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     息 The Human Genome Project:
     Biocomputing Admin Ed Yung
Chromosomes in eukaryotes and
           prokaryotes are different
                     PROKARYOTES                    EUKARYOTES
           single chromosome plus plasmids   many chromosomes
           circular chromosome               linear chromosomes
           made only of DNA                  made of chromatin, a
                                             nucleoprotein (DNA coiled
                                             around histone proteins)
           found in cytoplasm                found in a nucleus
           copies its chromosome and divides copies chromosomes, then the
           immediately afterwards            cell grows, then goes through
                                             mitosis to organise
                                             chromosomes in two equal
息 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
          in eukaryotes
               Found in the nucleus
               Condensed and visible during cell division
               At the beginning of mitosis they can be
                seen to consist of two threads (sister
                chromatids) joined by a centromere
               The sister chromatids are identical copies
               During mitosis the sister chromatids
                separate and are placed into two nuclei

                                         Image believed to be in the Public Domain
息 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
Numbers of chromosomes
               Constant for each cell in the body
                (except sex cells which only have
                half sets).
               Constant throughout the life of an
                individual (you dont lose or gain
               Constant for all members of a

息 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
Image believed to be in the Public Domain   息 A. Lane Rayburn
Organism       Chromosome
                           Human       46
                  Chimpanzee           48
                House Mouse            40
                           Maize       20
息 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
Human chromosomes

   Image believed to be in the Public Domain
The chromosomes of a human female

息 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS     Image believed to be in the Public Domain
Identifying chromosomes

           Chromosomes can be identified
            Their size

            Their shape (the position of
             the centromere)
             NB Chromosomes are
            Banding patterns produced
             by specific stains (Giemsa)
                                            息 Biologyreference.com

           Chromosomes are analysed by
             organising them into a
息 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
Female          Male

         Images believed to be in the Public Domain
Downs syndrome

                  Image believed to be in the Public Domain
Development and chromosomes
               Differences in chromosomes are associated with
                difference in the way we grow.

               The karyotypes of males and females are not the same
                Females have two large X chromosomes
                Males have a large X and a small Y chromosome
                The X and the Y chromosomes are called sex
                The sex chromosomes are placed at the end of the

               Unusual growth can be associated with chromosome
                e.g. People who develop Downs syndrome have
                trisomy 21

息 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
Chromosomal abnormalities

Trysomy-21  Downs syndrome   Trysomy-18  Edwards syndrome

                                    Images believed to be in the Public Domain
Therefore genetic information is
              found on our chromosomes

息 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
Chromosomes and cell division
               Multicellular organisms
                copy their chromosomes
                before cell division.      Interphase
               They must grow to a
                mature size.
               The nucleus divides,
                distributing the
                chromosomes into two equal
                groups (mitosis).
               The cytoplasm then divides
                (cytokinesis) each part
                taking a nucleus.
息 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
                                         Image believed to be in the Public Domain
The cell cycle
                               Cytokinesis         Some cells may
                  Division of the cytoplasm        stay in this stage
                                              G0   for over a year

                                                       G1 First growth phase.
                                                          Varies in length
        Second growth

                                                   S   Copying of

                           G1 + S + G2 = INTERPHASE
息 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
The cell cycles in different cells
           Cell type               Cell cycle /
           Bean root tip              19.3

           Mouse fibroblast            22

           Chinese hamster             11
           Mouse small intestine       17
           Mouse oesophagus            181
息 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
Chromosomes and reproduction
               Chromosomes come in pairs
                One of the pair is maternal the
                other is paternal

               When parents make sex cells the
                number of chromosomes must be
                One of each type of chromosome is

息 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
Meiosis and fertilisation
                            Mother                                         Father

                             23 pairs of                                   23 pairs of
                           chromosomes                                   chromosomes

         Sex cells

                 23 unpaired         23 unpaired                23 unpaired          23 unpaired
                chromosomes         chromosomes                chromosomes          chromosomes


                                                   23 pairs of


息 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS               Images believed to be in the Public Domain
               A special type of cell division
               Used to make sex cells
               Meiosis halves the numbers of
               Meiosis picks one chromosome from
                each pair at random and places
                them in a sex cell. This results in
                enormous variation amongst the
                sex cells.

息 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
The inheritance of gender

Is it going to be a boy or a girl?

                 息 University of New Mexico
The inheritance of gender
                               Mother                          Father

                                XX                              XY

       Sex cells           X             X                 X            Y

                                             X         Y
              Fertilisation          X       XX        XY       Possible
                                     X       XX        XY

                                                  Chance of a girl 50%
                                                  Chance of a boy 50%
息 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
Sex chromosomes
               The sex of many animals is
                determined by genes but on
                chromosomes called sex
               The other chromosomes are called
               One sex is homogametic
               The other sex is heterogametic

息 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
Sex determination in different animals
                 SEX               SEX

                  Female XX      Male XY      Presence of Y-
                                              chromosome = maleness
                                              (mammals and fish)
                                              Presence of second X-
                                              chromosome =
                                              femaleness (Drosophila,
                                              the fruit fly)
                    Male ZZ     Female ZW     Birds, amphibians,
                                              reptiles, butterflies,

                  Female XX      Male Xo      Grasshoppers

息 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS

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  • 1. CHROMOSOMES 息 The Human Genome Project: Biocomputing Admin Ed Yung
  • 2. Chromosomes in eukaryotes and prokaryotes are different PROKARYOTES EUKARYOTES single chromosome plus plasmids many chromosomes circular chromosome linear chromosomes made only of DNA made of chromatin, a nucleoprotein (DNA coiled around histone proteins) found in cytoplasm found in a nucleus copies its chromosome and divides copies chromosomes, then the immediately afterwards cell grows, then goes through mitosis to organise chromosomes in two equal groups 息 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
  • 3. Chromosomes in eukaryotes Found in the nucleus Condensed and visible during cell division At the beginning of mitosis they can be seen to consist of two threads (sister chromatids) joined by a centromere The sister chromatids are identical copies During mitosis the sister chromatids separate and are placed into two nuclei Image believed to be in the Public Domain 息 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
  • 4. Numbers of chromosomes Constant for each cell in the body (except sex cells which only have half sets). Constant throughout the life of an individual (you dont lose or gain chromosomes) Constant for all members of a species 息 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
  • 5. Mouse Maize Image believed to be in the Public Domain 息 A. Lane Rayburn
  • 6. Organism Chromosome numbers Human 46 Chimpanzee 48 House Mouse 40 Maize 20 息 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
  • 7. Human chromosomes Image believed to be in the Public Domain
  • 8. The chromosomes of a human female 息 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS Image believed to be in the Public Domain
  • 9. Identifying chromosomes Chromosomes can be identified by: Their size Their shape (the position of the centromere) NB Chromosomes are flexible Banding patterns produced by specific stains (Giemsa) 息 Biologyreference.com Chromosomes are analysed by organising them into a KARYOTYPE 息 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
  • 10. Female Male Images believed to be in the Public Domain
  • 11. Downs syndrome Image believed to be in the Public Domain
  • 12. Development and chromosomes Differences in chromosomes are associated with difference in the way we grow. The karyotypes of males and females are not the same Females have two large X chromosomes Males have a large X and a small Y chromosome The X and the Y chromosomes are called sex chromosomes The sex chromosomes are placed at the end of the karyotype Unusual growth can be associated with chromosome abnormalities e.g. People who develop Downs syndrome have trisomy 21 息 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
  • 13. Chromosomal abnormalities Trysomy-21 Downs syndrome Trysomy-18 Edwards syndrome Images believed to be in the Public Domain
  • 14. Therefore genetic information is found on our chromosomes 息 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
  • 15. Chromosomes and cell division Multicellular organisms copy their chromosomes before cell division. Interphase They must grow to a mature size. The nucleus divides, distributing the chromosomes into two equal groups (mitosis). The cytoplasm then divides (cytokinesis) each part taking a nucleus. 息 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS Image believed to be in the Public Domain
  • 16. The cell cycle Cytokinesis Some cells may Division of the cytoplasm stay in this stage G0 for over a year M G1 First growth phase. Varies in length G2 Second growth phase S Copying of chromosomes G1 + S + G2 = INTERPHASE 息 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
  • 17. The cell cycles in different cells Cell type Cell cycle / hours Bean root tip 19.3 Mouse fibroblast 22 Chinese hamster 11 fibroblast Mouse small intestine 17 epithelium Mouse oesophagus 181 epithelium 息 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
  • 18. Chromosomes and reproduction Chromosomes come in pairs One of the pair is maternal the other is paternal When parents make sex cells the number of chromosomes must be halved One of each type of chromosome is taken 息 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
  • 19. Meiosis and fertilisation Mother Father 23 pairs of 23 pairs of chromosomes chromosomes Meiosis Sex cells 23 unpaired 23 unpaired 23 unpaired 23 unpaired chromosomes chromosomes chromosomes chromosomes Fertilisation 23 pairs of chromosomes Child 息 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS Images believed to be in the Public Domain
  • 20. Meiosis A special type of cell division Used to make sex cells Meiosis halves the numbers of chromosomes Meiosis picks one chromosome from each pair at random and places them in a sex cell. This results in enormous variation amongst the sex cells. 息 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
  • 21. The inheritance of gender Is it going to be a boy or a girl? 息 University of New Mexico
  • 22. The inheritance of gender Mother Father XX XY Meiosis Sex cells X X X Y X Y Fertilisation X XX XY Possible children X XX XY Chance of a girl 50% Chance of a boy 50% 息 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
  • 23. Sex chromosomes The sex of many animals is determined by genes but on chromosomes called sex chromosomes The other chromosomes are called autosomes One sex is homogametic The other sex is heterogametic 息 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
  • 24. Sex determination in different animals HOMOGAMETIC HETEROGAMETIC SEX DETERMINATION SEX SEX Female XX Male XY Presence of Y- chromosome = maleness (mammals and fish) Presence of second X- chromosome = femaleness (Drosophila, the fruit fly) Male ZZ Female ZW Birds, amphibians, reptiles, butterflies, moths. Female XX Male Xo Grasshoppers 息 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS