3. What is Chardi Kalaa?
Not in Sri Guru Granth Sahib or Dasam Granth
Chardi - increasing, rising, on the ascendant,
Kalaa - art ortechnique,power, energy, spirit
A frame of mind or attitude that a Sikh should
strive to maintain at all times
4. What is Chardi Kalaa?
Soaring spirit
Positive, buoyant and optimistic attitude to life
and the future
Always to be in "high spirits", "ever
progressive", "forward looking
Resilience -never despair, never admit defeat
and refuse to be crushed by adversity. The ability
to rise up again after the severest of setbacks.
5. Maintaining Chardi Kalaa
Faith in God and Guru
Seek God/Gurus Sharan and have faith that He
will take care of you
爬爰爬萎┥ 爬伍┐爬逗┐爬逗爰爬萎 爬萎爬朽┥爬迦┥ 爬項爬 爛
My True Guru is my Savior and Protector.
爬爬爬む┸ 爬伍┐爰爬爰爬 爬爰爬爬む┸ 爬伍┐爰爬爰爬 爛
Standing up, I am at peace; sitting down, I am at peace.
爬爬 爬爬項 爬迦┥爬爰 爬爬鉦 爬爬伍┐爰 爬爰爬爰爬 爛ムоゥ
I feel no fear, because this is what I understand. ||1||
爬萎┥爬爬 爬踸爰 爬項┏爬鉦┛爬 爬伍┐爰爬爬爰 爛
The One Lord, my Lord and Master, is my Protector.
爬伍┐爬爬 爬爬爬 爬爬 爬爰萎┐爬逗┛爬爬鉦┏爰 爛ムоゥ 爬萎┨爬鉦 爛
He is the Inner-knower, the Searcher of Hearts. ||1||Pause||
6. Faith in God / Guru
爬む┸爰 爰 爬爰爬萎┥ 爬逗┴爬む┸爬 爬む┸爰 爰萎┨爰 爬爰爬萎┥ 爬爬鉦┐爬逗┥ 爛
You are my Father, and You are my Mother.
爬む┸爰 爰 爬爰爬萎┥ 爬爰萎├爬爰 爬む┸爰 爰 爬爰爬萎┥ 爬爬 爬鉦┐爬逗┥ 爛
You are my Relative, and You are my Brother.
爬む┸爰 爰 爬爰爬萎┥ 爬萎┥爬爬 爬伍┐爬爬爰 爬ム┥爬 爬む┸爬 爬爬 爬爰爬項┥ 爬爬鉦爬 爬爰爬 爛ムоゥ
You are my Protector everywhere; why should I feel any fear or anxiety? ||1||
爬伍┐爬逗┐爬逗爰爬 爬爬爬 爬伍┐爬萎┸爬爬 爬む┸爰 爬項┥爬萎 爛
O True Guru, I have come to Your Sanctuary.
爬逗┏爬迦 爬伍┐爰爬爰 爬爬鉦┏爰 爬項┸爬 爬伍┐爰爬爬 爬逗爬逗萎┐爬逗┥ 爬迦┥爬逗┨ 爬項┏爬鉦┛爰 爛ムоゥ 爬萎┨爬鉦 爛
Grant me the peace and glory of the Lord's Name, and remove my anxiety. ||1||Pause||
7. Faith in God / Guru
爬む┸爬鉦┐爬逗 爬朽┥爬 爬 爬迦爬 爬爬鉦┛爬爬萎┨爬 爬伍┐爬萎┌爬逗┥爬 爛
The hot wind does not even touch one who is under the Protection of the Supreme Lord God.
爬爬逗爬逗爬萎└ 爬項┏爬鉦┛爰 爬萎┥爬 爬爬鉦┛ 爬爰 爬爰 爬迦爰 爬 爬爬鉦 爛ムоゥ
On all four sides I am surrounded by the Lord's Circle of Protection; pain does not afflict me, O Siblings of
Destiny. ||1||
爬伍┐爬逗┐爬逗爰爬萎 爬爰爬萎┥ 爬爰爬逗爬 爬逗爬逗┬ 爬爬爬逗┐爬 爬爬爬逗┥爬 爛
I have met the Perfect True Guru, who has done this deed.
爬萎┥爬 爬爬鉦┏爰 爬爬爬爬о 爬爰爬 爬踸爬 爬逗┣爬 爬迦┥爬 爛ムоゥ 爬萎┨爬鉦 爛
He has given me the medicine of the Lord's Name, and I enshrine love for the One Lord. ||1||Pause||
爬萎┥爬逗 爬迦爬 爬逗┐爬逗┸爬 爬萎爬爬項┥爬逗┛ 爬伍┐爬 爬逗━爬爬逗├ 爬逗┏爬爬鉦 爛
The Savior Lord has saved me, and eradicated all my sickness.
爬爬項 爬爬鉦┬爬 爬逗爬萎┴爬 爬爬 爬爬萎┃ 爬爬 爬伍┐爬項┥爬 爛ム爛ムо爛ム爰爛
Says Nanak, God has showered me with His Mercy; He has become my help and support. ||2||15||79||
8. Acceptance of Hukam
The Gurmukh lives in cheerful acceptance of the Divine Will.
God knows what is for the best even if we do not understand it.
爬項爬爬逗┏ 爬萎爬鉦 爬爬逗┣爬爬逗┥ 爬爬鉦┬爬 爬逗┣爬逗爬 爬爬鉦┸爬 爛ムоゥ
O Nanak, it is written that you shall obey the Hukam of His Command, and walk in the Way of His Will. ||1||
爬む┸爰爬萎┥ 爬爰爬 爬爰爬爬 爬迦┥爬爰 爛
Your actions seem so sweet to me.
爬む┸爰 爬 爬爬萎┨爰 爬爬迦┥ 爬項┏ 爬爬迦 爬 爬爬鉦┬爬 爬む┸爰 爬 爬伍┐爬爬 爬伍┐爬爬 爬爬爬爬迦┥ 爛
You do good for us, but we do not see it as good; You are kind and compassionate, forever and ever.
爬む┸爰 爬 爬伍┐爰爬爬爬鉦 爬爰爬萎 爬逗━爬о┥爬む┸爰 爬む┸爰 爬 爬萎┥爬爬項 爬爬爰爬爰 爬爬鉦┣爬 爛ム爛
You are the Giver of peace, the Primal Lord, the Architect of Destiny; please, save us, Your children! ||3||
9. Gratitude for all His Blessings
Gratitude for all of Gods manifold blessings is key to maintaining chardi
爬爬爬 爬爬鉦┐爬逗┥ 爬踸爰 爬項 爬伍┐爬 爬爬 爬爰爬朽┬爬項┥爬 爛
DADDA: The One Lord is the Great Giver; He is the Giver to all.
爬爰爬爬爰 爬む┸爰爬逗 爬 爬爬朽 爬爬爬爬む┸ 爬爬萎 爬爰萎─爬鉦┛ 爛
There is no limit to His Giving. His countless warehouses are filled to overflowing.
爬爰爬爬項┥爬萎 爬伍┐爬 爬爰爬朽┬爬項┥爬萎┥ 爛
The Great Giver is alive forever.
爬爬 爬爰爬萎 爬逗爬 爬む┸爬鉦┸爬 爬逗━爬伍┐爬鉦┛爬 爛
O foolish mind, why have you forgotten Him?
Instead of appreciating all His blessings, we only focus on what else we feel
we need
爬爬伍┐ 爬爬伍┐爬む┸爰 爬迦 爬爬鉦爰 爬爬鉦┻爰 爛
He obtains ten things, and puts them behind him;
爬踸 爬爬伍┐爬む┸爰 爬爬鉦┛爬逗┬ 爬逗━爬爰爬逗 爬爬朽┥爬朽 爛
for the sake of one thing withheld, he forfeits his faith.
爬踸 爬爰 爬 爬爰爬 爬爬伍┐ 爬爰 爬逗┨爬逗┛ 爬迦 爬 爛
But what if that one thing were not given, and the ten were taken away?
爬む┸爬 爬爰爰爬 爬爬項 爬爬項┥ 爬爬萎爬 爛
Then, what could the fool say or do?
10. Spirit of Gratitude, Contentment
爬爬 爬む┸爰 爬爰爬萎 爬朽┸爬 爬項 爬む┸爬 爬逗爬 爬爰爬項爰萎└爬 爛
When You are on my side, Lord, what do I need to worry about?
爬む┸爰 爬о 爬伍┐爬爰 爬逗爬爰 爬爰爬爰 爬伍┐爬爬逗┴爬 爬爬 爬む┸爰爬萎┥ 爬爰萎└爬 爛
You entrusted everything to me, when I became Your slave.
爬迦爬爰 爬む┸爰爬逗 爬 爬爬朽 爬爬鉦 爬爬萎┸爬爬 爬萎┨爰萎└爬 爛
My wealth is inexhaustible, no matter how much I spend and consume.
爬迦 爬爬逗爬萎┥爬伍┐爰爬 爬爰爬爬爰 爬伍┐爬 爬伍┐爰爬 爬爬萎萎└爬 爛
The 8.4 million species of beings all work to serve me.
爬踸 爬朽爬萎 爬逗┏爬む┸爬 爬伍┐爬逗┃ 爬爰爬逗┐爬逗 爬爬 爬爰萎爬逗┨ 爬爰萎└爬 爛
All these enemies have become my friends, and no one wishes me ill.
爬迦 爬爬 爬爰爬 爬 爬爰爬爬 爬爬 爬項┸爬 爬爬爬伍┐爰萎└爬 爛
No one calls me to account, since God is my forgiver.
爬爬爰萎└爰 爬爬爬 爬伍┐爰爬爰 爬爬鉦爬 爬逗┏爬逗┣ 爬爰爬 爬爰爬逗┻爰萎└爬 爛
I have become blissful, and I have found peace, meeting with the Guru, the Lord of the Universe.
爬伍┐爬爰 爬爬鉦 爬伍┐爬朽┥爬逗┛爬 爬爬 爬む┸爰 爬о 爬爬鉦┻爰萎└爬 爛ム爛
All my affairs have been resolved, since You are pleased with me. ||7||
11. Relating to Waheguru
Our true self is Divine
爬爬 爬む┸爰 爰 爬爰爬逗┐爬 爬伍┐爬萎爬爰 爬項 爬爬爬爬逗┥ 爬爰爬迦 爬爬爬鉦┌爬逗 爛
O my mind, you are the embodiment of the Divine Light - recognize your own origin.
爬爬 爬項┸爬 爬爰 爬む┸爰爬萎 爬爬鉦┸爬 爬項 爬爰爬萎┏爬む┸爰 爬萎萎爰 爬爬鉦┌爬逗 爛
O my mind, the Dear Lord is with you; through the Guru's Teachings, enjoy His Love.
One in tune with the Infinite Lord shares In His Glory and
爬爬爬逗┛爬 爬爬ム┥ 爬爬項┥ 爬爬爰 爬 爛
Wondrous and beautiful is the description,
爬爬萎┥爬む┸爬爬 爬爬鉦┛爬爬萎┨爬 爬爬 爬萎爬爰 爛 爬萎┨爬鉦 爛
The soul is the embodient of the Supreme Lord God. ||Pause||
爬爬 爬爬項 爬爰爬∇┥ 爬爬 爬爬項 爬爬鉦┣爬 爛
He is not old; He is not young.
爬爬 爬爬伍┐爰 爬爰 爬爰 爬爬項 爬爬 爬爬鉦┣爬 爛
He is not in pain; He is not caught in Death's noose.
12. Relating to Waheguru
爬爬 爬爬項 爬逗━爬爬伍┐爰 爬爬 爬爬項 爬爬鉦 爛
He does not die; He does not go away.
爬爬逗└ 爬爰爬爬鉦└爰 爬萎┸爬項 爬伍┐爬爬鉦 爛ムоゥ
In the beginning, and throughout the ages, He is permeating everywhere. ||1||
爬爬 爬爬伍┐爰 爬爬伍┐爬爰 爬爬項 爬爬伍┐爰 爬伍┐爰爬む┸爰 爛
He is not hot; He is not cold.
爬爬 爬爬伍┐爰 爬爰 爬伍┐爬爬爰 爬爬 爬爬伍┐爰 爬爰爬む┸爰 爛
He has no enemy; He has no friend.
爬爬 爬爬伍┐爰 爬項┛爬爰 爬爬項 爬爬伍┐爰 爬伍┐爰爬爰 爛
He is not happy; He is not sad.
爬伍┐爬爰 爬逗爬爰 爬爬伍┐ 爬爬 爬爬項 爬爬萎┬爰 爬爰爬爰 爛ム爛
Everything belongs to Him; He can do anything. ||2||
13. Relating to Waheguru
爬爬 爬爬項 爬爬萎┐爬逗┥ 爬爬 爬項┏ 爬÷┸爬萎 爛
He does not die, so I do not fear.
爬爬 爬爬項 爬逗━爬爬伍┐爰 爬爬 爬項┏ 爬爬逗爬 爛
He does not perish, so I do not grieve.
爬爬 爬爬項 爬逗┬爬萎├爬爰 爬爬 爬項┏ 爬爰 爬爰 爛
He is not poor, so I do not hunger.
爬爬 爬爬伍┐爰 爬爰 爬爰 爬 爬項┏ 爬爬 爬爰 爬爰 爛ムоゥ
He is not in pain, so I do not suffer. ||1||
爬爬朽┛爰 爬 爬爰爬 爬爬鉦┛爬爬朽┥爬萎┥ 爛
There is no other Destroyer than Him.
爬爰爬爬 爬項┏爬鉦┛爬 爬爰爬 爬爰爬爬項┥爬萎┥ 爛ムоゥ 爬萎┨爬鉦 爛
He is my very life, the Giver of life. ||1||Pause||
爬爬 爬爬伍┐爰 爬爰萎├爬 爬爬 爬項┏ 爬爬鉦├爰 爛
He is not bound, so I am not in bondage.
爬爬 爬爬伍┐爰 爬о萎├爬 爬爬 爬項┏ 爬о┥爬о 爛
He has no occupation, so I have no entanglements.
爬爬 爬爬伍┐爰 爬爰爬迦 爬 爬項┏ 爬爬 爬爰爬迦┥ 爛
He has no impurities, so I have no impurities.
爬爬伍┐爰 爬爬爰萎└爰 爬む┸ 爬項┏ 爬伍┐爬 爬爰爬迦┥ 爛ム爛
He is in ecstasy, so I am always happy. ||2||
14. Relating to Waheguru
爬爰 爬爰 爬爬鉦┨爰 爬伍┐爬爰 爬伍┐爰爬爰 爬項 爬項 爬萎 爬踸爰 爬踸爰 爬爰 爬む┸爰 爛
He has no pain - he is totally at peace. With his eyes, he sees only the One Lord.
爬爰爬萎┥ 爬爬項 爬伍┐爬爰 爬爬迦┥ 爬項 爬項 爬萎 爬項┥爬 爬爬項 爬伍┐爬 爬爰爬む┸爰 爛ムоゥ
No one seems evil to him - all are good. There is no defeat - he is totally victorious. ||1||
爬伍┐爰爬爰 爬爬鉦┨爰 爬伍┐爬爬 爬項┛爬爰 爬項 爬萎 爬爰爬逗─ 爬爬鉦┨爰 爬逗爬爰 爬迦 爬む┸爰 爛
He is never in sorrow - he is always happy; but he gives this up, and does not take anything.
爬爬項 爬爬鉦┬爬 爬爬爰 爬項┸爬 爬項┸爬 爬項┸爬 爬項 爬爬む┸ 爬爬朽 爬爬む┸ 爬萎┏爬む┸爰 爛ム爛ム爛ム爰爛
Says Nanak, the humble servant of the Lord is himself the Lord, Har, Har; he does not come and go in
reincarnation. ||2||3||22||
15. Relating to Waheguru
爬逗爬伍┐ 爬爬 爬逗┴爬む┸爬 爬む┸爰 爬項 爬爰爬萎 爬伍┐爰爬爬爰 爬逗┐爬逗┯爬む 爬爬鉦┸爬萎 爬爰 爬 爬爰爬伍┐爰 爛
What hunger can the child ever have, O my Lord and Master, when You are his Father?
爬爬 爬逗┬爬逗├ 爬爬鉦┏爰 爬逗┬爬о┥爬爰 爬逗爬萎┸爬 爬む┸爰爬萎 爬爬逗┬ 爬爬鉦爬爰 爬伍┐爰 爬迦 爬伍┐爰 爛ム爛
The treasure of the Naam and the nine treasures are in Your celestial household. You
fulfill the desires of the mind. ||3||
爬逗┴爬む┸爬 爬逗爰爬萎┸爬爬鉦┸爬 爬爬逗爬 爬爬 爬爰爬爰 爬爬鉦┸爬萎爰 爬爰爬逗 爬爬鉦爬爰 爬伍┐爰 爬爰爬爬 爛
My Merciful Father has issued this Command: whatever the child asks for, is put into his
爬爬鉦┬爬 爬爬鉦┸爬萎爰 爬爬萎┯爬む 爬爬萎┃ 爬爬逗┥爬項 爬爰爬逗┨ 爬逗┨爬萎└爰 爬爬伍┐爬逗┨ 爬逗┬爬む┸ 爬爬逗┛爬爬 爛ム爛ム爛
Nanak, the child, longs for the Blessed Vision of God's Darshan. May His Feet always
dwell within my heart. ||4||2||
16. Relating to Waheguru
Chardi Kalaa of Khalsa community:
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
The Khalsa belongs to Waheguru victory to
17. Gurmukh is Ever in Bloom
爬伍┐爬 爬爬逗┨ 爬萎┸爬 爬萎┸爬項 爬爬萎┃爰 爬踸爰 爬爰爬逗 爬爰爬逗 爬爬鉦┬爬 爬逗━爬爬伍┐爬鉦 爛ム爛ム爛
The One God is pervading in all. Gazing upon Him, beholding Him, Nanak blossoms forth in
happiness. ||3||8||
爬伍┐爬爰 爬む┸爬爰 爬爬爰 爬項┸爬萎 爬項爬爬 爬爬爰 爬逗爬逗爬 爬項┸爬萎 爬爬鉦爰 爛
My body and mind are totally rejuvenated, and the garden of my mind has blossomed forth in lush abundance.
爬伍┐爬爬爰 爬伍┐爬爬 爬爬伍┐爰萎┐爬逗 爬項 爬逗爬む┸爰 爬む┸爬爰 爬爬爰 爬項┸爬萎 爬項爬 爛
The Word of the Shabad brings eternal spring; it rejuvenates the mind and body.
爬爬鉦┬爬 爬爬鉦┏爰 爬 爬朽爬伍┐爬萎 爬逗爬逗┬ 爬逗┯爬む┸爬萎 爬伍┐爬爰 爬爰爬 爛ム爰爛 O Nanak, do not forget the Naam, the Name of the Lord, which has
created everyone. ||60||
爬爬鉦┬爬 爬逗┐爬逗┬爬 爬爬伍┐爰萎┐爬逗 爬項 爬逗爬爬 爬爰爬萎┏爰爬逗 爬朽┸爬伍┐爬 爬爬逗┬ 爬伍┐爰爬 爛
O Nanak, it is the spring season, for those Gurmukhs, within whose minds the Lord abides.
爬項┸爬 爬朽 爬爰 爬爬爰 爬む┸爬爰 爬爬萎┼爰爰 爬伍┐爬爰 爬爬爰 爬項┸爬萎 爬項爬 爛ム爰оゥ
When the Lord showers His Mercy, the mind and body blossom forth, and all the world turns green and lush. ||
18. Parupkaar and Seva
Wand chhako and Seva
Altruism and seva are uplifting and usher in Chardi
爬爬萎┨爬 爬逗爬爬爰 爬爬萎爬爬爬鉦┛ 爬爬爬鉦┨爬 爛
The God-conscious being delights in doing good to others.
Generosity of spirit and good will towards others
(sarbat ka bhalaa) are hallmarks of a one in Chardi
Selfishness -- gimme gimme and haumai leads to
dissatisfaction and Dehndi kalaa.
19. Sikh History of Chardi Kalaa
Sikh history and communal memory is replete
with examples of the Spirit of Chardi Kalaa
Guru Arjan
Guru Gobind Singh
Examples of martyrs in Ardaas