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Age of Reason
     Chapter 15
?Spiritual Awakenings
?Art & Music
? Middle Ages
   ? Truth = church and ancient philosophies
      ? Ptolemy ¨C Earth is center of universe
         (geocentric theory) 140 AD

? Renaissance and Reformation
   encouraged ???¡¯s

? Scientific Revolution = Rapid
   advancement in science achievement
   and knowledge
? Copernicus (1473-1543)
   ? SUN in center of Universe (not challenged since140 AD)
   ? Called a heretic

? Kepler (1571-1630)
   ? Elliptical orbits

? Galileo (1564-1642)
   ? Physics; thermometer
   ? Telescope

? Newton (1642-1727)
   ? Law of gravity
? Versalius
   ? Father of anatomy

? Paracelcus
   ? Use chemicals to treat illnesses

? Harvey
   ? Study heart and circulation

? Jenner
   ? Small pox vaccine
Enlightenment Thinkers

John Locke

             Baron de
? Boyle
   ? Gas pressure; Boyle¡¯s Law

? Priestly
   ? Discovered oxygen
   ? Carbon dioxide = soda drinks ?

? Lavosier
   ? Law of conservation of matter
Other Science
? Leeuwenhoek
  ? Microscope
  ? First time see bacteria and microbes

? Mercator
  ? Make round Earth on flat map
Intellectual Attitudes
   ? Looked to reason to solve all life¡¯s problems

   ? Rationalism = source of truth/knowledge is reason

                                                        ? Descartes
 ? Francis Bacon                                       ? Frenchman
  ? Englishman                                            ? Doubt
? Experimentatio                                           everything
    n/observation                                    ? Mathematics/lo
 ? All knowledge                                               gic
      should be                                          ? ¡°I think,
     questioned                                         therefore I am¡±
What is REAL?
John Locke
?¡°men have natural US politics

 unalienable rights¡±
?¡°Government must
 have consent of the
? Freedom = separation of 3 powers   US politics
? Critic of abuses in society
   ? Against religious organization; RCC
   ? freedom of religion
   ?   freedom of expression
   ? separation of church and state
? Favored emotion over reason

? Father of Romanticism
   ? Back to Nature
   ? Believed in basic goodness of
   ? The Social Contract
      ? Government built on general
         will of people
? God = clockmaker
  ? Winds the world now sits back and watches it work
  ? Little use for a personal God
Spiritual Awakening
? Lutheran church = decaying

? Philip Spener
  ? Spiritual renewal through Bible study and prayer meetings
  ? Started Pietist movement
     ? Piety = religious devotion and spirituality

? Francke
  ? Train pietist pastors & missionaries
  ? Open schools, orphanages, Bible printing shops

? Zinzendorf
  ? Leaders of Moravians (Bohemia)
  ? John Wesley became Christian through them
? John Wesley
   ? Traveled and preached throughout England
      ? Spread spiritual revival throughout country

      ? Improved moral condition of English people

   ? Started Sunday School, increase in Christian literature and music;
      founded Methodist Church

? George Whitefield
   ? Anglican preacher
   ? Helped spread Spiritual Awakening to America
? Puritan descendants no religious zeal

? 1st Great Awakening
   ? Travelling preachers; local pastors continue work

? Jonathan Edwards
   ? Local preacher in Massachusetts
   ? Emphasized need for personal conversion
   ? ¡°Sinners in Hands of Angry God¡± = warned unrepentant people
      that only God can save them from hell
   ? Converted thousands of people
   ? Many new churches, schools to train pastors
Art Music and Literature
Mannerism                       Baroque
? 16th century (1500s)        ? 17th century (1600s)

                              ? Theatrical, deformed
? Political & religious
   tension                    ? too ornamental (gaudy)

? Distortion/exaggeration     ? Grand, dynamic, heroic,
                                 active, swirling, sensual
? Unreal & unnatural colors
                              ? Bernini, Rubens,
? El Greco                       Rembrandt

   ?   Pg. 397                ? Pgs. 398-9
? Chiarascuro = contrast of light and dark in painting

? Gold tones and warm browns

? Figures are in deep though

? Bible messages in art
on the
Sea of
Baroque vs. Rococo

? In your face, gaudy   ? Refined elegance, delicate,
Baroque vs. Rococo

? In your face, gaudy   ? Refined elegance, delicate,
Neoclassical Art
? 18th century (1700s)

? Influenced by Rationalism and Enlightenment
   ? Orderly, formal, calm, balanced
   ? Imitated classical ideas of Greece & Rome
? Broke with past traditional music

1. Polyphonic vs. homophonic
   ? Many melodies to one main melody

1. More secular music

2. New types of music compositions
   ? Opera, ballet, oratorio

1. Instruments more important (orchestra)

2. Voice accompanied by instruments

3. Italians ? standard music markings
? Wrote and popularized operas

? Song, text, scenery, dances all combined

? Many opera houses built
? German immigrant

? Wrote oratorio
   ? Composition                                   telling a sacred
      story,                                                no
      drama of operas

? ¡°Messiah¡±
   ? Wrote it in 24 days
   ? King George rose to his feet while listening to it
J. S. Bach
? Born into Lutheran family

? Wrote over 200 songs for church
   ? Wrote music for organ

? Expert at making people feel emotions through his
   ? Use melody to suggest action or events

? ¡°Jesu Joy of Man¡¯s Desiring¡±
Classical Age in Music
? Elaborate ? elegant but restrained
   ? Sonata, concerto, symphony

? Piano became popular instrument
Wolfgang Amadeus
    Musical genius child
? Play at age 3

? Compose at age 5

? 6 years old on European tour

? Helped popularize piano

? Wrote over 22 operas
    ? Magic Flute
    ? Marriage of Figaro

? Wrote over 600 songs
Authors of
Enlightenment Era

More Related Content


  • 1. Age of Reason Chapter 15
  • 3. Science ? Middle Ages ? Truth = church and ancient philosophies ? Ptolemy ¨C Earth is center of universe (geocentric theory) 140 AD ? Renaissance and Reformation encouraged ???¡¯s ? Scientific Revolution = Rapid advancement in science achievement and knowledge
  • 4. Astronomy ? Copernicus (1473-1543) ? SUN in center of Universe (not challenged since140 AD) ? Called a heretic ? Kepler (1571-1630) ? Elliptical orbits ? Galileo (1564-1642) ? Physics; thermometer ? Telescope ? Newton (1642-1727) ? Law of gravity
  • 5. Medicine ? Versalius ? Father of anatomy ? Paracelcus ? Use chemicals to treat illnesses ? Harvey ? Study heart and circulation ? Jenner ? Small pox vaccine
  • 6. Enlightenment Thinkers Voltaire John Locke Baron de Montesquieu
  • 7. Chemistry ? Boyle ? Gas pressure; Boyle¡¯s Law ? Priestly ? Discovered oxygen ? Carbon dioxide = soda drinks ? ? Lavosier ? Law of conservation of matter
  • 8. Other Science ? Leeuwenhoek ? Microscope ? First time see bacteria and microbes ? Mercator ? Make round Earth on flat map
  • 9. Intellectual Attitudes ? Looked to reason to solve all life¡¯s problems ? Rationalism = source of truth/knowledge is reason ? Descartes ? Francis Bacon ? Frenchman ? Englishman ? Doubt ? Experimentatio everything n/observation ? Mathematics/lo ? All knowledge gic should be ? ¡°I think, questioned therefore I am¡±
  • 11. John Locke Influenced ?¡°men have natural US politics unalienable rights¡± ?¡°Government must have consent of the people¡±
  • 12. Montesquieu Influenced ? Freedom = separation of 3 powers US politics
  • 13. Voltaire ? Critic of abuses in society ? Against religious organization; RCC ? freedom of religion ? freedom of expression ? separation of church and state
  • 14. Rousseau ? Favored emotion over reason ? Father of Romanticism ? Back to Nature ? Believed in basic goodness of man ? The Social Contract ? Government built on general will of people
  • 15. Deism ? God = clockmaker ? Winds the world now sits back and watches it work ? Little use for a personal God
  • 17. Germany ? Lutheran church = decaying ? Philip Spener ? Spiritual renewal through Bible study and prayer meetings ? Started Pietist movement ? Piety = religious devotion and spirituality ? Francke ? Train pietist pastors & missionaries ? Open schools, orphanages, Bible printing shops ? Zinzendorf ? Leaders of Moravians (Bohemia) ? John Wesley became Christian through them
  • 18. England ? John Wesley ? Traveled and preached throughout England ? Spread spiritual revival throughout country ? Improved moral condition of English people ? Started Sunday School, increase in Christian literature and music; founded Methodist Church ? George Whitefield ? Anglican preacher ? Helped spread Spiritual Awakening to America
  • 19. America ? Puritan descendants no religious zeal ? 1st Great Awakening ? Travelling preachers; local pastors continue work ? Jonathan Edwards ? Local preacher in Massachusetts ? Emphasized need for personal conversion ? ¡°Sinners in Hands of Angry God¡± = warned unrepentant people that only God can save them from hell ? Converted thousands of people ? Many new churches, schools to train pastors
  • 20. Art Music and Literature
  • 21. Mannerism Baroque ? 16th century (1500s) ? 17th century (1600s) ? Theatrical, deformed ? Political & religious tension ? too ornamental (gaudy) ? Distortion/exaggeration ? Grand, dynamic, heroic, active, swirling, sensual ? Unreal & unnatural colors ? Bernini, Rubens, ? El Greco Rembrandt ? Pg. 397 ? Pgs. 398-9
  • 22. Rembrandt ? Chiarascuro = contrast of light and dark in painting ? Gold tones and warm browns ? Figures are in deep though ? Bible messages in art
  • 24. Baroque vs. Rococo ? In your face, gaudy ? Refined elegance, delicate, French
  • 25. Baroque vs. Rococo ? In your face, gaudy ? Refined elegance, delicate, French
  • 26. Neoclassical Art ? 18th century (1700s) ? Influenced by Rationalism and Enlightenment ? Orderly, formal, calm, balanced ? Imitated classical ideas of Greece & Rome
  • 27. Music ? Broke with past traditional music 1. Polyphonic vs. homophonic ? Many melodies to one main melody 1. More secular music 2. New types of music compositions ? Opera, ballet, oratorio 1. Instruments more important (orchestra) 2. Voice accompanied by instruments 3. Italians ? standard music markings
  • 28. Monteverdi ? Wrote and popularized operas ? Song, text, scenery, dances all combined ? Many opera houses built
  • 29. Handel ? German immigrant ? Wrote oratorio ? Composition telling a sacred story, no drama of operas ? ¡°Messiah¡± ? Wrote it in 24 days ? King George rose to his feet while listening to it
  • 30. J. S. Bach ? Born into Lutheran family ? Wrote over 200 songs for church ? Wrote music for organ ? Expert at making people feel emotions through his songs ? Use melody to suggest action or events ? ¡°Jesu Joy of Man¡¯s Desiring¡±
  • 31. Classical Age in Music ? Elaborate ? elegant but restrained ? Sonata, concerto, symphony ? Piano became popular instrument
  • 32. Wolfgang Amadeus ? Mozart Musical genius child ? Play at age 3 ? Compose at age 5 ? 6 years old on European tour ? Helped popularize piano ? Wrote over 22 operas ? Magic Flute ? Marriage of Figaro ? Wrote over 600 songs

Editor's Notes

  • #6: Blood constantly circulating in body
  • #31: Did not travel