Chive is a member of the onion family that is aromatic and has long green needle-like leaves with a mild onion flavor. It is originally from East Asia and is an important ingredient in many Asian dishes, containing various minerals that help improve metabolism. Chives should be purchased fresh with firm green leaves and can also act as an insect repellent or be made into a lotion due to antibacterial and antifungal properties.
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An aromatic herbal plant originally from
the East. Chive is the smallest member of
the onion family. It has long green leaves
like needles and mild onion flavour. The
garlic chive is a important ingredient in
Asian gastronomy. Always buy fresh
chives with firm green leaves. The juice of
chives can act as an insect repellent. The
antibacterial and anti fungal properties of
the plant make fit a very effective lotion to
have around in times of wounds. Chives
are rich in manganese, copper, zinc,
magnesium, phosphorous, potassium,
iron and calcium. This helps to improve
the metabolism of the body.
(Chef Dheeraj singh)