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1 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved.息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved.
Achievement in Our Mission,
Strategy & Operational Plans
2 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved.
A Message from Chief Pyle.....................................................................................................................3
A Message from Tribal Council................................................................................................... 10
Organizational Restructure..................................................................................................................12
New Organizational Structure.......................................................................................................17
3 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved.
Over the last several years
the Choctaw Nation has seen
tremendous growth and success,
and because of this the time had
come to evaluate the organizational
A few months ago, I formed a
committee to review the current
structure and to determine if
changes were necessary in order to
support the 100 year vision.
A Message from Chief Pyle
The Time Had Come...
4 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved.
My committee was made up of a diverse group of
individuals with different levels of experience and tenure
with the Nation.
At the end of the review process, I tasked the
committee with compiling the data and presenting
their recommendations to me for my 鍖nal review and
5 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved.
The realignment is to ensure that Tribal Members have
easier access to services, creating improved organizational
effectiveness and ef鍖ciency, creating stronger lines of
communication throughout the organization, enabling greater
consistency in process and procedures.
This will contribute to greater ef鍖ciency and effectiveness and
supporting change in a culture that encourages
achievement in our mission, strategy and operational plans.
6 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved.
The overall purpose behind the realignment was to ensure that
Tribal Members had easier access to Tribal Services, create an
Organizational effectiveness & efficiency
Enable greater consistency in process & procedures
Contributing to greater efficiency & effectiveness
Create stronger lines of communication across the organization
Support a change in culture that encourages achievement in
our mission, strategy & operational plans
7 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved.
Thank you for your dedication and support,
Chief Gregory E. Pyle
While change can at times be a bit unsettling, supporting the
new structure will help build a stronger foundation for the
generations to come. This foundation will also ensure that
long-term sustainability is possible which in turn will help
achieve healthy, successful, productive and self-sufficient
lifestyles for a proud nation of Choctaws.W
While change can a
new structure will h
generations to com
long-term sustain
achieve healthy,
festyles for a p
8 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved.
In order to help support the
100 year vision changing
the organizational structure
was necessary.
The Choctaw Nation has
seen tremendous growth
over the last several years,
and because of this growth
the time had come to
evaluate if we were meeting
the needs of the Tribal
Members in an effective and
efficient manner.
9 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved.
At the direction of the Chief, a committee was formed to
evaluate the current structure and to determine other
alternatives. The committee was made up of a diverse
group of individuals with different levels of experience
and tenure with the Nation.
The final objective of the committee was to compile
their findings and present the data to the Chief for his
review and final recommendation.
10 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved.
Achievement in our Mission, Strategy & Operational Plans
The overall purpose behind the realignment was to ensure that
Tribal Members had Easier Access to Tribal Services:
Create an improved organizational effectiveness and ef鍖ciency
Enable greater consistency in process and procedures
Contributing to greater ef鍖ciency and effectiveness
Create stronger lines of communication across the organization
Support a change in culture that encourages achievement in our mission,
strategy and operational plans.
11 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved.
We Appreciate You
We appreciate you and your hard work
and dedication as an associate. We ask
for your patience and support as these
changes are carried out. Thank You.
Thomas Williston
Tony Messenger
Kenny Bryant
Delton Cox
Ron Perry
Joe Coley
Jack Austin
Perry Thompson
Ted Dosh
Anthony Dillard
Bob Pate
James Frazier
12 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved.
Focused primarily on the
Management Structure of the Tribe
Went from 20+ executive
departments to 4 Main Divisions:
Like Departments Were Grouped
based on:
What is Getting Restructured?
Member Services
Health Services
Administrative Commercial
13 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved.
What is Getting RESTRUCTURED?
14 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved.
Provide easier access to Tribal Services
Create stronger communication throughout the Tribal organization
Facilitate faster and higher quality decision-making
Create improved organizational effectiveness and ef鍖ciency
Enable greater consistency in process and procedures, contributing
to greater ef鍖ciency and effectiveness
Support an enhancement in our organizational culture that
encourages achievement in our mission, strategy & operational plans
15 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved.
Chief started the organizational restructure initiative
Chief selected a committee to make recommendations:
Executives were invited to give feedback on 4 occasions
during the process
Charlene Grunstad
(Community Services)
Janie Dillard
Jake Dolezal
(Tribal Research)
Paula Penz
(Gaming Commission)
Shannon McDaniel
(Tribal Management)
Susan Stockton
(Human Resources)
Teresa Jackson
16 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved.
Joint committee decisions:
Project was treated as important and
There was no one expertcommittee
together had the needed expertise
Committee acquired the relevant
information needed
The team worked well together and was
aligned with the overall objectives
Decisions were made through consensus
People for positions were not discussed,
only departments and functions
There were no personal agendas
Chief Made the Ultimate Decision to Restructure
17 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved.
18 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved.
Criteria based on the size and scope of the newly aligned division:
Criteria based on industry best practices
Criteria focused on high aptitude for leadership
Responsible for more than 500 associates
Responsible for more than $100 million in budgets
Chief Made the Ultimate Decision of
Who Filled These Positions
19 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved.
20 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved.
息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved.

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Choctaw Nation Introduction to Organization Restructure

  • 1. 1 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved.息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved. Achievement in Our Mission, Strategy & Operational Plans INTRODUCTION to ORGANIZATION RESTRUCTURE
  • 2. 2 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved. contents A Message from Chief Pyle.....................................................................................................................3 A Message from Tribal Council................................................................................................... 10 Organizational Restructure..................................................................................................................12 New Organizational Structure.......................................................................................................17
  • 3. 3 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved. Over the last several years the Choctaw Nation has seen tremendous growth and success, and because of this the time had come to evaluate the organizational structure. A few months ago, I formed a committee to review the current structure and to determine if changes were necessary in order to support the 100 year vision. A Message from Chief Pyle The Time Had Come...
  • 4. 4 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved. My COMMITTEE My committee was made up of a diverse group of individuals with different levels of experience and tenure with the Nation. At the end of the review process, I tasked the committee with compiling the data and presenting their recommendations to me for my 鍖nal review and consideration.
  • 5. 5 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved. The realignment is to ensure that Tribal Members have easier access to services, creating improved organizational effectiveness and ef鍖ciency, creating stronger lines of communication throughout the organization, enabling greater consistency in process and procedures. This will contribute to greater ef鍖ciency and effectiveness and supporting change in a culture that encourages achievement in our mission, strategy and operational plans. My ULTIMATE OBJECTIVE
  • 6. 6 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved. The overall purpose behind the realignment was to ensure that Tribal Members had easier access to Tribal Services, create an improved: Organizational effectiveness & efficiency Enable greater consistency in process & procedures Contributing to greater efficiency & effectiveness Create stronger lines of communication across the organization Support a change in culture that encourages achievement in our mission, strategy & operational plans The OVERALL PURPOSE
  • 7. 7 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved. Thank you for your dedication and support, Chief Gregory E. Pyle While change can at times be a bit unsettling, supporting the new structure will help build a stronger foundation for the generations to come. This foundation will also ensure that long-term sustainability is possible which in turn will help achieve healthy, successful, productive and self-sufficient lifestyles for a proud nation of Choctaws.W While change can a new structure will h generations to com long-term sustain achieve healthy, festyles for a p SUSTAINABILITY LONG-TERM klaho
  • 8. 8 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved. In order to help support the 100 year vision changing the organizational structure was necessary. The Choctaw Nation has seen tremendous growth over the last several years, and because of this growth the time had come to evaluate if we were meeting the needs of the Tribal Members in an effective and efficient manner. MESSAGE CHANGE WAS NECESSARY TRIBAL COUNCIL
  • 9. 9 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved. EVALUATE CURRENT STRUCTURE & DETERMINE ALTERNATIVES COMMITTEE APPROACH At the direction of the Chief, a committee was formed to evaluate the current structure and to determine other alternatives. The committee was made up of a diverse group of individuals with different levels of experience and tenure with the Nation. The final objective of the committee was to compile their findings and present the data to the Chief for his review and final recommendation.
  • 10. 10 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved. The OVERALL PURPOSE Achievement in our Mission, Strategy & Operational Plans The overall purpose behind the realignment was to ensure that Tribal Members had Easier Access to Tribal Services: Create an improved organizational effectiveness and ef鍖ciency Enable greater consistency in process and procedures Contributing to greater ef鍖ciency and effectiveness Create stronger lines of communication across the organization Support a change in culture that encourages achievement in our mission, strategy and operational plans.
  • 11. 11 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved. We Appreciate You We appreciate you and your hard work and dedication as an associate. We ask for your patience and support as these changes are carried out. Thank You. Thomas Williston Tony Messenger Kenny Bryant Delton Cox Ron Perry Joe Coley Jack Austin Perry Thompson Ted Dosh Anthony Dillard Bob Pate James Frazier
  • 12. 12 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved. Focused primarily on the Management Structure of the Tribe Went from 20+ executive departments to 4 Main Divisions: Like Departments Were Grouped based on: ORGANIZATION RESTRUCTURE What is Getting Restructured? Administrative Commercial Member Services Health Services Administrative Commercial A C A
  • 13. 13 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved. What is Getting RESTRUCTURED? OLD NEW
  • 14. 14 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved. NEED TO RESTRUCTURE? WHY DID WE Provide easier access to Tribal Services Create stronger communication throughout the Tribal organization Facilitate faster and higher quality decision-making Create improved organizational effectiveness and ef鍖ciency Enable greater consistency in process and procedures, contributing to greater ef鍖ciency and effectiveness Support an enhancement in our organizational culture that encourages achievement in our mission, strategy & operational plans on
  • 15. 15 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved. WHO MADE THE RESTRUCTURING DECISIONS & HOW? Chief started the organizational restructure initiative Chief selected a committee to make recommendations: Executives were invited to give feedback on 4 occasions during the process Charlene Grunstad (Community Services) Janie Dillard (Gaming) Jake Dolezal (Tribal Research) Paula Penz (Gaming Commission) Shannon McDaniel (Tribal Management) Susan Stockton (Human Resources) Teresa Jackson (Health) J J C C E d
  • 16. 16 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved. WHO MADE THE RESTRUCTURING DECISIONS & HOW? Joint committee decisions: Project was treated as important and complex There was no one expertcommittee together had the needed expertise Committee acquired the relevant information needed The team worked well together and was aligned with the overall objectives Decisions were made through consensus People for positions were not discussed, only departments and functions There were no personal agendas P T C Chief Made the Ultimate Decision to Restructure
  • 17. 17 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved. CHANGES TAKE EFFECT? WHEN WILL THE
  • 18. 18 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved. HOW WERE THE NEW SENIOR EXECUTIVES SELECTED? Criteria based on the size and scope of the newly aligned division: Criteria based on industry best practices Criteria focused on high aptitude for leadership Responsible for more than 500 associates Responsible for more than $100 million in budgets R R Chief Made the Ultimate Decision of Who Filled These Positions
  • 19. 19 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved.
  • 20. 20 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved. www.choctawnation.com 息2013 Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, all rights reserved.