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China automobile
China automobile
Historic Development
Development      1953-65
                            Initial Stage
Current State
                            Growth Stage
VW competitive
position                    Open Market Stage
VW versus GM
                            Comprehensive Development
                            Current State of Economy
1. Initial Stage
                       50s  mid 60s
Historic          Factories job was to copy and assemble
Current State     By 1965, 21 plants

VW competitive
position              2. Growth Stage
VW versus GM         mid 60s  early 80s
Future            Governments policy was to construct
Development        Regional Industries.
                  By 1980, 53 plants out of 2379 enterprises
                   12.5% sedans
3. Open Market Stage
                            mid 80s  early 90s
Historic                Radical restructuring.
Development             Increased investment to meet demand.
                        Introduction of foreign technology, foreign technology
Current State            and management support.

VW competitive
                 4. Comprehensive Development
                           since 90s
VW versus GM             Automobile industry became core part of Chinese
Future                   15% Average annual growth.
Development              Enterprises are forced to improve products and service
Conclusion               Switch from trucks to sedans.
Market Restrictions
Historic        Foreign companies were only allowed to make joint
Development      ventures of no more than 50% with local companies and
                 localize 40% of the parts and components to encourage
Current State    the local industry.
                High protectionism measures
VW competitive
                Government was keeping brakes on the market
                Regardless of their ranks, Government Employees were
VW versus GM     banned from purchasing cars
                Imports quotas and tariffs
Future          Non-attractive market due to Consumer behaviors:
Development       1. Preferring cash purchases
                  2. Preferences made on emotional factors and
                     intangible attributes rather than efficiency or speed
China automobile
Current state of the Economy
Development                Market Structure

Current State
                  Global                      China
VW competitive     6+3                        3+X
                   Large Motor
VW versus GM         Groups

Future            Independent

Conclusion                                       SAIC
Current state of the Economy
                 6 + 3 Status
                 Guiding Principles:
Current State
                  Form larger competitive groups
VW competitive
position          Strategic reorganization
VW versus GM
                  Intensive R & D
                  Start International cooperation

Current state of the Economy
Historic         3 + X status
                  First Automobile Workshop FAW
                   10 b$ revenue
Current State
                   22 joint ventures  includes: Audi & Mazda
VW competitive    Dongfeng Motor Corporation
position           6 b$ revenue
                   joint ventures: Nissan, Citroen & Kia
VW versus GM
                  Shanghai Automobile Industry Corporation SAIC
                   the biggest group in china, >10 b$ revenue
Development        strong ties with government officials
                   52 joint Ventures: VW & GM
Current state of the Economy                     2004

                   majority are state owned
Current State      account for 30% of production
VW competitive    Sales:
position           4.44 million units
VW versus GM      Imports and Exports, 2003:
                   import: 171,903 units of 5.29 b $
Future             export: 47,439 units of 370 m $
                   in 2006, reached 340,000 units
Current state of the Economy
                                                2004 Sales ratios

Development                                          28%                        Sedans
Current State                                   Passenger
VW competitive

VW versus GM                                 Enterprises Number
Future           3000                                        2904 2596                 2326
Development      2000                           1228                                          Enterprises
                 1000                 522                                                     Number
Conclusion          0
Current state of the Economy
                 Joining WTO, 2001
                  Decrease tariffs 10% annually for sedans
Current State      and 4-8% for trucks and passenger cars.
VW competitive
                  Complete cancellation of quotas in 5 years.
position          Cancellation of restrictions of importing
                   critical parts.
VW versus GM
                  Allowance of 100% FDI
Future            Adoption of international after-sale services
                  Removal of protectionism
What worked for VW up till 2004?

                                                                                                                  VW Strategy
                                                                  Strong alliance with SAIC
                High growth & demand in China
                                                 Middle class                                 SAIC is a SOE                    First Mover
                                                  income jumped                                Strong policy                     advantage
                                                  from USD $                                    support                          Simple
Current State                                     460- $1091                                                                      technology,
                                                 Option of car                                 with local                        simple product
                                                  financing by                                  suppliers with                   High German
VW                                                state owned                                   SAIC support                      Quality
competitive                                       banks                                        Domestic                         Low
                                                 30% annual                                    content soared                    investment for
position                                          growth rate                                   to 70% in early                   distribution
                                                                                                90s                               network
                                                                                                                                 High op.
VW versus GM                                                                                                                      margin: 30%
                                                                                                                                  vs. R.O.W 5%

VW Competitive Position by 2004
                 Summer 2004 VW faced critical issues:
                                             Weak Sales and product
                    High Cost structure
Current State

                                               Change in Customer
competitive          Changing Market;             Profile: Simple
position           market share plunge to       technology, simple
                            16%                products strategy no
                                                  longer works!
VW versus GM

                                  Losing First Mover
Development                          Advantage!

VW Change Management Programme
Historic         Start from Zero change
                  management programme
Current State

competitive      Marcus Sch端tz, Director was tasked
                  to design and implement change
VW versus GM      initiatives over next 3 years.
                 Develop new set of success factors
Development       that is sustainable!
VW Dilemma
                Sales infrastructure           FAW vs. SAIC               Modification of
Current State                                                             Product Strategy
                 Reselling and distributing    Bitter competitors
VW                done by SAIC a failure        Separate distribution     German standards=
                 Lack of control of S&M         networks and supply        overdesigning
competitive      SVW Sales Corporation:         bases                     Little flexibility for
                  24 RSSCs and 700 dealers      Impossible to create       consumer preferences
position          too late                       synergies btw SAIC and    CKD transfer to local
                 B2B to B2C structure           FAW                        bases
                                                High cost management      Weak negotiation point
VW versus GM


GMs issues

Current State

VW competitive
                 Slow turnaround time

VW versus GM
                 Poor business strategy

Development      Burdened with high cost eg pensions benefits

Conclusion       Financial crisis and prospect of bankruptcy
VW vs. GM in China
                            First mover advantage
Development                 S&M retrieved from SAIC too late

Current State      VW       Fear of losing technology
                            German Quality
VW competitive
                            S&M in their control from day one
VW versus GM                Channel of technology transfer

                   GM       Left localization to local
                            Build a component industry


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China automobile

  • 3. Historic Development Historic Development 1953-65 Initial Stage Current State 1966-80 Growth Stage VW competitive position Open Market Stage 1981-90 VW versus GM 1991 Comprehensive Development Future Development NOW Current State of Economy Conclusion
  • 4. 1. Initial Stage 50s mid 60s Historic Factories job was to copy and assemble Development automobiles. Current State By 1965, 21 plants VW competitive position 2. Growth Stage VW versus GM mid 60s early 80s Future Governments policy was to construct Development Regional Industries. Conclusion By 1980, 53 plants out of 2379 enterprises 12.5% sedans
  • 5. 3. Open Market Stage mid 80s early 90s Historic Radical restructuring. Development Increased investment to meet demand. Introduction of foreign technology, foreign technology Current State and management support. VW competitive 4. Comprehensive Development position since 90s VW versus GM Automobile industry became core part of Chinese economy. Future 15% Average annual growth. Development Enterprises are forced to improve products and service quality. Conclusion Switch from trucks to sedans.
  • 6. Market Restrictions Historic Foreign companies were only allowed to make joint Development ventures of no more than 50% with local companies and localize 40% of the parts and components to encourage Current State the local industry. High protectionism measures VW competitive Government was keeping brakes on the market position Regardless of their ranks, Government Employees were VW versus GM banned from purchasing cars Imports quotas and tariffs Future Non-attractive market due to Consumer behaviors: Development 1. Preferring cash purchases 2. Preferences made on emotional factors and Conclusion intangible attributes rather than efficiency or speed
  • 8. Current state of the Economy Historic Development Market Structure Current State Global China VW competitive 6+3 3+X position Large Motor FAW VW versus GM Groups Future Independent DFMC Manufacturers Development Conclusion SAIC
  • 9. Current state of the Economy Historic Development 6 + 3 Status Guiding Principles: Current State Form larger competitive groups VW competitive position Strategic reorganization VW versus GM Intensive R & D Start International cooperation Future Development Conclusion
  • 10. Current state of the Economy Historic 3 + X status Development First Automobile Workshop FAW 10 b$ revenue Current State 22 joint ventures includes: Audi & Mazda VW competitive Dongfeng Motor Corporation position 6 b$ revenue joint ventures: Nissan, Citroen & Kia VW versus GM Shanghai Automobile Industry Corporation SAIC the biggest group in china, >10 b$ revenue Future Development strong ties with government officials 52 joint Ventures: VW & GM Conclusion
  • 11. Current state of the Economy 2004 Historic Development Enterprises: majority are state owned Current State account for 30% of production VW competitive Sales: position 4.44 million units VW versus GM Imports and Exports, 2003: import: 171,903 units of 5.29 b $ Future export: 47,439 units of 370 m $ Development in 2006, reached 340,000 units Conclusion
  • 12. Current state of the Economy 2004 Sales ratios Historic Trrucks Development 28% Sedans 45% Current State Passenger Cars 27% VW competitive position VW versus GM Enterprises Number 4000 Future 3000 2904 2596 2326 Development 2000 1228 Enterprises 1000 522 Number 104 Conclusion 0 1956 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
  • 13. Current state of the Economy Historic Development Joining WTO, 2001 Decrease tariffs 10% annually for sedans Current State and 4-8% for trucks and passenger cars. VW competitive Complete cancellation of quotas in 5 years. position Cancellation of restrictions of importing critical parts. VW versus GM Allowance of 100% FDI Future Adoption of international after-sale services Development Removal of protectionism Conclusion
  • 14. What worked for VW up till 2004? Historic Development VW Strategy Strong alliance with SAIC High growth & demand in China Middle class SAIC is a SOE First Mover income jumped Strong policy advantage from USD $ support Simple Current State 460- $1091 technology, Localisation Option of car with local simple product financing by suppliers with High German VW state owned SAIC support Quality competitive banks Domestic Low 30% annual content soared investment for position growth rate to 70% in early distribution 90s network High op. VW versus GM margin: 30% vs. R.O.W 5% Future Development Conclusion
  • 15. VW Competitive Position by 2004 Summer 2004 VW faced critical issues: Historic Development Weak Sales and product High Cost structure teams Current State VW Change in Customer competitive Changing Market; Profile: Simple position market share plunge to technology, simple 16% products strategy no longer works! VW versus GM Future Losing First Mover Development Advantage! Conclusion
  • 16. VW Change Management Programme Historic Start from Zero change Development management programme Current State VW competitive Marcus Sch端tz, Director was tasked position to design and implement change VW versus GM initiatives over next 3 years. Develop new set of success factors Future Development that is sustainable! Conclusion
  • 17. VW Dilemma Historic Development Sales infrastructure FAW vs. SAIC Modification of Current State Product Strategy Reselling and distributing Bitter competitors VW done by SAIC a failure Separate distribution German standards= Lack of control of S&M networks and supply overdesigning competitive SVW Sales Corporation: bases Little flexibility for 24 RSSCs and 700 dealers Impossible to create consumer preferences position too late synergies btw SAIC and CKD transfer to local B2B to B2C structure FAW bases High cost management Weak negotiation point VW versus GM Future Development Conclusion
  • 18. GMs issues Historic Development Current State VW competitive position Slow turnaround time VW versus GM Poor business strategy Future Development Burdened with high cost eg pensions benefits Conclusion Financial crisis and prospect of bankruptcy
  • 19. VW vs. GM in China Historic First mover advantage Development S&M retrieved from SAIC too late Current State VW Fear of losing technology advantage German Quality standard=overdesign VW competitive position S&M in their control from day one VW versus GM Channel of technology transfer Future Development GM Left localization to local automakers Build a component industry Conclusion