Acorns Children's Hospice provides palliative care for children in and around Birmingham who have life-threatening or life-limiting conditions and are not expected to live past their 18th birthday. The hospice cares for these children and supports their families throughout each stage of their child's life and into bereavement. The itslearning Charity Appeal document outlines four suggestions for supporting Acorns Children's Hospice through donations, volunteering, using itslearning's platform and training, and fundraising activities.
2. Acorns Children’s Hospice
Provide Pallative Care for Life Threatened and
Life Limited Children in and around the
Birmingham area
These young children are not expected to
reach beyond their 18th birthday
Acorns provides care for the children and
support for the family to cope at every stage
of their child’s life and into bereavement
3. 1. Donate the money kindly offered from Bergen.
2. Volunteer - giving our time to help out at the centres / shop
3. Complementary use of itslearning platform & training -
allowing families to keep treasured memories of their son /
daughter’s time at Acorns. Also an online community area to
support parents 24/7 with bereavement.
4. Fundraising- a percentage of every sale? Fundraising Day /
Suggestions for support: