1. RSA, a leading marine insurer, and Charterama, a Rotterdam-based underwriting agency, announced a new partnership to market and distribute charterers' liability coverage globally.
2. Under the terms, Charterama will underwrite charterers' liability business on behalf of RSA, combining Charterama's technical expertise with RSA's financial strength (A+ rating).
3. The partnership will benefit charterers by offering a dedicated alternative for their insurance needs focused exclusively on charterers, as opposed to traditional P&I insurers whose main focus is shipowners.
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Charterama Pressrelease
1. The charterers liability specialists
October 2012
RSA announces
new partnership with Charterama
Leading marine insurer, RSA, and Rotterdam- Richard Turner, RSAs Global Marine Director,
based Underwriting Agency, Charterama have commented: We are delighted to be working with
announced a new partnership to market and Charterama a partnership which marks a natural
distribute Charterers Liability cover on a global next step for us as we look to expand our involve-
basis. The partnership will be effective from ment in the marine liabilities market. Charterama
1st November 2012, with RSA providing has a highly skilled team with extensive experience
capacity of up to USD 100 million. in the niche Charterers Liability market, so were
confident that our partnership with them will be of
Charterama is a specialist provider focused exclu- real benefit to our mutual customers.
sively on Charterers Liability and related business,
and under the terms of this new partnership it will Evert Margry, co-founder of Charterama, added:
underwrite business in this area on behalf of RSA. The insurance needs of charterers have historically
This approach means charterers will benefit from been dealt with by the P&I market, whose main
the unique combination of Charteramas deep focus has been on ship-owners rather than charter-
technical knowledge and RSAs financial robust- ers. Charterama, however, is exclusively commit-
ness, as demonstrated through its A+ rating from ted to the charterers market and offers a dedicated
Standard & Poors. alternative to the P&I market. Through our col-
laboration with RSA, we are even better equipped
to provide clients with the service and security that
they both expect and deserve.
About RSA
With a 300 year heritage, RSA is one of the worlds leading multinational quoted insurance groups.
RSA has major operations in the UK, Scandinavia, Canada, Ireland, Asia and the Middle East,
Latin America and Central and Eastern Europe and has the capability to write business in around
140 countries. Focusing on general insurance, RSA has around 23,000 employees and, in 2011,
its net written premiums were 贈8.1 billion.
Within the UK, RSA is the largest commercial lines insurer, covering the insurance and risk management
needs of a significant number of FTSE 100 companies. It has a full multi-distribution capability, writing
business through brokers and corporate partners, direct and online. RSA is also one of the UKs top four
personal motor and household insurers.
RSA was the first UK carbon neutral insurer. The company has cut its carbon footprint by half since
2000 and has offset the remainder by purchasing voluntary carbon reductions.