3. Khi 畉y, Ch炭a Gi棚su
r畉o qua c叩c 担 th畛 v
lng m畉c, v畛a gi畉ng
d畉y v畛a i v畛
Through towns and
villages Jesus went
teaching, making his
way to Jerusalem.
4. C坦 k畉 h畛i Ng動畛i
r畉ng: "L畉y
Th畉y, ph畉i
chng ch畛 c坦
m畛t s畛 鱈t s畉
動畛c c畛u 畛?"
Someone said to
him, Sir, will there
be only a few
6. "C叩c ng動董i h達y c畛 g畉ng vo
qua c畛a h畉p,
v狸 Ta b畉o c叩c ng動董i bi畉t:
nhi畛u ng動畛i s畉 t狸m vo
m kh担ng vo 動畛c.
Try your best to enter by the narrow
door, because, I tell you, many will try
to enter and will not succeed.
7. Khi ch畛 nh 達 vo
v 坦ng c畛a l畉i, th狸
l炭c 坦 c叩c ng動董i
畛ng ngoi m畛i g探
c畛a m r畉ng:
Once the master of the
house has got up and
locked the door, you
may find yourself
knocking on the
door, saying
8. 'Th動a ngi, xin m畛 c畛a cho ch炭ng t担i'. Ch畛
s畉 tr畉 l畛i c叩c ng動董i r畉ng:
Lord, open to us but he will answer,
9. 'Ta kh担ng bi畉t c叩c ng動董i t畛 但u t畛i'.
I do not know where you come from.
10. B畉y gi畛 c叩c ng動董i
m畛i n坦i r畉ng:
'Ch炭ng t担i 達 n
u畛ng tr動畛c m畉t
ngi v ngi 達
gi畉ng d畉y gi畛a
c叩c c担ng tr動畛ng
ch炭ng t担i'.
Then you will find
yourself saying, We
once ate and drank in
your company; you
taught in our streets
11. Nh動ng ch畛 s畉 tr畉 l畛i
c叩c ng動董i r畉ng:
'Ta kh担ng bi畉t c叩c ng動董i
t畛 但u m t畛i, h畛i nh畛ng
k畉 lm i畛u gian
叩c, h達y lui ra
but he will reply, I do not
know where you come
from. Away from me, all
you wicked men!
12. Khi c叩c ng動董i s畉 th畉y
Abraham, Isaac, Giac坦p v t畉t
c畉 c叩c ti棚n tri 畛 trong n動畛c
Thi棚n Ch炭a, c嘆n c叩c ng動董i b畛
lo畉i ra ngoi, n董i 坦 c叩c ng動董i
s畉 kh坦c l坦c nghi畉n rng.
Then there will be
weeping and grinding of
teeth, when you
see Abraham and Isaac
and Jacob and all the
prophets in the kingdom
of God, and yourselves
turned outside.
13. V ng動畛i ta s畉 t畛
担ng ch鱈 t但y, t畛
b畉c ch鱈 nam 畉n
d畛 ti畛c trong
n動畛c Thi棚n
And men from east
and west, from
north and south, will
come to take their
places at the feast in
the kingdom of God.
14. Ph畉i, c坦 nh畛ng
ng動畛i sau h畉t s畉 tr畛
n棚n tr動畛c h畉t v
nh畛ng ng動畛i tr動畛c
h畉t s畉 n棚n sau h畉t".
Yes, there are those
now last who will be
first, and those now first
who will be last.