Certain consumer characteristics make price discrimination more likely. These include consumer ignorance of lower prices from other suppliers, consumer inertia where price differences seem insignificant so they do not change suppliers, and consumer attitude where status leads them to pay higher prices from some firms over others.
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Characteristics of consumers
1. Characteristics of consumers
Certain characteristics of consumers make
the practice of price discrimination more
likely, these are:
1 Consumer ignorance: Consumers may not be
aware that the good or service is available from
another supplier at lower price.
2 Consumer inertia: Even if they are aware of its
availability at a lower price, consumers may
regard the difference in price as insignificant.
Therefore, they may be reluctant to change from
one supplier to the other.
3 Consumer attitude to the good or services in
question: Consumers may be willing to pay a
higher price for the good or service supplied by
one firm because of a certain status.