The document summarizes recent blog posts from the Channel Hastings blog, which discusses upcoming local events in St Leonards including the St Leonards Festival on July 11th, and shares photographs from the local area. It promotes the festival and previews some of the musical acts and children's activities planned. It also shares 6 photos posted to the blog recently, with captions providing context about the photos and subjects.
The document discusses the history and cultural significance of Mount Fuji in Japan. It explores Fuji's importance as both a sacred site and object of artistic inspiration in Japanese poetry and paintings from ancient times. The document also examines different perspectives on climbing Fuji, noting its natural beauty but also dangers, and debates whether it merits classification as a natural or cultural world heritage site given its cultural and religious importance in Japanese history.
The document discusses several volcanic eruptions and mudflows around Mount Fuji in Japan. It describes some major eruptions during the Jomon period around 2,300 years ago that produced ash and lava flows. One notable lava flow split a large lake, creating three smaller lakes and the Aokigahara forest. Large mudflows from eruptions have killed thousands of people by destroying areas and burying communities. The document examines connections between a major 1707 earthquake and subsequent eruption of Mount Fuji.
Mountains, especially volcanoes, have long held spiritual significance for many religions and cultures around the world. They are seen as places close to gods and as symbols of cultural identity. Two important mountains are Mount Sinai, where God is said to have given Moses the Ten Commandments in the Bible, and Mount Fuji in Japan, which is considered a sacred symbol of nature in Shinto and is associated with both male and female deities. The document explores the mythology and religious significance surrounding several mountains and volcanoes and how their eruptions have impacted human history.
The document provides information about various mountains around the world and their heights. It also discusses Mount Fuji in Japan, noting that while it is not the tallest volcano at 3,193 meters, it is an active volcano and is considered very beautiful. The document also explores some early human history and legends connected to Mount Fuji, including references in paintings from the 1500s and mystical figures from Japanese history who were associated with the mountain.
This document provides an introduction to Mount Fuji in Japan. It discusses Mount Fuji's location on the border of Shizuoka and Yamanashi prefectures and its status as a symbol of Japan. The document encourages speaking practice between students of English and Japanese using sample questions about Mount Fuji that can be answered in either language. It emphasizes communicating the key details about Mount Fuji without needing to memorize specifics.
The document discusses JPA with Spring Data. It explains that JPA is an ORM that maps objects to SQL and databases using JDBC. It also discusses running JPA at the application and container level, how Spring manages EntityManagers, common JPA usage patterns, and how Spring Data JPA provides a JPARepository interface to simplify data access and querying.
Here are the key points about cultural context:
- Low-context cultures place more emphasis on direct verbal communication and explicit messages.
- High-context cultures rely more on implicit communication through non-verbal cues, social relationships, and indirect messages.
- Low-context cultures value directness and adherence to schedules and deadlines.
- High-context cultures place more importance on social relationships and indirect, implicit forms of communication.
This document provides an overview of Redis, an open source key-value store. It discusses Redis' features like speed, persistence, data types including strings, lists, sets and more. It also demonstrates how to use Redis via its command line interface and with Java libraries like Jedis. Finally, it shows how Redis can be used with Spring through interfaces, templates and drivers.
The document discusses the ePUB format which uses XHTML for content, CSS for layout and formatting, and XML for the manifest, table of contents, and metadata. It specifies that ePUB uses Open Publication Structure (OPS) for formatting content, Open Packaging Format (OPF) for the XML .epub format, and Open Container Format (OCF) to wrap files in a ZIP archive.
This document discusses various technologies related to mobile computing and Java EE architecture. It covers topics such as instant messaging, location-based services, push mail, synchronization, load balancing, caching, and distributed task processing. For each topic, it provides an overview and then discusses different architectural approaches and technologies that can be used to address issues like high availability, scalability, and failure handling in distributed environments.
Channel Hastings Challenge Winners 2 NovemberTerry Russell
The document announces the winners of a photo vote contest held in October with the theme "Objects". It lists the top four winners, with Light-Worker taking first place for their photo "Autumn Web". Congratulations are given to all who participated, and viewers are invited to the next photo vote event at the Cafe in the Park on November 30th.
Channel Hastings 'Seven Wonders' Challenge Winners 1 MarchTerry Russell
The document announces the winners of the February photo challenge hosted by Channel Hastings on the theme "The Seven Wonders of Hastings & 1066 Country". The challenge winner was Lin Gregory for their photo titled "Hastings Pier". Several other photos received joint third or second place positions. The document congratulates all winners and participants and invites people to the next photo challenge event.
El documento describe el proceso de combinar datos de una hoja de c¨¢lculo de Excel en un documento de Word utilizando la funci¨®n de combinaci¨®n de correspondencia. Primero se selecciona y crea la base de datos en Excel y luego se crea el documento en Word. A continuaci¨®n, se utiliza la funci¨®n de combinaci¨®n de correspondencia en Word para insertar los datos de Excel en los espacios en blanco del documento de Word. Esto permite crear correspondencia personalizada utilizando datos variables.
El documento describe la relaci¨®n entre el conocimiento y la ciencia. Explica que el conocimiento se adquiere a trav¨¦s de la experiencia y la observaci¨®n, mientras que la ciencia se basa en el conocimiento obtenido a trav¨¦s de procesos de investigaci¨®n met¨®dicos. Adem¨¢s, clasifica los tipos de conocimiento y ciencia, distinguendo entre conocimiento cotidiano, t¨¦cnico, emp¨ªrico y cient¨ªfico, y entre ciencias formales, naturales y sociales.
El documento presenta el Programa Premium Orozco, un programa dise?ado para premiar la fidelidad y buena gesti¨®n de los administradores de fincas. Los administradores reciben puntos por el mantenimiento de protecci¨®n contra incendios en los edificios que gestionan, los cuales pueden canjear por experiencias como masajes, cenas en restaurantes y estancias en hoteles. El programa es operado por Sipho Orozco, S.L. y Smartbox para ofrecer recompensas a los administradores de fincas.
Este manual presenta las metodolog¨ªas de dise?o, construcci¨®n, mantenci¨®n y monitoreo de tableros de madera tensada para puentes. Describe los procedimientos para calcular las cargas de dise?o, dimensionar las laminaciones de madera, dise?ar el sistema de tensado y las vigas de soporte. Tambi¨¦n incluye los controles de calidad, m¨¦todos de preservaci¨®n de la madera, y las etapas para la construcci¨®n de tableros nuevos o reemplazo de tableros existentes.
El documento describe la organizaci¨®n del departamento de recepci¨®n de un hotel. El departamento est¨¢ dirigido por un jefe de recepci¨®n y cuenta con recepcionistas, ayudantes de recepci¨®n, auxiliares de recepci¨®n y un cajero. El departamento se divide en el front office, que interact¨²a directamente con los clientes, y el back office, que gestiona facturaci¨®n y reservas. El personal debe ser cordial, competente y conocer bien los servicios del hotel.
El documento presenta informaci¨®n sobre las diferentes provincias de Andaluc¨ªa, incluyendo sus principales ciudades, monumentos, platos t¨ªpicos, festividades, poetas y autores representativos. Se mencionan las provincias de Huelva, Sevilla, Granada, Almer¨ªa, M¨¢laga, C¨®rdoba, C¨¢diz y Ja¨¦n, resaltando aspectos culturales, hist¨®ricos y gastron¨®micos de cada una.
Jayson Oraa is seeking a career opportunity as a QA/QC engineer, utilizing over 15 years of experience in construction quality assurance and quality control. He has worked on various projects in Dubai and Saudi Arabia for companies such as Nakheel, Al Futtaim Carrilion, and Emirates Technical. Some of his responsibilities have included coordinating inspections, reviewing documents, ensuring work meets specifications, and preparing reports. He holds a B.S. in Computer Engineering from AMA Computer University in the Philippines.
Este documento presenta estrategias y consejos para el uso eficaz del tiempo dirigido a estudiantes a distancia. Incluye experiencias propias sobre distracciones que hacen perder tiempo y recomendaciones como planificar las tareas, eliminar distractores, distribuir el trabajo en el calendario semanal desde lo m¨¢s sencillo a lo complejo, y dedicar un hora diaria al estudio sin falta. El objetivo es distribuir adecuadamente el tiempo de acuerdo a las actividades para cumplir con las tareas del curso.
El documento presenta la historia de un rey solitario en su castillo que tiene interacciones negativas con un ave, un caballo y un perrito. Los animales saludan amablemente al rey pero ¨¦l les responde de manera agresiva sin darles buenas razones, haci¨¦ndolos sentir mal.
El documento proporciona informaci¨®n sobre varios volcanes en Ecuador y sus caracter¨ªsticas. Describe la ubicaci¨®n y detalles geol¨®gicos de volcanes como el Tungurahua, Pichincha, Chimborazo, Cotopaxi, Cayambe y Pasochoa. Tambi¨¦n explica brevemente los diferentes tipos de erupciones volc¨¢nicas y los peligros asociados con algunos de estos volcanes.
Una mam¨¢ elefante llamada Dubalin tuvo un elefantito llamado Dubalin que ten¨ªa mucho miedo de dormirse porque pensaba que los leones vendr¨ªan a com¨¦rselo. La mam¨¢ elefante prepar¨® una hamaca entre dos palmeras para que Dubalin pudiera descansar, pero ¨¦l segu¨ªa gritando que no se dormir¨ªa. Entonces, la mam¨¢ elefante empez¨® a cantarle una canci¨®n de cuna sobre elefantes balance¨¢ndose en una tela de ara?a hasta que, finalmente, Dubalin se qued¨® dormido.
Este documento propone que las empresas entreguen cupones de descuento de hasta el 90% a sus empleados y clientes para fidelizarlos y aumentar la satisfacci¨®n, pertenencia y recuerdo positivo. Estos cupones se pueden descargar sin costo desde el sitio web de la empresa y aprovechar descuentos en restaurantes, spas, cursos online y m¨¢s. Se destaca que su implementaci¨®n es sencilla y permite promocionar la empresa de forma gratuita en redes sociales.
The document is a local newspaper from Mercury Bay, New Zealand. It discusses a number of local news stories, including 10 local Cubs who attended a summer camp where they took part in various challenging activities. It also profiles James Malcolm, a local musician who starred in a movie alongside David Bowie and discusses how Bowie mentored and influenced him. The death of Bowie last week has prompted James to reflect on their relationship and reignited his passion for music. The document also provides tide times and times for local businesses.
This document provides a summary of upcoming arts and entertainment events in Minneapolis for September 24, 2007. It includes details about a local theater awards ceremony, two plays being performed that evening, several music performances including Peter Bjorn and John and Sinead O'Connor, and two films screening including Once and Manda Bala. It also briefly summarizes upcoming art exhibits, a documentary screening, and recommends taking a drive to see art studios in Red Wing, Minnesota during an art tour weekend.
The document discusses the ePUB format which uses XHTML for content, CSS for layout and formatting, and XML for the manifest, table of contents, and metadata. It specifies that ePUB uses Open Publication Structure (OPS) for formatting content, Open Packaging Format (OPF) for the XML .epub format, and Open Container Format (OCF) to wrap files in a ZIP archive.
This document discusses various technologies related to mobile computing and Java EE architecture. It covers topics such as instant messaging, location-based services, push mail, synchronization, load balancing, caching, and distributed task processing. For each topic, it provides an overview and then discusses different architectural approaches and technologies that can be used to address issues like high availability, scalability, and failure handling in distributed environments.
Channel Hastings Challenge Winners 2 NovemberTerry Russell
The document announces the winners of a photo vote contest held in October with the theme "Objects". It lists the top four winners, with Light-Worker taking first place for their photo "Autumn Web". Congratulations are given to all who participated, and viewers are invited to the next photo vote event at the Cafe in the Park on November 30th.
Channel Hastings 'Seven Wonders' Challenge Winners 1 MarchTerry Russell
The document announces the winners of the February photo challenge hosted by Channel Hastings on the theme "The Seven Wonders of Hastings & 1066 Country". The challenge winner was Lin Gregory for their photo titled "Hastings Pier". Several other photos received joint third or second place positions. The document congratulates all winners and participants and invites people to the next photo challenge event.
El documento describe el proceso de combinar datos de una hoja de c¨¢lculo de Excel en un documento de Word utilizando la funci¨®n de combinaci¨®n de correspondencia. Primero se selecciona y crea la base de datos en Excel y luego se crea el documento en Word. A continuaci¨®n, se utiliza la funci¨®n de combinaci¨®n de correspondencia en Word para insertar los datos de Excel en los espacios en blanco del documento de Word. Esto permite crear correspondencia personalizada utilizando datos variables.
El documento describe la relaci¨®n entre el conocimiento y la ciencia. Explica que el conocimiento se adquiere a trav¨¦s de la experiencia y la observaci¨®n, mientras que la ciencia se basa en el conocimiento obtenido a trav¨¦s de procesos de investigaci¨®n met¨®dicos. Adem¨¢s, clasifica los tipos de conocimiento y ciencia, distinguendo entre conocimiento cotidiano, t¨¦cnico, emp¨ªrico y cient¨ªfico, y entre ciencias formales, naturales y sociales.
El documento presenta el Programa Premium Orozco, un programa dise?ado para premiar la fidelidad y buena gesti¨®n de los administradores de fincas. Los administradores reciben puntos por el mantenimiento de protecci¨®n contra incendios en los edificios que gestionan, los cuales pueden canjear por experiencias como masajes, cenas en restaurantes y estancias en hoteles. El programa es operado por Sipho Orozco, S.L. y Smartbox para ofrecer recompensas a los administradores de fincas.
Este manual presenta las metodolog¨ªas de dise?o, construcci¨®n, mantenci¨®n y monitoreo de tableros de madera tensada para puentes. Describe los procedimientos para calcular las cargas de dise?o, dimensionar las laminaciones de madera, dise?ar el sistema de tensado y las vigas de soporte. Tambi¨¦n incluye los controles de calidad, m¨¦todos de preservaci¨®n de la madera, y las etapas para la construcci¨®n de tableros nuevos o reemplazo de tableros existentes.
El documento describe la organizaci¨®n del departamento de recepci¨®n de un hotel. El departamento est¨¢ dirigido por un jefe de recepci¨®n y cuenta con recepcionistas, ayudantes de recepci¨®n, auxiliares de recepci¨®n y un cajero. El departamento se divide en el front office, que interact¨²a directamente con los clientes, y el back office, que gestiona facturaci¨®n y reservas. El personal debe ser cordial, competente y conocer bien los servicios del hotel.
El documento presenta informaci¨®n sobre las diferentes provincias de Andaluc¨ªa, incluyendo sus principales ciudades, monumentos, platos t¨ªpicos, festividades, poetas y autores representativos. Se mencionan las provincias de Huelva, Sevilla, Granada, Almer¨ªa, M¨¢laga, C¨®rdoba, C¨¢diz y Ja¨¦n, resaltando aspectos culturales, hist¨®ricos y gastron¨®micos de cada una.
Jayson Oraa is seeking a career opportunity as a QA/QC engineer, utilizing over 15 years of experience in construction quality assurance and quality control. He has worked on various projects in Dubai and Saudi Arabia for companies such as Nakheel, Al Futtaim Carrilion, and Emirates Technical. Some of his responsibilities have included coordinating inspections, reviewing documents, ensuring work meets specifications, and preparing reports. He holds a B.S. in Computer Engineering from AMA Computer University in the Philippines.
Este documento presenta estrategias y consejos para el uso eficaz del tiempo dirigido a estudiantes a distancia. Incluye experiencias propias sobre distracciones que hacen perder tiempo y recomendaciones como planificar las tareas, eliminar distractores, distribuir el trabajo en el calendario semanal desde lo m¨¢s sencillo a lo complejo, y dedicar un hora diaria al estudio sin falta. El objetivo es distribuir adecuadamente el tiempo de acuerdo a las actividades para cumplir con las tareas del curso.
El documento presenta la historia de un rey solitario en su castillo que tiene interacciones negativas con un ave, un caballo y un perrito. Los animales saludan amablemente al rey pero ¨¦l les responde de manera agresiva sin darles buenas razones, haci¨¦ndolos sentir mal.
El documento proporciona informaci¨®n sobre varios volcanes en Ecuador y sus caracter¨ªsticas. Describe la ubicaci¨®n y detalles geol¨®gicos de volcanes como el Tungurahua, Pichincha, Chimborazo, Cotopaxi, Cayambe y Pasochoa. Tambi¨¦n explica brevemente los diferentes tipos de erupciones volc¨¢nicas y los peligros asociados con algunos de estos volcanes.
Una mam¨¢ elefante llamada Dubalin tuvo un elefantito llamado Dubalin que ten¨ªa mucho miedo de dormirse porque pensaba que los leones vendr¨ªan a com¨¦rselo. La mam¨¢ elefante prepar¨® una hamaca entre dos palmeras para que Dubalin pudiera descansar, pero ¨¦l segu¨ªa gritando que no se dormir¨ªa. Entonces, la mam¨¢ elefante empez¨® a cantarle una canci¨®n de cuna sobre elefantes balance¨¢ndose en una tela de ara?a hasta que, finalmente, Dubalin se qued¨® dormido.
Este documento propone que las empresas entreguen cupones de descuento de hasta el 90% a sus empleados y clientes para fidelizarlos y aumentar la satisfacci¨®n, pertenencia y recuerdo positivo. Estos cupones se pueden descargar sin costo desde el sitio web de la empresa y aprovechar descuentos en restaurantes, spas, cursos online y m¨¢s. Se destaca que su implementaci¨®n es sencilla y permite promocionar la empresa de forma gratuita en redes sociales.
The document is a local newspaper from Mercury Bay, New Zealand. It discusses a number of local news stories, including 10 local Cubs who attended a summer camp where they took part in various challenging activities. It also profiles James Malcolm, a local musician who starred in a movie alongside David Bowie and discusses how Bowie mentored and influenced him. The death of Bowie last week has prompted James to reflect on their relationship and reignited his passion for music. The document also provides tide times and times for local businesses.
This document provides a summary of upcoming arts and entertainment events in Minneapolis for September 24, 2007. It includes details about a local theater awards ceremony, two plays being performed that evening, several music performances including Peter Bjorn and John and Sinead O'Connor, and two films screening including Once and Manda Bala. It also briefly summarizes upcoming art exhibits, a documentary screening, and recommends taking a drive to see art studios in Red Wing, Minnesota during an art tour weekend.
1. Dave Rauch recalls working as a spotlight operator at a U2 concert in 1985 at the USF Sundome where band member Bono pulled a fan, Matt Simmons, on stage to play guitar along with the band during the song Knockin' on Heaven's Door.
2. Kenneth Joyner shares stories of working various technical crew roles for concerts in the 1980s and 1990s at venues like the Starwood Theater and Vanderbilt University, including a time when a production manager proposed sacrificing a cow during a show.
3. Both Rauch and Joyner reminisce about memorable concerts they worked, technical challenges, and interactions with bands through their collections of backstage pass lany
Matt Simmons was chosen from the audience at a 1985 U2 concert to join the band on stage. He was pulled up during the song Knockin' on Heaven's Door and played guitar alongside the band for over two minutes. Dave Rauch, who worked as a spotlight operator at that concert, remembers this moment. Rauch has a collection of over 35 backstage crew passes from concerts he worked in the 1980s, including U2 shows.
This document provides background information on the musical duo Small Town Pistols, comprised of siblings Amanda and Tyler Wilkinson. It details their previous success as members of the band The Wilkinsons, Amanda's solo career, and their decision to collaborate and form Small Town Pistols. The duo wrote and recorded their self-titled debut album over the course of two years, drawing on their close connection and matured songwriting abilities. The album showcases their sophisticated pop and country-influenced sound.
This document summarizes the book "When the Whistle Blows" by Fran Cannon. It discusses how the main character Jimmy Cannon grows up in the town of Rowlesburg, West Virginia, where the railroad and steam trains are central to the community. However, his father WP believes that the steam trains won't last forever and that diesel engines will replace them. The summary explores Jimmy's love of trains and how changes coming to the railroad industry may impact Rowlesburg.
The document provides biographical information about the Australian children's musical group The Wiggles. It discusses their origins in the early 1990s with original members Anthony Field, Murray Cook, Greg Page, and Jeff Fatt. It describes their evolution into a hugely popular international franchise producing music and television shows aimed at preschoolers. It also notes that Greg Page stepped down in 2012 due to health issues and was replaced by Sam Moran as the new Yellow Wiggle. The document portrays The Wiggles as Australian megastars who are still going strong today through live performances and productions.
The document provides biographical information about the Australian children's musical group The Wiggles. It discusses their origins in the early 1990s with original members Anthony Field, Murray Cook, Greg Page, and Jeff Fatt. It describes their evolution into a hugely popular international franchise producing music and television shows aimed at preschoolers. It also notes that Greg Page stepped down in 2012 due to health issues and was replaced by Sam Moran as the new Yellow Wiggle. The document portrays The Wiggles as Australian megastars who are still going strong today through live performances and productions.
This document provides information about a benefit concert called "Coming Home with The Wilkinsons" that will take place on May 3rd, 2014 at the Empire Theatre in Belleville, Ontario. The proceeds will support The James Fund, which raises money and awareness for neuroblastoma research. Headlining the event is a one-time reunion performance of the band The Wilkinsons. The concert will feature several other musical guests and comedians. Sponsorship packages ranging from $500-10,000 are available for the event and include tickets, recognition and access to a post-show reception.
Channel Hastings 'Book Titles' Challenge Winners 1 FebruaryTerry Russell
The document announces the winners of a January photo challenge where participants submitted photos depicting book titles. In joint third position were photos of "The Borrowers", "And The Library At Night", and "And Mission: Impossible". In joint second position were photos of "The Time Machine" and "Man and Boy". The overall winner was a photo of "A Room With A View" submitted by Andy & Trish Lancaster. Everyone is invited to participate in the next photo challenge on March 1st.
Channel Hastings Challenge Song Titles Challenge Winners 30 NovemberTerry Russell
A photo challenge asked people to submit photos inspired by song titles. The winners were announced, with Misty and Big Log tying for third place, submitted by Simon Hookey and Flathead52. Another Brick In The Wall came in second place by A Roving Eye. Matt McNulty won first place for their photo of Blue Moon. Congratulations went out to all who participated in the monthly challenge hosted on
Channel Hastings Challenge Winners 31 August 08Terry Russell
The document announces the winners of a monthly photo vote contest hosted by Channel Hastings Flickr on the theme "Summertime". It names the joint third, second, and first place winners, congratulating Ian Land and Alli.SD for their winning photos titled "Hastings" and "Ladybird". It thanks all participants and invites people to join the next photo vote on October 5th.
Channel Hastings Challenge Winners 3 AugTerry Russell
The document announces the winners of a photo competition held in July with the theme "Red, White & Blue". It thanks those who voted on Hastings Pier on August 3rd and lists the third, joint second, and first place winners. People are invited to join the next photo vote on Hastings Pier on August 31st.
Channel Hastings Challenge Winners 6 July 08Terry Russell
The document announces the winners of a photo vote held on Hastings Pier. Light-Worker's photo "American Line Dancing" came in first place. In joint second place was "Fishing Beach" by Fishric. In joint third place were "Camper on the Beach" by Andy Wilson and "Global Fusion" by Tezzr. The document lists several other photos that received joint fourth, fifth, and sixth place positions and thanks all who voted.
This document is an invitation to a photo vote and meetup event hosted by Channel Hastings on Hastings Pier on Sunday, July 6th from 11am to 5pm. Attendees can vote for their favorite photo from over 100 entries submitted for the "World in Hastings" challenge, with a winner to be announced. The event is encouraging people to visit the Channel Hastings website and attend the event on the pier.
This newsletter provides information about upcoming photography exhibitions and events in Hastings. It announces the opening of an exhibition featuring the work of local photographers Adam Piggott and Anita Makris showing from June 20-26. It also promotes the monthly photo challenge theme of "The World in Hastings" and encourages people to join the Flickr group. Upcoming events mentioned include a Grayson Perry exhibition and a meetup of the Channel Hastings Flickr group on Hastings Pier.
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1. 25 June 2009
Smile...St Leonards Festival Is
Coming Soon! by Terry Russell CHANNEL HASTINGS BLOG
JUN 24, 2009 09:52A.M.
I Believe I Can Fly by A Roving
JUN 23, 2009 11:04A.M.
The St Leonards Festival always brims over with great photographic
opportunities and this year should be no exception.
Here¡¯s the official blurb: St Leonards Festival Saturday 11 July 2009 ¡°This shot was a simple one to take. I was at the fun fair in Hastings with
my children and I noticed the sky was looking interesting above these
The fourth St Leonards festival celebrates the rich diversity of our swings. My daughter was already in the queue for this ride, so I adjusted
community. Local bands, vocalists, dancers, comedians and community the shutter speed on my camera to around 1/1000 of a sec and simply
groups bring entertainment to you from around the world. This is the waited for her to get airbourne and took about a dozen shots. On loading
first opportunity for many of our new local artists to perform in front of a the images onto my computer I particularly liked this shot because of the
large audience. angle of the Carousel roof and it was a bonus to see my daughter top left,
whizzing behind the boy who believes he can fly...¡± A Roving Eye
All age groups can enjoy the day - there is an exciting programme in the
children¡¯s marquee for the younger visitors; sports, skate boarding and
Sumo wrestling for older children; a wonderful world market in Kings
Road as well as entertainment all day long in Warrior Square, including
The Real Thing, our headline band for all you real music lovers.
This year¡¯s highlights:
* The Real Thing
* The Swingin¡¯ Elvises
* The Kytes
* Carnival Procession
2. Today¡¯s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR YOU 25 June 2009
Go Erica! by Adam Piggott The Windmills Of Your Mind by
JUN 22, 2009 11:01A.M.
JUN 21, 2009 12:55P.M.
Like a circle in a spiral
Like a wheel within a wheel
Never ending or beginning
On an ever-spinning reel
Like a snowball down a mountain
Or a carnival balloon
Like a carousel that¡¯s turning
Running rings around the moon
Like a clock whose hands are sweeping
Past the minutes of it¡¯s face
And the world is like an apple
Whirling silently in space
Like the circles that you find
In the windmills of your mind...
Photo by Guinevere
¡°Erica Smith is running the New York City marathon on 1 November
2009 in aid of the Sara Lee Trust, an amazing local charity that provides
complementary therapy and counselling to people in palliative care. CHANNEL HASTINGS BLOG
She applied to do it because when she was training for the Hastings Half Dave Blackman 1961-2009 by
Marathon she used to imagine she was running around New York¡¯s
Central Park. Parks like Alexandra Park in Hastings were very influential Andy Wilson
on the design of Central Park. JUN 19, 2009 01:11P.M.
Please take a moment to sponsor Erica and you can read Erica¡¯s blog
here.¡± Adam Piggott
strobist info is SB600 through ezybox triggered by CLS
3. Today¡¯s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR YOU 25 June 2009
The Lucky Ones by Adam
JUN 18, 2009 11:42A.M.
¡°I heard on Sunday that Dave suffered a heart attack during a gig on
Saturday night and never recovered. Well known on the Hastings Music
Scene since the late 70s when he played with the almost-successful
Teenbeats - he¡¯s never stopped playing the drums ever since, guesting for
R&B (in the old sense) bands like Long Tall Shorty and playing drums
and singing with his personal project The Blackman Brothers.
I¡¯m lucky to have called Dave a friend, and make no apologies for ¡°The Lucky Ones from Hastings were lucky enough to be invited to play
¡°spamming¡± this to nearly every Flickr group I¡¯m a member of.¡± Andy at a fundraiser for Musicians For Deaf Ears at the Tower Theatre in
Wilson Folkestone. It¡¯s an amazing venue and behind the stage is a vast room
full of scenery and props. I¡¯ve been wanting to get a real vintage feel to
On behalf of all the members of the Channel Hastings group on Flickr some promo shots of the band and this was perfect. There wasn¡¯t much
our thoughts and sympathies go out to his loved ones. space to move around but i managed to drag out a backdrop and the
scene was set. We fooled around and tried lots of things, it was great
fun.¡± Adam Piggott
4. Today¡¯s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR YOU 25 June 2009
CHANNEL HASTINGS BLOG ¡°On reading that ¡®Film Titles¡¯ was this month¡¯s Channel Hastings Photo
Challenge I had a quick think of my favourite films and wondered
Three Colours...Red by Lin whether I could transform them into a photo.
Gregory ¡®Jules et Jim¡¯ ¨C hmmm, tough one to visualise.
JUN 17, 2009 01:32P.M.
¡®Bicycle Thieves¡¯ ¨C hmmm, possibly but rare to catch a thief in action ¨C I
presume they generally operate in the early hours.
¡®Apocalypse Now¡¯ ¨C hmmm, I couldn¡¯t think where I would start on this
¡®On the Waterfront¡¯ ¨C hmmm, definite potential¡.
However, it was a place I had been several times before that got my
visual senses tingling. The launderette on Queens Road was a beauty.
Something in my head clicked, of course, ¡®My Beautiful Launderette¡¯.
But, I had taken photos inside before, so I wanted to do something
slightly different.
Mrs Roving Eye was my prop. I suggested she gets inside one of the
drying machine (as you do) and wave her feet about. Outside an audience
¡°I¡¯m not really a flower photographer but couldn¡¯t resist the challenge
of around ten had gathered to watch the surreal proceedings.
when the poppies in my back garden opened. I caught it fresh before any
bees had dropped any of the pollen onto the petals. Using a 60mm 2.8
On returning home up to the West Hill another film idea entered my
macro I got in pretty close as I wanted to pull out the delicate layers of
the petals contrasting to the velvety texture of the stamen. I used a fairly head, ¡®My Left Foot¡¯¡¡± A Roving Eye
small aperture to make sure it was all in focus - luckily it was quite bright
so I was still able to use a fairly fast shutter speed to freeze any
movement and hey presto - my first flower photograph on Channel
Hastings!!¡± Lin Gregory
Three Doors, Three Art Pieces
JUN 15, 2009 01:44P.M.
My Beautiful Launderette by A
Roving Eye
JUN 16, 2009 10:50A.M.
¡°Recently I was fortunate enough to have a guided tour of the old East
5. Today¡¯s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR YOU 25 June 2009
Sussex County Asylum in Hellingly. The security guard had lots of
history about the place as we walked through and stopped at the many
rooms inside.
The place is littered with graffiti, much of it very good. This room, I¡¯m
told, is the old children¡¯s ward (correct me if I¡¯m wrong). As you open all
three doors leading away you are confronted with three seperate pieces
of art all visible at once if you stand in the right place. The piece on the
right is slightly similar to Renoir¡¯s work, the bath however is real.¡± Sean
George Street by Mr Ig
JUN 11, 2009 10:29A.M.
¡°One of the great things about film photography is that it lessens the
temptation to fiddle around; you can¡¯t review what you¡¯ve just taken, so
you might as well take one shot and move on. This is one of those
quickly-taken shots, composed by positioning the camera rather than
looking through the viewfinder. The air hockey table seemed an ideal
way of reflecting the bright colours of the arcade, and the logo on the
table hopefully provides a focus too.¡± Mr Ig