Electric current is the flow of charge through materials. Materials that allow current to flow, like copper and graphite, are good conductors, while insulators like plastic and wood do not allow current to flow. Liquids can also conduct electricity - tap water and water with impurities conduct, while distilled water does not. A cell converts chemical energy into electrical energy through chemical reactions to power devices. Electrolysis is the process of decomposing substances using an electric current, and electrolytes and non-electrolytes determine whether a substance conducts in this process. Electroplating uses electric current to coat one material with a layer of another.
3. ï‚ž Materials that allow electric current to flow
through them are known as good conductors of
electricity. For example, copper, iron and
4. ï‚ž Materials that do not allow electric current to flow
through them are known as bad conductors or
insulators of electricity. For example, plastic,
wood and rubber.
5. ï‚žLiquids like lemon juice, water and vinegar
are good conductor of electricity. They
conduct electricity.
6. ï‚žDistilled water that is free from impurities
and salt, it is a poor conductor of electricity.
ï‚žBut, tap water, mineral water and water
having impurities in it, are good conductors
of water.
7. ï‚ž A cell contains different chemicals. When these
chemicals react, their chemical energy is
converted into electrical energy. This electrical
energy is used for running different objects such
as torches, toys, calculators and watches.
8. ï‚ž The process of decomposition of a substance by
passing electric current through it in the molten
state or its aqueous solution is known as
9. ï‚ž Electrolytes:
ï‚ž The substance which
conducts electricity in
the molten or in the
aqueous state is
known as electrolyte.
For example, all salts,
acids and bases.
ï‚ž Non- electrolytes:
ï‚ž Substances that do
not conduct electricity
in the molten or in the
aqueous state are
known as non-
electrolytes. For
example, sugar and
10. ï‚ž Anode:
ï‚ž Positively charged
electrode is known as
ï‚ž Cathode:
ï‚ž Negatively charged
electrode is known as
11. ï‚ž Electroplating is
defined as the
process of coating a
layer of any desired
metal on another
conducting material
by means of electric
13. ï‚žUsed for coating the surface of objects
such as car parts, kitchen gas burners,
taps and many more.
ï‚žIt is used in making silver and gold plated
ï‚žIt is used for making cans for storing food.
These cans consists of a layer or tin
coated on iron.
ï‚žCoating of zinc on iron to protect it from