The document discusses decorations and food in the United States and Canada, mentioning decorations in the U.S.A. and Canada as well as food in the United States and Canada.
Pelajaran ini membahas tentang dasar-dasar tag HTML dan menambahkan elemen seperti gambar dan perataan teks ke dalam halaman web. Tag-tag dasar seperti <html>, <head>, <title>, dan <body> dijelaskan. Tag untuk pergantian baris (<br>) dan paragraf (<p>) juga dibahas. Cara menambahkan gambar menggunakan tag <img> beserta atribut-atributnya kemudian dijelaskan. Terakhir, pelajaran ini membahas tentang perata
The Maori are the indigenous people of New Zealand, a large island in the South Pacific Ocean off the coast of Australia. Some Maori continue traditional cultural practices like the Haka war dance and Ta moko body tattoos, while others live modern, non-traditional lives. However, like other indigenous groups, many Maori still struggle with issues related to their colonization such as poverty, alcoholism, and drug abuse.
O documento discute os desafios de implementar uma nova pol鱈tica de seguran巽a cibern辿tica em uma organiza巽達o. A pol鱈tica exigiria novas ferramentas de monitoramento e relat坦rios regulares, mas enfrentaria resist棚ncia de alguns funcion叩rios preocupados com privacidade. O autor sugere abordagens graduais para explicar os benef鱈cios da pol鱈tica e ganhar apoio.
Paper Mar鱈a Amparo Navarro - Serious Games for Dynamic Content and Advanced E...WTHS
This document discusses using serious games and an entertainment platform to educate children while entertaining them. It aims to design, develop and validate such a platform integrating physical and virtual worlds. A pilot was developed and tested with children, showing games can positively teach skills like coordination, memory, and teamwork if used properly. The project seeks to promote ICT use among children and contribute innovative research in areas like internet of things and social networking of games.
The document outlines guidelines from 2003 on blood pressure categories, risk factors, and lifestyle modifications to reduce hypertension. It defines normal and pre-hypertensive blood pressure levels. Major risk factors include family history, inactivity, obesity, smoking, age, and diabetes. Recommended lifestyle modifications are limiting alcohol, following a low-fat diet high in fruits and vegetables, maintaining a healthy weight, engaging in regular physical activity, reducing salt intake, and not smoking.
1. Deadlock dapat dicegah dengan tiga skema: hold and wait, circular wait, dan no preemption.
2. Sistem dalam kasus yang diberikan terjebak dalam deadlock karena proses P2 menggunakan sumber daya R1 yang dituntut oleh proses P0.
3. OS akan memberikan grant printer kepada user y karena memiliki kebutuhan printer terendah, mengamankan sequence penggunaan sumber daya yang aman.
Hip hop and R&B are genres that originated in the 1970s and 1940s respectively and are associated with African American culture. Some popular artists in these genres include Kanye West, Jay Z, Rihanna, Chris Brown, Lil Wayne, Nicki Minaj, Drake, Wiz Khalifa and Ludacris. The music and imagery are often associated with urban fashion styles like baggy clothes, caps, chains and tattoos as well as money.
This document contains summaries of several sections from a chapter on genetics:
1. It discusses different types of gene mutations including substitutions, insertions, deletions, and chromosomal mutations like deletions, duplications, inversions, and translocations.
2. It notes that most mutations are not harmful and lists mutagens as things that can cause mutations, like chemicals and physical agents.
3. It briefly outlines prokaryotic gene regulation using the example of the lac operon in E. coli, and lists promoters, operators, and transcription factors as aspects of eukaryotic gene regulation.
This document provides examples of using comparatives in English to compare adjectives of different syllable lengths. It gives examples of forming comparatives for 1-syllable adjectives by adding -er and -est and for 2-syllable adjectives by using more and most. It then provides examples comparing the heights of London landmarks, sizes of city squares, lengths of animals, and strengths of economies. Advertisement examples are also given to illustrate using comparatives to describe products as better, faster, or less than alternatives.
Paper Mar鱈a Iglesia - CEIB: A R&D services in bioimaging oriented to integrat...WTHS
This document describes a proposed system called R&D Cloud CEIB that would provide bioimaging R&D services using data from the Valencian Biobank Medical Imaging (GIMC) in Spain as a basis. The system would have four main modules: a search engine, clinical trials manager, anonymizer, and Bioimage Knowledge Engine (BIKE). BIKE would include submodules for post-processing, defining biomarkers, studying DICOM headers, and bioimaging classification. The goal is to provide bioimaging expertise and services to improve patient information and quality in electronic health records. The system is based on open source technologies and would analyze imaging data to generate knowledge for use in clinical services.
Paper lvaro Hermida - Gas Control System for NeonatesWTHS
This document discusses the use of supplemental oxygen during resuscitation of preterm infants. It notes that while oxygen is necessary for resuscitation, high concentrations can cause oxidative stress and organ damage. The optimal amount of oxygen to use initially without sensors is unclear. The document then summarizes guidelines from the Spanish Society of Neonatology for titrating oxygen levels based on heart rate, breathing effort and oxygen saturation levels during resuscitation of preterm infants.
Paper Viveca Jim辿nez - Supporting Mass Evacuation Guidance within Public Tran...WTHS
The document describes a telecommunication infrastructure proposed in the SAVE ME project. The goal is to maintain communication between sensors, emergency responders, and travelers during a disaster event to enable mass evacuation. The infrastructure uses low-cost Wi-Fi routers configured in an ad-hoc network that is fault tolerant. Even if some routers fail, the network automatically reconfigures to redirect communications and continue providing evacuation instructions to travelers. The system interacts with other SAVE ME components like sensors, agents, and simulation modules to assess situations and guide evacuation routes.
Paper Alejandro Gonzalez - An iPhone-based application for promoting type 2 d...WTHS
This document describes an iPhone application to help promote healthy lifestyle habits for type 2 diabetic patients through self-management. The application aims to improve patients' diets and physical activity levels through nutrition education, activity tracking, and goal setting to motivate lifestyle changes and better diabetes management. The rise in diabetes prevalence worldwide, especially in developed nations, underscores the need for tools to help patients prevent complications through lifestyle modifications.
Paper Hector Gal叩n - OASIS Nutritional Advisor Service: a technical viewWTHS
The document provides a technical overview of the OASIS Nutritional Advisor Service, which was developed to control and improve the nutritional habits of elderly users.
The service consists of a nutritional advisor client application on the user's tablet to display personalized nutritional plans and advice. A remote server provides nutritional services like user profiling and personalized weekly menus. A desktop application allows nutritionists to manage user information.
The service was integrated into the OASIS framework for interoperability and sharing services across domains. It aims to offer personalized nutrition counseling adapted to each user's changing needs and context through dynamic profiling and adaptation to environmental changes. The architecture places most logic on the server side while keeping client applications light.
The document analyzes how a media product uses conventions of real documentaries. It discusses researching the forms of documentaries, television double page spreads, and radio trailers. It then examines how the created documentary, magazine spread, and radio trailer employ established conventions like a narrative structure, interviews, statistics, shot types, layout, music, and voiceover elements. The product demonstrates an understanding of documentary conventions.
The Dacia Duster is a compact SUV produced jointly by Renault and Dacia since 2010. It was initially introduced as an ice racing vehicle in 2009 and the production version was revealed later that year. Safety features include ABS, EBD, EBA, and optional ESC. The Duster is sold in Europe, Turkey, North Africa, and the Middle East, and it's the third best selling SUV worldwide.
The Maori are the indigenous people of New Zealand, an island country in the South Pacific Ocean. Some Maori continue traditional cultural practices like performing haka war dances and getting ta moko tattoos, while others live modern, non-traditional lives. However, like other indigenous groups, many Maori struggle with issues such as poverty, alcoholism, and drug abuse.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang manajemen pengetahuan yang merupakan proses menciptakan, memperoleh, berbagi, dan menggunakan pengetahuan untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran dan kinerja organisasi. Ada dua pendekatan strategi manajemen pengetahuan yaitu kodifikasi dan personalisasi pengetahuan. Tantangan utama adalah mengubah pengetahuan tersirat menjadi tersurat.
Smoking involves inhaling the smoke of burning tobacco in cigarettes, pipes, and cigars. It is both a physical and psychological addiction with serious health consequences. People smoke for various reasons like looking mature, fitting in with friends, relaxation, and coping with problems. Smoking can cause immediate effects like loss of appetite and coughing as well as long term health issues like cancer, heart disease, and infertility. Quitting smoking requires mental preparation by setting a date, informing others, and removing smoking-related items from one's home to adjust to becoming a non-smoker.
Paper Alejandro Medrano - Use of hierarchical model-view-controller architect...WTHS
This document discusses using a hierarchical model-view-controller (HMVC) architecture for user interfaces in ambient assisted living (AAL) environments. It proposes separating the user interface meta model from the presentation logic and user interaction modalities. This allows applications to define modality-neutral interfaces that can be rendered across different modalities like graphical user interfaces, voice interfaces, etc. It describes defining a common meta model for user interface elements and using UI renderers to translate this model to specific modalities. The HMVC approach keeps applications independent of interaction details and allows multiple applications to share interfaces.
This document lists the names of 15 buildings and structures located in and around Tulkarm, Palestine, including Villa Nayef Shihab, Zeid Barham Building, Al Israa School, Girls' Hostel for Khadouri University, Villa Thabet Omar, and Villa Iyad Qasem. It provides basic information about properties and buildings in the Tulkarm area of Palestine.
Upon arrival, students are given cushions to sit on. They then sing the good morning song while greeting each other. Lower level students greet a puppet named Cookie and share how they are feeling, while higher levels complete the calendar by identifying the weather, day, and season. Both lower and higher level classes learn new vocabulary through songs, stories, games, and online activities. At the end of class, all students sing the goodbye song.
France is a country located in western Europe with borders to several neighboring countries. It has maritime borders with the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. France is divided into 22 administrative regions and its capital and largest city is Paris, with over 12 million inhabitants. Some key facts about France are that French is the official language, the Euro is the currency, and the weather is similar to Spain's with cold winters and hot summers.
Paper Mar鱈a Amparo Navarro - Serious Games for Dynamic Content and Advanced E...WTHS
This document discusses using serious games and an entertainment platform to educate children while entertaining them. It aims to design, develop and validate such a platform integrating physical and virtual worlds. A pilot was developed and tested with children, showing games can positively teach skills like coordination, memory, and teamwork if used properly. The project seeks to promote ICT use among children and contribute innovative research in areas like internet of things and social networking of games.
The document outlines guidelines from 2003 on blood pressure categories, risk factors, and lifestyle modifications to reduce hypertension. It defines normal and pre-hypertensive blood pressure levels. Major risk factors include family history, inactivity, obesity, smoking, age, and diabetes. Recommended lifestyle modifications are limiting alcohol, following a low-fat diet high in fruits and vegetables, maintaining a healthy weight, engaging in regular physical activity, reducing salt intake, and not smoking.
1. Deadlock dapat dicegah dengan tiga skema: hold and wait, circular wait, dan no preemption.
2. Sistem dalam kasus yang diberikan terjebak dalam deadlock karena proses P2 menggunakan sumber daya R1 yang dituntut oleh proses P0.
3. OS akan memberikan grant printer kepada user y karena memiliki kebutuhan printer terendah, mengamankan sequence penggunaan sumber daya yang aman.
Hip hop and R&B are genres that originated in the 1970s and 1940s respectively and are associated with African American culture. Some popular artists in these genres include Kanye West, Jay Z, Rihanna, Chris Brown, Lil Wayne, Nicki Minaj, Drake, Wiz Khalifa and Ludacris. The music and imagery are often associated with urban fashion styles like baggy clothes, caps, chains and tattoos as well as money.
This document contains summaries of several sections from a chapter on genetics:
1. It discusses different types of gene mutations including substitutions, insertions, deletions, and chromosomal mutations like deletions, duplications, inversions, and translocations.
2. It notes that most mutations are not harmful and lists mutagens as things that can cause mutations, like chemicals and physical agents.
3. It briefly outlines prokaryotic gene regulation using the example of the lac operon in E. coli, and lists promoters, operators, and transcription factors as aspects of eukaryotic gene regulation.
This document provides examples of using comparatives in English to compare adjectives of different syllable lengths. It gives examples of forming comparatives for 1-syllable adjectives by adding -er and -est and for 2-syllable adjectives by using more and most. It then provides examples comparing the heights of London landmarks, sizes of city squares, lengths of animals, and strengths of economies. Advertisement examples are also given to illustrate using comparatives to describe products as better, faster, or less than alternatives.
Paper Mar鱈a Iglesia - CEIB: A R&D services in bioimaging oriented to integrat...WTHS
This document describes a proposed system called R&D Cloud CEIB that would provide bioimaging R&D services using data from the Valencian Biobank Medical Imaging (GIMC) in Spain as a basis. The system would have four main modules: a search engine, clinical trials manager, anonymizer, and Bioimage Knowledge Engine (BIKE). BIKE would include submodules for post-processing, defining biomarkers, studying DICOM headers, and bioimaging classification. The goal is to provide bioimaging expertise and services to improve patient information and quality in electronic health records. The system is based on open source technologies and would analyze imaging data to generate knowledge for use in clinical services.
Paper lvaro Hermida - Gas Control System for NeonatesWTHS
This document discusses the use of supplemental oxygen during resuscitation of preterm infants. It notes that while oxygen is necessary for resuscitation, high concentrations can cause oxidative stress and organ damage. The optimal amount of oxygen to use initially without sensors is unclear. The document then summarizes guidelines from the Spanish Society of Neonatology for titrating oxygen levels based on heart rate, breathing effort and oxygen saturation levels during resuscitation of preterm infants.
Paper Viveca Jim辿nez - Supporting Mass Evacuation Guidance within Public Tran...WTHS
The document describes a telecommunication infrastructure proposed in the SAVE ME project. The goal is to maintain communication between sensors, emergency responders, and travelers during a disaster event to enable mass evacuation. The infrastructure uses low-cost Wi-Fi routers configured in an ad-hoc network that is fault tolerant. Even if some routers fail, the network automatically reconfigures to redirect communications and continue providing evacuation instructions to travelers. The system interacts with other SAVE ME components like sensors, agents, and simulation modules to assess situations and guide evacuation routes.
Paper Alejandro Gonzalez - An iPhone-based application for promoting type 2 d...WTHS
This document describes an iPhone application to help promote healthy lifestyle habits for type 2 diabetic patients through self-management. The application aims to improve patients' diets and physical activity levels through nutrition education, activity tracking, and goal setting to motivate lifestyle changes and better diabetes management. The rise in diabetes prevalence worldwide, especially in developed nations, underscores the need for tools to help patients prevent complications through lifestyle modifications.
Paper Hector Gal叩n - OASIS Nutritional Advisor Service: a technical viewWTHS
The document provides a technical overview of the OASIS Nutritional Advisor Service, which was developed to control and improve the nutritional habits of elderly users.
The service consists of a nutritional advisor client application on the user's tablet to display personalized nutritional plans and advice. A remote server provides nutritional services like user profiling and personalized weekly menus. A desktop application allows nutritionists to manage user information.
The service was integrated into the OASIS framework for interoperability and sharing services across domains. It aims to offer personalized nutrition counseling adapted to each user's changing needs and context through dynamic profiling and adaptation to environmental changes. The architecture places most logic on the server side while keeping client applications light.
The document analyzes how a media product uses conventions of real documentaries. It discusses researching the forms of documentaries, television double page spreads, and radio trailers. It then examines how the created documentary, magazine spread, and radio trailer employ established conventions like a narrative structure, interviews, statistics, shot types, layout, music, and voiceover elements. The product demonstrates an understanding of documentary conventions.
The Dacia Duster is a compact SUV produced jointly by Renault and Dacia since 2010. It was initially introduced as an ice racing vehicle in 2009 and the production version was revealed later that year. Safety features include ABS, EBD, EBA, and optional ESC. The Duster is sold in Europe, Turkey, North Africa, and the Middle East, and it's the third best selling SUV worldwide.
The Maori are the indigenous people of New Zealand, an island country in the South Pacific Ocean. Some Maori continue traditional cultural practices like performing haka war dances and getting ta moko tattoos, while others live modern, non-traditional lives. However, like other indigenous groups, many Maori struggle with issues such as poverty, alcoholism, and drug abuse.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang manajemen pengetahuan yang merupakan proses menciptakan, memperoleh, berbagi, dan menggunakan pengetahuan untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran dan kinerja organisasi. Ada dua pendekatan strategi manajemen pengetahuan yaitu kodifikasi dan personalisasi pengetahuan. Tantangan utama adalah mengubah pengetahuan tersirat menjadi tersurat.
Smoking involves inhaling the smoke of burning tobacco in cigarettes, pipes, and cigars. It is both a physical and psychological addiction with serious health consequences. People smoke for various reasons like looking mature, fitting in with friends, relaxation, and coping with problems. Smoking can cause immediate effects like loss of appetite and coughing as well as long term health issues like cancer, heart disease, and infertility. Quitting smoking requires mental preparation by setting a date, informing others, and removing smoking-related items from one's home to adjust to becoming a non-smoker.
Paper Alejandro Medrano - Use of hierarchical model-view-controller architect...WTHS
This document discusses using a hierarchical model-view-controller (HMVC) architecture for user interfaces in ambient assisted living (AAL) environments. It proposes separating the user interface meta model from the presentation logic and user interaction modalities. This allows applications to define modality-neutral interfaces that can be rendered across different modalities like graphical user interfaces, voice interfaces, etc. It describes defining a common meta model for user interface elements and using UI renderers to translate this model to specific modalities. The HMVC approach keeps applications independent of interaction details and allows multiple applications to share interfaces.
This document lists the names of 15 buildings and structures located in and around Tulkarm, Palestine, including Villa Nayef Shihab, Zeid Barham Building, Al Israa School, Girls' Hostel for Khadouri University, Villa Thabet Omar, and Villa Iyad Qasem. It provides basic information about properties and buildings in the Tulkarm area of Palestine.
Upon arrival, students are given cushions to sit on. They then sing the good morning song while greeting each other. Lower level students greet a puppet named Cookie and share how they are feeling, while higher levels complete the calendar by identifying the weather, day, and season. Both lower and higher level classes learn new vocabulary through songs, stories, games, and online activities. At the end of class, all students sing the goodbye song.
France is a country located in western Europe with borders to several neighboring countries. It has maritime borders with the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. France is divided into 22 administrative regions and its capital and largest city is Paris, with over 12 million inhabitants. Some key facts about France are that French is the official language, the Euro is the currency, and the weather is similar to Spain's with cold winters and hot summers.
Traditional Christmas foods in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, and other places commonly include turkey, ham, potatoes, and vegetables for dinner along with desserts like Christmas pudding, ginger cookies, cherry pudding, or carrot cake. The Irish Christmas dinner also typically includes Brussels sprouts and stuffing, while Christmas in Australia occurs during the summer months.
Christmas in Australia is celebrated during the summer months, with traditional meals including pork, turkey, ham and plum pudding. Houses are decorated and Christmas dinner is often a barbecue or picnic on the beach, with carols by candlelight and children leaving stockings by the fireplace for Santa to fill with presents.
Families in the USA celebrate Christmas by decorating their homes with Christmas trees, stockings, lights and ribbons in red, white and green colors. They have Christmas dinner with food like turkey, pudding and cookies and spend time with family opening presents, making snowmen, singing songs and partying. Children expect presents from Santa Claus on December 25th if they have been good during the year.
New York City is a popular place to celebrate New Year's Eve, with a large party held yearly in Times Square where at midnight a large crystal ball is dropped as part of the tradition. On New Year's Day, a public holiday in the US, the city continues festivities after ringing in the new year on a cold winter night with musical performances in Times Square.
France is a country located in Western Europe that borders Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Monaco, Andorra, and Spain. France does not have a king or queen and is instead led by a president. The official language is French and the country is divided into regions including le-de-France, Aquitaine, and Provence-Alpes-C担te d'Azur. Some of France's major cities include Paris, Nice, and Avoriaz. Paris, the capital city, is known as the City of Light and contains famous landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, and Louvre Museum.
In England, Christmas is celebrated on December 25th. On Christmas Eve, children put stockings by their beds hoping Father Christmas will fill them with presents overnight. They also write letters to Father Christmas with their gift requests. According to tradition, Father Christmas lives at the North Pole and delivers presents pulled by his nine reindeer. On Christmas Day, families gather for a large meal that usually includes turkey before opening presents under the Christmas tree.