The document outlines the order of service for a Sabbath school program at the SLAPUR Church. It includes opening prayers inviting the Holy Spirit, singing hymns from the SLAPUR Church Hymnal on various religious themes like surrendering one's life to God, needing Jesus, and God's protection. The hymns are listed with their corresponding numbers and musical time signatures. The document closes by promising to love Jesus and serve Him for life, and acknowledging that one cannot live without God's grace.
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1. Good morningandHappy Sabbath!
We will beginourSabbathschool program.
Let usinvite the holyspirittodwell intoourheartsby
We will singsome songsfromourSLAPUR Church
Hymnal.The firstsongis abouthow we wantto
surrenderourlivestoGod.SLAPUR Church Hymnal
number42. I wouldbe dear SaviourWhollyThine.
(4/4 UP)
We needJesustotell uswhenwe sinandto keepusfrom
falling.SLAPURChurchHymnal number57. I needThee
(4/4 UP)
God alwaysbe withus evenwhenwe walkinthe dark.He
alwaysleadusto the path of the truth.SLAPUR Church
Hymnal number66, He LeadethMe.
(4/4 UP)
O, Lord,please cleanse usfromsinsandmake us worthy
before you.Make us cleanas white assnow,Lord.
SLAPUR ChurchHymnal number70, WhiterThanSnow.
(3/4 UP)
I have a friendwhounderstandsme wheneverIfeel
lonelyandtroubled.He isalwaysnearme whenIneed
Him.SLAPUR Church Hymnal number90, I Have a Friend
So Precious.
(4/4 UP)
Listentomy prayer,o Lord. WhenYou come again tothe
world,please donotforgetme.SLAPURChurch Hymnal
number133, PassMe Not O Gentle Saviour.
(4/4 DOWN)
In timesof trouble,the onlyhelpforusisGod whowill
alwaysprotectus fromSatan’sattacks. He is our hiding
place.SLAPURChurch Hymnal number150, The Lord’s
Our Rock.
(4/4 DOWN)
We cannotlive fora single hourwithoutGodbecause we
are weak,poor,andblind.AndonlyinHimwe can find
strength.SLAPURChurch Hymnal number158.
(3/4 UP)
Behold!Jesusstandonthe doorand knock yourheart.It
isour decisiontoletHimcome into ourheart.SLAPUR
Church Hymnal number203. The SaviourisWaiting.
(3/4 DOWN)
Someday,Iwill see JesuscominginHisglory,andHe will
take us to Heavenand dwell withHimforevermore.
SLAPUR ChurchHymnal number212, I Shall See the King.
(4/4 UP)
Selamatpagi dan selamatSabat!
Kitaakan mulai acara SekolahSabat.
Mari kita undangkehadiranRohKudusuntuktinggal
dalamhati melalui doadalamhati.
Kitaakan menyanyikanlagu-lagudari SLAPURChurch
Hymnal.Lagu pertamaadalahmengenai betapakitaingin
Church Hymnal nomor42. I WouldBe Dear Saviour
(4/4 UP)
berdosadanuntukmenjagakitaagar tidakjatuhke
dalamdosa.SLAPUR Church Hymnal nomor57. I need
Thee PreciousJesus.
(4/4 UP)
dalamkekelaman.Iaselalumenuntunkitake jalan
kebenaran.SLAPURChurchHymnal nomor66, He
(4/4 UP)
Ya, Tuhan,bersihkanlahkiranyakami dari dosa-dosadan
buatlahkami berhargadi hadapan-Mu.SLAPURChurch
Hymnal nomor70, WhiterThan Snow.
(3/4 UP)
Saya memiliki seorangsahabat yangmengerti tentangku
saat aku merasakesepiandanbermasalah.Iaselaludekat
saat aku membutuhkan-Nya.SLAPURChurchHymnal
nomor90, I Have a FriendSoPrecious.
(4/4 UP)
Dengarkanlahdoaku,yaTuhan.Saat Engkau kembali ke
nomor133, PassMe Not O Gentle Saviour.
(4/4 DOWN)
Tiap pencobaan,satu-satunyapertolongankitaadalah
ALLAH yangakan selalumelindungi kitadari serangan
Setan.Ia adalahtempatperlindungankita.SLAPUR
Church Hymnal nomor150, The Lord’sOur Rock.
(4/4 DOWN)
Kitatidakdapat hidupsedetikpuntanpaALLAHkarena
kitalemah,miskin,danbuta.Danhanya dalamDia saja
kitadapat menemukankekuatan.SLAPURChurchHymnal
(3/4 UP)
Lihatlah!Yesusberdiri di pintudanmengetukhatimu.
dalamhati kita.SLAPURChurch Hymnal number203. The
(3/4 DOWN)
Suatuhari nanti,akuakan melihatYesusdatangdalam
kemuliaanNyadan Iaakan membawakitake Surga dan
tinggal bersama-Nyaselamanya.SLAPURChurchHymnal
(4/4 UP)
2. I have promisedmyself tolove Jesus,andtoserve Himin
all my life.Thisisasong to showour love toJesus.
SLAPUR ChurchHymnal number215, My JesusILove
(4/4 DOWN)
We are nothingwithoutGod,andwe cannotlive without
His grace,because onlyGodand onlythroughHisgrace
we can live ourdays.SLAPUR Church Hymnal number
(3/4 DOWN)
Akutelahberjanji kepadadirikuuntukmengasihi Yesus,
dan untukmelayani Diasepanjanghidupku.Ini adalah
Church Hymnal nomor215, My JesusILove Thee.
(4/4 DOWN)
dapat hiduptanparahmatNya, karenahanyaTUHAN dan
melalui rahmatNyasajakitadapatmenjalani kehidupan
kita.SLAPUR ChurchHymnal number240, Marvelous
(3/4 DOWN)