- Evolution can be viewed through an algorithmic lens, with natural selection and genetics represented as algorithms
- Sex in evolution maximizes "mixability", or an organism's ability to perform well across a broad range of genetic combinations through increasing genetic variation
- Computer science concepts like no-regret learning and multiplicative weight updates help explain how even weak selection can drive evolution through genetic drift and result in the emergence of complex traits over many generations
2. The Algorithm as a Lens
It started with Alan Turing, 60 years ago
Algorithmic thinking as a novel and
productive way for understanding and
transforming the Sciences
Mathematics, Statistical Physics, Quantum
Physics, Economics and Social Sciences
This talk: Evolution
15. Evolution and
Algorithmic Insights
How do you find a 3-billion
long string in 3 billion years?
L. G.Valiant
At the Wistar conference (1967), Schutzenberger
asked virtually the same question
16. Valiants Theory of Evolvability
Which traits can evolve?
Evolvability is a special case of statistical
17. Evolution and CS Practice:
Genetic Algorithms [ca. 1980s]
To solve an optimization problem
create a population of solutions/genotypes
who procreate through sex/genotype
with success proportional to their objective
function value
Eventually, some very good solutions are
bound to arise in the soup
18. And in this Corner
Simulated Annealing
Inspired by asexual reproduction
Mutations are adopted with probability
increasing with fitness/objective differential
(and decreasing with time)
19. The Mystery of Sex Deepens
Simulated annealing (asexual reproduction)
works fine
Genetic algorithms (sexual reproduction)
dont work
In Nature, the opposite happens: Sex is
successful and ubiquitous
21. A Radical Thought
What if sex is a mediocre optimizer of
fitness (= expectation of offspring)?
What if sex optimizes something else?
And what if this something else is its
raison d 棚tre?
22. Mixability!
In [LPDF 2008] we establish through
simulations that:
Natural selection under asex optimizes
But under sex it optimizes mixability:
The ability of alleles (gene variants) to
perform well with a broad spectrum of other
25. Explaining Mixability (cont)
But sex will select the rows and columns
with the largest average
3 2 4 5 4
1 0 0 7 2
2 1 0 4 3
1 8 1 3 2
3 2 4 5 4
1 0 0 7 2
2 1 0 4 3
1 8 1 3 2
3 2 4 5 4
1 0 0 7 2
2 1 0 4 3
1 8 1 3 2
26. Neutral Theory
and Weak Selection
Kimura 1970: Evolution proceeds not by
leaps upwards, but mostly horizontally,
through statistical drift
Weak selection: the values in the fitness
matrix are very close, say in [1 竜, 1 + 竜]
27. Changing the subject:
The experts problem
Every day you must choose one of n experts
The advice of expert i on day t results in a
gain G[i, t] in [-1, 1]
Challenge: Do as well as the best expert in
Surprise: It can be done!
[Hannan 1958, Cover 1980, Winnow,
Boosting, no-regret learning, MWUA, ]
28. Multiplicative weights update
Initially, assign all experts same probability
At each step, increase the probablity of each
by (1 + 竜 G[I, t]) (and then normalize)
Theorem: Does as well as the best expert
MWUA solves: zero-sum games, linear
programming, convex programming,
network congestion,
29. Disbelief
Computer scientists find it hard to believe that
such a crude technique solves all these
sophisticated problems
The eye to this day gives
me a cold shudder.
[cf: Valiant on three billion bits and years]
30. Theorem [CLPV 2012]: Under weak selection,
evolution is a game
the players are the genes
the strategies are the alleles
the common utility is the fitness of the organism
(coordination game)
the probabilities are the allele frequencies
game is played through multiplicative updates
31. There is more
Recall the update (1 + 竜 G[i, t])
竜 is the selection strength
(1 + 竜 G[i, t]) is the alleles mixability!
Variance preservation: multiplicative
updates is known to enhance entropy
Two mysteries united
This is the role of sex in Evolution
41. Is There a Genetic Explanation?
Function f ( x, h ) with these properties:
Initially, Probx~p[0] [f ( x, h = 0)] 0%
Then Probp[0][f ( x, 1)] 15%
After breeding Probp[1][f ( x, 1)] 60%
Successive breedings, Probp[20][f ( x,1)] 99%
Finally, Probp[20][f ( x, 0)] 25%
42. A Genetic Explanation
Suppose that red head is this Boolean
function of 10 genes and high
red head = x1 + x2 + + x10 + 3h 10
Suppose also that the genes are independent
random variables, with pi initially half, say.
43. A Genetic Explanation (cont.)
In the beginning, no fly is red (the
probability of being red is 2-n
With the help of h = 1, a few become red
If you select them and breed them, ~60%
will be red!
45. A Genetic Explanation (cont.)
Eventually, the population will be very
biased towards xi = 1 (the pis are close to 1)
And so, a few flies will have all xi = 1 for all
i, and they will stay red when h becomes 0
46. Generalize!
Let B is any Boolean function
n variables x1x2 xn(no h)
Independent, with probabilities
p = (p1 p2 pn)
Satisfiability game: if B is satisfied, each
variable gets 1, otherwise 1 - 竜
Repeated play by multiplicative weights
47. Boolean functions (cont.)
Conjecture: This solves SAT
Can prove it for monotone functions (in
poly time)
Can almost prove it in general
(Joint work with Adi Livnat, Greg Valiant,
Andrew Won)
48. Interpretation
If there is a Boolean combination of a
modestly large number of genes that creates
an unanticipated trait conferring even a
small advantage, then this combination will
be discovered and eventually fixed in the
With sex, all moderate-sized Boolean
functions are evolvable.
49. Sooooo
The theory of life is deep and fascinating
Insights of an algorithmic nature can help
make progress
Evolution is a coordination game between
genes played via multiplicative updates
Novel viewpoint that helps understand the
central role of sex in Evolution