These slides presented at the Japan Association for Social and Economic Systems Studies on 25th October are about business strategies of "Level5", a game company, which has developed and sold "Yo-kai Watch".
These slides presented at the Japan Association for Social and Economic Systems Studies on 25th October are about business strategies of "Level5", a game company, which has developed and sold "Yo-kai Watch".
2015/10/10 13:30 ?【岡山】ゲームデザイナー向けキャラクターイメージ?ディレクション ~イメージコンセプトのまとめ方と発注の仕方~(専門学校岡山情報ビジネス学院)で使用した公開用スライドを一般公開用に抜粋したものです。
『ゲームシナリオ構成論 The Method for the game sinario writings for multi-ending adventure games』
FaceBook のAIチームが研究の発表論文である "Memory networks"とその拡張である"Towards AI-complete question answering: A set of prerequisite toy tasks."を簡単に紹介します。
[1] Weston, J., Chopra, S., and Bordes, A. Memory networks. In International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2015a.
[2] Weston, J., Bordes, A., Chopra, S., and Mikolov, T. Towards AI-complete question answering: A set of prerequisite toy tasks. arXiv preprint: 1502.05698, 2015b.