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www.charityexcelllence.co.uk 息 2017
Charity Management Terms
These are only a simple aid to understanding, for those who may be unfamiliar with them. Some apply
more widely than common charity sector usage, others have no universally agreed definition, whilst
others have a precise technical meaning, which could only be condensed down by sacrificing accuracy.
Consequently, these cannot be relied upon and you should seek professional advice, if appropriate.
There are hyperlinks embedded to help you access more information, with other glossaries at the end.
Aged debtors report - is a list of all the invoices due that haven't yet been paid.
Appraisal - the process of assessing and developing the work performance of an employee. See also
investment appraisal below.
Asset Lock  ensures that the assets of a Community Interest Company (CIC) are only used for the benefit
of the community.
Avoidance  action to prevent a risk happening.
Back-up  duplicating the state, files and data of a computer system to use as a data substitute, if the
primary system data is corrupted, deleted or lost.
Balance Sheet - a financial statement that summarizes an organisations assets, liabilities and capital
(reserves) at a specific point in time.
Beneficiary  the people you seek to help; clients, service users or others.
Board  those who govern: may be called trustees, governors, directors or something else.
Brand  a brand is the essence or promise that a product, service or organisation will deliver or be
experienced by stakeholders.
Brand Guidelines  guidance on colour, typeface, logos, design etc, to ensure these are used consistently
across an organisation.
Budget - an estimate of costs, revenues, and resources over a specified period, reflecting an assessment
of future financial conditions and goals.
Business plan  often a one-year plan to achieve the charitys objectives, driven by the strategy. May be
called an operations plan, or similar.
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Campaigning - awareness-raising and to efforts to educate or involve the public by mobilising their
support on a particular issue, or to influence or change public attitudes.
Capital expenditure  expenditures for fixed assets, expected to be productive for a long period of
time. It is charged to expense gradually via depreciation.
CCNI  the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland.
Charitable company  a company established under the Companies Act for exclusively charitable
Charitable Purpose - To be a charity, an organisation must have purposes (or aims) all of which are
exclusively charitable.
Charity Governance Code - sets out the principles and recommended practice for good governance. It is
deliberately aspirational and is not a legal or regulatory requirement.
Charities (Protection and Social Investment) Act  relating to fundraising, is intended to protect people
from intrusive fundraising practices.
Companies Act - the main piece of legislation which governs company law in the UK.
Compliance  the extent to which organisations are aware of and meet the requirements of relevant laws,
policies and regulations.
Cost of living pay increase  a pay increase that offsets the impact of inflation on staff salaries. Sometimes
referred to as a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA).
Conflict of interest - a situation in which an individual has competing interests or loyalties.
Contingency plan  is a plan for an outcome other than in the usual (expected) plan. It is often used for
risk management when an exceptional risk that, though unlikely, would have catastrophic consequences.
Crowd Funding  funding a project, or similar, by raising money from a large number of people who each
contribute a relatively small amount, usually via a web platform.
Culture - the collective values, traditions, beliefs, interactions, behaviours, and attitude of the people in
your organization.
Cyber security  the technologies, processes and practices designed to protect networks, computers,
programmes and data from attack, damage or unauthorized access.
www.charityexcelllence.co.uk 息 2017
Data protection - all organisations that collect, process or store personal information must safeguard
personal information and ensure it is managed properly.
DBS - The Disclosure and Barring Service helps organisations to make safer recruitment decisions and
prevent unsuitable people from working with vulnerable groups.
Delegation  giving responsibility or authority to another person (normally from a manager to a
subordinate) to carry out specific activities.
Designated funds  unrestricted funds set aside by trustees for a future purpose, which are expendable at
their discretion.
Digital  in common usage terms, essentially web/social media, but has various interpretations, including
technology and new ways of engaging stakeholders.
Disaster recovery - A disaster recovery plan (DRP) is a documented process to recover and protect an
organisations IT infrastructure in the event of a disaster.
Dividend Cap  ensures the majority of a Community Interest Companys (CIC) profits are applied for
community benefit.
Due diligence  a risk assessment of an organisation or person prior to signing a contract, or other
agreement, or accepting a donation/support.
Effectiveness - the ability to be successful and produce the intended results. Doing the right thing.
Efficiency - the ability to do things well, with minimum cost in terms of resources, time and money. Doing
the thing right.
Emphasis of matter  a statement included in an auditors' report indicating a substantial uncertainty or
other matter, which the auditor considers is significant or important.
Endowment  a permanent endowment is assets (including land, buildings, cash or investments) which
may not be spent as if it were income. It must be held permanently. An expendable endowment is a fund
that must be invested to produce income.
Engagement  the extent to which individuals are committed to and motivated by an organisation.
Environmental scanning  monitoring the external world to identify emerging threats and opportunities.
Equality Act 2010 - legally protects people from discrimination in the workplace and in wider society. It
replaced previous anti-discrimination laws.
Ex Gratia payment  trustees believe they have a moral, but not legal obligation to make a payment.
www.charityexcelllence.co.uk 息 2017
Excepted charities - dont have to register or submit annual returns to the Charity Commission, but are
otherwise regulated by the Commission.
Exempt charities  are exempt from registration and regulation by the Charity Commission, but are
required to have a principal regulator.
Exit interview - is conducted with an employee who leaves the organisation to provide feedback on why
staff are leaving, what they liked about their employment and what areas need improvement.
Fire risk assessment  an assessment of any non-domestic premises, including measures to reduce or
eliminate the risk of fire, and identify persons at risk.
Free reserves  the total unrestricted funds on the balance sheet, excluding any designated reserves.
Fundraising Code of Practice  and its associated rule books outline the standards expected of UK
charitable fundraising organisations.
GDPR  The EU General Data Protection Regulation comes into force in May 2018 and will subsequently
strengthen the Data Protection Act.
Gift Aid - a scheme enabling registered charities to reclaim tax on a donation made by a UK taxpayer,
effectively increasing the amount of the donation.
Governance - the Boards responsibilities in setting the strategic direction and culture of the organisation
and ensuring it is well lead and managed to achieve its charitable objectives.
Governing document - sets out an organisations purpose and, usually, how it is to be administered; a
memorandum and articles of association or other formal document.
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 - the primary legislation covering occupational safety, which places a
duty on all organisations to ensure this, so far as is reasonably practicable.
High Net Worth  also known as major donor. Someone with the financial capacity to make a very large
donation. How much that might be varies from charity to charity.
Hierarchy of messages  a prioritised list of your key messages that are used consistently in your
communications. Your brand expressed succinctly in words.
House style  guidance on how words and acronyms etc are used to ensure a consistent written style
across an organisation.
www.charityexcelllence.co.uk 息 2017
Human resource management - the systems implemented to for managing people within an organization.
ICO  The Information Commissioners Office is the independent authority set up to uphold information
rights in the public interest and data privacy for individuals.
Impact  the long-term difference that charities make and the change they create for the people they
help, in delivering their mission.
Independent examiner - an independent person who is reasonably believed by trustees to have the ability
and experience to carry out a competent examination of its accounts.
Innovation  creativity is the ability to generate ideas, innovation is turning these into practical solutions
and implementing these in a way that is both novel and useful.
Intellectual property  a category of property that includes intangible creations of the human intellect,
and primarily encompasses copyrights, patents, and trademarks.
Inventory management  managing inventories to ensure stock levels are always adequate to meet
ongoing needs, at minimum cost.
Investment appraisal  an assessment of the costs (financial and non-financial), benefits and risks of a
Liquidity - A measure of the extent to which a person or organization has cash to meet immediate and
short-term obligations, or assets that can be quickly converted to do this.
Lobbying  the act of trying to influence the votes of MPs or peers by pressure groups, constituents or
Malware - software which is specifically designed to disrupt, damage, or gain authorized access to a
computer system.
Materiality  in finance, an item that if misrepresented or not included, might reasonably be expected to
mislead those using the accounts. Am immaterial item would not.
Mission  a short statement of your organisations purpose.
Mission drift  the tendency over time for organisations to drift from their core mission, due to competing
priorities, such as the need to secure funding.
www.charityexcelllence.co.uk 息 2017
Mitigation  action to minimize the impact a risk would have, if it happened.
Modified Audit Opinion  the financial statements do not show a true and fair view in all material
OSCR  the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator
Outcome  the direct change created, because of what you do, for the people or issues you support.
Shorter term than charitable impact.
Outsourcing services  engaging another organisation to performs tasks or provide services that might
otherwise be carried out in-house.
Overheads - expenditure which cannot be specifically identified with a particular activity, such as rent and
insurance. But, there are both direct and indirect overheads.
Oversight  ensuring the organization is well managed, complies with the law and staff are held
Personal benefit - is a benefit that an individual or organisation receives from a charity.
Personal development plan - an action plan based on awareness, values, reflection, goal-setting
and planning for personal development within the context of a career, education, or for self-
Person of Significant Control (PSC) Register  list of individuals or legal entities that have specific powers,
which give them significant control over a company.
PEST  assessing key factors in the outside world Political, Economic, Sociological and Technological; also,
PESTLE. The Resource Base includes a template specifically designed for charities.
Petty cash - Relatively small amount of cash kept at hand for making immediate payments for
miscellaneous small expenses.
Pipeline  the donors in the pipeline - the numbers and amounts of donations that are realistically
expected in the future.
Prospect  an individual or organisation who may potentially be open to being converted to a donor.
Prospect research  a fundraising technique used to evaluate a prospect's ability to give (capacity) and
warmth (affinity) toward an organisation.
www.charityexcelllence.co.uk 息 2017
Public benefit  for an organisation to be a charity, each of its purposes must be for the public benefit.
That is beneficial and available to a sufficient section of the public.
Public interest disclosure  the technical term for whistleblowing.
Reconciliation - is an accounting process that uses two sets of records to ensure figures are correct and in
Register of interests- provides information about an individual, which others might reasonably consider
could influence his or her actions.
Regulator  numerous bodies, including charities, fundraising, finance, data protection, the environment,
gambling, advertising and H&SW, plus others for specialist areas.
Reserved powers - are matters which are dealt with only by the Board and are not delegated.
Reserves  funds kept in reserve to strengthen resilience against, for example, drops in income or to take
advantage of new opportunities.
Restricted funds  funds which can only be used for a specific charitable purpose.
Risk appetite  the type and degree of risk that an organisation is willing to accept.
Risk management  the process of identifying, assessing and managing risks
Safeguarding - the action taken to promote the welfare of vulnerable people and protect them from
Shadow director  some not appointed as a director, but whose instructions the directors are accustomed
to following.
Senior team  the most senior staff, often the CEO and directors. They are responsible to the trustees.
Serious incidents  must be reported to the Charity Commission. An adverse event, whether actual or
alleged, which results in or risks significant loss, damage or harm.
Social media - websites and applications, such as Twitter, that enable users to create and share content or
to participate in social networking,
Social media analytics  the collection of data from web and social media sites and evaluating this to make
decisions. There are a range of free tools available.
www.charityexcelllence.co.uk 息 2017
Statutory funding  usually contracts, from UK central, local and devolved administrations, international
bodies, and overseas governments.
Strategic risk - risks that could impact on the organisation's ability to achieve its
strategy and strategic objectives.
Strategy  a high level plan to achieve long-term objectives, focused on the organisations mission.
Stakeholders  a person with an interest or concern, such as beneficiaries, staff, volunteers and funders.
Sustainability  meeting current needs, whilst ensuring the long-term future of the organisation.
SWOT  evaluating strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The opportunities and threats, are
the key issues from a PEST, or similar, analysis.
Tainted donations  arise when a donor or their representative obtain a financial advantage for
themselves, in return for their donation; usually tax related.
Terms of reference  define purpose, organisation, membership and responsibilities for committees.
Tone of voice  not what your organisation says, but how  the impression you create about how you are
in terms of your formality, respectfulness, humour and enthusiasm.
Trading - buying and selling goods and/or services. In primary purpose trading a charity will not pay tax
on its profits, because trading earns money to help achieve the charity's aims and objectives. Secondary
trading does not.
Trustees  the people who share ultimate responsibility for governing a charity and directing how it is
managed and run. May be called the Board, management committee, governors, directors or something
Unrestricted funds  funds which can be used for any charitable purpose.
Upside risk  the risk that an outcome has a positive benefit, rather than a negative one.
Values - important and lasting beliefs or ideals shared by the members of a culture about what is good or
bad and desirable or undesirable.
Value for Money - achieving the best possible value in using resources, based on economy, efficiency and
www.charityexcelllence.co.uk 息 2017
Vicarious Liability - in the context of running a charity, means the charity or its trustees being liable for the
wrongdoing of others.
Vision - an aspirational description of what your organization would like to achieve in the long-term
Whistleblowing - the act of telling the authorities or the public that an organisation is doing
something immoral or illegal. The wrongdoing you disclose must be in the public interest.
Useful Links:
Charity Commission Glossary of Terms used in Operational Guidance
NfP Accountants: Accounting Terms for Charities
Charity SORP Glossary of Terms
Law Society - Legal Glossary
TPP - Fundraising Glossary
Care & Support Jargon Buster  Health and Social Care
Get Safe Online  Technology Jargon Buster
ICO Data Protection Key Definitions
NCSC Cyber Security Glossary - Infographic
THSP Glossary of H&SW
Co-Communications PR/Marketing Glossary
Ethical Property Jargon buster
This resource is from the Charity Excellence Framework, a low cost, low workload platform that anyone
can use, which enables boards and senior teams to improve compliance and performance. It creates a
unique framework for every non-profit based on your location, size, sector and activities, optimises
reporting for your specific priorities and links the results individually to resources from across the web.
You simply register, then login and begin using it. For practical advice, top tips and resources, sign up on
the site to my Newsletter, or connect with me on LinkedIn.

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Charity Management Terms Explained in Plain English

  • 1. 1 www.charityexcelllence.co.uk 息 2017 Charity Management Terms These are only a simple aid to understanding, for those who may be unfamiliar with them. Some apply more widely than common charity sector usage, others have no universally agreed definition, whilst others have a precise technical meaning, which could only be condensed down by sacrificing accuracy. Consequently, these cannot be relied upon and you should seek professional advice, if appropriate. There are hyperlinks embedded to help you access more information, with other glossaries at the end. A Aged debtors report - is a list of all the invoices due that haven't yet been paid. Appraisal - the process of assessing and developing the work performance of an employee. See also investment appraisal below. Asset Lock ensures that the assets of a Community Interest Company (CIC) are only used for the benefit of the community. Avoidance action to prevent a risk happening. B Back-up duplicating the state, files and data of a computer system to use as a data substitute, if the primary system data is corrupted, deleted or lost. Balance Sheet - a financial statement that summarizes an organisations assets, liabilities and capital (reserves) at a specific point in time. Beneficiary the people you seek to help; clients, service users or others. Board those who govern: may be called trustees, governors, directors or something else. Brand a brand is the essence or promise that a product, service or organisation will deliver or be experienced by stakeholders. Brand Guidelines guidance on colour, typeface, logos, design etc, to ensure these are used consistently across an organisation. Budget - an estimate of costs, revenues, and resources over a specified period, reflecting an assessment of future financial conditions and goals. Business plan often a one-year plan to achieve the charitys objectives, driven by the strategy. May be called an operations plan, or similar.
  • 2. 2 www.charityexcelllence.co.uk 息 2017 C Campaigning - awareness-raising and to efforts to educate or involve the public by mobilising their support on a particular issue, or to influence or change public attitudes. Capital expenditure expenditures for fixed assets, expected to be productive for a long period of time. It is charged to expense gradually via depreciation. CCNI the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland. Charitable company a company established under the Companies Act for exclusively charitable purposes. Charitable Purpose - To be a charity, an organisation must have purposes (or aims) all of which are exclusively charitable. Charity Governance Code - sets out the principles and recommended practice for good governance. It is deliberately aspirational and is not a legal or regulatory requirement. Charities (Protection and Social Investment) Act relating to fundraising, is intended to protect people from intrusive fundraising practices. Companies Act - the main piece of legislation which governs company law in the UK. Compliance the extent to which organisations are aware of and meet the requirements of relevant laws, policies and regulations. Cost of living pay increase a pay increase that offsets the impact of inflation on staff salaries. Sometimes referred to as a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA). Conflict of interest - a situation in which an individual has competing interests or loyalties. Contingency plan is a plan for an outcome other than in the usual (expected) plan. It is often used for risk management when an exceptional risk that, though unlikely, would have catastrophic consequences. Crowd Funding funding a project, or similar, by raising money from a large number of people who each contribute a relatively small amount, usually via a web platform. Culture - the collective values, traditions, beliefs, interactions, behaviours, and attitude of the people in your organization. Cyber security the technologies, processes and practices designed to protect networks, computers, programmes and data from attack, damage or unauthorized access. D
  • 3. 3 www.charityexcelllence.co.uk 息 2017 Data protection - all organisations that collect, process or store personal information must safeguard personal information and ensure it is managed properly. DBS - The Disclosure and Barring Service helps organisations to make safer recruitment decisions and prevent unsuitable people from working with vulnerable groups. Delegation giving responsibility or authority to another person (normally from a manager to a subordinate) to carry out specific activities. Designated funds unrestricted funds set aside by trustees for a future purpose, which are expendable at their discretion. Digital in common usage terms, essentially web/social media, but has various interpretations, including technology and new ways of engaging stakeholders. Disaster recovery - A disaster recovery plan (DRP) is a documented process to recover and protect an organisations IT infrastructure in the event of a disaster. Dividend Cap ensures the majority of a Community Interest Companys (CIC) profits are applied for community benefit. Due diligence a risk assessment of an organisation or person prior to signing a contract, or other agreement, or accepting a donation/support. E Effectiveness - the ability to be successful and produce the intended results. Doing the right thing. Efficiency - the ability to do things well, with minimum cost in terms of resources, time and money. Doing the thing right. Emphasis of matter a statement included in an auditors' report indicating a substantial uncertainty or other matter, which the auditor considers is significant or important. Endowment a permanent endowment is assets (including land, buildings, cash or investments) which may not be spent as if it were income. It must be held permanently. An expendable endowment is a fund that must be invested to produce income. Engagement the extent to which individuals are committed to and motivated by an organisation. Environmental scanning monitoring the external world to identify emerging threats and opportunities. Equality Act 2010 - legally protects people from discrimination in the workplace and in wider society. It replaced previous anti-discrimination laws. Ex Gratia payment trustees believe they have a moral, but not legal obligation to make a payment.
  • 4. 4 www.charityexcelllence.co.uk 息 2017 Excepted charities - dont have to register or submit annual returns to the Charity Commission, but are otherwise regulated by the Commission. Exempt charities are exempt from registration and regulation by the Charity Commission, but are required to have a principal regulator. Exit interview - is conducted with an employee who leaves the organisation to provide feedback on why staff are leaving, what they liked about their employment and what areas need improvement. F Fire risk assessment an assessment of any non-domestic premises, including measures to reduce or eliminate the risk of fire, and identify persons at risk. Free reserves the total unrestricted funds on the balance sheet, excluding any designated reserves. Fundraising Code of Practice and its associated rule books outline the standards expected of UK charitable fundraising organisations. G GDPR The EU General Data Protection Regulation comes into force in May 2018 and will subsequently strengthen the Data Protection Act. Gift Aid - a scheme enabling registered charities to reclaim tax on a donation made by a UK taxpayer, effectively increasing the amount of the donation. Governance - the Boards responsibilities in setting the strategic direction and culture of the organisation and ensuring it is well lead and managed to achieve its charitable objectives. Governing document - sets out an organisations purpose and, usually, how it is to be administered; a memorandum and articles of association or other formal document. H Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 - the primary legislation covering occupational safety, which places a duty on all organisations to ensure this, so far as is reasonably practicable. High Net Worth also known as major donor. Someone with the financial capacity to make a very large donation. How much that might be varies from charity to charity. Hierarchy of messages a prioritised list of your key messages that are used consistently in your communications. Your brand expressed succinctly in words. House style guidance on how words and acronyms etc are used to ensure a consistent written style across an organisation.
  • 5. 5 www.charityexcelllence.co.uk 息 2017 Human resource management - the systems implemented to for managing people within an organization. I ICO The Information Commissioners Office is the independent authority set up to uphold information rights in the public interest and data privacy for individuals. Impact the long-term difference that charities make and the change they create for the people they help, in delivering their mission. Independent examiner - an independent person who is reasonably believed by trustees to have the ability and experience to carry out a competent examination of its accounts. Innovation creativity is the ability to generate ideas, innovation is turning these into practical solutions and implementing these in a way that is both novel and useful. Intellectual property a category of property that includes intangible creations of the human intellect, and primarily encompasses copyrights, patents, and trademarks. Inventory management managing inventories to ensure stock levels are always adequate to meet ongoing needs, at minimum cost. Investment appraisal an assessment of the costs (financial and non-financial), benefits and risks of a proposal. L Liquidity - A measure of the extent to which a person or organization has cash to meet immediate and short-term obligations, or assets that can be quickly converted to do this. Lobbying the act of trying to influence the votes of MPs or peers by pressure groups, constituents or colleagues. M Malware - software which is specifically designed to disrupt, damage, or gain authorized access to a computer system. Materiality in finance, an item that if misrepresented or not included, might reasonably be expected to mislead those using the accounts. Am immaterial item would not. Mission a short statement of your organisations purpose. Mission drift the tendency over time for organisations to drift from their core mission, due to competing priorities, such as the need to secure funding.
  • 6. 6 www.charityexcelllence.co.uk 息 2017 Mitigation action to minimize the impact a risk would have, if it happened. Modified Audit Opinion the financial statements do not show a true and fair view in all material respects. O OSCR the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator Outcome the direct change created, because of what you do, for the people or issues you support. Shorter term than charitable impact. Outsourcing services engaging another organisation to performs tasks or provide services that might otherwise be carried out in-house. Overheads - expenditure which cannot be specifically identified with a particular activity, such as rent and insurance. But, there are both direct and indirect overheads. Oversight ensuring the organization is well managed, complies with the law and staff are held accountable. P Personal benefit - is a benefit that an individual or organisation receives from a charity. Personal development plan - an action plan based on awareness, values, reflection, goal-setting and planning for personal development within the context of a career, education, or for self- improvement. Person of Significant Control (PSC) Register list of individuals or legal entities that have specific powers, which give them significant control over a company. PEST assessing key factors in the outside world Political, Economic, Sociological and Technological; also, PESTLE. The Resource Base includes a template specifically designed for charities. Petty cash - Relatively small amount of cash kept at hand for making immediate payments for miscellaneous small expenses. Pipeline the donors in the pipeline - the numbers and amounts of donations that are realistically expected in the future. Prospect an individual or organisation who may potentially be open to being converted to a donor. Prospect research a fundraising technique used to evaluate a prospect's ability to give (capacity) and warmth (affinity) toward an organisation.
  • 7. 7 www.charityexcelllence.co.uk 息 2017 Public benefit for an organisation to be a charity, each of its purposes must be for the public benefit. That is beneficial and available to a sufficient section of the public. Public interest disclosure the technical term for whistleblowing. R Reconciliation - is an accounting process that uses two sets of records to ensure figures are correct and in agreement. Register of interests- provides information about an individual, which others might reasonably consider could influence his or her actions. Regulator numerous bodies, including charities, fundraising, finance, data protection, the environment, gambling, advertising and H&SW, plus others for specialist areas. Reserved powers - are matters which are dealt with only by the Board and are not delegated. Reserves funds kept in reserve to strengthen resilience against, for example, drops in income or to take advantage of new opportunities. Restricted funds funds which can only be used for a specific charitable purpose. Risk appetite the type and degree of risk that an organisation is willing to accept. Risk management the process of identifying, assessing and managing risks S Safeguarding - the action taken to promote the welfare of vulnerable people and protect them from harm. Shadow director some not appointed as a director, but whose instructions the directors are accustomed to following. Senior team the most senior staff, often the CEO and directors. They are responsible to the trustees. Serious incidents must be reported to the Charity Commission. An adverse event, whether actual or alleged, which results in or risks significant loss, damage or harm. Social media - websites and applications, such as Twitter, that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking, Social media analytics the collection of data from web and social media sites and evaluating this to make decisions. There are a range of free tools available.
  • 8. 8 www.charityexcelllence.co.uk 息 2017 Statutory funding usually contracts, from UK central, local and devolved administrations, international bodies, and overseas governments. Strategic risk - risks that could impact on the organisation's ability to achieve its strategy and strategic objectives. Strategy a high level plan to achieve long-term objectives, focused on the organisations mission. Stakeholders a person with an interest or concern, such as beneficiaries, staff, volunteers and funders. Sustainability meeting current needs, whilst ensuring the long-term future of the organisation. SWOT evaluating strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The opportunities and threats, are the key issues from a PEST, or similar, analysis. T Tainted donations arise when a donor or their representative obtain a financial advantage for themselves, in return for their donation; usually tax related. Terms of reference define purpose, organisation, membership and responsibilities for committees. Tone of voice not what your organisation says, but how the impression you create about how you are in terms of your formality, respectfulness, humour and enthusiasm. Trading - buying and selling goods and/or services. In primary purpose trading a charity will not pay tax on its profits, because trading earns money to help achieve the charity's aims and objectives. Secondary trading does not. Trustees the people who share ultimate responsibility for governing a charity and directing how it is managed and run. May be called the Board, management committee, governors, directors or something else. U Unrestricted funds funds which can be used for any charitable purpose. Upside risk the risk that an outcome has a positive benefit, rather than a negative one. V Values - important and lasting beliefs or ideals shared by the members of a culture about what is good or bad and desirable or undesirable. Value for Money - achieving the best possible value in using resources, based on economy, efficiency and effectiveness.
  • 9. 9 www.charityexcelllence.co.uk 息 2017 Vicarious Liability - in the context of running a charity, means the charity or its trustees being liable for the wrongdoing of others. Vision - an aspirational description of what your organization would like to achieve in the long-term future. W Whistleblowing - the act of telling the authorities or the public that an organisation is doing something immoral or illegal. The wrongdoing you disclose must be in the public interest. Useful Links: Charity Commission Glossary of Terms used in Operational Guidance NfP Accountants: Accounting Terms for Charities Charity SORP Glossary of Terms Law Society - Legal Glossary TPP - Fundraising Glossary Care & Support Jargon Buster Health and Social Care Get Safe Online Technology Jargon Buster ICO Data Protection Key Definitions NCSC Cyber Security Glossary - Infographic THSP Glossary of H&SW Co-Communications PR/Marketing Glossary Ethical Property Jargon buster This resource is from the Charity Excellence Framework, a low cost, low workload platform that anyone can use, which enables boards and senior teams to improve compliance and performance. It creates a unique framework for every non-profit based on your location, size, sector and activities, optimises reporting for your specific priorities and links the results individually to resources from across the web. You simply register, then login and begin using it. For practical advice, top tips and resources, sign up on the site to my Newsletter, or connect with me on LinkedIn.