Starwood
Hotels, and Merrill Lynch.
Transnational or Borderless
 Use an arrangement that eliminates artificial geographical barriers reflects a geocentric
 For example, IBM dropped its organizational structure based on country and
reorganized into industry groups. Ford Motor Company is pursuing what it calls the One
Ford concept as it integrates its operations around the world.
 Another company, Thomson SA, which is legally based in France, has eight major
locations around the globe. The CEO said, We dont want people to think were
based anyplace. Managers choose this approach to increase efficiency and
effectiveness in a competitive global marketplace.
How Organizations Go
 Managers who want to get into a global market with minimal investment may start with
global sourcing (also called global outsourcing), which is purchasing materials or labor
from around the world wherever it is cheapest. The goal: take advantage of lower costs
in order to be more competitive.
 Although global sourcing may be the first step to going international for many
companies, they often continue to use this approach because of the competitive
advantages it offers. Each successive stage of going international beyond global
sourcing, however, requires more investment and thus entails more risk for the
 The next step in going international may involve exporting the organizations products
to other countriesthat is, making products domestically and selling them abroad. In
addition, an organization might do importing, which involves acquiring products made
abroad and selling them domestically. Both usually entail minimal investment and risk,
which is why many small businesses often use these approaches to doing business
 Managers also might use licensing or franchising, which are similar approaches
involving one organization giving another organization the right to use its brand name,
technology, or product specifications in return for a lump sum payment or a fee usually
based on sales. The only difference is that licensing is primarily used by manufacturing
organizations that make or sell another companys products and franchising is primarily
used by service organizations that want to use another companys name and
operating methods.
 Strategic alliance
 A partnership between an organization and a foreign company
partner or partners in which both share resources and knowledge in
developing new products or building production facilities.
 For example, Honda Motor and General Electric teamed up to
produce a new jet engine.
 A specific type of strategic alliance in which the partners form a
separate, independent organization for some business purpose is
called a joint venture.
 For example, Hewlett-Packard has had numerous joint ventures with
various suppliers around the globe to develop different components
for its computer equipment. These partnerships provide a relatively
easy way for companies to compete globally.
 Managers may choose to directly invest in a foreign country by
setting up a foreign subsidiary as a separate and independent
facility or office. This subsidiary can be managed as a
multidomestic organization (local control) or as a global
organization (centralized control). As you can probably guess,
this arrangement involves the greatest commitment of resources
and poses the greatest amount of risk.

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Chapter number 5 Principles of manaegment

  • 2. Globalization The process of developing influence or operations in other countries Nationalism: patriotic ideals and policies that glorify a countrys values. Its not unusual for Germans, Italians, or Indonesians to speak three or four languages. More than half of all primary school children in China now learn English and the number of English speakers in India and China500 millionnow exceeds the total number of mother-tongue English speakers elsewhere in the world. On the other hand, most U.S. children study only English in schoolonly 24,000 are studying Chinese. And only 22 percent of the population in the United States speaks a language other than English leading to Monolingualism.
  • 3. Parochialism: viewing the world solely through your own perspectives, leading to an inability to recognize differences between people. People with a parochial attitude do not recognize that others have different ways of living and working. They ignore others values and customs and rigidly apply an attitude of ours is better than theirs to foreign cultures. This type of narrow, restricted attitude is one approach that managers might take, but isnt the only one. In fact, there are three possible global attitudes.
  • 4. Ethnocentric attitude The parochialistic belief that the best work approaches and practices are those of the home country (the country in which the companys headquarters are located). Managers with an ethnocentric attitude believe that people in foreign countries dont have the needed skills, expertise, knowledge, or experience to make the best business decisions as people in the home country do. They dont trust foreign employee with key decisions or technology.
  • 5. Polycentric attitude is The view that employees in the host country (the foreign country in which the organization is doing business) know the best work approaches and practices for running their business. Managers with this attitude view every foreign operation as different and hard to understand. Thus, theyre likely to let employees in the host country figure out how best to do things.
  • 6. Geocentric attitude A world-oriented view that focuses on using the best approaches and people from around the globe. Managers with this type of attitude have a global view and look for the best approaches and people regardless of origin.
  • 7. Geocentric attitude For instance, Carlos Ghosn, CEO of Nissan and Renault, was born in Brazil to Lebanese parents, educated in France, and speaks four languages fluently. He could very well be the model of the modern major corporate leader in a globalized world bestraddled by multinational companies. Ghosns background and perspective have given him a much broader understanding of what it takes to manage in a global environment, some- thing that is characteristic of the geocentric attitude. A geocentric attitude requires eliminating parochial attitudes and developing an understanding of cross-cultural differences. Thats the type of approach successful managers will need in todays global environment.
  • 8. Types of International Organizations Multi National Corporation Multidomestic corporation Global company Transnational/ Borderless organization
  • 9. Multinational corporation (MNCs) A multinational corporation (MNC) is any type of international company that maintains operations in multiple countries. A multidomestic corporation, which decentralizes management and other decisions to the local country. This type of globalization reflects the polycentric attitude. A multidomestic corporation doesnt attempt to replicate its domestic successes by managing foreign operations from its home country. Instead, local employees typically are hired to manage the business and marketing strategies are tailored to that countrys unique characteristics.
  • 10. Multinational Corporation For example, Switzerland-based Nestl辿 is a multidomestic corporation. With operations in almost every country on the globe, its managers match the companys products to its consumers. In parts of Europe, Nestl辿 sells products that are not available in the United States or Latin America. Another example is Frito-Lay, a division of PepsiCo, which markets a Dorito chip in the British market that differs in both taste and texture from the U.S. and Canadian version. Even the king of retailing, Walmart Stores, has learned that it must think locally to act globally as it tailors its inventories and store formats to local tastes. Many consumer product companies organize their global businesses using this approach because they must adapt their products to meet the needs of local markets.
  • 11. Global company Centralizes its management and other decisions in the home country. This approach to globalization reflects the ethnocentric attitude. Global companies treat the world market as an integrated whole and focus on the need for global efficiency and cost savings. Although these companies may have considerable global holdings, management decisions with company-wide implications are made from headquarters in the home country. Some examples of global companies include Sony, Deutsche Bank AG, Starwood Hotels, and Merrill Lynch.
  • 12. Transnational or Borderless organization Use an arrangement that eliminates artificial geographical barriers reflects a geocentric attitude. For example, IBM dropped its organizational structure based on country and reorganized into industry groups. Ford Motor Company is pursuing what it calls the One Ford concept as it integrates its operations around the world. Another company, Thomson SA, which is legally based in France, has eight major locations around the globe. The CEO said, We dont want people to think were based anyplace. Managers choose this approach to increase efficiency and effectiveness in a competitive global marketplace.
  • 13. How Organizations Go International Managers who want to get into a global market with minimal investment may start with global sourcing (also called global outsourcing), which is purchasing materials or labor from around the world wherever it is cheapest. The goal: take advantage of lower costs in order to be more competitive.
  • 14. Although global sourcing may be the first step to going international for many companies, they often continue to use this approach because of the competitive advantages it offers. Each successive stage of going international beyond global sourcing, however, requires more investment and thus entails more risk for the organization. The next step in going international may involve exporting the organizations products to other countriesthat is, making products domestically and selling them abroad. In addition, an organization might do importing, which involves acquiring products made abroad and selling them domestically. Both usually entail minimal investment and risk, which is why many small businesses often use these approaches to doing business globally.
  • 15. Managers also might use licensing or franchising, which are similar approaches involving one organization giving another organization the right to use its brand name, technology, or product specifications in return for a lump sum payment or a fee usually based on sales. The only difference is that licensing is primarily used by manufacturing organizations that make or sell another companys products and franchising is primarily used by service organizations that want to use another companys name and operating methods.
  • 16. Strategic alliance A partnership between an organization and a foreign company partner or partners in which both share resources and knowledge in developing new products or building production facilities. For example, Honda Motor and General Electric teamed up to produce a new jet engine. A specific type of strategic alliance in which the partners form a separate, independent organization for some business purpose is called a joint venture. For example, Hewlett-Packard has had numerous joint ventures with various suppliers around the globe to develop different components for its computer equipment. These partnerships provide a relatively easy way for companies to compete globally.
  • 17. Managers may choose to directly invest in a foreign country by setting up a foreign subsidiary as a separate and independent facility or office. This subsidiary can be managed as a multidomestic organization (local control) or as a global organization (centralized control). As you can probably guess, this arrangement involves the greatest commitment of resources and poses the greatest amount of risk.