
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
Executive Summary
Overview of the situation,
the goal and the course
of action.
Situation Analysis
Overview of the App
and insights about the
customers, market in
which it operates
Apps goals and
Performance Benchmarks.
Identi鍖cation of target
market and Value
Marketing Mix strategies
Implementation plan
01Executive Summary
Do you want
to learn a
new skill ?
>< 4
But suffer from
procrastination or
commitment issues.
>< 6
Studies show 8 out of 10
people lose interest in
learning after a week.
>< 8
We need a learning revolution inside
and outside of the classroom.
>< 9
Heres our Solution:
>< 10
Platform to learn anything
from anyone in your community.
02Situation Analysis
Your city, network & community is
the worlds biggest university of
excess knowledge and skills.12
 Unique Platform with
minimum competition
and maximum traction.
 Foreign language
translation not
 Technical issues.
 Limited range of
 Popularity of MooCs
 Partnerships with
 A lot of competitors.
 L i m i t e d C o u r s e
01 02 03 04
SWOT Analysis
Learning shouldnt be con鍖ned to
the four walls of a classroom.
>< 17
 Hit Revenue: 50k/month in 10 months
 Market Share: 20-30% globally and
40% in India in 12 months
 1million+ app downloads:12 months
 1000 Signups: 6 months
 5000 videos on the app: 6 months
Piquing your interest, 鍖nding new
passions & learning new things
should be a life-long process.
Easily accessible at the push of
a button, user can learn
anytime anywhere at their own
pace without the hassle of
A user can learn only the
relevant skills which He/She is
interested in learning free from
t h e b o u n d a t i o n s o f a
Reasonably priced so that
money doesn't come in the way
of learning.
Value Proposition
Everyone should be a
life-long learner.
>< 21
 1Year fully functional mobile app
 Real time learning with all the features
 Develop a new skill in a short period
of time.
 Skill based learning.
 Coupons and workshops from
partnering corporates.
 Mentors earn money based on the
per click basis for their videos.
 3 months subscription for $5
 6 months subscription for $10
 12 months subscription for $15
 Special discounts on group learning.
 5 referrals = next 3 months free
>< 25
 Social media channels
 Email Marketing
 In app dashboard
 Google play store
 Apple store
 Windows store
Skills just needs to be shared.
>< 28
Teachers who share their skills. Learners learning new skills.
Live workshops and activities Corporate Partners
Stack Content
Stack Learners Launch
Develop the
platform through
01 02 03 04
Thank you.
This Presentation is Created by Shantanu Garg from SRM
Kattankulathur during a Marketing Internship under Prof. Sameer
Mathur from IIM Lucknow.

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