The document tells the story of Phyllis Webstad's experience attending a residential school as a child. She was taken from her family and community at age 6 and forced to attend the school, where she had to give up her culture and language. She recalls being made to cut off her long hair, having her clothes taken away, and facing physical and emotional abuse. The experience caused her to lose her identity and she still feels hurt by her memories. Orange Shirt Day commemorates the experiences of children impacted by the residential school system.
This is dedicated to all the students studying abroad to make a great career.
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This is the first of many powerpoints that aims to teach how financial planning should be done as a family. It involves paradigm shifts and lifestyle changes that enable families to have better control of their finances.
Being a responsible tourist is very much important and should be followed by everyone. You might be asking who is a responsible tourists? Well, simply those tourists who are aware about the environmental issues and show respect towards the local people, their culture and tradition.
Multicultural schools provide benefits such as allowing students to gain knowledge of different cultures and traditions, ensuring all children receive an education to contribute to society, and preparing students to participate confidently in a changing diverse society. They also embrace cultural diversity as a valuable asset.
Ms. Faten Abilmona is recommended for a teaching position. She has taught Arabic at the Universal American School in Dubai where she showed a love for the school community, pride in her Arabic language and heritage, and a willingness to go above and beyond her duties. In the classroom, she challenges students to think independently and promotes open discussions while keeping lessons aligned with IB standards. She is always available to support parents and has developed strong rapport with students and parents. The letter writer's daughter has been driven to excel in Arabic under Ms. Abilmona's encouragement.
Childhood Bullying Awareness - Say NO to Bullying in SchoolsMarq Boyce
The scope of childhood bullying has many Ìýalarming statistics to show how serious of a problem it truly is. Take a look at our childhood bullying awareness infographic to see some of the facts.
Provided by Monster Kids Academy, the best fantasy book series for children on magical ways to overcome childhood bullying.
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1) Sophie Lancaster and her boyfriend Rob were beaten by a group of teenage boys in the UK in 2007 because of their alternative appearance as goths.
2) Sophie threw herself over Rob to protect him from the assault. Both were hospitalized with serious injuries, and Sophie was placed on life support but died 13 days later without regaining consciousness.
3) Sophie's family later set up the Sophie Lancaster Foundation to promote tolerance and combat prejudice against those who look different. The foundation aims to "stamp out prejudice, hatred, and intolerance everywhere."
Bullying involves aggressive behavior that is intentional and involves an imbalance of power. It can take verbal, physical, or social forms. Studies show that 15-25% of students report being bullied sometimes or more often. Bullying has negative impacts on both those being bullied, such as depression or low self-esteem, and bystanders by creating a climate of fear. It is important to tell trusted adults if being bullied so they can help stop it.
The document defines bullying as written, verbal, or electronic expression, or physical conduct that occurs on school grounds or at school events and physically harms a student, damages property, or causes reasonable fear of harm. Bullying must be severe, persistent, or pervasive. It exploits an imbalance of power and interferes with education. Examples include threats, taunting, teasing, confinement, assault, theft, name-calling, rumor spreading, and destruction of property. The district also prohibits retaliation against anyone who reports or participates in a bullying investigation.
This document provides information on fire safety and preparedness. It discusses the properties and dangers of fire, human behavior in fires, fire safety systems like sprinklers and smoke detectors, fire safety practices for both the general public and those with disabilities or special needs, and considerations for developing an emergency evacuation plan. The objective is to increase awareness in order to buy more time to safely escape a fire. Key messages include getting out quickly and staying out if a fire occurs.
SPK Construction's emergency evacuation plan outlines procedures for employees to follow in the event of a fire. Periodic emergency drills will be conducted to ensure employees are aware of evacuation procedures. Upon discovery of a fire, employees should immediately pull the fire alarm, alert others, and call emergency services. Employees should safely stop work, gather belongings if possible, close but not lock doors, use the nearest safe stairs to exit, and report to the designated meeting area.
This document discusses bullying and provides information about its different types. It defines physical, verbal, and relational bullying and provides examples of each. The document advises what to do if being bullied, such as ignoring the bully, not showing emotion, and telling someone else. It suggests ways to stop bullying like boosting self-esteem or talking to a counselor. The document also includes questions for potential bullies to consider about how their actions make others feel and whether they use their size to intimidate others. It credits the authors Ivan Leonardo Bejarano Ramirez, Rogelio Antonio Campiño Cadavid, and Jose Santiago Barragan Chaparro.
New Zealand has passed new laws to address bullying and cyberbullying. The laws make it illegal to post grossly offensive, indecent or obscene online messages, with fines up to $2,000 or 3 months in prison. A new offense of incitement of suicide was also created, even if no attempt is made, carrying a maximum sentence of 3 years in prison. The document also discusses different types of bullying, including verbal, social, physical, and cyberbullying.
St David's College has a zero-tolerance policy for bullying of any kind, including physical, verbal, and social bullying. The school aims to create an environment where students feel respected, understood, and able to make friends. While bullying can negatively impact students' mental health, grades, and future opportunities, telling an trusted adult is important to get help and prevent escalation. Ignoring bullies may be an effective short-term strategy, but reporting bullying is essential to stop it from continuing or worsening over time.
The document discusses bullying in schools including the types, causes, effects, and potential solutions. It defines bullying and explores the different types - physical, verbal, relational, and cyberbullying. Bullying is caused by students' needs for power, satisfaction in causing harm, and material rewards. The prevalence of bullying has increased in recent years. Potential solutions include anti-bullying programs and education, increasing supervision, and clear policies against bullying. Parents and schools both have important roles to play in addressing the problem.
Bullying is a widespread problem, affecting nearly 30% of youth in the US. While school violence has declined slightly, bullying remains a serious issue that can have physical and psychological effects. Cyberbullying is an increasing concern, as the internet allows bullying to continue outside of school. To address bullying, schools implement policies, workshops, and programs to promote positive behaviors, build student confidence, and establish consequences for bullying. Teachers can help by creating a supportive classroom environment and directly confronting bullying when they observe it.
Bullying comes in many forms such as name calling, cyber bullying, and can happen anywhere to anyone. The document defines bullying as overt acts intended to ridicule, harass, humiliate or intimidate another person. It advises talking to teachers, parents, or friends if being bullied and not to stand by if witnessing an attack, instead be supportive rather than engage in bullying behavior.
This document contains credits and links to 11 photos shared on Flickr under various Creative Commons licenses, ranging from Attribution to Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. The photos cover a variety of subjects and were uploaded by different photographers for nonprofit reuse on projects such as Haiku Deck presentations.
This 13-page document is a presentation created with Haiku Deck, a simple, beautiful and fun presentation software. Each page repeats the same message that it was created with Haiku Deck and includes the page number.
This 11-page document consists of the same text and question repeated on each page, promoting the presentation software Haiku Deck by asking what story the picture on each page tells.
Childhood Bullying Awareness - Say NO to Bullying in SchoolsMarq Boyce
The scope of childhood bullying has many Ìýalarming statistics to show how serious of a problem it truly is. Take a look at our childhood bullying awareness infographic to see some of the facts.
Provided by Monster Kids Academy, the best fantasy book series for children on magical ways to overcome childhood bullying.
Get more information:
1) Sophie Lancaster and her boyfriend Rob were beaten by a group of teenage boys in the UK in 2007 because of their alternative appearance as goths.
2) Sophie threw herself over Rob to protect him from the assault. Both were hospitalized with serious injuries, and Sophie was placed on life support but died 13 days later without regaining consciousness.
3) Sophie's family later set up the Sophie Lancaster Foundation to promote tolerance and combat prejudice against those who look different. The foundation aims to "stamp out prejudice, hatred, and intolerance everywhere."
Bullying involves aggressive behavior that is intentional and involves an imbalance of power. It can take verbal, physical, or social forms. Studies show that 15-25% of students report being bullied sometimes or more often. Bullying has negative impacts on both those being bullied, such as depression or low self-esteem, and bystanders by creating a climate of fear. It is important to tell trusted adults if being bullied so they can help stop it.
The document defines bullying as written, verbal, or electronic expression, or physical conduct that occurs on school grounds or at school events and physically harms a student, damages property, or causes reasonable fear of harm. Bullying must be severe, persistent, or pervasive. It exploits an imbalance of power and interferes with education. Examples include threats, taunting, teasing, confinement, assault, theft, name-calling, rumor spreading, and destruction of property. The district also prohibits retaliation against anyone who reports or participates in a bullying investigation.
This document provides information on fire safety and preparedness. It discusses the properties and dangers of fire, human behavior in fires, fire safety systems like sprinklers and smoke detectors, fire safety practices for both the general public and those with disabilities or special needs, and considerations for developing an emergency evacuation plan. The objective is to increase awareness in order to buy more time to safely escape a fire. Key messages include getting out quickly and staying out if a fire occurs.
SPK Construction's emergency evacuation plan outlines procedures for employees to follow in the event of a fire. Periodic emergency drills will be conducted to ensure employees are aware of evacuation procedures. Upon discovery of a fire, employees should immediately pull the fire alarm, alert others, and call emergency services. Employees should safely stop work, gather belongings if possible, close but not lock doors, use the nearest safe stairs to exit, and report to the designated meeting area.
This document discusses bullying and provides information about its different types. It defines physical, verbal, and relational bullying and provides examples of each. The document advises what to do if being bullied, such as ignoring the bully, not showing emotion, and telling someone else. It suggests ways to stop bullying like boosting self-esteem or talking to a counselor. The document also includes questions for potential bullies to consider about how their actions make others feel and whether they use their size to intimidate others. It credits the authors Ivan Leonardo Bejarano Ramirez, Rogelio Antonio Campiño Cadavid, and Jose Santiago Barragan Chaparro.
New Zealand has passed new laws to address bullying and cyberbullying. The laws make it illegal to post grossly offensive, indecent or obscene online messages, with fines up to $2,000 or 3 months in prison. A new offense of incitement of suicide was also created, even if no attempt is made, carrying a maximum sentence of 3 years in prison. The document also discusses different types of bullying, including verbal, social, physical, and cyberbullying.
St David's College has a zero-tolerance policy for bullying of any kind, including physical, verbal, and social bullying. The school aims to create an environment where students feel respected, understood, and able to make friends. While bullying can negatively impact students' mental health, grades, and future opportunities, telling an trusted adult is important to get help and prevent escalation. Ignoring bullies may be an effective short-term strategy, but reporting bullying is essential to stop it from continuing or worsening over time.
The document discusses bullying in schools including the types, causes, effects, and potential solutions. It defines bullying and explores the different types - physical, verbal, relational, and cyberbullying. Bullying is caused by students' needs for power, satisfaction in causing harm, and material rewards. The prevalence of bullying has increased in recent years. Potential solutions include anti-bullying programs and education, increasing supervision, and clear policies against bullying. Parents and schools both have important roles to play in addressing the problem.
Bullying is a widespread problem, affecting nearly 30% of youth in the US. While school violence has declined slightly, bullying remains a serious issue that can have physical and psychological effects. Cyberbullying is an increasing concern, as the internet allows bullying to continue outside of school. To address bullying, schools implement policies, workshops, and programs to promote positive behaviors, build student confidence, and establish consequences for bullying. Teachers can help by creating a supportive classroom environment and directly confronting bullying when they observe it.
Bullying comes in many forms such as name calling, cyber bullying, and can happen anywhere to anyone. The document defines bullying as overt acts intended to ridicule, harass, humiliate or intimidate another person. It advises talking to teachers, parents, or friends if being bullied and not to stand by if witnessing an attack, instead be supportive rather than engage in bullying behavior.
This document contains credits and links to 11 photos shared on Flickr under various Creative Commons licenses, ranging from Attribution to Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. The photos cover a variety of subjects and were uploaded by different photographers for nonprofit reuse on projects such as Haiku Deck presentations.
This 13-page document is a presentation created with Haiku Deck, a simple, beautiful and fun presentation software. Each page repeats the same message that it was created with Haiku Deck and includes the page number.
This 11-page document consists of the same text and question repeated on each page, promoting the presentation software Haiku Deck by asking what story the picture on each page tells.
The document outlines the first week of school activities for a 3rd grade classroom, including framing learning around each student having their own space, reading aloud books about character traits, and using student names as sight words on the word wall. The teacher's message is about following directions and being a good role model.
The document discusses the preparations being made for Room 201 for the upcoming school year. Boxes are being emptied and the teacher is organizing the classroom with designated areas for independent reading, student work displays, storage, group work spaces, technology and other resources to support learning. The room set up aims to facilitate collaboration and spark student inquiry.
Using Less Paper In the Classroom - Ideas to Shareshunter
A collection of ideas to consider implementing in the classroom to cut down on the amount of paper being used by classroom teachers, students and parents.
This document advertises various kindergarten manipulatives for sale individually or as a whole lot. The whole lot of over 100 items can be purchased for $75, while individual prices total $103. Items for sale include animals, building blocks, letters, play dough accessories, sand toys, and sorting activity materials.
This document appears to be a diary or log of one teacher's process of decluttering and organizing their classroom over the summer. It describes sorting through piles of papers and other items, filling garbage bags, finding storage shelves, and eventually seeing cleared floor space. Recycling is mentioned along the way. Towards the end, large items like couches and a pool table are removed from the space. In the end, the teacher expresses relief at having finished the cleaning and organizing project.
How to Prepare for Avaya 67200T Certification.pdfNWEXAM
Start Here--- ---Get complete detail on 67200T exam guide to crack Avaya IP Office Platform R11 Administrator (ASAC-0013). You can collect all information on 67200T tutorial, practice test, books, study material, exam questions, and syllabus. Firm your knowledge on Avaya IP Office Platform R11 Administrator (ASAC-0013) and get ready to crack 67200T certification. Explore all information on 67200T exam with number of questions, passing percentage and time duration to complete test.
The Smart Hiring Solution for Employers to Find Top Talent in Jaipur.pdfvinay salarite
Finding the right talent is key to business success, and Salarite offers a smart hiring solution for employers in Jaipur. Our platform connects businesses with top professionals for full-time, part-time, and freelance roles, ensuring a fast and efficient recruitment process.
Start hiring smarter with Salarite today!
LinkedIn for Your Job Search February 2025Bruce Bennett
This webinar helps you understand and navigate your way through LinkedIn. Topics covered include learning the many elements of your profile, populating your work experience history, and understanding why a profile is more than just a resume. You will be able to identify the different features available on LinkedIn and where to focus your attention. We will teach how to create a job search agent on LinkedIn and explore job applications on LinkedIn.
Discover the role of executive search firms in organizational change by identifying transformative leaders who drive growth, innovation, and strategic success during periods of transition.