The document discusses control transfer instructions and conditional jumps in assembly language programming. It describes the EFLAGS register which contains status flags like carry, parity, zero, and sign that are checked by conditional jump instructions. Conditional jumps allow altering the default sequential execution of instructions by jumping to other parts of the code based on the status flag values. The JMP instruction provides an unconditional jump by specifying a label to transfer execution to. JMP changes the instruction pointer EIP to point to the target label, altering the program flow.
2. More on Conditional Jumps
 Instructions that check the eFLAGs
register before jumping
 The FLAGs checked by Conditional
– Carry
– Parity
– Zero
– Sign
– Overflow flags
3. The eFLAGs Register
 A special purpose register
 Certain bits in this register serve as Flags
4. The eFLAGs Register
Overflow OV [overflow] NV [no overflow]
Sign NG [negative] PL [positive]
Zero ZR [zero] NZ [not zero]
Parity PE [even] PO [odd]
Carry CY [carry] NC [no carry]
6. Sequential Statements
 Fetch-Decode-Execute
CS:EIP is the PC (Program Counter)
 When the fetched instruction is copied into
the instruction register, EIP is automatically
incremented by X.
X = instruction length (in bytes)
 Since EIP is automatically INCREMENTED by X,
the instructions are executed SEQUENTIALLY
by default.
7. Recall
CPU MEMORY address
inst 1 07E2:0000
INPUT inst 2 07E2:0002
PC = ?
inst 3 07E2:0004
OUTPUT IR = inst 1
... 07E2:0006
8. How can we change the default execution?
 What will happen to EIP?
High-level code/algorithm:
Current instruction â–º if (condition) then do1
IP points here â–º do1: code 0
code 1
code 2
do2: code x
code y
code z
9. JMP Statement
JMP means jump (an UNCONDITIONAL jump)
 This instruction takes one operand: a label
 For example: jmp doon
dito_ba: mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, msg1
mov edx, len1
int 80h
doon: mov eax, 1
mov ebx, 0
int 80h
13. JMP Statement
jmp a value in backwords storage format;
therefore actual value is: 00000016
So we have:
E9 00000016
14. JMP Statement
When Instruction Register contains E9 00000016
CS:EIP will ‘point’ here
So EIP =
00000005 h
Note: As the instruction in IR is executed:
EIP will be: EIP+00000016 = 0000001B h
15. JMP Statement
When Instruction Register contains E9 00000016
CS:EIP will ‘point’ here
So EIP =
00000005 h
Note: As the instruction in IR is executed:
EIP will be: EIP+00000016 = 0000001B h
17. JMP Statement
 The displacement is in Backwords Storage
 A displacement in a jump can either be a
positive or a negative value.