The document discusses child abuse, including its definition, causes, types, and effects. It notes that child abuse involves harming a child physically, sexually, emotionally, or through neglect. The majority of abusers are parents or other relatives. Common causes include family stress, domestic violence, substance abuse, and mental health issues. Types of abuse include physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Physical abuse can cause injuries and long-term physical and psychological effects.
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Child abuse and maltreatment for merge
1. You have role to play in child abuse
Definition of Child Abuse:
A broad definition of child abuse implies purposeful and serious injury inflicted upon a child by a
caregiver, Child abuse is defined as a variety of harmful behaviors directed against children.
Child abuse can be seen as situation whereby the fundamental human right of a child is
tempered with. That is, the child is not given adequate care and protection as it's the responsibility
of every parent to take good care of their children. These rights are:
right to education,
religion, freedom,
Shelter etc. The child on most occasions is exposed to unnecessary hardship and odds in life.
Research has shown that age: 67% of abused children are less than 1 year old; 80% are less
than 3 years old, while 90% are less than 15years.
Girls are somewhat more likely to be abused. According to statistics published in 1996, about
52% of victims of abused were female and 48% were male. Data obtained in the federally funded
2005 study demonstrate no significant change in these values.
Those who abuses children are According to the statistics, the majority of perpetrators of child
mistreatment or abuse (77%) are parents and another 11% are other relatives of the victim.
People who are in other caretaking relationships to the victim (for example, child-care providers,
foster parents, and facility staff) account for only 2% of the offenders. About 10% of all
perpetrators are classified as non-caretakers or unknown individuals. In many states, child
abusers by definition must be in a caretaking role.
An estimated 81% of all offenders are under age 40. Overall, approximately 61% of perpetrators
are female, although the gender of the abuser differs by the type of mistreatment. Neglect and
medical neglect are most often attributed to female caretakers, while sexual abuse is most often
associated with male offenders.
The EFFECTS and CONSEQUENCES of child abuse by OFFOR SON
2. You have role to play in child abuse
Certain types of families have an increased risk of child abuse and neglect. However, single-
parent families usually earn less money than other families, so this may account for the increased
risk of abuse. Families with chronic marital discord or spousal abuse have higher rates of child
abuse than families without these problems. In addition, families in which either the husband or
wife dominates in making important decisionssuch as where to live, what jobs to take, when to
have children, and how much money to spend on food and housinghave higher rates of child
abuse than families in which parents share responsibility for these decisions.
Stress brought on by a variety of social conditions raises the risk of child abuse within a family.
These conditions include unemployment, illness, poor housing conditions, a larger-than-average
family size, the presence of a new baby or a disabled person in the home, and the death of a
family member. A large majority of reported cases of child abuse come from families living in
poverty. Child abuse also occurs in middle-class and wealthy families, but it is better reported
among the poor for several reasons. Wealthier families have an easier time hiding abuse because
they have less contact with social agencies than poor families.
Alcohol and drug use, common among abusive parents, may aggravate stress and stimulate
violent behavior. Certain characteristics of children, such as mental retardation or physical or
developmental disabilities can also increase the stress of parenting and the risk of abuse.
In the United States, immigrants bring their cultural heritage with them, including how to parent
children. What may not have been considered child abuse in their home country could be
construed as abuse in the U.S. In addition, child-rearing practices that are more punishment-
oriented create a greater risk of child abuse.
When domestic violence is present, one parent may not be able to protect the child from another
parent's abusive behavior because that parent is also being abused. Children may be harmed
while trying to protect a parent from domestic violence or as a result of the violence.
Parents with low self-esteem are more susceptible to abusing their children because they often
see themselves as worthless and may take out their feelings of inadequacy on their children.
Parents with drug and alcohol problems are at a much higher risk of abusing their children.
Parents with drug and alcohol problems are 3 times more likely to physically or sexually assault
their children than those parents without such problems.
Stressful circumstances can trigger child abuse. Such circumstances include poverty, single
parenting, parenting as a teen or twenty-something, domestic violence and raising a disabled
The EFFECTS and CONSEQUENCES of child abuse by OFFOR SON
3. You have role to play in child abuse
child. Parents struggling to raise children in these tense situations might become so distraught
that their repeated losses of temper or neglect of their children's basic needs cause physical and
psychological harm to their children.
The causes of abuse generally fall into one of two categories: emotional illnesses and stressful
circumstances affecting the abused children's parents.
Many parents who would never harm their children under ordinary circumstances can become
neglectful or abusive when suffering from an untreated mental illness or substance abuse, notes
Prevent Child Abuse New York in "General Causes and Risk Factors for Child Abuse." Children
whose mother is deeply depressed may find that she cannot make their meals or wash their
clothes. If a father becomes an alcoholic, his children might discover that their father is violent or
unpredictable when he is drunk.
While individual child abuse incidents can happen at any time, abusive environments also share
similar characteristics. According to a study from the Family Violence Prevention Fund, social
isolation is present in many families whee child abuse is present. And although low-income and
low-education households also have higher rates of child abuse, this isn't always the case. In
communities where there is a high level of social cohesion, such as small communities where
everyone knows each other and experience high levels of social trust and common values, child
abuse rates are lower even in low-income and low-education level families.
- Physical Abuse
- Sexual Abuse
- Mental Abuse or Emotional Abuse
- Child Neglect
- Child Exploitation
Physical abuse is an act of another party involving contact intended to cause feelings of
physical pain, injury or other physical suffering or bodily harm, it also involve the physical
aggression directed at a child by an adult or it is defined as excessive intentional physical
injury to a child or excessive corporal punishment of a child.
- Corporal punishment by parents is subject to evaluation and interpretation. In general,
corporal punishment should be avoided, though spanking with a hand and other forms of mild
physical punishment that do not leave any marks are still considered within the realm of
parental discretion.
- Any person who has been reared in an environment of violence may be more likely to inflict
violence on others. People who recognize their tendencies to get angry, out of control, or
The EFFECTS and CONSEQUENCES of child abuse by OFFOR SON
4. You have role to play in child abuse
violent should seek help. They can learn anger-management and child-rearing techniques,
and try to suppress their violent tendencies through conscious and diligent effort at all times.
- Punishment that leads to marks that last for more than a few minutes can be interpreted as
abuse, regardless of intention. The use of any objects to strike a child (other than with your
open hand) is wrong. That includes belts, paddles, sticks, or any other object. A family
tradition of beatings or the fact that the parent was subjected to physical abuse is not an
acceptable excuse for injury to a child.
- Excessive physical discipline is harmful and dangerous to children. Small children can be
killed by relatively minor acts of physical violence (for example, shaking, dropping, or throwing
the child against hard surfaces). Any severe beating with an object, forceful shaking,
submersion in hot water, intentional burning, and other forms of intentional infliction of pain
are inappropriate and criminal behaviors.
- Stomachaches
- Migraines
- gut problem
- Other physical symptoms not directly caused by the abuse these are psychosomatic
Frequent injuries or unexplained bruises, welts, or cuts.
Injuries appear to have a pattern such as marks from a hand or belt.
Shies away from touch, flinches at sudden movements, or seems afraid to go home.
Wears inappropriate clothing to cover up injuries, such as long-sleeved shirts on hot days.
Trouble walking or sitting.
Displays knowledge or interest in sexual acts inappropriate to his or her age, or even
seductive behavior.
Makes strong efforts to avoid a specific person, without an obvious reason.
A generally accepted definition of sexual abuse is that of a child involved in sexual activity for
which consent cannot be given, This is when an older person uses the body of a child for his
sexual satisfaction, Child sexual abuse is a form of child abuse in which an adult or older
adolescent abuses a child for sexual stimulation or includes any activity that uses a child to create
sexual gratification either in you or in others. Cases of child abuse are been reported all over the
world. Experts believe that sexual abuse may be the most underreported type of abuse because
of the secrecy or "conspiracy of silence" that so often characterizes these cases.
- Changes in behavior, including discipline problems, fecal soiling, bed wetting, insomnia,
nightmares, depression, or other changes in the way a child normally acts can be signs of
sexual abuse. Parents should discuss the possible reasons for such changes in behaviors
The EFFECTS and CONSEQUENCES of child abuse by OFFOR SON
5. You have role to play in child abuse
with professionals who are in a position to properly evaluate the behavioral changes and
explore the possibility of child sexual abuse.
- Photographing, videotaping, or filming of children with the intent to create sexual stimulation is
a form of child abuse as well.
- Child sexual abuse includes prolonged kissing, cuddling, French kissing, and excessive
touching. Looking at children either with or without clothes with the intent to be sexually
aroused is also included.
For example a girl coming back from school who went to visit her friend who did not come to
school that day, on getting their the friend was not at home only the father of the friend,
immediately, the girl opened the door the father of her friend answered and welcome her in, not
knowing that his mind was evil, when the girl sat down the father shut the door and ask a girl a
question which she refused to answer, the father of her friend was angry and told her that if she
refuse to answer the question that he will sleep with her, but the young girl refuse to answer the
question, so the father of her friend gets upset with the girl and ask her to pull off her cloth, the girl
wanted to shout but the friend father threaten her, that he will kill her if she shout, because of fear
the young girl did what the father of her friend ask her to do, and immediately the father of the
friend slept with this young girl of about 12years old, not only that he released sperm (a cell that is
produced by the sex organs of a male and that can combine with the female egg to produce
young) into her virgina. The girl refuse to tell anyone what had happen to her so after few days the
girl got ill and the doctor checked her and noticed that something is eating her up, so the doctor
convince her to tell him what is the problem, that if she tell him that he will not let anyone about
Guilt and self-blame, flashbacks, insomnia, fear of things associated with the abuse (including
objects, smells, places, etc.), self-esteem issues, sexual dysfunction, behavioral, cognitive
and psychological effects.
Unusual interest in or avoidance of all things of a sexual nature
Guilt and Self-blame
Self-esteem issues
Fear of visiting the Doctor
Sleep problems or nightmares
Depression or withdrawal from friends or family
Statements that their bodies are dirty or damaged, or fear that there is something wrong with
them in the genital area
Mental abuse is a form of violence that affects the mind, often leaving the abused feeling
worthless and lacking empowerment or Emotional abuse of a child is commonly defined as a
pattern of behavior by parents or caregivers that can seriously interfere with a childs cognitive,
emotional, psychological or social development.
The EFFECTS and CONSEQUENCES of child abuse by OFFOR SON
6. You have role to play in child abuse
- Ignoring a Child
- Isolation of a Child
- Constant belittling, shaming, and humiliating a child.
- Calling names and making negative comparisons to others.
- Telling a child he or she is no good," "worthless," "bad," or "a mistake."
- Frequent yelling, threatening, or bullying.
- Ignoring or rejecting a child as punishment, giving him or her silent treatment.
Emotional abuse has devastating physical and mental consequences. Children of abuse
Poor Self-Esteem
You may be experiencing Emotional abuse if someone monitor your
- Excessively withdrawn, fearful, or anxious about doing something wrong.
- Shows extremes in behavior (extremely compliant or extremely demanding; extremely passive
or extremely aggressive).
- Doesnt seem to be attached to the parent or caregiver.
- Acts either inappropriately adult (taking care of other children) or inappropriately infantile
(rocking, thumb-sucking, throwing tantrums).
- Limited physical contact with the childno hugs, kisses, or other signs of affection.
Child neglect a very common type of child abuse is a pattern of failing to provide for a child's basic
needs, whether it be adequate food, clothing, hygiene, or supervision. Child neglect is not always
easy to spot. Sometimes, a parent might become physically or mentally unable to care for a child,
such as with a serious injury, untreated depression, or anxiety. Other times, alcohol or drug abuse
may seriously impair judgment and the ability to keep a child safe.
Older children might not show outward signs of neglect, becoming used to presenting a
competent face to the outside world, and even taking on the role of the parent. But at the end of
the day, neglected children are not getting their physical and emotional needs met.
Clothes are ill-fitting, filthy, or inappropriate for the weather.
Hygiene is consistently bad (unbathed, matted and unwashed hair, noticeable body odor).
Untreated illnesses and physical injuries.
Is frequently unsupervised or left alone or allowed to play in unsafe situations and
environments. Warning signs of sexual abuse in children
Child exploitation is prevalent in some form or the other throughout the world, especially in third
world and other developing countries. Child exploitation involves evils such as recruiting children
to perform laborious tasks, indulging them in prostitution, acts of child trafficking, and so on. All
these acts amount to social and moral evil, and are punishable offenses. People subjected to
exploitation as children may turn out to be anti-social elements or child exploiters themselves.
One needs to understand that children need to play and study during their childhood, and should
The EFFECTS and CONSEQUENCES of child abuse by OFFOR SON
7. You have role to play in child abuse
not be made to succumb to the difficulties of life at such an early age, as such things tend to make
a deep impact on their lives.
Avoid denial and remain calm. A common reaction to news as unpleasant and shocking as
child abuse is denial. However, if you display denial to a child, or show shock or disgust at
what they are saying, the child may be afraid to continue and will shut down. As hard as it may
be, remain as calm and reassuring as you can.
Dont interrogate. Let the child explain to you in his or her own words what happened, but
dont interrogate the child or ask leading questions. This may confuse and fluster the child and
make it harder for them to continue their story.
Reassure the child that they did nothing wrong. It takes a lot for a child to come forward about
abuse. Reassure him or her that you take what is said seriously, and that it is not the childs
Safety comes first. If you feel that your safety or the safety of the child would be threatened if
you try to intervene, leave it to the professionals. You may be able to provide more support
later after the initial professional intervention.
1. It will encourage your child to lie, resent, fear, and retaliate, instead of loving, trusting, and
2. It will alienate your child from you and the rest of your family & make him a recluse.
3. It will lower your child's self esteem, and affect your child's psychological development and
ability to behave normally outside his home.
4. When your child grows up, your child could probably carry on the family tradition, and abuse
your grandchildren.
5. Your child may exclude you from his adult life. For example, you might not be invited to your
child's wedding, or not be allowed any contact or relationship with your grandchildren.
Preventing child abuse requires a multisectoral approach. Effective programmes are
those that support parents and teach positive parenting skills. These include:
visits by nurses to parents and children in their homes to provide support, education, and
parent education, usually delivered in groups, to improve child-rearing skills, increase
knowledge of child development, and encourage positive child management strategies;
Multi-component interventions, which typically include support and education of parents,
pre-school education, and child care.
Other prevention programmes have shown some promise.
Programmes to prevent abusive head trauma (also referred to as shaken baby syndrome,
shaken infant syndrome and inflicted traumatic brain injury). These are usually hospital-
based programmes targeting new parents prior to discharge from the hospital, informing of
the dangers of shaken baby syndrome and advising on how to deal with babies that cry
The EFFECTS and CONSEQUENCES of child abuse by OFFOR SON
8. You have role to play in child abuse
Programmes to prevent child sexual abuse. These are usually delivered in schools and
teach children about:
Body ownership.
The difference between good and bad touch.
How to recognize abusive situations.
How to say "no".
How to disclose abuse to a trusted adult.
Such programmes are effective at strengthening protective factors against child sexual abuse
(e.g. knowledge of sexual abuse and protective behaviours), but evidence about whether such
programmes reduce other kinds of abuse is lacking.
The earlier such interventions occur in children's lives, the greater the benefits to the child (e.g.
cognitive development, behavioural and social competence, educational attainment) and to
society (e.g. reduced delinquency and crime).
In addition, early case recognition coupled with ongoing care of child victims and families can help
reduce reoccurrence of maltreatment and lessen its consequences.
To maximize the effects of prevention and care, WHO recommends that interventions are
delivered as part of a four-step public health approach:
Defining the problem;
Identifying causes and risk factors;
Designing and testing interventions aimed at minimizing the risk factors;
Disseminating information about the effectiveness of interventions and increasing the
scale of proven effective interventions.
Act on you suspicions. If you suspect a child is being abused or neglected, trust your
instincts. Suspected abuse is enough of a reason to make a report to the authorities. You
do not need proof.
Be aware of unexplained injuries. Note unusual burns or bruises in the shape of objects, or
unconvincing explanations of a childs injuries.
Notice changes in behavior. Abuse can lead to many changes in a childs behavior,
ranging from becoming isolated and withdrawn to becoming overly aggressive.
Notice a childs fear of going home. If a child is a victim of physical or sexual abuse, he or
she may display apprehension about leaving school or going places with the abuser.
Notice if a child is expressing inappropriate knowledge of sexual relations. If a child is a
victim of sexual, he or she may exhibit overly sexual behavior, or use explicit sexual
Notice unexplained weight loss or other signs that a child is not getting enough to eat.
Underfed children may be unusually sluggish or fatigued.
Notice if there is an unexplained drop in a childs attendance at school. Children may be
unable to attend school due to injuries from their abuse or intentionally held out of school
to cover up visible signs of abuse.
Sex should be brought to the scheme of work for secondary school student.
Parent should be mindful of the kind of friends their child follow and the kind of uncle or
aunty they visit.
Parent should not subject their children to any hard punishment that will lead to injuries.
Any parent that is caught abusing he/her child should be discipline by the Government so
that all other parent can learn their lesson from it.
The EFFECTS and CONSEQUENCES of child abuse by OFFOR SON
9. You have role to play in child abuse
Dinwiddie S, Heath AC, Dunne MP, Bucholz KK, Madden PA, Slutske WS, Bierut LJ, Statham
DB et al. (2000). "Early sexual abuse and lifetime psychopathology: a co-twin-control study".
Psychological Medicine 30 (1): 4152. Doi: 10.1017/S0033291799001373. PMID10722174.
Whealin Julia (22 May 2007). "Child Sexual Abuse". National Center for Post Traumatic Stress
Disorder, US Department of Veterans Affairs.
Finkelhor D. (1994). "Current information on the scope and nature of child sexual abuse". The
Future of Children (Princeton University) 4 (2): 3153. Doi: 10.2307/1602522. JSTOR 1602522.
PMID 7804768.
Crimesagainst Children Research Center
FamilyResearch Laboratory
Gorey, K.M.; Leslie, D.R. (April 1997). "The prevalence of child sexual abuse: integrative
review adjustment for potential response and measurement biases". Child Abuse & Neglect 21
(4): 3918. Doi: 10.1016/S0145-2134(96)00180-9. PMID 9134267.
Finkelhor, David; Richard Ormrod, and Mark Chaffin (2009). "Juveniles Who Comm.
The EFFECTS and CONSEQUENCES of child abuse by OFFOR SON