This document humorously suggests that women are gaining power and dominance over men in many areas of society. It notes that women now start more businesses, earn higher returns as investors, hold more college degrees, are less likely to lose their jobs, and are closing the gender wage gap. It also jokes that women download one-third of porn, make up political sex scandals, and are increasingly committing crimes like DUIs and school shootings. The document half-seriously proposes that with women's newfound strengths in business, education, careers, and criminal activities, they may eventually gain total political and social control over men.
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5. We <heart> Porn
Women download
one-third of porn.
1 in 6 is an addict.
"34% of female
readers of Today's
Christian Woman
admitted to
accessing Internet
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6. Cougars.
You knew it was
Most dangerous:
Iris Robinson.
She made
political sex scandals
equal opportunity.
7. We are Becoming
DUIs up 29% in 9 years
Shooting Rampages
Pedophile scandals
US Weekly cover models
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11. Geeks & Bros:
Youre Next
Barbies a developer
& girls-will-be-boys
culture may be the
next trend
Math (unofficially) declared: No longer hard.
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12. Low Self-Esteem
for women
& girls an urban
collective hallucination?
marketing scheme?
Psychology Today suggests the data was misread & there
arent significant differences between the genders
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