5. Designing Differently WYSIWYG HTML editors make it easy to create web pages. But, Joomla generates pages dynamically. You have to have a host: Localhost, e.g. WAMP, XAMPP www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html Webserver Other free stuff, Nuvo www.nvu.com
6. Design in a Circle Make edits with HTML editor, save changes Have localhost server running in background to "run" Joomla. View edits in a web browser Go to 1.
7. Easy CSS Styling One useful technique to make the design process more efficient is to serve a web page that you are designing and then copy and paste the source into an editor. For example, once your layout CSS is set up, you can use one of these localhost servers to serve a page, then View_Source. You then copy and paste that into your editor. You can now easily style the page using CSS.
8. Elements of a Template www.yoursite.com/templates/mytemplate mytemplate/ templateDetails.xml index.php templateDetails.xml (note the uppercase "D") Got a bunch of important stuff in in index.php Got even more important stuff in it Lays out the site and tells Joomla where to put the different components and modules. It is a combination of PHP and (X)HTML.
11. Doctype DOCTYPE At the top of the index.php file <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> A web page DOCTYPE is part of the fundamental components of who a web page is shown by a browser, specifically, how that browser interprets CSS. To give you a sense, an observation from alistapart.com says: [information on W3C's site about doctypes is] "written by geeks for geeks. And when I say geeks, I don¡¯t mean ordinary web professionals like you and me. I mean geeks who make the rest of us look like Grandma on the first day She¡¯s Got Mail.?"
13. The Layout Or ¡°Why tables for layout is stupid¡± http://www.hotdesign.com/seybold/everything.html make your pages load faster lower your hosting costs make your redesigns more efficient and less expensive help you maintain visual consistency throughout your sites get you better search engine results make your sites more accessible to all viewers and user agents
19. Random Fact Fluid Pages: Although the percentage is dropping, about 20% of surfers are using an 800x600 resolution. The majority, 76%, are using 1024x768 and higher (source: www.upsdell.com ). Making a fluid layout means that your valuable web page won't be a narrow column in the 1024 resolution, and will all be visible on smaller monitors. Min/Max Width
20. Other CSS Layouts http://www.compassdesigns.net/tutorials/208-joomla-15-template-tutorial.html http://www.positioniseverything.net/articles/pie-maker/pagemaker_form.php http://www.csscreator.com/
23. Modules <jdoc:include type="modules" name="LOCATION" style="OPTION" /> Example: <jdoc:include type="modules" name=¡°left" style=¡°xhtml" /> The $style is optional and can be CUSTOM!
24. Module Suffixes table Modules are displayed in a table. xhtml Modules are displayed in a div. raw Modules are displayed as raw output and without titles. rounded Modules are displayed in CSS format enclosed by a 3 div¡¯s YOUR_OWN Modules are displayed in a format defined in your template overrides!!
25. Menus Use flat/bulleted Lists (CSS) Submenus natively Template overrides strike again! DON¡¯T use Javascript
26. Sneaky Menu Trick Output the menu from Joomla and style that small snippet <ul class="menu"> <li id="current" class="active item109"><a href="http://www.compassdesigns.net/"><span>Home</span></a> </li> <li class="item104"><a href="/templates.html"><span>Templates</span></a> </li> <li class="item103"><a href="/tutorials.html"><span>Tutorials</span></a> </li> <li class="item105"><a href="/services.html"><span>Services</span></a> </li> <li class="item95"><a href="/downloads.html"><span>Downloads</span></a> </li> <li class="item131"><a href="/training.html"><span>Training</span></a> </li> </ul>
27. Menu Ideas Use Listamatic: css.maxdesign.com.au/listamatic/index.htm Wrap in a div¡ <navcontainer>
28. What¡¯s New in 1.5? Template parameters Work much in the same way as module parameters. Template Overrides Templates can override the default output of the core.
29. Tableless Joomla in 1.0 Can use some module settings You had to hack the core Hacking get you into difficulty
30. So how does 1.5 do it? All components and modules now have individual template files view -> layout -> templates