This document describes using Hidden Markov Models to determine hidden chord parameters from observable melody bars of music. It calculates transition and observation probabilities from expert knowledge on music and 250 lead sheets. The Viterbi algorithm is then used to find the most likely chord sequence given the melody notes by maximizing the probability of chords given the melody notes. Target users include general and intermediate users who would get chord analysis, and technical experts and professionals who could also evaluate the performance and technology.
15. 250 Lead Sheets
Expert Knowledge on Music
Aij=P (Chord i / Chord i-1) B Observation Probability matrix
A Transition Probability
Ai,j = 留Amaji,j X (1-留) Amini,j Matrix
留- Emotional Factor
Bij=P (MelodyBar / Chord) . Di,j D Pitch Class Vector
= P(StartChord/Chord)
16. Given A , B ,
Max P(Chords/MelodyNotes ) = Viterbi Path=?
17. Technolog
Targeted group Concept End product Performance
General Users (Novice) (30) 100% 90% - -
Intermediate-Musicians(15) 100% 80% - -
Technical Expert (3) 95% - 75% 75%
Professional Musicians(6) 100% 80% 80% -
Editor's Notes
This explains the problem domain/novelty and the solution
Write the basic requirement input/process/output
Funtionalities of ChordATune from the basic requirements Significant feature that was incorporated was da emotions