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Chemical Information Instruction at
   ETH Z端rich: Review and Trends

        Martin P. Br辰ndle*1, Engelbert Zass1,
Lukas Korosec2, Peter A. Limacher2, Hans Peter L端thi2
         1Chemistry   Biology Pharmacy Information Center
                      braendle at chem.ethz.ch

                2Laboratory     of Physical Chemistry

                      ETH Z端rich, 8093 Z端rich

             息 ETH Z端rich, 243rd ACS National Meeting San Diego, 2012   1
Have we already lost the information game?
   Future use of IT for work & life at Campus study1
   (06/2011, 3627 respondents, 20.3% return rate,
   D-CHAB ~400 respondents)

   Electronic aids used for learning for exam?
       1.   70.3 % Wikipedia
       2.   39.5 % lecture recordings
       3.   30.0 % animations
       4.   17.3 % none
       5.   ...
   1 https://www1.ethz.ch/id/projects/abgeschlossen/fit4campus/FIT4CampusEndbericht.pdf

                         息 ETH Z端rich, 243rd ACS National Meeting San Diego, 2012         2
Conclusions by survey authors
The survey has revealed the importance of
Wikipedia as source of learning materials. This
should be considered in 鍖elds where paid-for online
products are in competition to Wikipedia. 	

First scienti鍖c studies on this topic had been made at

             息 ETH Z端rich, 243rd ACS National Meeting San Diego, 2012   3
Literature and Database Searching
                                                   Type of                        Remote
        Problem categories                                         Assistance
                                                   search                         Support
Procedure    Interface
                            known and
obvious?      useful?

  Yes          Yes                Yes             End-User              Help

   No          Yes                Yes            Supported

   No           No               Yes              Mediated            Service

   No           No                No              Informed           Education

                  息 ETH Z端rich, 243rd ACS National Meeting San Diego, 2012                4
Courses (Bachelor)
Topic                                  Che         Che          Int Sci    Pha     Matl        Biol
                                                   Eng                             Sci
Library intro, Access                   I           I                I      I      II             I
(Catalog, e-journals, e-books)
Org. compounds, preps, react.            II           II           II        II     III
Bibliographic DB                         III          III        III                III     III E
Inorg./metallorg. subst., react.        III E      III E        III E
Writing, citing, citation mgmt,         III E      III E        III E              I-II E      III E
Spectra, physical properties             IV           IV
Polymers, materials                                                                 III
Pharmaceutical info. (overview)                                              V
Patents                                           V         E

Hours (by ICBP)                        6 (9)     12 (15)         6 (8)       4       4              3
 ICBP, running     ICBP, cancelled            Department

                        息 ETH Z端rich, 243rd ACS National Meeting San Diego, 2012                        5
Time Saver: Virtual Library Tour
Lab Course
Inorganic & Metallorganic Chemistry II
≒ (pre-session: briefing of lab assistants)
≒ List of compounds to be synthesized
≒ Introduction (1 h)
    Molecular Formula and Structure Searching
    Important Reference Works (DIOC, Inorg. Synth.)
      and Databases (Reaxys, SciFinder)
    Dichotomy Salt  Complex
    Obstacles: coordinative bonds, charges, crystal
      water, ligand acronyms
    Dot-disconnected formulas; tabular compounds
    Obtaining 1o literature
             息 ETH Z端rich, 243rd ACS National Meeting San Diego, 2012   7
Lab Course
Inorganic & Metallorganic Chemistry II
                                            First course
                                            ≒ DB searches in library
                                            ≒ Support by chem. libr.+
                                               lab assistants
                                            ≒ 60-80 students, 2.5
                                               hours, 20-30 minute
                                               time slots
                                            ≒ Librarian: Support for
                                               obtaining 1o & 3o lit.
   Acknowledgement: Prof. A. Mezzetti       ≒ May repeat weekly ...
                     息 ETH Z端rich, 243rd ACS National Meeting San Diego, 2012   8
Wrap-up session (1h)
≒ Discussion of
   Common problems
   Common mistakes made
   Identification of correct stereo isomer of organo-
     metallic complexes
   Identification of relevant literature
   Obtaining literature (articles, patents)
   Analytical procedures (e.g. disaggregation)
   Element composition searches

             息 ETH Z端rich, 243rd ACS National Meeting San Diego, 2012   9
PPT presentations as thread

       息 ETH Z端rich, 243rd ACS National Meeting San Diego, 2012   10
Assessment of Chemical Content in
           Online Encyclopedias
R旦mpp Online
≒ no equivalent in
≒ written by experts
≒ introduction to topic

R旦mpp vs Wikipedia
Quantitative & formal
aspects: R >> W
Qualitative (15 expert
assessments): W  R
                   息 ETH Z端rich, 243rd ACS National Meeting San Diego, 2012   11
Instructional Setting
    Thermodynamics course, 2nd semester
≒ ~200 students
≒ Kick-off session
    Presentation of preliminary study
    You are now the experts!
    Form and survey criteria: accuracy, completeness,
      length, comprehensibility, sources, further reading,
      web links, graphics, overall mark, target groups
≒ Non-mandatory assignment (4 weeks time)
    Choose and assess 3 articles out of 30 given
≒ Presentation of results, discussion
             息 ETH Z端rich, 243rd ACS National Meeting San Diego, 2012   12
Lessons Learned                                          619 ratings,
                                                                                  48% return rate
≒ Accuracy, sources: R  W
≒ Higher importance of criteria completeness
   (36-42%), length (24%), comprehensibility (10-14%)
≒ Target groups:
   W for undergraduates, R for graduates
≒ Fuzzy understanding of concepts
   source, further reading, graphics, Web link
≒ Better chance to pass exam when assignment
   done? No!

Full study: L. Korosec et al., Chimia 64, 2010, 309-314, doi:10.2533/chimia.2010.309

                       息 ETH Z端rich, 243rd ACS National Meeting San Diego, 2012                13
Orientation Tools

息 ETH Z端rich, 243rd ACS National Meeting San Diego, 2012   14
Recommended Textbook: Catalog Record

                                                           Recommended Textbook

Date-dependent display (Timeline)

           Spring                            Autumn
        02/2012                            09                     02/2013

                  息 ETH Z端rich, 243rd ACS National Meeting San Diego, 2012        15
Recommended Textbook: Details

      息 ETH Z端rich, 243rd ACS National Meeting San Diego, 2012   16
Textbook Portal




                    息 ETH Z端rich, 243rd ACS National Meeting San Diego, 2012               17
Library Navigator (static backup)

      息 ETH Z端rich, 243rd ACS National Meeting San Diego, 2012   19
≒ Fetch student when they need information
   Learning, exam preparation
   Lab courses
   Research projects
   竪 Integrated courses and tools (educational
      or orientational), task-oriented
   竪 Insist on and let discover value of
      peer-reviewed literature
≒ Cooperate with faculty and course admins

 Consulting and support by humans paramount
            息 ETH Z端rich, 243rd ACS National Meeting San Diego, 2012   20

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Chemical Information Instruction at ETH Zurich: Review and Trends

  • 1. Chemical Information Instruction at ETH Z端rich: Review and Trends Martin P. Br辰ndle*1, Engelbert Zass1, Lukas Korosec2, Peter A. Limacher2, Hans Peter L端thi2 1Chemistry Biology Pharmacy Information Center www.infochembio.ethz.ch braendle at chem.ethz.ch 2Laboratory of Physical Chemistry ETH Z端rich, 8093 Z端rich 息 ETH Z端rich, 243rd ACS National Meeting San Diego, 2012 1
  • 2. Have we already lost the information game? Future use of IT for work & life at Campus study1 (06/2011, 3627 respondents, 20.3% return rate, D-CHAB ~400 respondents) Electronic aids used for learning for exam? 1. 70.3 % Wikipedia 2. 39.5 % lecture recordings 3. 30.0 % animations 4. 17.3 % none 5. ... 1 https://www1.ethz.ch/id/projects/abgeschlossen/fit4campus/FIT4CampusEndbericht.pdf 息 ETH Z端rich, 243rd ACS National Meeting San Diego, 2012 2
  • 3. Conclusions by survey authors The survey has revealed the importance of Wikipedia as source of learning materials. This should be considered in 鍖elds where paid-for online products are in competition to Wikipedia. First scienti鍖c studies on this topic had been made at ETHcit. 息 ETH Z端rich, 243rd ACS National Meeting San Diego, 2012 3
  • 4. Literature and Database Searching Type of Remote Problem categories Assistance search Support Source Procedure Interface known and obvious? useful? appropriate? Yes Yes Yes End-User Help Support, No Yes Yes Supported Training No No Yes Mediated Service Orientation No No No Informed Education Tools 息 ETH Z端rich, 243rd ACS National Meeting San Diego, 2012 4
  • 5. Courses (Bachelor) Topic Che Che Int Sci Pha Matl Biol Eng Sci Library intro, Access I I I I II I (Catalog, e-journals, e-books) Org. compounds, preps, react. II II II II III Bibliographic DB III III III III III E Inorg./metallorg. subst., react. III E III E III E Writing, citing, citation mgmt, III E III E III E I-II E III E plagiarism Spectra, physical properties IV IV Polymers, materials III Pharmaceutical info. (overview) V Patents V E Hours (by ICBP) 6 (9) 12 (15) 6 (8) 4 4 3 ICBP, running ICBP, cancelled Department 息 ETH Z端rich, 243rd ACS National Meeting San Diego, 2012 5
  • 6. Time Saver: Virtual Library Tour
  • 7. Lab Course Inorganic & Metallorganic Chemistry II ≒ (pre-session: briefing of lab assistants) ≒ List of compounds to be synthesized ≒ Introduction (1 h) Molecular Formula and Structure Searching Important Reference Works (DIOC, Inorg. Synth.) and Databases (Reaxys, SciFinder) Dichotomy Salt Complex Obstacles: coordinative bonds, charges, crystal water, ligand acronyms Dot-disconnected formulas; tabular compounds Obtaining 1o literature 息 ETH Z端rich, 243rd ACS National Meeting San Diego, 2012 7
  • 8. Lab Course Inorganic & Metallorganic Chemistry II First course ≒ DB searches in library premises ≒ Support by chem. libr.+ lab assistants ≒ 60-80 students, 2.5 hours, 20-30 minute time slots ≒ Librarian: Support for obtaining 1o & 3o lit. Acknowledgement: Prof. A. Mezzetti ≒ May repeat weekly ... 息 ETH Z端rich, 243rd ACS National Meeting San Diego, 2012 8
  • 9. Wrap-up session (1h) ≒ Discussion of Common problems Common mistakes made Identification of correct stereo isomer of organo- metallic complexes Identification of relevant literature Obtaining literature (articles, patents) Purification Analytical procedures (e.g. disaggregation) Spectra Element composition searches 息 ETH Z端rich, 243rd ACS National Meeting San Diego, 2012 9
  • 10. PPT presentations as thread www.infochembio.ethz.ch/kurse_chemie.html 息 ETH Z端rich, 243rd ACS National Meeting San Diego, 2012 10
  • 11. Assessment of Chemical Content in Online Encyclopedias R旦mpp Online ≒ no equivalent in US/GB/AU ≒ written by experts ≒ introduction to topic R旦mpp vs Wikipedia assessment Quantitative & formal aspects: R >> W Qualitative (15 expert assessments): W R 息 ETH Z端rich, 243rd ACS National Meeting San Diego, 2012 11
  • 12. Instructional Setting Thermodynamics course, 2nd semester ≒ ~200 students ≒ Kick-off session Presentation of preliminary study You are now the experts! Form and survey criteria: accuracy, completeness, length, comprehensibility, sources, further reading, web links, graphics, overall mark, target groups ≒ Non-mandatory assignment (4 weeks time) Choose and assess 3 articles out of 30 given ≒ Presentation of results, discussion 息 ETH Z端rich, 243rd ACS National Meeting San Diego, 2012 12
  • 13. Lessons Learned 619 ratings, 48% return rate ≒ Accuracy, sources: R W ≒ Higher importance of criteria completeness (36-42%), length (24%), comprehensibility (10-14%) ≒ Target groups: W for undergraduates, R for graduates ≒ Fuzzy understanding of concepts source, further reading, graphics, Web link ≒ Better chance to pass exam when assignment done? No! Full study: L. Korosec et al., Chimia 64, 2010, 309-314, doi:10.2533/chimia.2010.309 息 ETH Z端rich, 243rd ACS National Meeting San Diego, 2012 13
  • 14. Orientation Tools 息 ETH Z端rich, 243rd ACS National Meeting San Diego, 2012 14
  • 15. Recommended Textbook: Catalog Record Recommended Textbook Date-dependent display (Timeline) Spring Autumn 02/2012 09 02/2013 息 ETH Z端rich, 243rd ACS National Meeting San Diego, 2012 15
  • 16. Recommended Textbook: Details 息 ETH Z端rich, 243rd ACS National Meeting San Diego, 2012 16
  • 17. Textbook Portal Textbooks Study Courses Course Units Lecturers Semesters 息 ETH Z端rich, 243rd ACS National Meeting San Diego, 2012 17
  • 18. Library Navigator (static backup) 息 ETH Z端rich, 243rd ACS National Meeting San Diego, 2012 19
  • 19. Conclusions ≒ Fetch student when they need information Learning, exam preparation Lab courses Research projects 竪 Integrated courses and tools (educational or orientational), task-oriented 竪 Insist on and let discover value of peer-reviewed literature ≒ Cooperate with faculty and course admins Consulting and support by humans paramount 息 ETH Z端rich, 243rd ACS National Meeting San Diego, 2012 20