This document appears to be a chemistry midterm exam for night students at HUMS university. It contains 21 multiple choice questions testing knowledge of basic organic chemistry concepts like hydrocarbon functional groups (alkanes, alkenes, alkynes), properties (saturated, polarity), reactions (combustion, halogenation, hydrogenation) and isomerism. Students are asked to identify examples, properties, reactions and relationships between different organic compounds.
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Chem 10 night
1. Chemistry mid exam for night students @HUMS
Name__________-_________ Grade and Section___________
I.Write true if the statement is correct unless False
_____1.Chlorination of methane is reaction of methane with chlorine.
_____2.Cycloalkanes are saturated hydrocarbons.
_____3.Combustion is a reaction with oxygen.
_____4.Alkanes are major constituents of natural gas.
_____5.Alkanes are saturated hydrocarbon.
_____6.Chemical property of alkanes and alkenes are completely the same.
_____7.Methane can be obtained by fractional distillation of petroleum.
_____8.Alkenes are nonpolar.
_____9.Alkenes are soluble in water.
_____10.Chain isomerism is due to difference in position of double bond in the carbon chain.
____11.Alkanes A.Ethyne
____12.Alkenes B.Olefins
____13.Alkynes C.Benzene
____14.Aromatic Hydrocarbon D.Paraffins
____15.Alcohols E.Ethanol
__16.Reaction of halogenated alkanes with sodium is;A.Hydrogenation B.Combustion C.Wurtz D.all
__17.All alcohols have;A.H- B.OH C.Ethene D.Water
__18.One is monohydric;A.CH3OH B.CH3OOH C.CH3CH2OOH
__19.Preparation of alkene by adding hydrogen is;A.Halogenation B.Hydrogenation C.Hydration
__20.If two similar groups are on the same side in isomerism we say;A.Cis B.Trans C.Position
__21.C2H4 is ;A.Ethene B.Propene C.Alkane D.Alkene