The document discusses the past, present, and future of scientific literature searching. It describes how searches have increased dramatically in recent decades due to growing amounts of literature. Challenges include managing vast information quantities, ambiguity in language, keeping up with new literature, and lack of time. Current search tools integrate data and use text mining to provide more functional and useful searches. The future may include more structured information, user profiles, new article formats, and social searching capabilities. Integrating technologies with simple interfaces can help reduce time spent on searches.
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Charla en el CBM
1. Pasado, presente y futuro
de la b炭squeda de literatura cient鱈鍖ca
Ram坦n Alonso-足Allende
11. Algunos datos
N炭mero de t辿rminos
5.892 t辿rminos pueden ser
genes o enfermedades 3.000
3.963 nombres hacen 2.000
referencia a 2 genes 1.000
Un t辿rmino hace referencia 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
N炭mero de conceptos
a 114 genes
Disease Genes
12. Algunos Ejemplos
sps AAt1
stiff-足man syndrome annuloaortic ectasia
(Diseases or Syndromes) (Diseases or Syndromes)
polystyrene sulfonate alanine aminotransferase
(Pharmacological substances) (Genes and Proteins)
systolic blood pressure
(Biological functions)
spermine synthase
(Genes and Proteins)
14. Inmanejable
More than 25 MM documents considering scienti鍖c
articles, grants, biomedical patents relevant sources of
information for biomedical researchers.
2,000 new scienti鍖c papers published everyday
5 years to read the new scienti鍖c material produced
every 24 hours.
Scan 130 journals and read 27 articles per day to follow a
single disease, like breast cancer.
16. Search tasks & Lab work by discipline
% time
Mol. & Cell Biol.
Searchin literature Searching data form DB Working in the lab
Roos, A., Kumpulainen, S., J辰rvelin, K and Hedlund, T. (2008). "The information environment of researchers in molecular medicine" Information Research, 13(3) paper 353.
[Available at足3/paper353.html]
18. Afrontamos los retos:
Integrando informaci坦n para el usuarios.
Analizando el texto (text mining).
Funcionalidad 炭til.
Tecnolog鱈a + Interfaz sencillo = - Tiempo
19. Integraci坦n de datos
Sequence DBs Pathway DBs Other DBs
UniProt KEGG Affymetrix
GenBank EC GO
RefSeq Reactome PDB
Entrez Protein Pfam HPRD
Gene DBs ProDom
GDB InterPro
Entrez Gene
21. Datos indexados
Medline Open access Proyectos I+D
abstracts Texto completo abstracts
22. Comparison: Use-足Case:
Looking for the gene SCT
PubMed: SCT is Solid-足 Cystic tumor
Google Scholar: SCT is name of author
novo|seek: SCT is
meaning you are looking for:
-Stem Cell transplantation
23. novo|seek vs. Google Scholar
24. Techonology
Search more efficiently.
Extract more information.
Put into relation different sources of information
Gain time
Semantic Search
Concept relations
Knowledge Extraction
by L cornide
25. Semantic Search
Conceptual search
e.g. Search of breast cancer
Detection of breast carcinoma cells in effusions is associated with rapidly fatal outcome
Women who do not receive regular mammograms are more likely than others to have breast cancer
diagnosed at an advanced stage
[] thereby providing higher cytotoxicity against the 4T1 mouse mammary carcinoma cell line
All of this keywords are referred to the same biomedical concept, a search by breast cancer
will retrieve this three documents
Use of context and semantic information to identify the relevant information
e.g. Search of CAT, that could be referred to the enzyme Catalase or to the animal, cat.
[..] activity of antioxidant enzymes (GSH-足Px, SOD, CAT) and content of malondialdehyde (MDA) were
[] 26 free-足living lynx, 53 domestic cats, 28 dogs, 33 red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) []
The same keyword is referred to different biomedical concepts. Using the context, we can
identify that only the first sentence talks about an enzyme
by L cornide
26. Concept Relations
e.g. Search for Alzheimers Disease
The apolipoprotein E gene (APOE) polymorphism genotyping has an allegedly important predictive value
for coronary heart disorders and Alzheimer's disease.
Apolipoprotein E (apoE), a ligand for the low-足density lipoprotein receptor family, has been implicated in
modulating glial inflammatory responses and the risk of neurodegeneration associated with Alzheimer's
Although many genes have been suggested to be associated with AD, with the exception of APOE, most
polymorphic variants of potential risk exhibit a very weak association with AD
The protein apolipoprotein E and Alzheimer disease are related with a relevance of 36%
by L cornide
27. Knowledge Extraction
Based on the detected relations between concepts, we can extract automatically
knowledge from text
e.g. Obtain the knowledge about Breast cancer, extracted from literature
[] BRCA1 or BRCA2 [] Information was recorded on prophylactic mastectomy, prophylactic
oophorectomy, use of tamoxifen [..] had a bilateral prophylactic oophorectomy. [] breast cancer, 248
(18.0%) had had a prophylactic bilateral mastectomy. Among those who did not have a prophylactic
mastectomy, only 76 women (5.5%) took tamoxifen and 40 women (2.9%) took raloxifene for breast
cancer prevention. [].
Genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 are related with breast cancer. Tamoxifen and Raloxifene are drugs
used in its treatment, and mastectomy and oophorectomy are usual procedures to treat it.
by L cornide
28. Make new Discoveries
Discover hidden relations between concepts that have not been described
before in the scientific literature
e.g. Obtain the knowledge about Breast cancer, extracted from literature
[] meal fatty acids appear to be an important determinant of vascular reactivity, with fish oils
significantly improving postprandial endothelium-足independent vasodilation
Numerous studies have documented longer bleeding times and decreased platelet aggregation in
subjects ingesting omega-足3 fatty acids
vasomotor pain, in particular the fact of reactional vasodilation during Raynaud's syndrome,
inflammation in the region surrounding zones of ischemic necrosis, and infection of ulcers
Objective judgement on effects of medicine in patients with Raynaud's phenomenon-足-足measurement of
cutaneous blood flow using laser Doppler flowmeter and platelet aggregation activity
By finding evidence of a relation between fish oils and vasodilatation and platelet aggregation,
and evidence in the link between these two functions and Raynauds syndrome, we can uncover
a new discovery that was not described previously in the literature, the possible treatment of
Raynauds Syndrome with fish oil.
by L cornide
37. El Futuro
Informaci坦n estructurada.
Identi鍖cador de usuario.
El art鱈culo del futuro.
B炭squeda social.
39. Collective
Social Search
40. Beta testers
Colaboraci坦n en el desarrollo de uno de los
principales buscadores biom辿dicos en el mercado.
Acceso a los 炭ltimas actualizaciones de nuestro
Regalo seguro.
41. Contacto
Ram坦n Alonso-足Allende
Marketing & Business Development
Phone: +34 91 141 71 50