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Chemistry Teacher Courses
London and Manchester
September 2010 - May 2011



www.teachersfirst.org.uk       There’s always something
                                      new to learn
Welcome to Teachers First

                  Welcome to the Teachers First programme of Chemistry courses for 2010/11. Our aim is
                  to offer a programme of one-day courses and conferences that support the teaching and
                  learning of Chemistry using active learning methods through paper-based and technological
                  The courses are specifically designed for all teachers, experienced as well as NQTs, who wish
                  to develop their subject knowledge through our specialist days and for those looking for new
                  strategies to stimulate and engage their students.
                  These workshops are also suitable for graduates who are completing their training in a school
                  environment under the school-centred initial teacher training (SCITT) scheme. PGCE and final
                  year students would also find our courses very helpful.

                  We look forward to meeting you on one of our courses.

                  Kind Regards,
                  Christine Neary

                  Chrisine Neary
                  Conference Director

                  Course contents:
AS/A2 Chemistry

                  Successful delivery of A-level Chemistry through practical tasks: logical
                  explanations, HSW, ISAs and EMPAs
                  Teaching AS/A2 Chemistry for the first time
                  AQA AS/A2 Chemistry: the new specification once through
                  AQA AS/A2 Chemistry: Improving student performance
                  Edexcel AS/A2 Chemistry: The lessons from the summer 2010 examinations
                  and moving ahead with the specification
                  Edexcel AS/A2 Chemistry: Delivering the difficult concepts of the new
                  specification and improving student outcomes
                  OCR A2 Chemistry: Teaching Units 4, 5 and 6 of the Specification
                  Stretch & challenge and helping your Chemistry students get the new A*
                  Running a Grade 1 Chemistry Department-for new, existing and aspiring Heads
                  of Department
Successful delivery of A-level Chemistry through
practical tasks: logical explanations, HSW, ISAs and

 Course Features
                                                             Tutor: Colin Chambers
 This exciting new ‘hands-on’ practical course has been
 specifically designed for experienced colleagues, NQTs
 and those returning after a break in teaching A-level.      Colin is now Chair of Chemistry A level Examiners and
 The day examines the integration of ISAs and EMPAs          has been very much involved with the development
 into schemes of work and A level planning. It is a unique   of the new specifications. He is a highly experienced
 opportunity to link theory to practical assessment and      course leader and has received awards from The Royal
 provide time to clarify issues surrounding assessment       Society of Chemistry, University of Liverpool and Salters
 tasks.                                                      Company for his contribution to education. Colin is
 There will be a series of demonstration lectures            also co-author of the series of AQA Chemistry Student
 designed to illustrate relevant concepts, principles and    Support Materials published by Collins.
 theories contained within the specifications. Colin will
 provide help, guidance and explanations during the
 demonstrations and there will be time for questions and
                                                             Venue and date
                                                             London, Thursday 10 February 2011

 Delegates will receive a file and/or CD                     Course fee £200 plus VAT
 containing detailed notes of the course

  9.45am:      Registration and coffee
 10.00am:      Assessment of practical skills:
               How has this changed methods of delivery?
 10.30am:      Morning coffee
 10.45am:      Demonstration experiments
               Linking observations to deductions and predictions
  1.00pm:      Lunch
  2.00pm:      Questions asked and answered on HSW issues including:
               Issues in AS and A2 organic chemistry
               Complex ions and reaction solutions
  3.15pm:      Cell potential, representation, spontaneous reactions and batteries
               Thermodynamics, Born-Haber cycles and metal extractions
  4.00pm:      Day ends
Teaching AS/A2 Chemistry for the first time

                                                              Tutor: Colin Chambers
Course Features                                               Colin is now Chair of Chemistry A level Examiners and
                                                              has been very much involved with the development
                                                              of the new specifications. He is a highly experienced
The course is designed specifically for newly qualified
                                                              course leader and has received awards from The Royal
and experienced teachers preparing to teach
                                                              Society of Chemistry, University of Liverpool and Salters
AS/A2 Chemistry for the first time. It will offer practical
                                                              Company for his contribution to education. Colin is
guidance for the effective delivery of the specifications
                                                              also co-author of the series of AQA Chemistry Student
including a look at the influence of How Science Works.
                                                              Support Materials published by Collins.
Detailed explanations will be provided in order to
increase confidence and understanding in addition to
discussing opportunities for stretch and challenge.

                                                              Venues and dates
Delegates will receive a file and/or CD                       London, Wednesday 3 November 2010
containing detailed notes of the course                       Manchester, Tuesday 2 November 2010

                                                              Course fee £195 plus VAT

 9.45am:      Registration and coffee
10.00am:      An overview of the content at AS and A2
              The inclusion of How Science Works to extend knowledge and understanding
10.30am:      AS session - emphasis will be placed on what the delegates require:
              Group II
              Group VII
11.15am:      Morning coffee
11.30am:      AS session continued
12.30pm:      Lunch
 1.30pm:      A2 session - emphasis will be placed on what the delegates require:
              Aromatic compounds
 2.30pm:      Afternoon tea
 2.45pm:      A2 session continued
 3.45pm:      Plenary
 4.00pm:      Day ends
AQA AS/A2 Chemistry:
                 The New Specification once through

Course features
                                                           Tutor: Graham Curtis
The course will provide teachers with a survey of all
of the Summer 2010 AQA papers and will include a
consideration of the first A2 examinations and the award   Graham is a Principal Examiner and has been very
of the first A* grades.                                    much involved with the development of the new
There will be a focus on the important issues which help   specifications. He is an experienced course leader and a
to enhance the performances of all students.               recently retired Head of Science. Graham is also co-
                                                           author of the series of Student Support Materials for
                                                           Chemistry published by Collins

Delegates will receive a file and/or CD
containing detailed notes of the course
                                                           Venues and dates

Course fee £195 plus VAT                                   London, Thursday 14 October 2010
                                                           Manchester, Wednesday 13 October 2010

 9.45am:     Registration and coffee
10.00am:     Key features of the 2010 examinations: An overview
10.30am:     A review of Unit 1 June examination
             Topics that were well answered
             Misunderstood topics
             Questions which proved difficult
11.15am:     Morning break
11.30pm:     An overview of the Unit 2 June examination
             Topics that were well answered
             A focus on the more difficult topics
             Mis-conceptions and questions which proved difficult
12.30pm:     Lunch
 1.30pm:     A review of Unit 4 June examination
             Topics that were well answered
             Misunderstood topics and questions which proved difficult.
             Stretch and challenge
             Motivating and enthusing
             Integrating HSW
 3.00pm:     A review of Unit 5 June examination
             Topics that were well answered
             Misunderstood topics and questions which proved difficult.
             Stretch and challenge
             Motivating and enthusing
             Integrating HSW
             A review of practical skills and tasks
             Assessment criteria and the route to take?
             ISAs plus PSA or EMPAs
 3.45pm:     Day ends
AS/A2 AQA Chemistry:
                      Improving Student Performance

Course features
                                                           Tutor: Graham Curtis
The course will be suitable for teachers new to the AQA
specification or those who have settled into the course
and are looking to raise their students’ average grades.   Graham is a Principal Examiner and has been very
The course will show how building on the fundamental       much involved with the development of the new
ideas of the subject at AS can make the more difficult     specifications. He is an experienced course leader and a
topic areas at A2 become much more accessible.             recently retired Head of Science. Graham is also co-
Time will be spent showing teachers how they can           author of the series of Student Support Materials for
help their students’ understanding and improve their       Chemistry published by Collins
                                                           Venues and dates
                                                           London, Tuesday 1 March 2011
                                                           London, Wednesday 25 May 2011
Delegates will receive a file and/or CD                    Manchester, Tuesday 17 May 2011
containing detailed notes of the course

                                                           Course fee £195 plus VAT

 9.45am:     Registration and coffee
10.00am:     Introduction and aims of the day
10.15am:     Bonding, Structure and Periodicity
             Bridging the gap from GCSE and showing how a good understanding of
             structure and bonding can improve progress in all areas of the subject.
11.15am:     Morning coffee
11.30am:     Physical at AS: Energetics and Redox
             Understanding energetics at AS and preparing for the extension of the topic
             to include Entropy and Free Energy at A2. Similarly understanding Redox at
             AS and extending the topic to include Cells and Electrode Potentials at A2.
12.30pm:     Lunch
 1.30am:     Organic made easy
             How structure and bonding can bring understanding for all eight
             mechanisms at AS and at A2.
 2.30am:     Afternoon break
 2.45am:     Physical at A2: Equilibria and pH
             Calculations involving equilibria and all types of pH questions including
 3.45am:     Plenary – a chance to review and ask further questions
 4.00pm:     Day ends
Edexcel AS/A2 Chemistry:
The lessons from the summer 2010 examinations and
        moving ahead with the specification

Course features
                                                         Tutor: George Facer
The course will provide teachers with the opportunity
to reflect on the June 2010 examinations and also
to identify important issues which help to enhance       George is a highly experienced teacher, author and Chair
student performance. In addition there will be a focus   of Examiners for a major awarding body. George has
on the demands of the new A* and how these may be        been a Head of Chemistry and Science and a deputy
addressed.                                               head teacher. He has also worked in schools abroad
                                                         and has written numerous textbooks for AS and A2

Delegates will receive a file and/or CD
containing detailed notes of the course
                                                         Venue and date
                                                         London, Wednesday 29 September 2010

                                                         Course fee £195 plus VAT

 9.45am:     Registration and coffee
10.00am:     Overview of the AS
             Topics that were well answered
             Misunderstood topics
             Questions which proved difficult
11.00am:     Morning coffee
11.15am:     Overview of the A2
             Topics that were well answered
             A focus on the more difficult topics
             Misconceptions and questions which proved difficult
12.30pm:     Lunch
 1.30pm:     Assessment of practical skills
             GPC, observation, measurement and preparation
 2.15pm:     Resources
 2.45pm:     Question and answer session
 3.00pm:     Stretch and challenge and the A* award
 3.30pm:     Plenary
 3.45pm:     Day ends
Edexcel AS/A2 Chemistry: Delivering the challenging areas
  of the specification and improving student outcomes

   Course features
                                                                  Tutor: George Facer
   This course is for teachers who are looking for ways to
   develop their approach to challenging and guiding their
   students through AS and A2. We will look at a range of         George is a highly experienced teacher, author and Chair
   activities that will help students gain the skills that they   of Examiners for a major awarding body. George has
   need to acquire good subject knowledge and apply it            been a Head of Chemistry and Science and a deputy
   effectively. Time will also be spent discussing effective      head teacher. He has also worked in schools abroad
   strategies when linking practical tasks to theory.             and is author of numerous textbooks for AS and A2

   Delegates will receive a file and/or CD
   containing detailed notes of the course                        Venue and date
                                                                  London, Wednesday 16 March 2011

                                                                  Course fee £195 plus VAT

    9.45am:      Registration and coffee
  10.00am:       Multiple choice
                 How to tackle different types of questions
  10.45am:       Green chemistry
                 Open ended questions
  11.15am:       Morning break
  11.30am:       Intermolecular forces
                 Melting and boiling points and solubility
  12.00pm:       Born Haber
                 Experimental and theoretical lattice energies
  12.30pm:       Lunch
   1.30pm:       Mechanisms
                 What is required by the examiners
    2.00pm:      Entropy and equilibrium
                 Why reactions proceed and how far
    2.45pm:      Afternoon break
    3.15pm:      Redox and electrode potentials
                 Linked to entropy
    3.45pm:      Plenary
    4.00pm:      Day ends
OCR A2 Chemistry:
        Teaching Units 4, 5 and 6 of the Specification
Course features
                                                             Tutors: Dr Mike Smith and John Older
The course has been specifically designed for teachers
who wish to understand the requirements of the new
topics contained in the new specification. The emphasis      Mike is a Principal Examiner for a major awarding
will be placed on the preparation of the candidates          body and is currently Assistant Principal of a large and
for the examinations. There will be an opportunity           successful sixth form college. He has written revision
to consider what will be expected in the Unit exams          guides for OCR chemistry.
including examples of the type of question that may be       John was a Vice-Master of a London school and has
expected including ‘stretch and challenge’. Time will also   been a Principal Moderator for many years.
be spent considering the practical tasks that support the    Both Mike and John were actively involved in the
specification content.                                       revision and development of the specifications and are
                                                             joint authors of major textbooks covering the new AS
                                                             and A2 specifications.

Delegates will receive a file and/or CD
containing detailed notes of the course                      Venue and date
                                                             London, Friday 12th November 2010

                                                             Course fee £195 plus VAT

 9.45am:     Registration and coffee
10.00am:     An overview of Units 4 and 5
10.45am:     Unit 4- What’s new?
             Chirality in pharmaceutical synthesis
11.10am:     Morning coffee
11.25am:     Unit 4- Spectroscopy
             13 C NMR-

             Combining information from spectra
12.00pm:     The assessment of practical skills
             The requirements of the tasks
12.45pm:     Lunch
 1.45pm:     Unit 5- Enthalpy, entropy and free energy
             Predicting the feasibility of reactions
 2.15pm:     Unit 5- Electrode potentials and fuel cells
             Writing redox equations
             Measuring standard potentials
             Predicting the likelihood of a reaction
             Fuel cells
 2.55pm:     Unit 5- Transition metals
             Ligands and complex ions
             Stability constants
 3.20pm:     Stretch and challenge
             What may be expected?
 3.45pm:     Day ends
Stretch & challenge and helping your
                  Chemistry students get the new A*

Course features
                                                            Tutor: Tim Jolliff
This course will inspire and equip teachers to give their
students the best chance of accessing the new A* grade
at A2. It will help them adapt their lessons to challenge   Tim is an experienced teacher, author, educational
and stimulate their most able pupils. The day will be       consultant and trainer. For the academic year 2006-2007
bursting with proven ideas and resources ready to use       he was the Royal Society of Chemistry’s School Teacher
right away in school.                                       Fellow writing ‘Chemistry for the Gifted & Talented’.
                                                            These resources are designed to extend and enrich
                                                            gifted students in their regular chemistry lessons. He has
                                                            been part of the RSC’s Olympiad selection committee
                                                            and has run the Chemistry online discussion forum for
                                                            NAGTY. One of his students was given an award from the
Delegates will receive a file and/or CD                     RSC this year having scored 600 out of 600 UMS points
containing detailed notes of the course                     in her A level.

                                                            Venue and date
                                                            London, Wednesday 2 March 2011

                                                            Course fee £195 plus VAT

 9.45am:     Registration and coffee
10.00am:     Overview and approach
             What do we need to get an A*
             What kind of questions discriminate between A and A*
             What is the A* for and who will need it
             What should we be doing with our gifted students
             Learning the facts the interesting way
             Resources & competitions
11.15am:     Morning coffee
11.30am:     Getting the marks in the exam
             Using mark schemes
             Strategies for free responses questions
             Developing creative and critical thinking skills
             Thinking about thinking
12.45pm:     Lunch
 1.45pm:     Developing fundamental understanding
             Links between rates, equilibria and entropy
             Teaching electrode potentials
             Getting an overview of organic chemistry
             Oxbridge interviews
 3.30pm:     Plenary
 3.45pm:     Day ends
Running a Grade 1 Chemistry Department:
for new, existing and aspiring Heads of Department

Course features
                                                             Tutor: Martin Bluemel
This course has been specifically designed for those
who want to improve the success and raise the profile
of their department. Delegates will consider successful      Martin is a highly experienced teacher and Head of
strategies focusing on curriculum vision, self evaluation,   Department at a leading school in the south west. He is
raising attainment, day-to-day administration and            a Principal examiner for a major awarding body.
effective resourcing. Time will also be spent considering
the issues surrounding retention.

Delegates will receive a file and/or CD                      Venue and date
containing detailed notes of the course
                                                             London, Wednesday 9 February 2011

                                                             Course fee £195 plus VAT

10.00am:     Registration and coffee
10.15am:     The role of the Head of Department
             Identifying the essential components of leading and managing a chemistry
11.15am:     Morning coffee
11.35am:     Effective administration
             Managing the department and dealing with day-to-day administration
12.35pm:     Lunch
 1.35pm:     Monitoring and evaluation
             Acting upon strengths and weaknesses
 2.35pm:     Afternoon tea
 2.55pm:     Raising standards in the Chemistry Department
             Raising expectations and increasing challenge in Chemistry teaching.
             Improving students’ performance
  3.45pm     Plenary
 4.00pm:     Day ends
Teacher Day Booking Form
  )0844 800 5292                         20844 800 5295                8bookings@teachersfirst.org.uk

Or return the booking form to us at the address given below. We will then confirm your booking and issue an invoice.
Payment is required 2 weeks before the date of the workshop.
Course details will be sent out to you about 10 days before the course, after the receipt of payment.
Please telephone us if you have not received them by this time.
Further information on this and other events can be found on our website www.teachersfirst.org.uk

 Teacher Courses                                  Venue         Date         Course fee per    Number of
                                                                             head (plus VAT)   places required

 Successful delivery of A-level Chemistry
 through practical tasks: logical explanations,    London         10/02/11        £200
 HSW, ISAs and EMPAs

                                                   London         03/11/10        £195
 Teaching AS/A2 Chemistry for the first time
                                                   Manchester     02/11/10        £195

                                                   London         14/10/10        £195
 AQA AS/A2 Chemistry: the new specification
 once through
                                                   Manchester     13/10/10        £195

                                                   London         01/03/11        £195
 AS/A2 AQA Chemistry: Improving Student
                                                   London         26/05/11        £195
                                                   Manchester     25/05/11        £195

 Edexcel AS/A2 Chemistry: The lessons from the
 summer 2010 examinations and moving ahead         London         29/09/10        £195
 with the specification

 Edexcel AS/A2 Chemistry: Delivering the
 challenging concepts of the new specification     London         16/03/11        £195
 and improving student outcomes

 OCR A2 Chemistry: Teaching Units 4,5 and 6 of
                                                   London         12/11/10        £195
 the new specification

 Stretch & challenge and helping your Chemistry
                                                   London         02/03/11        £195
 students get the new A*

 Running a Grade 1 Chemistry Department-
 for new, existing and aspiring Heads of           London         09/02/11        £195

School / College
Address & Postcode
Telephone                                                   Mobile                                HE

Office e-mail address

Delegate e-mail address

Please return to:
                                                                                    There’s always something
Teachers First LLP, PO Box 659, Stockport, SK2 7WF.                                        new to learn
Teachers First reserves the right to amend the programme where circumstances dictate.

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Chemistry teacher

  • 1. AS/A2 Chemistry Teacher Courses London and Manchester September 2010 - May 2011 RS HE FI TEAC RST www.teachersfirst.org.uk There’s always something new to learn
  • 2. Welcome to Teachers First Welcome to the Teachers First programme of Chemistry courses for 2010/11. Our aim is to offer a programme of one-day courses and conferences that support the teaching and learning of Chemistry using active learning methods through paper-based and technological approaches. The courses are specifically designed for all teachers, experienced as well as NQTs, who wish to develop their subject knowledge through our specialist days and for those looking for new strategies to stimulate and engage their students. These workshops are also suitable for graduates who are completing their training in a school environment under the school-centred initial teacher training (SCITT) scheme. PGCE and final year students would also find our courses very helpful. We look forward to meeting you on one of our courses. Kind Regards, Christine Neary Chrisine Neary t Conference Director Course contents: AS/A2 Chemistry Successful delivery of A-level Chemistry through practical tasks: logical explanations, HSW, ISAs and EMPAs Teaching AS/A2 Chemistry for the first time AQA AS/A2 Chemistry: the new specification once through AQA AS/A2 Chemistry: Improving student performance Edexcel AS/A2 Chemistry: The lessons from the summer 2010 examinations and moving ahead with the specification Edexcel AS/A2 Chemistry: Delivering the difficult concepts of the new specification and improving student outcomes OCR A2 Chemistry: Teaching Units 4, 5 and 6 of the Specification Stretch & challenge and helping your Chemistry students get the new A* Running a Grade 1 Chemistry Department-for new, existing and aspiring Heads of Department
  • 3. Successful delivery of A-level Chemistry through practical tasks: logical explanations, HSW, ISAs and EMPAs Course Features Tutor: Colin Chambers This exciting new ‘hands-on’ practical course has been specifically designed for experienced colleagues, NQTs and those returning after a break in teaching A-level. Colin is now Chair of Chemistry A level Examiners and The day examines the integration of ISAs and EMPAs has been very much involved with the development into schemes of work and A level planning. It is a unique of the new specifications. He is a highly experienced opportunity to link theory to practical assessment and course leader and has received awards from The Royal provide time to clarify issues surrounding assessment Society of Chemistry, University of Liverpool and Salters tasks. Company for his contribution to education. Colin is There will be a series of demonstration lectures also co-author of the series of AQA Chemistry Student designed to illustrate relevant concepts, principles and Support Materials published by Collins. theories contained within the specifications. Colin will provide help, guidance and explanations during the demonstrations and there will be time for questions and discussion. Venue and date London, Thursday 10 February 2011 Delegates will receive a file and/or CD Course fee £200 plus VAT containing detailed notes of the course 9.45am: Registration and coffee 10.00am: Assessment of practical skills: How has this changed methods of delivery? 10.30am: Morning coffee 10.45am: Demonstration experiments Linking observations to deductions and predictions 1.00pm: Lunch 2.00pm: Questions asked and answered on HSW issues including: Issues in AS and A2 organic chemistry Complex ions and reaction solutions 3.15pm: Cell potential, representation, spontaneous reactions and batteries Thermodynamics, Born-Haber cycles and metal extractions 4.00pm: Day ends
  • 4. Teaching AS/A2 Chemistry for the first time Tutor: Colin Chambers Course Features Colin is now Chair of Chemistry A level Examiners and has been very much involved with the development of the new specifications. He is a highly experienced The course is designed specifically for newly qualified course leader and has received awards from The Royal and experienced teachers preparing to teach Society of Chemistry, University of Liverpool and Salters AS/A2 Chemistry for the first time. It will offer practical Company for his contribution to education. Colin is guidance for the effective delivery of the specifications also co-author of the series of AQA Chemistry Student including a look at the influence of How Science Works. Support Materials published by Collins. Detailed explanations will be provided in order to increase confidence and understanding in addition to discussing opportunities for stretch and challenge. Venues and dates Delegates will receive a file and/or CD London, Wednesday 3 November 2010 containing detailed notes of the course Manchester, Tuesday 2 November 2010 Course fee £195 plus VAT 9.45am: Registration and coffee 10.00am: An overview of the content at AS and A2 The inclusion of How Science Works to extend knowledge and understanding 10.30am: AS session - emphasis will be placed on what the delegates require: Periodicity Group II Group VII Redox Hydrocarbons Halo-alkanes Alcohols 11.15am: Morning coffee 11.30am: AS session continued 12.30pm: Lunch 1.30pm: A2 session - emphasis will be placed on what the delegates require: Thermodynamics Born-Haber Periodicity Carbonyls Equlibria Aromatic compounds 2.30pm: Afternoon tea 2.45pm: A2 session continued 3.45pm: Plenary 4.00pm: Day ends
  • 5. AQA AS/A2 Chemistry: The New Specification once through Course features Tutor: Graham Curtis The course will provide teachers with a survey of all of the Summer 2010 AQA papers and will include a consideration of the first A2 examinations and the award Graham is a Principal Examiner and has been very of the first A* grades. much involved with the development of the new There will be a focus on the important issues which help specifications. He is an experienced course leader and a to enhance the performances of all students. recently retired Head of Science. Graham is also co- author of the series of Student Support Materials for Chemistry published by Collins Delegates will receive a file and/or CD containing detailed notes of the course Venues and dates Course fee £195 plus VAT London, Thursday 14 October 2010 Manchester, Wednesday 13 October 2010 9.45am: Registration and coffee 10.00am: Key features of the 2010 examinations: An overview 10.30am: A review of Unit 1 June examination Topics that were well answered Misunderstood topics Questions which proved difficult 11.15am: Morning break 11.30pm: An overview of the Unit 2 June examination Topics that were well answered A focus on the more difficult topics Mis-conceptions and questions which proved difficult 12.30pm: Lunch 1.30pm: A review of Unit 4 June examination Topics that were well answered Misunderstood topics and questions which proved difficult. Stretch and challenge Motivating and enthusing Integrating HSW 3.00pm: A review of Unit 5 June examination Topics that were well answered Misunderstood topics and questions which proved difficult. Stretch and challenge Motivating and enthusing Integrating HSW A review of practical skills and tasks Assessment criteria and the route to take? ISAs plus PSA or EMPAs 3.45pm: Day ends
  • 6. AS/A2 AQA Chemistry: Improving Student Performance Course features Tutor: Graham Curtis The course will be suitable for teachers new to the AQA specification or those who have settled into the course and are looking to raise their students’ average grades. Graham is a Principal Examiner and has been very The course will show how building on the fundamental much involved with the development of the new ideas of the subject at AS can make the more difficult specifications. He is an experienced course leader and a topic areas at A2 become much more accessible. recently retired Head of Science. Graham is also co- Time will be spent showing teachers how they can author of the series of Student Support Materials for help their students’ understanding and improve their Chemistry published by Collins performance. Venues and dates London, Tuesday 1 March 2011 London, Wednesday 25 May 2011 Delegates will receive a file and/or CD Manchester, Tuesday 17 May 2011 containing detailed notes of the course Course fee £195 plus VAT 9.45am: Registration and coffee 10.00am: Introduction and aims of the day 10.15am: Bonding, Structure and Periodicity Bridging the gap from GCSE and showing how a good understanding of structure and bonding can improve progress in all areas of the subject. 11.15am: Morning coffee 11.30am: Physical at AS: Energetics and Redox Understanding energetics at AS and preparing for the extension of the topic to include Entropy and Free Energy at A2. Similarly understanding Redox at AS and extending the topic to include Cells and Electrode Potentials at A2. 12.30pm: Lunch 1.30am: Organic made easy How structure and bonding can bring understanding for all eight mechanisms at AS and at A2. 2.30am: Afternoon break 2.45am: Physical at A2: Equilibria and pH Calculations involving equilibria and all types of pH questions including buffers 3.45am: Plenary – a chance to review and ask further questions 4.00pm: Day ends
  • 7. Edexcel AS/A2 Chemistry: The lessons from the summer 2010 examinations and moving ahead with the specification Course features Tutor: George Facer The course will provide teachers with the opportunity to reflect on the June 2010 examinations and also to identify important issues which help to enhance George is a highly experienced teacher, author and Chair student performance. In addition there will be a focus of Examiners for a major awarding body. George has on the demands of the new A* and how these may be been a Head of Chemistry and Science and a deputy addressed. head teacher. He has also worked in schools abroad and has written numerous textbooks for AS and A2 Chemistry. Delegates will receive a file and/or CD containing detailed notes of the course Venue and date London, Wednesday 29 September 2010 Course fee £195 plus VAT 9.45am: Registration and coffee 10.00am: Overview of the AS Topics that were well answered Misunderstood topics Questions which proved difficult 11.00am: Morning coffee 11.15am: Overview of the A2 Topics that were well answered A focus on the more difficult topics Misconceptions and questions which proved difficult 12.30pm: Lunch 1.30pm: Assessment of practical skills GPC, observation, measurement and preparation 2.15pm: Resources 2.45pm: Question and answer session 3.00pm: Stretch and challenge and the A* award 3.30pm: Plenary 3.45pm: Day ends
  • 8. Edexcel AS/A2 Chemistry: Delivering the challenging areas of the specification and improving student outcomes Course features Tutor: George Facer This course is for teachers who are looking for ways to develop their approach to challenging and guiding their students through AS and A2. We will look at a range of George is a highly experienced teacher, author and Chair activities that will help students gain the skills that they of Examiners for a major awarding body. George has need to acquire good subject knowledge and apply it been a Head of Chemistry and Science and a deputy effectively. Time will also be spent discussing effective head teacher. He has also worked in schools abroad strategies when linking practical tasks to theory. and is author of numerous textbooks for AS and A2 Chemistry. Delegates will receive a file and/or CD containing detailed notes of the course Venue and date London, Wednesday 16 March 2011 Course fee £195 plus VAT 9.45am: Registration and coffee 10.00am: Multiple choice How to tackle different types of questions 10.45am: Green chemistry Open ended questions 11.15am: Morning break 11.30am: Intermolecular forces Melting and boiling points and solubility 12.00pm: Born Haber Experimental and theoretical lattice energies 12.30pm: Lunch 1.30pm: Mechanisms What is required by the examiners 2.00pm: Entropy and equilibrium Why reactions proceed and how far 2.45pm: Afternoon break 3.15pm: Redox and electrode potentials Linked to entropy 3.45pm: Plenary 4.00pm: Day ends
  • 9. OCR A2 Chemistry: Teaching Units 4, 5 and 6 of the Specification Course features Tutors: Dr Mike Smith and John Older The course has been specifically designed for teachers who wish to understand the requirements of the new topics contained in the new specification. The emphasis Mike is a Principal Examiner for a major awarding will be placed on the preparation of the candidates body and is currently Assistant Principal of a large and for the examinations. There will be an opportunity successful sixth form college. He has written revision to consider what will be expected in the Unit exams guides for OCR chemistry. including examples of the type of question that may be John was a Vice-Master of a London school and has expected including ‘stretch and challenge’. Time will also been a Principal Moderator for many years. be spent considering the practical tasks that support the Both Mike and John were actively involved in the specification content. revision and development of the specifications and are joint authors of major textbooks covering the new AS and A2 specifications. Delegates will receive a file and/or CD containing detailed notes of the course Venue and date London, Friday 12th November 2010 Course fee £195 plus VAT 9.45am: Registration and coffee 10.00am: An overview of Units 4 and 5 10.45am: Unit 4- What’s new? Chirality in pharmaceutical synthesis Chromotography 11.10am: Morning coffee 11.25am: Unit 4- Spectroscopy 13 C NMR- Combining information from spectra 12.00pm: The assessment of practical skills The requirements of the tasks 12.45pm: Lunch 1.45pm: Unit 5- Enthalpy, entropy and free energy Predicting the feasibility of reactions 2.15pm: Unit 5- Electrode potentials and fuel cells Writing redox equations Measuring standard potentials Predicting the likelihood of a reaction Fuel cells 2.55pm: Unit 5- Transition metals Ligands and complex ions Stability constants 3.20pm: Stretch and challenge What may be expected? 3.45pm: Day ends
  • 10. Stretch & challenge and helping your Chemistry students get the new A* Course features Tutor: Tim Jolliff This course will inspire and equip teachers to give their students the best chance of accessing the new A* grade at A2. It will help them adapt their lessons to challenge Tim is an experienced teacher, author, educational and stimulate their most able pupils. The day will be consultant and trainer. For the academic year 2006-2007 bursting with proven ideas and resources ready to use he was the Royal Society of Chemistry’s School Teacher right away in school. Fellow writing ‘Chemistry for the Gifted & Talented’. These resources are designed to extend and enrich gifted students in their regular chemistry lessons. He has been part of the RSC’s Olympiad selection committee and has run the Chemistry online discussion forum for NAGTY. One of his students was given an award from the Delegates will receive a file and/or CD RSC this year having scored 600 out of 600 UMS points containing detailed notes of the course in her A level. Venue and date London, Wednesday 2 March 2011 Course fee £195 plus VAT 9.45am: Registration and coffee 10.00am: Overview and approach What do we need to get an A* What kind of questions discriminate between A and A* What is the A* for and who will need it What should we be doing with our gifted students Learning the facts the interesting way Resources & competitions 11.15am: Morning coffee 11.30am: Getting the marks in the exam Using mark schemes Strategies for free responses questions Developing creative and critical thinking skills Thinking about thinking 12.45pm: Lunch 1.45pm: Developing fundamental understanding Links between rates, equilibria and entropy Teaching electrode potentials Getting an overview of organic chemistry Oxbridge interviews 3.30pm: Plenary 3.45pm: Day ends
  • 11. Running a Grade 1 Chemistry Department: for new, existing and aspiring Heads of Department Course features Tutor: Martin Bluemel This course has been specifically designed for those who want to improve the success and raise the profile of their department. Delegates will consider successful Martin is a highly experienced teacher and Head of strategies focusing on curriculum vision, self evaluation, Department at a leading school in the south west. He is raising attainment, day-to-day administration and a Principal examiner for a major awarding body. effective resourcing. Time will also be spent considering the issues surrounding retention. Delegates will receive a file and/or CD Venue and date containing detailed notes of the course London, Wednesday 9 February 2011 Course fee £195 plus VAT 10.00am: Registration and coffee 10.15am: The role of the Head of Department Identifying the essential components of leading and managing a chemistry department 11.15am: Morning coffee 11.35am: Effective administration Managing the department and dealing with day-to-day administration 12.35pm: Lunch 1.35pm: Monitoring and evaluation Acting upon strengths and weaknesses 2.35pm: Afternoon tea 2.55pm: Raising standards in the Chemistry Department Raising expectations and increasing challenge in Chemistry teaching. Improving students’ performance 3.45pm Plenary 4.00pm: Day ends
  • 12. Teacher Day Booking Form )0844 800 5292 20844 800 5295 8bookings@teachersfirst.org.uk Or return the booking form to us at the address given below. We will then confirm your booking and issue an invoice. Payment is required 2 weeks before the date of the workshop. Course details will be sent out to you about 10 days before the course, after the receipt of payment. Please telephone us if you have not received them by this time. Further information on this and other events can be found on our website www.teachersfirst.org.uk Teacher Courses Venue Date Course fee per Number of head (plus VAT) places required Successful delivery of A-level Chemistry through practical tasks: logical explanations, London 10/02/11 £200 HSW, ISAs and EMPAs London 03/11/10 £195 Teaching AS/A2 Chemistry for the first time Manchester 02/11/10 £195 London 14/10/10 £195 AQA AS/A2 Chemistry: the new specification once through Manchester 13/10/10 £195 London 01/03/11 £195 AS/A2 AQA Chemistry: Improving Student London 26/05/11 £195 Performance Manchester 25/05/11 £195 Edexcel AS/A2 Chemistry: The lessons from the summer 2010 examinations and moving ahead London 29/09/10 £195 with the specification Edexcel AS/A2 Chemistry: Delivering the challenging concepts of the new specification London 16/03/11 £195 and improving student outcomes OCR A2 Chemistry: Teaching Units 4,5 and 6 of London 12/11/10 £195 the new specification Stretch & challenge and helping your Chemistry London 02/03/11 £195 students get the new A* Running a Grade 1 Chemistry Department- for new, existing and aspiring Heads of London 09/02/11 £195 Department Delegate School / College Address & Postcode RS Telephone Mobile HE FI TEAC Office e-mail address RST Delegate e-mail address Please return to: There’s always something Teachers First LLP, PO Box 659, Stockport, SK2 7WF. new to learn Teachers First reserves the right to amend the programme where circumstances dictate.