3. Khi 畉y, ng Phi-la-t担 tr畛 vo dinh,
cho g畛i 畛c Gi棚-su v n坦i v畛i
Ng動畛i: "ng c坦
Are you the king of the Jews? Pilate asked.
4. 畛c Gi棚-su 叩p: "Ngi t畛 箪 n坦i i畛u 畉y,
hay nh畛ng ng動畛i kh叩c 達 n坦i v畛i ngi v畛
Jesus replied, Do you ask this of your
own accord, or have others spoken
to you about me?
5. ng Phi-la-t担 tr畉 l畛i: "T担i l ng動畛i Do-
th叩i sao ? Ch鱈nh d但n c畛a 担ng v c叩c
th動畛ng t畉 達 n畛p 担ng cho t担i. ng 達
Pilate answered, Am I a Jew? It is your
own people and the chief priests who
have handed you over to me:
what have you done?
6. 畛c Gi棚-su tr畉
l畛i: "N動畛c t担i
kh担ng thu畛c v畛
th畉 gian ny.
N畉u N動畛c t担i
thu畛c v畛 th畉 gian
ny, thu畛c h畉
c畛a t担i 達 chi畉n
畉u kh担ng 畛 t担i
b畛 n畛p cho ng動畛i
Do-th叩i. Nh動ng
th畉t ra N動畛c t担i
kh担ng thu畛c
Jesus replied, Mine is
not a kingdom of this
world; if my kingdom
were of this world, my
men would have fought
to prevent my being
surrendered to the
Jews. But my kingdom
is not of this kind.
7. So you are a king then? said Pilate.
ng Phi-la-t担 li畛n h畛i:
"V畉y 担ng l vua sao ?"
8. It is you who
say it
Jesus. Yes, I
am a king. I
was born for
I came into the
world for this:
to bear witness
to the truth;
and all who are
on the side of
truth listen to
畛c Gi棚-su 叩p: "Ch鱈nh
ngi n坦i r畉ng t担i l vua.
T担i 達 sinh ra v 達 畉n
th畉 gian nh畉m m畛c 鱈ch
ny : lm ch畛ng cho s畛
th畉t. Ai 畛ng v畛 ph鱈a s畛
th畉t th狸 nghe ti畉ng t担i.
9. L畛 Ch炭a Gi棚su Vua
V滴 Tr畛 Nm B
Our Lord Jesus
Christ, King of
the Universe -
Year B