Chem Service, Inc. produces high purity standards for use as reference
materials and for other laboratory purposes. More than 95% of the Standards Grade
materials have a certified purity of 98.0% or greater and do not require purity
corrections when preparing solutions for use with EPA, USTM, UST, and numerous
other international methods. You can trust that Chem Service high purity standards
are a quality product.
Why is Pesticide Testing Important?
Pesticides are an effective tool used by farmers all across the globe to prevent insects, rodents and other pests from
eating or spoiling their crops. Although, because these chemical compounds are deadly to these pests, it has been
important to ensure that pesticides do not have poisonous effects past insects to humans and other aspects of nature.
However, it can be difficult for communities to police pesticides and it is not as effective to test pesticide use after it
has already been applied to a field or farm. For these reasons, there have been a number of international bodies that
have joined together to create testing guidelines to ensure that the pesticides used in the U.S., Australia, Africa and
anywhere else will not result in unwanted repercussions for humans nearby. Pesticide users and manufacturers can
use certified and approved standards to check whether their pesticides meet quality and specification requirements
to work effectively without harmful consequences.
Countries Work Towards a Common Goal
Since the 1960 formation of the Convention on the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development,
countries including the U.S, U.K., Mexico, Japan, Chile and Germany have created a set of pesticide testing protocols.
The OECD pointed to nearly 100 testing methods for the testing of these chemicals. The international group both
creates guidelines for pesticide uses as well as tests the residue of pesticides in OECD and non-OECD countries to
study their effects and determine further usage plans.
Separate from the OECD, the Collaborative International Pesticide Analytical Council, the Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations, and the World Health Organization also work to regulate safe pesticide use on an
international scale. In a 2005 report published by all three organizations outlining the quality to be used in national
laboratories, they explained the importance of using standards from approved international providers.
Protecting Bees From Pesticides
As far as humans are concerned, bees are one of the most important
insects. Though they aren't the only type of bug that pollinates plants,
they are one of the most common. Bees ensure that plants produce
fruits and vegetables. Without them, whole industries would die and
many would be without a source of food. However, pesticides meant to
rid crops of other harmful insects are having an adverse effect on bee
populations around the world.
PFAS Testing Solutions from Greyhound Chromatography.
As a global supplier of chromatography consumables and reference standards, Greyhound
Chromatography have brought together in this catalogue, the best products for the analysis of
PFAS compounds from the leading manufacturers in the field.
PFAS (per and polyfluoroalkyl substances) is the collective name for almost 5000 compounds
which have been produced since the 1940s. These compounds are not naturally occurring in
nature so the problems of global pollution are entirely the result of human activity. The utility of
these compounds has resulted in their rapid adoption which has resulted in them being found in
cookware, stain repellents, food packaging, cosmetics, firefighting foams and many
manufacturing processes.
PFAS are known as forever chemicals in that they are very persistent in the environment and the
human body, resulting in increasing health risks including damage to immune systems, cancer and
thyroid hormone disruption.
Considerable research has been undertaken to develop products which are specifically suited for
the analysis of PFAS by HPLC, from sample preparation, through to analytical detection.
This brochure brings together many of the leading products used in PFAS analysis, including the
analysis of samples in water, soil, food and beverages as well as serum samples.
PFAS Testing Solutions from Greyhound Chromatography. An overview of the products available that focus specifically on PFAS analysis.
As a global supplier of chromatography consumables and reference standards, Greyhound
Chromatography have brought together in this catalogue, the best products for the analysis of
PFAS compounds from the leading manufacturers in the field.
PFAS (per and polyfluoroalkyl substances) is the collective name for almost 5000 compounds
which have been produced since the 1940s. These compounds are not naturally occurring in
nature so the problems of global pollution are entirely the result of human activity. The utility of
these compounds has resulted in their rapid adoption which has resulted in them being found in
cookware, stain repellents, food packaging, cosmetics, firefighting foams and many
manufacturing processes.
PFAS are known as forever chemicals in that they are very persistent in the environment and the
human body, resulting in increasing health risks including damage to immune systems, cancer and
thyroid hormone disruption.
Considerable research has been undertaken to develop products which are specifically suited for
the analysis of PFAS by HPLC, from sample preparation, through to analytical detection.
This brochure brings together many of the leading products used in PFAS analysis, including the
analysis of samples in water, soil, food and beverages as well as serum samples.
PFAS Focus presented by Greyhound Chromatography . Details of products that are available, for laboratory use, for the testing and analysis of PFAS.
Products available from Greyhound Chromatography under their own brand the Q-Range, Reference Standards and Materials from Wellington Laboratories and Chromatography consumables from Macherey-Nagel.
Reference Standards and materials are also available from Chem Service Inc., High Purity Standards and HPC.
Greyhounds extensive range covers all areas of Environmental, Petrochemical, Food, Fragrance, Forensics, Chemical and Pharmaceutical analysis, holding stock of many popular products for prompt delivery via our extensive logistics network.
Greyhound prides itself on personal service which provides prompt, efficient, cost-effective, safe delivery of all products. With state-of-the art facilities and highly trained staff, Greyhound provides technical advice and distribution of Chromatography consumables across all disciplines. Our service is designed to provide a wide range of products, to help our clients to achieve excellent, cost-effective results. Greyhound manufactures its own range of Capillary Columns, Syringe Filters, SPE Cartridges and HPLC Columns, the 'Q' Range, as well as representing the industrys best known manufacturers.
Established in 1981, Greyhound Chromatography has been supplying high quality Chromatography consumables to Research and Analysis laboratories around the world for over 40 years. Greyhound's Managing Director, Paul Massie, founded the company which operates from its UK warehouse and office facility, located in Birkenhead, Merseyside.
Greyhound Chromatography is a leading global manufacturer and distributor of the highest quality chromatography columns, consumables, certified reference standards and materials, research chemicals, solvents, reagents and laboratory consumables available today.
Greyhound supplies scientists working in all disciplines, including HPLC and Gas Chromatography. Greyhound Chromatography is probably the leading single source of chromatography products and chemical standards anywhere in the world.
What are Reference Standards?
A pharmaceutical reference standard is a highly characterized material
suitable to test the identity, strength, quality and purity of substances
for pharmaceutical use and medicinal products.
The reference standard is the test, combination of tests, or
procedure that is considered the best available method of categorizing
participants in a study of diagnostic test accuracy as having or not
having a target condition.
Greyhound Chromatography supplies a large range of pre-prepared
and custom made chromatography standards from a number of
leading manufacturers, including Chem Service, Cifga, Extrasynthese,
High Purity Standards, Honeywell (Fluka), Laradon, Merck (Sigma
Aldrich, Supelco), Paragon Scientific and Wellington Laboratories.
Greyhound Chromatography is delighted to represent Merck /Sigma as a principal
distributor and all products from the company are available through Greyhound. Sigma
Aldrich Laboratory & Production Materials, including Supelco Analytical Products developed
by analytical chemists covers a broad range of analytical solutions and every product
undergoes meticulous quality control to maintain the integrity of your testing protocols.
How to Order MERCK/Sigma Aldrich Products from Greyhound Chromatography
MERCK / Sigma Aldrich products can be found under the MERCK portfolio. This is available on
our secure websiteyou can browse the current product list HERE. Please send your quote
request to There may be a discount available for bulk
purchases or repeat orders.
High Purity Standards has proudly served the scientific community
for the past twenty years with high quality spectrometric
standards and reference materials for AAS, ICP, ICP-MS, GC,
GC-MS and IC, and has now expanded their stocked reference
materials to include ISO Guide 34 multi-component organic
reference materials.
Approximately one half of High Purity Standards' business is in the
preparation of custom blends and difficult to prepare special
New products of note include expanded spiked filter products in
addition to organic reference materials designed to meet EPA
testing requirements and additional products from customer
Browse High Purity Standards HERE. There may be a discount
available for bulk purchases or repeat orders, please request a
quotation by emailing
Wellington are committed to the distribution of quality products as well as the
maintenance of excellent customer service. In fact, in order to provide you with the best
possible service, Wellington Laboratories now have three ISO certifications (ISO
9001:2015, ISO/IEC 17025:2005, and ISO 17034:2016) which cover all aspects of
planning, production, testing, distribution, and post-distribution service. These certificates
allow us to monitor and maintain the highest level of quality and service .
Is Vaping the right solution for giving up smoking nicotine products?
Is Vaping just a case of smoke and mirrors?
Should we be concerned about health issues caused by vaping?
With the vast increase in Vaping being led by the thought
it can stop a users addiction of smoking, do we really have
all the facts we need to determine if this is the truth?
Although e-cigarettes date back to being invented in the
1920s, it wasnt until the mid 2000s that a Chinese
company, owned by pharmacist Hon Lik, created the first
modern vaping device to be sold on the high street.
Recently there has been a lot of media coverage regarding
e-cigarettes and the affect that they have on human
health, there is almost no proven scientific evidence to
say that vaping is better for people than smoking.
We are all aware that smoking is able to cause many known
illnesses and can commonly lead to death, but new stories
have come to light recently, show that vaping has a huge
detrimental effect in the same way that smoking does.
Laws have been implemented in the US since 2016 regarding
the use of vape devices which states it is illegal to
sell e-cigarettes to minors but advertising to adults is
still permitted. There isnt as much concern that vaping
will effect children in the UK in the same way, as we
have strict limits on the levels of nicotine that can be
included in e-liquids, whereas the US do not.
Considering e-cigarettes were introduced to the market as
a less harmful alternative to smoking, there has been an
increased concern that people have taken up vaping
although they never smoked to begin with.
Electronic Cigarettes (A vape) are small devices that
use different flavoured nicotine oils, also known as
e-juices, to create smoke in a vapour form.
A vaping device does not include or contain tobacco and
therefore doesnt allow you to produce carbon monoxide
or tar that can be formed from resins that are active
in cigarettes.
How is vape oil (e-juice) made?
Vape juices are generally made by mixing together
different flavours and nicotine with a solvent which
is usually propylene glycol.
Sometimes people will optionally use vegetable
glycerine. The solvent that is used within the mix is
the main chemical that is included in the vape oil.
Propylene glycol is an organic chemical compound that
is most commonly used within foods as an additive to
improve the flavour, colour or texture of different
Currently in the UK, there is estimated to be 3.6 million people who are vaping. It is becoming
more and more common that people have taken up vaping in place of their addictive cigarette
habit, as they believe that this will be better for them in the long run. It has been proven
that if there is repeated high exposure to this vapour then very harmful risks could occur.
Recently there have been many cases related to e-cigarettes and the effects that they can cause.
PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl
substances), known as forever
chemicals are found in everyday
objects. Food Packaging, paints,
cosmetics, wood lacquers, sealants ,
solar panels, fire fighting foams,
artificial grass and many more
seemingly innocent products.
Generally used to prevent corrosion
and make products waterproof and
stain-resistant they are present in our
everyday life. Unfortunately they do
not break down in our environment
and as a consequence are forever
present. Greyhound Chromatography provides a wide range of Chromatography related products for testing and analysis of PFAS and many other 'forever chemicals'.
Are all PFAS toxic to humans?
This is a question that remains to be answered.
Research over many years will provide the data
needed to analyse the impact PFAS has on the
environment. Some PFAS, sometimes used in
construction materials are not released into the
air or water table when it rains but they are
released when buildings are demolished and the
debris is sent to landfill.
Some PFAs are of a more immediate concern as they are released into the environment when they
are used or when they come into contact with water. Small residual PFAS molecules wash off
easily and are carried to the soil, air and water very quickly. Many short-chain PFAS dissolve in
water. Gradually, over time, the PFAS sinks to the depths of oceans and rivers, settles in the
sediment and becomes a concern as marine life feeds on plants and other animals that are in the
sediment. Some PFAS such as PFOA act like detergents, they repel water and rise back to the
surface, they are then released into the atmosphere as droplets. Some scientists believe that spray
from the oceans is the biggest source of atmospheric PFAS.
Wellington Laboratories has been committed to providing high quality reference standards and exceptional customer service since its inception in 1980.
The primary source of Standards for EPA Methods 23, 513, 1613, 1668, 8280, 8290, European Method EN-1948 and World Health/EPA Standards, C13 and Native Dioxins, Furans, PCBs and Brominated Diphenyl Ethers, Brominated Dioxins and Furans, Methylated PCDDs and PCDFs, Fluorinated Compounds and more.
Greyhound Chromatography provides a wide range of PFAS related products for testing and analysis.
Wellington Laboratories has been committed to providing high quality reference standards and exceptional customer service since its inception in 1980.
The primary source of Standards for EPA Methods 23, 513, 1613, 1668, 8280, 8290, European Method EN-1948 and World Health/EPA Standards, C13 and Native Dioxins, Furans, PCBs and Brominated Diphenyl Ethers, Brominated Dioxins and Furans, Methylated PCDDs and PCDFs, Fluorinated Compounds and more. Wellington Laboratories' offer a large range of native and mass-labelled per- and poly-fluorinated compounds.
Greyhound Chromatography's trademarked Q-Range Chromatography Laboratory products include Syringe Filters, Vials, Caps and Closures, Seals., HPLC Pump Spares, HPLC Columns, Capillary Columns, Membrane filters.
Established in 1981,Greyhound Chromatography has been supplying high quality Chromatography consumables to Research and Analysis Laboratories around the world for 40 years. Greyhound's Managing Director, Paul Massie founded the company which operates from its UK warehouse and office facility, located in Birkenhead, Merseyside.
Greyhound supplies Certified Reference Standards and Materials, Research Chemicals; including Solvents and Reagents and Laboratory consumables. New products are constantly added to Greyhound's e-commerce website, be sure to register to the website to view product prices.
Greyhound prides itself on personal service which provides prompt, efficient, cost-effective, safe delivery of all products. With state-of-the art facilities and highly trained staff, Greyhound provides technical advice and distribution of Chromatography consumables across all disciplines. Our service is designed to provide a wide range of products, to help our clients to achieve excellent, cost-effective results. Greyhound manufactures its own range of Capillary Columns, Syringe Filters, SPE Cartridges and HPLC Columns, the 'Q' Range, as well as representing the industrys best known manufacturers.
By working with the industrys best known manufacturers we are able to tailor products to customer requirements and distribute products on behalf of 3M, AIT, Biosolve; BP (British Pharmacopeia), Cerilliant; Chem Service (Environmental and Pesticides); Chiron; Chromacol; EP Scientific; Extrasynthese, Gas Arc; Hach Lange, Hamilton; High Purity Standards; Honeywell, IDEX; Jour Research; Larodan Fine Chemicals; Macherey-Nagel; Merck, National Scientific; NIST; Paragon Scientific, PAH Reference Standards; Peak Scientific, Pfaltz and Bauer; Regis Technologies; Rheodyne; RT Corporation; SGE analytical, SGT Filters; Sigma Aldrich, Fluka and Supelco; Silicycle, Swagelok; TCI (Tokyo Chemical Industry); Thermo Scientific, Trajan, Upchurch; USP (United States Pharmacopeia); Vici
Chem Service, Inc. produces high purity standards for use as reference materials and for other laboratory purposes. More than 95% of the Standards Grade materials have a certified purity of 98.0% or greater and do not require purity corrections when preparing solutions for use with EPA, USTM, UST, and numerous other international methods. You can trust that Chem Service high purity standards are a quality product.
Established in 1962 Chem Service is the largest independent supplier of Analytical Reference Materials and the original source of small quantities of organic chemicals. Chem Service also has over 2,000 Pesticide Standards, including Pesticide Standards for Cannabis in its catalogue. Chem Service offers Custom made Standards manufactured to your specific requirements, all standards are accredited to ISO 17043:2016; ISO/IEC 17025:2005; ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System.
Over 95% of Chem Services neat Standards Grade materials have a purity of 98.0% or greater.
Chem Services worldwide customers are found in the chemical, government, food quality, agricultural and life science research communities.
Chem Service's range of Certified Reference Standards are available from Greyhound Chromatography and Allied Chemicals for fast delivery all over the world.
This document provides information on gas purifiers from Greyhound Chromatography that are designed to remove contaminants from carrier gases used in gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. It describes cartridge-style gas purifiers that contain adsorbent-packed filters in polycarbonate housings connected to base plates for easy filter replacement. Individual filters are available to remove oxygen, moisture, or hydrocarbons. Combination filters remove multiple contaminants. Larger "Big Trap" purifiers are also described. The document explains how purifiers improve analysis quality by reducing baseline noise, column degradation, and other issues caused by contaminated gases.
This document provides information about spare parts for HPLC pumps from various manufacturers that are available from Greyhound Chromatography. It lists pump models from companies like Agilent, Beckman, Dionex, Gilson, Knauer, Waters and others. For each pump model, it provides the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) part number and the corresponding Greyhound part number for replacement pistons, seals, check valves and other spare parts. The document encourages customers to purchase spare parts from Greyhound to save costs compared to the OEM and avoid service calls.
Greyhound Q-Fil Membrane Filters are one of the worlds most popular ranges of Membrane Filters for environmental, industrial, water, food, chemical and biotechnology laboratories.
These high quality membranes are manufactures to the highest specifications to meet the varying requirements of the scientific community.
The Merlin Microseal from greyhound Chromatography is a microvalve alternative to the conventional silicone rubber septa used in Gas Chromatography (GC). Its unique design gives it high pressure capability and resisance to wear which results in long life and excellent chromatographic performance. The microseal is available for all major GC manufacturer's instruments.
Q-range Crimpers and Decappers are the latest development in ergonomic design of manual and electronic devices and transform the standards of vial crimping and decapping. Save time and eliminate repetitive strain when crimping multiple vials. For high volume users, the High Power Crimping Tool will store multiple programmes for different caps and seals and accommodates various sizes of interchangeable jaw sets to increase productivity and ease of use.
For Over 35 years Wellington Laboratories Inc. has been internationally recognised as a trusted source of high quality reference standard solutions for use in environmental/analytical testing and toxicological research. Wellington Laboratories offers an extensive inventory of individual certified reference standards and solution mixtures of native and mass-labelled halogenated organic compounds including polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans, polychlorinated biphenyls, halogenated flame retardants and perfluorinated compounds. Wellington Laboratories also offer a variety of calibration sets and support solutions designed to be used for common regulatory methods or modified in-house methods.
Wellingtons Reference Standards are used mainly in Environmental/analytical testing and toxicological research. Wellington offers an extensive inventory of individual certified reference standards and solution mixtures of native and mass-labelled halogenated organic compounds including polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans, polychlorinated biphenyls, halogenated flame retardants and perfluorinated compounds. Wellington also offer a variety of calibration sets and support solutions designed to be used for common regulatory methods of modified in-house methods.
This document provides information on HPLC pumps from Greyhound Chromatography, including specifications and ordering details for various pump models. It describes pumps for isocratic and gradient applications across a range of flow rates and pressures. Models include single piston and dual piston pumps, as well as constant pressure and high pressure pumps. Replacement parts and accessories are also listed. The document aims to help customers select the appropriate pump for their HPLC system and application needs.
The extensive range of Q-Range autosampler and storage vials and caps, caters for almost every conceivable storage requirement from microlitre to millilitre volumes, in clear or amber glass and plastic materials. Complete with screw, crimp and snap top closures and standard or speciality septa and liners. Our products are designed to suit all the major Instrument manufacturers' equipment, including Agilent, Hitatchi, PerkinElmer, Shimadzu, Thermo Scientific, Varian, Waters etc..
Adam Equipment started in 1972 with the goal to provide quality weighing equipment and services at affordable prices, offering superior value to its customers. Adam scales and balances are sold throughout the world, supported by a diversified network of distributors. Adam Equipment and OEM branded products are used by various customers daily. You will see Adam products in the scientific, medical, educational, industrial, manufacturing and retail sectors.
MACHEREY-NAGEL is a globally operating company with stable growth. In the recent years, the annual turnover exceeded 100 million Euros.
Our comprehensive portfolio includes products for Filtration, Rapid Tests, Water Analysis, Chromatography, and Bioanalysis. We are proud to carry more than 20,000 products designed and manufactured to fit your individual needs.
With more than 470 highly qualified and experienced employees MACHEREY-NAGEL provides the best and most convenient service to our customers. 10% of our staff have advanced degrees in the fields of Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Engineering, working in our research department on solutions to make your daily laboratory work easier.
This document provides an overview of a pesticide and metabolite standards catalog. It includes general information sections on ordering, dilution instructions, and how to read product labels. The main body lists available standards in alphabetical, CAS number, and part number order. It also includes listings of government/regulatory standards and sections with other product documentation and terms.
Honeywell offer a wide range of Research Chemicals under their own brands Burdick & Jackson, Fluka, Honeywell,Riedel-de-Ha谷n, Chromasolv, Hydranal, LabReady Blends, TraceSLECT. Covering all applications, including, Bioanalysis, Biosynthesis, Chemical Synthesis, Chromatography, Electrophoresis, Karl Fischer Titration, Octane Determination, Spectroscopy, Titration, Trace Analysis and Wet Chemistry.
Established in 1981,Greyhound Chromatography has been supplying high quality Chromatography consumables to Research and Analysis Laboratories around the world for 38 years. Greyhound's Managing Director, Paul Massie founded the company which operates from its UK warehouse and office facility, located in Birkenhead, Merseyside.
Greyhound supplies Certified Reference Standards and Materials, Research Chemicals; including Solvents and Reagents and Laboratory consumables. New products are constantly added to Greyhound's e-commerce website, be sure to register to the website to view product prices.
Greyhounds extensive range covers all areas of Environmental, Petrochemical, Food, Fragrance, Forensics, Chemical and Pharmaceutical analysis, holding stock of many popular products for prompt delivery via our extensive logistics network.
Greyhound prides itself on personal service which provides prompt, efficient, cost-effective, safe delivery of all products. With state-of-the art facilities and highly trained staff, Greyhound provides technical advice and distribution of Chromatography consumables across all disciplines. Our service is designed to provide a wide range of products, to help our clients to achieve excellent, cost-effective results. Greyhound manufactures its own range of Capillary Columns, Syringe Filters, SPE Cartridges and HPLC Columns, the 'Q' Range, as well as representing the industrys best known manufacturers.
Honeywell offer a wide range of Research Chemicals under their own brands Burdick & Jackson, Fluka, Honeywell,Riedel-de-Ha谷n, Chromasolv, Hydranal, LabReady Blends, TraceSLECT. Covering all applications, including, Bioanalysis, Biosynthesis, Chemical Synthesis, Chromatography, Electrophoresis, Karl Fischer Titration, Octane Determination, Spectroscopy, Titration, Trace Analysis and Wet Chemistry.
Honeywell offer a wide range of Research Chemicals under their own brands Burdick & Jackson, Fluka, Honeywell,Riedel-de-Ha谷n, Chromasolv, Hydranal, LabReady Blends, TraceSLECT. Covering all applications, including, Bioanalysis, Biosynthesis, Chemical Synthesis, Chromatography, Electrophoresis, Karl Fischer Titration, Octane Determination, Spectroscopy, Titration, Trace Analysis and Wet Chemistry.
Honeywell offer a wide range of Research Chemicals under their own brands Burdick & Jackson, Fluka, Honeywell,Riedel-de-Ha谷n, Chromasolv, Hydranal, LabReady Blends, TraceSLECT. Covering all applications, including, Bioanalysis, Biosynthesis, Chemical Synthesis, Chromatography, Electrophoresis, Karl Fischer Titration, Octane Determination, Spectroscopy, Titration, Trace Analysis and Wet Chemistry.
Honeywell offer a wide range of Research Chemicals under their own brands Burdick & Jackson, Fluka, Honeywell,Riedel-de-Ha谷n, Chromasolv, Hydranal, LabReady Blends, TraceSLECT. Covering all applications, including, Bioanalysis, Biosynthesis, Chemical Synthesis, Chromatography, Electrophoresis, Karl Fischer Titration, Octane Determination, Spectroscopy, Titration, Trace Analysis and Wet Chemistry.
Honeywell Research Chemicals, Distributed by Greyhound Chromatography and Allied Chemicals.
Honeywell has over 200 years of experience in consistently and reliably producing high-quality solvents and analytical reagents. The majority of Honeywell Research Chemicals are produced in ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified facilities in Seelze, Germany and Muskegon, Michigan.
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Greyhound Chromatography's trademarked Q-Range Chromatography Laboratory products include Syringe Filters, Vials, Caps and Closures, Seals., HPLC Pump Spares, HPLC Columns, Capillary Columns, Membrane filters.
Established in 1981,Greyhound Chromatography has been supplying high quality Chromatography consumables to Research and Analysis Laboratories around the world for 40 years. Greyhound's Managing Director, Paul Massie founded the company which operates from its UK warehouse and office facility, located in Birkenhead, Merseyside.
Greyhound supplies Certified Reference Standards and Materials, Research Chemicals; including Solvents and Reagents and Laboratory consumables. New products are constantly added to Greyhound's e-commerce website, be sure to register to the website to view product prices.
Greyhound prides itself on personal service which provides prompt, efficient, cost-effective, safe delivery of all products. With state-of-the art facilities and highly trained staff, Greyhound provides technical advice and distribution of Chromatography consumables across all disciplines. Our service is designed to provide a wide range of products, to help our clients to achieve excellent, cost-effective results. Greyhound manufactures its own range of Capillary Columns, Syringe Filters, SPE Cartridges and HPLC Columns, the 'Q' Range, as well as representing the industrys best known manufacturers.
By working with the industrys best known manufacturers we are able to tailor products to customer requirements and distribute products on behalf of 3M, AIT, Biosolve; BP (British Pharmacopeia), Cerilliant; Chem Service (Environmental and Pesticides); Chiron; Chromacol; EP Scientific; Extrasynthese, Gas Arc; Hach Lange, Hamilton; High Purity Standards; Honeywell, IDEX; Jour Research; Larodan Fine Chemicals; Macherey-Nagel; Merck, National Scientific; NIST; Paragon Scientific, PAH Reference Standards; Peak Scientific, Pfaltz and Bauer; Regis Technologies; Rheodyne; RT Corporation; SGE analytical, SGT Filters; Sigma Aldrich, Fluka and Supelco; Silicycle, Swagelok; TCI (Tokyo Chemical Industry); Thermo Scientific, Trajan, Upchurch; USP (United States Pharmacopeia); Vici
Chem Service, Inc. produces high purity standards for use as reference materials and for other laboratory purposes. More than 95% of the Standards Grade materials have a certified purity of 98.0% or greater and do not require purity corrections when preparing solutions for use with EPA, USTM, UST, and numerous other international methods. You can trust that Chem Service high purity standards are a quality product.
Established in 1962 Chem Service is the largest independent supplier of Analytical Reference Materials and the original source of small quantities of organic chemicals. Chem Service also has over 2,000 Pesticide Standards, including Pesticide Standards for Cannabis in its catalogue. Chem Service offers Custom made Standards manufactured to your specific requirements, all standards are accredited to ISO 17043:2016; ISO/IEC 17025:2005; ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System.
Over 95% of Chem Services neat Standards Grade materials have a purity of 98.0% or greater.
Chem Services worldwide customers are found in the chemical, government, food quality, agricultural and life science research communities.
Chem Service's range of Certified Reference Standards are available from Greyhound Chromatography and Allied Chemicals for fast delivery all over the world.
This document provides information on gas purifiers from Greyhound Chromatography that are designed to remove contaminants from carrier gases used in gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. It describes cartridge-style gas purifiers that contain adsorbent-packed filters in polycarbonate housings connected to base plates for easy filter replacement. Individual filters are available to remove oxygen, moisture, or hydrocarbons. Combination filters remove multiple contaminants. Larger "Big Trap" purifiers are also described. The document explains how purifiers improve analysis quality by reducing baseline noise, column degradation, and other issues caused by contaminated gases.
This document provides information about spare parts for HPLC pumps from various manufacturers that are available from Greyhound Chromatography. It lists pump models from companies like Agilent, Beckman, Dionex, Gilson, Knauer, Waters and others. For each pump model, it provides the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) part number and the corresponding Greyhound part number for replacement pistons, seals, check valves and other spare parts. The document encourages customers to purchase spare parts from Greyhound to save costs compared to the OEM and avoid service calls.
Greyhound Q-Fil Membrane Filters are one of the worlds most popular ranges of Membrane Filters for environmental, industrial, water, food, chemical and biotechnology laboratories.
These high quality membranes are manufactures to the highest specifications to meet the varying requirements of the scientific community.
The Merlin Microseal from greyhound Chromatography is a microvalve alternative to the conventional silicone rubber septa used in Gas Chromatography (GC). Its unique design gives it high pressure capability and resisance to wear which results in long life and excellent chromatographic performance. The microseal is available for all major GC manufacturer's instruments.
Q-range Crimpers and Decappers are the latest development in ergonomic design of manual and electronic devices and transform the standards of vial crimping and decapping. Save time and eliminate repetitive strain when crimping multiple vials. For high volume users, the High Power Crimping Tool will store multiple programmes for different caps and seals and accommodates various sizes of interchangeable jaw sets to increase productivity and ease of use.
For Over 35 years Wellington Laboratories Inc. has been internationally recognised as a trusted source of high quality reference standard solutions for use in environmental/analytical testing and toxicological research. Wellington Laboratories offers an extensive inventory of individual certified reference standards and solution mixtures of native and mass-labelled halogenated organic compounds including polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans, polychlorinated biphenyls, halogenated flame retardants and perfluorinated compounds. Wellington Laboratories also offer a variety of calibration sets and support solutions designed to be used for common regulatory methods or modified in-house methods.
Wellingtons Reference Standards are used mainly in Environmental/analytical testing and toxicological research. Wellington offers an extensive inventory of individual certified reference standards and solution mixtures of native and mass-labelled halogenated organic compounds including polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans, polychlorinated biphenyls, halogenated flame retardants and perfluorinated compounds. Wellington also offer a variety of calibration sets and support solutions designed to be used for common regulatory methods of modified in-house methods.
This document provides information on HPLC pumps from Greyhound Chromatography, including specifications and ordering details for various pump models. It describes pumps for isocratic and gradient applications across a range of flow rates and pressures. Models include single piston and dual piston pumps, as well as constant pressure and high pressure pumps. Replacement parts and accessories are also listed. The document aims to help customers select the appropriate pump for their HPLC system and application needs.
The extensive range of Q-Range autosampler and storage vials and caps, caters for almost every conceivable storage requirement from microlitre to millilitre volumes, in clear or amber glass and plastic materials. Complete with screw, crimp and snap top closures and standard or speciality septa and liners. Our products are designed to suit all the major Instrument manufacturers' equipment, including Agilent, Hitatchi, PerkinElmer, Shimadzu, Thermo Scientific, Varian, Waters etc..
Adam Equipment started in 1972 with the goal to provide quality weighing equipment and services at affordable prices, offering superior value to its customers. Adam scales and balances are sold throughout the world, supported by a diversified network of distributors. Adam Equipment and OEM branded products are used by various customers daily. You will see Adam products in the scientific, medical, educational, industrial, manufacturing and retail sectors.
MACHEREY-NAGEL is a globally operating company with stable growth. In the recent years, the annual turnover exceeded 100 million Euros.
Our comprehensive portfolio includes products for Filtration, Rapid Tests, Water Analysis, Chromatography, and Bioanalysis. We are proud to carry more than 20,000 products designed and manufactured to fit your individual needs.
With more than 470 highly qualified and experienced employees MACHEREY-NAGEL provides the best and most convenient service to our customers. 10% of our staff have advanced degrees in the fields of Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Engineering, working in our research department on solutions to make your daily laboratory work easier.
This document provides an overview of a pesticide and metabolite standards catalog. It includes general information sections on ordering, dilution instructions, and how to read product labels. The main body lists available standards in alphabetical, CAS number, and part number order. It also includes listings of government/regulatory standards and sections with other product documentation and terms.
Honeywell offer a wide range of Research Chemicals under their own brands Burdick & Jackson, Fluka, Honeywell,Riedel-de-Ha谷n, Chromasolv, Hydranal, LabReady Blends, TraceSLECT. Covering all applications, including, Bioanalysis, Biosynthesis, Chemical Synthesis, Chromatography, Electrophoresis, Karl Fischer Titration, Octane Determination, Spectroscopy, Titration, Trace Analysis and Wet Chemistry.
Established in 1981,Greyhound Chromatography has been supplying high quality Chromatography consumables to Research and Analysis Laboratories around the world for 38 years. Greyhound's Managing Director, Paul Massie founded the company which operates from its UK warehouse and office facility, located in Birkenhead, Merseyside.
Greyhound supplies Certified Reference Standards and Materials, Research Chemicals; including Solvents and Reagents and Laboratory consumables. New products are constantly added to Greyhound's e-commerce website, be sure to register to the website to view product prices.
Greyhounds extensive range covers all areas of Environmental, Petrochemical, Food, Fragrance, Forensics, Chemical and Pharmaceutical analysis, holding stock of many popular products for prompt delivery via our extensive logistics network.
Greyhound prides itself on personal service which provides prompt, efficient, cost-effective, safe delivery of all products. With state-of-the art facilities and highly trained staff, Greyhound provides technical advice and distribution of Chromatography consumables across all disciplines. Our service is designed to provide a wide range of products, to help our clients to achieve excellent, cost-effective results. Greyhound manufactures its own range of Capillary Columns, Syringe Filters, SPE Cartridges and HPLC Columns, the 'Q' Range, as well as representing the industrys best known manufacturers.
Honeywell offer a wide range of Research Chemicals under their own brands Burdick & Jackson, Fluka, Honeywell,Riedel-de-Ha谷n, Chromasolv, Hydranal, LabReady Blends, TraceSLECT. Covering all applications, including, Bioanalysis, Biosynthesis, Chemical Synthesis, Chromatography, Electrophoresis, Karl Fischer Titration, Octane Determination, Spectroscopy, Titration, Trace Analysis and Wet Chemistry.
Honeywell offer a wide range of Research Chemicals under their own brands Burdick & Jackson, Fluka, Honeywell,Riedel-de-Ha谷n, Chromasolv, Hydranal, LabReady Blends, TraceSLECT. Covering all applications, including, Bioanalysis, Biosynthesis, Chemical Synthesis, Chromatography, Electrophoresis, Karl Fischer Titration, Octane Determination, Spectroscopy, Titration, Trace Analysis and Wet Chemistry.
Honeywell offer a wide range of Research Chemicals under their own brands Burdick & Jackson, Fluka, Honeywell,Riedel-de-Ha谷n, Chromasolv, Hydranal, LabReady Blends, TraceSLECT. Covering all applications, including, Bioanalysis, Biosynthesis, Chemical Synthesis, Chromatography, Electrophoresis, Karl Fischer Titration, Octane Determination, Spectroscopy, Titration, Trace Analysis and Wet Chemistry.
Honeywell offer a wide range of Research Chemicals under their own brands Burdick & Jackson, Fluka, Honeywell,Riedel-de-Ha谷n, Chromasolv, Hydranal, LabReady Blends, TraceSLECT. Covering all applications, including, Bioanalysis, Biosynthesis, Chemical Synthesis, Chromatography, Electrophoresis, Karl Fischer Titration, Octane Determination, Spectroscopy, Titration, Trace Analysis and Wet Chemistry.
Honeywell Research Chemicals, Distributed by Greyhound Chromatography and Allied Chemicals.
Honeywell has over 200 years of experience in consistently and reliably producing high-quality solvents and analytical reagents. The majority of Honeywell Research Chemicals are produced in ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified facilities in Seelze, Germany and Muskegon, Michigan.
2. Certificate of Analysis with Each Custom Product
By weightGuarantees the analytes in the custom standard to Be made within +/- 5% of specifications
With a chromatogramincludes verification of the concentration and peak identification
Chem Service provides custom solutions and mixtures to meet your specific analytical needs.
Chem Service provide accurate, precise and economical custom standards mixtures. Certified neat reference standards are used to
prepare mixtures. Balances used to prepare stock and custom standards are calibrated to NIST traceable weights.
3. Chem Service, Inc. produces high purity standards for use as reference
materials and for other laboratory purposes. More than 95% of the Standards Grade
materials have a certified purity of 98.0% or greater and do not require purity
corrections when preparing solutions for use with EPA, USTM, UST, and numerous
other international methods. You can trust that Chem Service high purity standards
are a quality product.
ISO 9001:2015 ISO/IEC 17025:2107 ISO Guide 34:2016
4. Why is Pesticide Testing Important?
Pesticides are an effective tool used by farmers all across the globe to prevent insects, rodents and other pests from
eating or spoiling their crops. Although, because these chemical compounds are deadly to these pests, it has been
important to ensure that pesticides do not have poisonous effects past insects to humans and other aspects of nature.
However, it can be difficult for communities to police pesticides and it is not as effective to test pesticide use after it
has already been applied to a field or farm. For these reasons, there have been a number of international bodies that
have joined together to create testing guidelines to ensure that the pesticides used in the U.S., Australia, Africa and
anywhere else will not result in unwanted repercussions for humans nearby. Pesticide users and manufacturers can
use certified and approved standards to check whether their pesticides meet quality and specification requirements
to work effectively without harmful consequences.
Countries Work Towards a Common Goal
Since the 1960 formation of the Convention on the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development,
countries including the U.S, U.K., Mexico, Japan, Chile and Germany have created a set of pesticide testing protocols.
The OECD pointed to nearly 100 testing methods for the testing of these chemicals. The international group both
creates guidelines for pesticide uses as well as tests the residue of pesticides in OECD and non-OECD countries to
study their effects and determine further usage plans.
Separate from the OECD, the Collaborative International Pesticide Analytical Council, the Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations, and the World Health Organization also work to regulate safe pesticide use on an
international scale. In a 2005 report published by all three organizations outlining the quality to be used in national
laboratories, they explained the importance of using standards from approved international providers.
Quality Pesticide Standards are Important
Additionally, the WHO Pesticide Evaluation Scheme pointed out that the reason using quality pesticides was important
was because it is the only way to ensure safe use.
"Good product quality is essential for effective and safe pesticide use. Impurities formed during manufacture of the
pesticide or by interaction in unstable formulations can increase product toxicity to humans and the environment," the
organization explained.
5. Protecting Bees From Pesticides
As far as humans are concerned, bees are one of the most important
insects. Though they aren't the only type of bug that pollinates plants,
they are one of the most common. Bees ensure that plants produce
fruits and vegetables. Without them, whole industries would die and
many would be without a source of food. However, pesticides meant to
rid crops of other harmful insects are having an adverse effect on bee
populations around the world.
shown to cause
Brain Damage
in Bees
Are Honeybees the only pollinators affected by
Throughout the world, both entomologists and farmers have been alarmed by
honeybee colony collapse. For years, it was not clear whether the culprit was a
parasite, cell phone frequencies, genetically modified crops, pesticides or a
combination of all these. At least several studies have indicated that neonicotinoids
are harmful to honeybees, a finding that the European Food Safety Authority has
taken to heart.
However, it is important to remember that honeybees are not the only insect
pollinators that can be used in agriculture. Therefore, it is possible that any
environmental impact assessment pertaining to the family of neonicotinoids needs to
expand to include their effects on other insects.
6. Why is it important to test cannabis for pesticides?
Pesticides are commonly used to protect plants against fungi, weeds, animals and
insects. Residual pesticides however can cause damage to human health.
Cannabis that is grown for medicinal use need to be at manufactured and
processed at the highest level. Recreational cannabis also needs to be as pure as
it can be. All around the world cannabis is being recognised as having many
benefits to health however there are concerns that toxins contained within the
cannabis can cause neurodegenerative disease, respiratory disease, cancer,
reproductive and fertility problems, diabetes, heart disease to name but a few.
These risks may be compounded by heat damage during the smoking process,
there are no published papers on the inhaling of heated pesticides.
Cannabis Solvents Extract the Oil and Can
Contain Harmful Residues
Cannabis can have many benefits and as it becomes more legalized across the
United States the industry is starting to be held to quality control standards. Like
any growing industry though, there is still a lot of room for growth regarding
safety and testing. For example, if medical cannabis was put into the same
bucket as other pharmaceuticals, every batch would be tested for potency and
purity, but that is not always the case.
During the cannabis extraction process to create concentrations for recreation,
food, pharmaceuticals and personal care items, solvents and other
hydrocarbons can be used that contain potentially unsafe residues. Testing
cannabis for both medical and recreational use varies from state to state, but it is
important to test for residual solvents that can be potentially harmful to users.
7. How is the analysis carried out?
Generally by GC-MS/MS and LC-MS/MS. Testing for analytes is currently carried out in
the U.S to an agreed list defined by individual states. At the time of writing there is not
a European regulation of the testing of pesticides in cannabis. Some pesticides
destabilise when using high temperature GC methods and are better analysed using LC
methods. However, some pesticides destabilise using the LC method and respond
better to GC. For an accurate set of data both methods of chromatography should be
What is Organic Cannabis?
Its estimated that the cannabis industry will be a $20 billion dollar market
by 2025. Unfortunately, as suppliers attempt to keep up with demand, the
desire to take shortcuts increases with more growers overlooking the use
of harmful pesticides or even falsifying organic claims.
Similar to organic fruits and vegetables, organic cannabis is free of
pesticides and heavy metals. This means that at no point during the
cultivation process were harmful synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, sewage
sludge, or genetically modified organisms (GMOs) introduced. Additionally,
it means that the plant was never exposed to food ingredients or food
processing substances like volatile solvents. However, at the federal level
cannabis is still illegal, and there are limitations to USDA regulation.
Ultimately this makes it impossible for any grower to acquire the USDA
certified organic stamp of approval.
8. How is Cannabis categorised?
Cannabis is categorised as medicinal or recreational and is regulated by possession,
cultivation and distribution. Regulation is different in every country . Wikipedia
provides a useful overview of current regulation by country. The United Kingdom has
classified CBD oil as a Novel Food, its use is regulated and manufacturers who sell CBD
oil are required to register with the UK government. There are no regulated standards
for testing cannabis, however products sold containing CBD oil are monitored under
current food regulations.
Pesticides are a Challenge for Cannabis Growers
Cannabis farmers in the United States have serious chemical problemsto contend with
when dealing with pesticides, unfortunately we will also have the same problems in
the United Kingdom as the cultivation of cannabis for medicinal use increases. At the
time of writing there are no regulations on pesticide use in cannabis farming, laws and
use vary widely by states in the USA. The picture in Europe is equally confusing as the
only regulations currently applied relate to food testing standards. Activists are
calling for explicit restriction and regulation of pesticides used by commercial
growing operations, this would impact of pesticide use when cultivating cannabis.
Cannabis is only legally cultivated in the United Kingdom for medicinal use, available
only from a medical practitioner. won't be added until these laws are amended.
Typically, there are two ways pesticides commonly reach crops. Cannabis farms may
use pesticides themselves or grow using contaminated soil, or contamination can occur
from a nearby farms pesticides reaching the crop. Some states in the US restrict the
pesticides that farmers can use on their own operations. They may also restrict other
farmers' use of certain pest control chemicals near local cannabis farms. This is also the
case in the United Kingdom as agriculture is protected by law.
With more people consuming cannabis from commercial operations, there could be
more exposure to pesticides. This is why many pesticide usage on crops needs to be
10. What are Terpenes and How Do They Affect
Terpenes are aromatic compounds that create natural scents like lavender,
orange, rosemary, cannabis, and pine. Most commonly found in plants, they
can be found in everyday products too. The cannabis plant is well-known for
having high concentrations of terpenes which is why so many people
associate terpenes with it.
What Are CBD Terpenes?
While scientists have found over 100 different terpenes in cannabis, some
are more commonly used than others. Some of the most common CBD
terpenes include:
Lymonene known for its citrusy smell
Myrocene a powerful antioxidant found in hops, lemongrass, and
Pinene therapeutic and known for its rosemary and pine aroma
Linalool closely associated with its lavender aroma and therapeutic
Humulene found in hop, clove, and ginger
Caryophyllene known for its spicy aroma closely associated to
cinnamon and cloves
Terpinolene less common, but recognized for its multidimensional
aroma of citrus, pine, and flowers
11. Greyhound Chromatography and Allied chemicals
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