The document outlines 40 principles of innovation that are important guidelines for developing new ideas. Some of the principles discussed include the need to segment or divide concepts, discard unnecessary ideas, ensure compatibility and flexibility, avoid asymmetry, allow for multiple potential solutions, and consider simplicity and practicality.
This document summarizes a research paper on the impact of the stage-gate process on new product development performance in industrial personal computer firms. It introduces the research motivation, objectives, literature review on topics like project and project management, stage-gate process, new product definition, development process, stage-gate methodology, product management systems, and new product performance. It also provides the research design and references.
Las tic como herramientas indispensables para el desarrollo social y culturalFrancy Gamez
El documento discute la importancia de las TIC para el desarrollo social y cultural. Explica que históricamente la ciencia ha estado reservada para grupos privilegiados, pero que las TIC permiten una difusión casi ilimitada del conocimiento científico. También destaca que las TIC son herramientas indispensables para mejorar la calidad de vida en áreas como la educación, la salud y la cultura. Finalmente, argumenta que las políticas de ciencia, tecnología e innovación deben asegurar que las TIC estén al alcance de todos
O projeto visa promover uma alimenta??o saudável na escola através do consumo diário de lácteos no lanche escolar, utilizando equipamentos tecnológicos da escola. Ser?o realizadas pesquisas com os alunos sobre os equipamentos e o uso destes para pesquisas, vídeos e apresenta??o dos resultados para a comunidade escolar. O objetivo é proporcionar o acesso e uso das tecnologias para constru??o do conhecimento.
The document discusses three types of training for developing human resources: learning, training, and development. Learning involves acquiring new knowledge and skills, especially hands-on skills. Training strengthens existing knowledge and skills through re-education, especially hands-on skills. Development refers to building and improving attitudes, abilities, values and beliefs over time, especially for managers, and can be seen as transformational learning. While knowledge and skills can grow quickly through learning and training in the short term, building and improving attitudes, abilities, values and beliefs takes much longer time, even fundamentally without progress.
This document contains notes on optical engineering topics including:
1. Optical science and technology, including fiber optics, optical components, and optical circuits.
2. Sources of light including natural light sources like sunlight and artificial light sources like lasers.
3. Optical design engineering which involves using principles of optics and design software to model optical systems.