4. magic amplifies change in the
the best experiences with
feel magical
magic disrupts the notion of
makes you suddenly experience
14. Improving speed and efficiency
might help to build an image
of a competent company
but will not help to create
an impression of a company
offering unique experiences
25. Good solutions are based
on careful reduction
not on an attempt to satisfy all
Simplicity gives impression of
saving time,
offers perception of good
26. Id never get out of this !?$%# office - time
management in enterprise environment
#6: Berlin, CHANCE FOR PLAY: stand out from the shopping malls cluster, wi-fi zones in our shops to interact with customers
#7: CHANCE FOR PLAY: Non standard communication of unlimited SMS for prepaid users
#8: CHANCE FOR PLAY: Image of more friendly operator, that listens to its customers
#9: CHANCE FOR PLAY: New portal co-created with customers, not only by experts The Johnny Cash Project is a global collective art project, and we would love for you to participate. Through this website, we invite you to share your vision of Johnny Cash, as he lives on in your mind s eye. Working with a single image as a template, and using a custom drawing tool, youll create a unique and personal portrait of Johnny. Your work will then be combined with art from participants around the world, and integrated into a collective whole: a music video for "Aint No Grave", rising from a sea of one-of-a-kind portraits. Strung together and played in sequence over the song, the portraits will create a moving, ever evolving homage to this beloved musical icon. What s more, as new people discover and contribute to the project, this living portrait will continue to transform and grow, so its virtually never the same video twice.
#10: CHANCE FOR PLAY: New way of presenting offers or phones
#11: In Play I got a discount for my monthly fee just for a smile, CHANCE FOR PLAY: Out of the box bonuses giving additional word of mouth
#12: CHANCE FOR PLAY: We can be the only operator that does something in creative way
#13: Kolory maj na celu relaksacj oraz wydzielanie melatoniny pozwalajcej na szybsze zanicie
#15: It might be worthwhile for each project to look for aspects perceived as surprising, magical and most importantly offering a feeling of a real interaction with the company. In such way customers will want to stay in touch with Play rather than be happy to stay away.
#24: Dealness indicator pokazane ile oszczdzasz J CHANCE FOR PLAY: Userfriendly functions - shortlist button, send feedback, dealness indicator
#25: http://www.etsy.com/blog/en/2011/the-slow-technology-movement/ CHANCE FOR PLAY: User friendly, easy to understand and having a bit of magic in services
#26: Simplicity means removing obvious elements and leaving only those that bring value.
#27: novel approach for time management inspired by mint.com. approach postulates that time-based data at a reasonable accuracy is required to perform meaningful time analytics, (2) we believe that visualizing the analyzed data and metrics derived from the data is a crucial component in understanding how time is spent, (3) and an understanding of how time is spent will lead to better time management for individuals and ultimately for the organization at large.
#31: Design uatwia komunikacj. Nieoczywiste podejcie do znanych problem坦w pozwala na osiganie dobrych wynik坦w.