This document discusses ideas for visual merchandising and promotions. It covers range planning and promotional strategies. The goal is to effectively display products and drive sales through visual and promotional tactics.
El documento define una red de computadoras como un conjunto de equipos conectados que comparten informaci坦n e incrementan la eficiencia. Describe diferentes tipos de redes seg炭n su cobertura geogr叩fica, incluyendo LAN, CAN, MAN y PAN. Tambi辿n explica la topolog鱈a de redes como la configuraci坦n de conexiones entre nodos, mencionando las topolog鱈as en estrella, bus, anillo y 叩rbol.
Este documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre el virus del bola. Explica que el bola es una enfermedad viral aguda que causa fiebre hemorr叩gica y fue descrita por primera vez en 1976. Existen cinco serotipos del virus del bola, que se transmite entre humanos y primates. Se caracteriza por tener altas tasas de mortalidad entre el 50-95% de los afectados.
This document discusses ideas for visual merchandising and promotions. It covers range planning and promotional strategies. The goal is to effectively display products and drive sales through visual and promotional tactics.
El documento define una red de computadoras como un conjunto de equipos conectados que comparten informaci坦n e incrementan la eficiencia. Describe diferentes tipos de redes seg炭n su cobertura geogr叩fica, incluyendo LAN, CAN, MAN y PAN. Tambi辿n explica la topolog鱈a de redes como la configuraci坦n de conexiones entre nodos, mencionando las topolog鱈as en estrella, bus, anillo y 叩rbol.
Este documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre el virus del bola. Explica que el bola es una enfermedad viral aguda que causa fiebre hemorr叩gica y fue descrita por primera vez en 1976. Existen cinco serotipos del virus del bola, que se transmite entre humanos y primates. Se caracteriza por tener altas tasas de mortalidad entre el 50-95% de los afectados.
This document discusses three possible futures for Christian congregations and denominations: continuing contraction, conservative resurgence, and death and resurrection. It then examines the roles of denominations, what they do well and could improve, and scenarios of denominational leaders pushing boundaries. The document considers the relationships between traditions, movements, and institutions, and questions about how Jesus and Paul balanced these.
This document discusses personalised learning and the skills needed to support it. It defines personalised learning as learners taking responsibility for organizing their own learning, seeking help and advice, and managing their time. Learners need personal learning and thinking skills like reflection, problem solving, collaboration, and self-management to operate successfully in a personal learning environment. Functional skills in English, maths and ICT are also important as they equip learners for education, work and independent living. Assessments of these skills should be based on realistic, task-based scenarios requiring the application of skills to solve problems.
Este documento propone diferentes estrategias para la lectura en el aula, incluyendo la lectura en voz alta por parte de la docente o un invitado, tiempo para lectura silenciosa individual, preparaci坦n previa a la lectura, discusi坦n en grupos peque単os sobre las lecturas, y lectura rotada donde los estudiantes toman turnos para leer en voz alta.
This document outlines the CA'REDIVIVUS project, which aims to preserve historic reinforced concrete housing in Europe through a multidisciplinary approach. The project will develop recommendations for protecting early 20th century heritage buildings by studying typologies, seismic risks, and retrofitting methods. It will create an algorithm to optimize retrofitting, a decision model for stakeholders, and frameworks for integrated planning. The goals are to improve understanding of earthquake impacts, apply retrofitting techniques, and ensure the measures are comprehensible and supported by relevant groups. A variety of scientific methods like modeling, documentation, and comparative studies across countries will be used to achieve these objectives.
El documento describe la reconversi坦n tecnol坦gica de la planta Nobsa Cementos Boyac叩 S.A. para cambiar su proceso de producci坦n de cemento de v鱈a h炭meda a v鱈a seca. Esto redujo el consumo de agua y energ鱈a y las emisiones atmosf辿ricas, al eliminar el uso de agua en el proceso. Tambi辿n instal坦 equipos de control de emisiones. Los resultados incluyeron menores costos ambientales y operativos, y una producci坦n m叩s limpia y eficiente.
The document is a test for admission to community college in Vietnam in 2014. It contains 80 multiple choice questions testing English language skills. The questions cover topics such as novel reviews, recommendations, grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and meaning.
4. Card Video AGP 1X
T畛c 畛 1 x 66MHz = 66Mhz
S畛 d畛ng cho th畉 h畛 m叩y Pentium 2
3. Card Video AGP 2X
Card Video AGP 2X
T畛c 畛 2 x 66MHz = 133Mhz
S畛 d畛ng cho th畉 h畛 m叩y Pentium 3
4. Card Video AGP 4X
Card Video AGP 4X
T畛c 畛 4 x 66MHz = 266Mhz
S畛 d畛ng cho th畉 h畛 m叩y Pentium 4
5. Card Video AGP 8X
Xuan Vinh : 0912.421.959
5. Card Video AGP 8X
T畛c 畛 8 x 64MHz = 533Mhz
S畛 d畛ng cho th畉 h畛 m叩y Pentium 4
6. Card Video PCI Express 16X
Card Video PCI Express 16X
T畛c 畛 16 x 66MHz = 1066 MHz
S畛 d畛ng trong c叩c m叩y Pentium 4 畛i m畛i nh畉t .
7. Card Video on board
L Card Video 動畛c t鱈ch h畛p tr棚n Mainboard, th担ng th動畛ng
c叩c lo畉i card onboard kh担ng c坦 RAM m s畛 d畛ng m畛t ph畉n
RAM c畛a h畛 th畛ng do v畉y b畛 nh畛 dnh cho card on board
th動畛ng gi畛i h畉n 畛 kho畉ng 8MB 畉n 16MB
Card onboard l gi畉i ph叩p nh畉m gi畉m chi ph鱈 cho c叩c m叩y 鱈t
c坦 nhu c畉u x畛 l箪 畛 ho畉 .
5. H動 h畛ng Card Video
C叩c m叩y c坦 Card onboard th動畛ng 鱈t b畛 l畛i Card
C叩c m叩y c坦 Card video r畛i c坦 t畛 l畛 h畛ng cao h董n, khi h畛ng
Card Video ch炭ng th動畛ng c坦 bi畛u hi畛n :
Xuan Vinh : 0912.421.959
6. => Khi b畉t ngu畛n, m叩y k棚u m畛t ti畉ng b鱈p di v ba ti畉ng b鱈p
ng畉n , kh担ng l棚n mn h狸nh . ( B鱈p......................B鱈p.B鱈p.B鱈p. )
Ki畛m tra :
+ B畉n h達y thay th畛 m畛t thanh RAM 畛 lo畉i tr畛 , v狸 h畛ng RAM
c滴ng ph叩t ra c叩c ti畉ng k棚u t動董ng t畛 畛 loa , tuy nhi棚n h畛ng
RAM th動畛ng c坦 3 ti畉ng B鱈p di .
+ Th叩o Card Video ra kh畛i Mainboard, d湛ng xng v畛 sinh s畉ch
s畉 ch但n c畉m, sau 坦 th畛 l畉i .
+ N畉u hi畛n t動畛ng kh担ng 畛i th狸 b畉n c畉n thay m畛t Card Video
6 . Nguy棚n t畉c ghi h狸nh v ph叩t h狸nh trong m叩y t鱈nh nh動 th畉
no ?
Gi畉 s畛 b畛c 畉nh c畛a b畉n g叩i 動畛c ch畛p b畉ng m叩y 畉nh s畛 v畛i 畛
ph但n gi畉i 200 x 300 Pixels
Ch畛p nh動 v畉y ngh挑a l m叩y 畉nh 達 chia nh畛 b畛c h狸nh tr棚n
200 x 300 = 60.000 i畛m 畉nh
Trong m畛i i畛m 畉nh ( t畛 60.000 i畛m tr棚n ) l畉i c坦 ba c畉m bi畉n
r畉t nh畛 (Sensor) o l畉i c動畛ng 畛 s叩ng c畛a 3 m畉u c董 b畉n l
- M畉u 畛 ( R )
- M畉u xanh l叩 c但y ( G )
- M畉u xanh da tr畛i ( B )
C動畛ng 畛 s叩ng thu 動畛c c坦 gi叩 tr畛 t畛 Min = 0 畉n Max = 255
Xuan Vinh : 0912.421.959
7. C動畛ng 畛 s叩ng thu 動畛c t畛 c叩c Sensor 動畛c 動a vo m畉ch 畛i
ADC ( Analog - Digital Conveter ) 畛 但y gi叩 tr畛 畛 s叩ng c畛a
c叩c i畛m m畉u 動畛c 畛i thnh d達y nh畛 ph但n 0,1 ( g畛i l t鱈n hi畛u
s畛 c畛a 畉nh )
T鱈n hi畛u s畛 c畛a b畛c 畉nh 動畛c ghi vo th畉 nh畛 ho畉c 動畛c truy畛n
v畛 m叩y t鱈nh .
Khi t担i c畉m th畉 nh畛 qua c畛ng USB 畛 m畛 b畛c 畉nh ra => d畛
li畛u s畛 c畛a b畛c 畉nh 動畛c n畉p vo b畛 nh畛 RAM v hi畛n th畛 l棚n
mn h狸nh m t担i c坦 th畛 c畉m nh畉n 動畛c .
7. Ci tr狸nh i畛u khi畛n cho Card Video
V狸 sao ph畉i ci tr狸nh i畛u khi畛n ?
Gi畉 s畛 c坦 hai ng動畛i 畛 hai n動畛c kh叩c nhau, kh担ng hi畛u ti畉ng c畛a
nhau, khi n坦i chuy畛n h畛 c畉n c坦 phi棚n d畛ch :
=> T動董ng t畛 nh動 v畉y th狸 tr狸nh i畛u khi畛n ch鱈nh l phi棚n d畛ch cho
hai 畛i t動畛ng :
+ M畛t l h畛 i畛u hnh
+ Hai l thi畉t b畛 ph畉n c畛ng (c畛 th畛 l Card Video l畉p tr棚n m叩y )
N畉u kh担ng c坦 tr狸nh i畛u khi畛n th狸 thi畉t b畛 kh担ng hi畛u v kh担ng
th畛c thi 動畛c c叩c l畛nh c畛a h畛 i畛u hnh, do 坦 ch炭ng kh担ng lm
vi畛c 動畛c v畛i nhau :
Tr棚n Card Video th動畛ng c坦 m畛t ROM 動畛c n畉p s畉n tr狸nh i畛u
khi畛n gi炭p cho Card Video c坦 th畛 ho畉t 畛ng 動畛c trong m担i
tr動畛ng DOS
Khi ta ci h畛 i畛u hnh Windows th狸 tr狸nh i畛u khi畛n trong ROM
tr棚n Card kh担ng h畛 tr畛, v狸 v畉y ta ph畉i ci tr狸nh i畛u khi畛n cho Card
sau khi ci 畉t h畛 i畛u hnh Windows, tr狸nh i畛u khi畛n th動畛ng i
k竪m thi畉t b畛 b畉ng m畛t 挑a CD Rom .
+ M畛t s畛 lo畉i Card c坦 tr狸nh i畛u khi畛n 動畛c t鱈ch h畛p ngay trong
h畛 i畛u hnh Window XP , v狸 v畉y khi ci Window XP ch炭ng t畛
nh畉n 動畛c m畛t s畛 lo畉i Card tr棚n .
Ki畛m tra tr狸nh i畛u khi畛n cho c叩c thi畉t b畛
畛 ki畛m tra xem m畛t thi畉t b畛 nh動 Card Video hay Card Sound 達
動畛c ci tr狸nh i畛u khi畛n hay ch動a b畉n lm nh動 sau :
* K鱈ch ph畉i chu畛t vo My Computer / Ch畛n Properties / Ch畛n l畛p
Hardware / k鱈ch vo Device Manager / Mn h狸nh Device Manager
xu畉t hi畛n nh動 sau :
Xuan Vinh : 0912.421.959
8. Mn h狸nh Device Manager ( qu畉n l箪 thi畉t b畛 ), c叩c thi畉t b畛 c坦 trong
danh s叩ch ny t畛c l ch炭ng 達 動畛c ci 畉t tr狸nh i畛u khi畛n
畛 tr棚n ta th畉y m畛c Display adapters c坦 trong danh s叩ch v c坦 t棚n
tr狸nh i畛u khi畛n => nh動 v畉y l m叩y 達 ci 畉t Drive cho Card
N畉u nh動 danh s叩ch tr棚n ch動a c坦 m畛c Display adapters th狸 tr狸nh
i畛u khi畛n c畛a Card video ch動a 動畛c ci 畉t .
8 . C叩c b動畛c ci 畉t tr狸nh i畛u khi畛n cho Card Video
Chu畉n b畛 m畛t 挑a CD Rom c坦 tr狸nh i畛u khi畛n c畛a Card Video
ang l畉p trong m叩y . ( t狸m mua Drive cho Card theo nh達n in tr棚n
Card ho畉c theo s畛 hi畛u IC x畛 l箪 tr棚n Card Video ), sau khi c坦 挑a ta
th畛c hi畛n ci 畉t nh動 sau :
Vo Start / Settings / Control panel => ra mn h狸nh
K鱈ch 炭p vo bi畛u t動畛ng Add Hardware => ra mn h狸nh
Xuan Vinh : 0912.421.959
9. K鱈ch Next v 畛i m畛t l叩t => ra mn h狸nh
Ch畛n Yes, I have ... / K鱈ch Next => ra mn h狸nh
K辿o xu畛ng d動畛i c湛ng v ch畛n d嘆ng Add new hardware device /
K鱈ch Next => ra mn h狸nh sau v畛i hai l畛a ch畛n
Xuan Vinh : 0912.421.959
10. => Ch畛n d嘆ng tr棚n th狸 m叩y s畉 t畛 畛ng t狸m Drive v ci 畉t cho
thi畉t b畛 , tr動畛ng h畛p kh担ng t狸m th畉y th狸 m叩y y棚u c畉u ta t狸m thi畉t b畛
t畛 danh s叩ch ( B畉n h達y th畛c hi畛n l畛a ch畛n ny tr動畛c n畉u kh担ng
動畛c m畛i l畛a ch畛n theo d嘆ng d動畛i )
=> Ch畛n d嘆ng d動畛i 畛 ch畛 畛nh thi畉t b畛 c畉n ci t畛 danh s叩ch .
Ch畛n d嘆ng Display adapters / K鱈ch Next => ra mn h狸nh sau
K鱈ch ti畉p vo n炭t Have Disk => ra mn h狸nh sau
Xuan Vinh : 0912.421.959
11. K鱈ch ti畉p n炭t Browse => h畛p tho畉i sau xu畉t hi畛n
T狸m tr棚n 畛 CD Rom n董i c坦 th動 m畛c ch畛a tr狸nh i畛u khi畛n c畛a Card
Video ang ci ( t狸m 炭ng t棚n th動 m畛c ) r畛i b畉m Open
=> 動畛ng d畉n 畉n File c畉n t狸m hi畛n th畛 tr棚n thanh tr畉ng th叩i 畛
h狸nh d動畛i .
Ti畉p t畛c b畉m OK => qu叩 tr狸nh ci 畉t s畉 di畛n ra / Ch畛n ti畉p Next
th担ng b叩o sau xu畉t hi畛n
Ti畉p t畛c k鱈ch Next 畛i vi gi但y => h畛p thoai k畉t th炭c xu畉t hi畛n.
Xuan Vinh : 0912.421.959
12. Ch畛n Finish 畛 k畉t th炭c qu叩 tr狸nh ci 畉t
Sau khi ci 畉t xong, b畉n c畉n kh畛i 畛ng l畉i m叩y, sau 坦 vo mn
h狸nh Device Manager 畛 ki畛m tra l畉i
N畉u xu畉t hi畛n Card mn h狸nh nh動 tr棚n
l qu叩 tr狸nh ci 畉t 達 thnh c担ng
Xuan Vinh : 0912.421.959