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The Annual Meeting
December 4 at 9:15 A.M.                                     Strengthen Your Servants:                                       Adult
 All members of the Church of the Nativity are encour-      An Adult Confirmation
aged to attend the Annual Meeting at which the Rec-         Class                                                         Formation
tor and Vestry will report on the events of the past year
of the church, present the operating budget for 2012,
                                                            Sundays at 4:00 p.m.
                                                            October 16 - November 20
and elect new vestry members. The meeting will be           For those who wish to be con-
held at 9:15am in the church. The 8:00am service will       firmed (i.e., make a formal,                              Church of the Nativity
be as normal; the 10:30 service may begin a few min-        adult declaration of faith) in
utes late.                                                  the Episcopal Church, those
                                                            who were confirmed a long
                                                            time ago and forgot what they
                              Rejoice! Reflections          learned the first time around,
                              On Seasonal Hymns             or for those simply curious to
                              December 11,18                know more about the Episco-
                              At 9:15 A.M.                  pal Church and why we do
                              There are few things as       what it is we do.
                              evocative as songs of the
                              Christmas season. For
                              these two weeks we will
                              explore the rich emo-
                              tional and experiential
                              meaning of the lyrics to      Adult Education & Formation at Nativity is a program
                              some of the most beloved      that is rich in diverse offerings that are food for
                              hymns of the Advent and       thought & nourishment for the spirit. The forums,
                              Christmas season.             studies and classes that will make up the Adult Educa-
                                                            tion Program are meant to help equip the pilgrims and
                                                            seekers of Nativity on their personal road of faith.

Pausing on the Road to Bethlehem:
A Spiritual Journey Through Advent                                     Church of the Nativity
December 1, 8, 15, 22                                                     8849 Ray Road
Thursdays at 6:00pm                                                      Raleigh, NC 27613
This study is designed for those who want to slow
down and sink into the Advent season. It is inspira-                      (919) 846-8338                             Our Faith and Our World 
tional and devotional in nature, an experiential                       www.nativityonline.org
Advent-ure through the weeks of Advent. During these
four sessions we will utilize music, art, poetry, and a
variety of interactive activities centered on biblical                                                                       Fall 2011:
passages that connect to Advent. This forum is for                                                                            Forums
those who want to journey through this season at a                                                                         Bible Studies
mindful pace. We will walk with Mary and Joseph on                                                                        Book Discussions
the road to Bethlehem, taking time to "ponder these
                                                                                                                         Educational Events
things in our heart."
Program Year Kick-Off!                                                                        To Nurture and           2. Bible Study: The Word for the Day
Sunday September 11                                                                           Inspire:                 October 16, 23, 30 November 6, 13, 20
at 9:15 A.M.                                                                                  A three year plan        At 9:15 A.M.
                                     Learn more about                                         for the Church of        A time to examine the lectionary texts in church ap-
                                     the Adult Formation                                      the Nativity             pointed for that Sunday. Read, mark, and inwardly
                                     offerings for the                                        Sunday                   digest the scripture to hear new ways God is calling
                                     Fall. Come taste and                                     October 2                your faith to interact with the church and the world.
                                     see the myriad of                                        At 9:15 A.M.             (Adult Learning Center)
                                     ways to nurture and                                        We will begin the
                                     explore your faith at   annual stewardship campaign with a special presenta-
                                     the Church of the       tion by the Vestry of the plan that has been developed
                                     Nativity!               to strengthen and build Nativitys programs and offer-
                                     (Estill House/Corlett   ings, and to serve the needs of our surrounding com-
Hall)                                                        munity. (Estill House/Corlett Hall)
 Nets for Life                                                October 16, 23, 30 November 6, 13, 20
 Sunday September 18, 2011                                    at 9:15 A.M.
 at 9:15 A.M.                                                 There will be three offerings at this time-choose       3.The Forums
 Join us this Sunday for a presentation on the incredible     one! The Book Study will be an on-going commit-         Pop Theology - A Religion and Pop Culture Remix
 impact a simple mosquito net might have on the lives         ment through November 20. The Bible Study will          October 16, 23, 30 at 9:15 A.M.
 of many, and how we can contribute to this campaign.         discuss the lectionary readings appointed for that      When faced with trying to explain how you relate your
 (Estill House/Corlett Hall)                                  particular Sunday. The Adult Forum will cover vari-     life to your faith, are you more likely to quote St. Paul,
                                                              ous topics described below.                             or Homer Simpson? This forum will tackle how Chris-
                                                                                                                      tians interact with pop culture & explore how pop cul-
Youth Exchange with Botswana                                                                                          ture reflects Christian beliefs & concepts. (Estill House/
September 25                                                                                                          Corlett Hall)
at 9:15 A.M.                                                 1. Book Study of
                                                             An Altar in the World: A Geography of Faith              Religion and Politics
A delegation of youth and adults from the Episcopal
                                                             by Barbara Brown Taylor                                  November 6, 13, 20 at 9:15 A.M.
Diocese of North Carolina and the Anglican Diocese                                                                    A Discussion of perspectives as to how our faith should
of Newcastle shared a 12-day youth exchange with             October 16, 23, 30 November 6, 13, 20
                                                                                                                      or should not interact with these topics. The Rev. Dr.
the Anglican Diocese of Botswana July 13-27. Come            at 9:15 A.M.                                             George Clifford will guide us through three weeks ex-
see pictures and hear stories of their time in               Reading & discussion of critically acclaimed au-         amining how our faith relates to our political ideology
Botswana and all that they experienced there.                thor and preacher Barbara Brown Taylor offers            and vice versa. (Estill House/Corlett Hall)
(Estill House/Corlett Hall)                                  her story of encountering the sacred in everyday
                                                             life. ...Taylor reveals concrete ways to discover                                 An Intergenerational
                                                             the sacred in the small things we do and see.                                      Advent Event
                                                             Some-thing as ordinary as hanging clothes on a                                     November 27 at 9:15 A.M.
                                                             clothes-line becomes an act of devotion if we pay                                  All are invited to Corlett Hall
                                                             atten-tion to what we are doing and take time to                                   for an intergenerational Ad-
                                                             attend to the sights, smells, and sounds around                                    vent Event! There will be an
                                                             us. (Adult Learning Center)                                                       offering of fun, interactive
                                                                                                                                                ways to be-gin our Advent
                                                                                                                                                practices to help us slow
                                                                                                                                                down and prepare our hearts
                                                                                                                                                for the Christmas Season.
                                                                                                                                                (Estill House/Corlett Hall)

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Church of the Nativity Adult Education Brochure

  • 1. The Annual Meeting December 4 at 9:15 A.M. Strengthen Your Servants: Adult All members of the Church of the Nativity are encour- An Adult Confirmation aged to attend the Annual Meeting at which the Rec- Class Formation tor and Vestry will report on the events of the past year of the church, present the operating budget for 2012, Sundays at 4:00 p.m. October 16 - November 20 Programs and elect new vestry members. The meeting will be For those who wish to be con- held at 9:15am in the church. The 8:00am service will firmed (i.e., make a formal, Church of the Nativity be as normal; the 10:30 service may begin a few min- adult declaration of faith) in utes late. the Episcopal Church, those who were confirmed a long time ago and forgot what they Rejoice! Reflections learned the first time around, On Seasonal Hymns or for those simply curious to December 11,18 know more about the Episco- At 9:15 A.M. pal Church and why we do There are few things as what it is we do. evocative as songs of the Christmas season. For these two weeks we will explore the rich emo- tional and experiential meaning of the lyrics to Adult Education & Formation at Nativity is a program some of the most beloved that is rich in diverse offerings that are food for hymns of the Advent and thought & nourishment for the spirit. The forums, Christmas season. studies and classes that will make up the Adult Educa- tion Program are meant to help equip the pilgrims and seekers of Nativity on their personal road of faith. Pausing on the Road to Bethlehem: A Spiritual Journey Through Advent Church of the Nativity December 1, 8, 15, 22 8849 Ray Road Thursdays at 6:00pm Raleigh, NC 27613 This study is designed for those who want to slow down and sink into the Advent season. It is inspira- (919) 846-8338 Our Faith and Our World tional and devotional in nature, an experiential www.nativityonline.org Advent-ure through the weeks of Advent. During these four sessions we will utilize music, art, poetry, and a variety of interactive activities centered on biblical Fall 2011: passages that connect to Advent. This forum is for Forums those who want to journey through this season at a Bible Studies mindful pace. We will walk with Mary and Joseph on Book Discussions the road to Bethlehem, taking time to "ponder these Educational Events things in our heart."
  • 2. Program Year Kick-Off! To Nurture and 2. Bible Study: The Word for the Day Sunday September 11 Inspire: October 16, 23, 30 November 6, 13, 20 at 9:15 A.M. A three year plan At 9:15 A.M. Learn more about for the Church of A time to examine the lectionary texts in church ap- the Adult Formation the Nativity pointed for that Sunday. Read, mark, and inwardly offerings for the Sunday digest the scripture to hear new ways God is calling Fall. Come taste and October 2 your faith to interact with the church and the world. see the myriad of At 9:15 A.M. (Adult Learning Center) ways to nurture and We will begin the explore your faith at annual stewardship campaign with a special presenta- the Church of the tion by the Vestry of the plan that has been developed Nativity! to strengthen and build Nativitys programs and offer- (Estill House/Corlett ings, and to serve the needs of our surrounding com- Hall) munity. (Estill House/Corlett Hall) Nets for Life October 16, 23, 30 November 6, 13, 20 Sunday September 18, 2011 at 9:15 A.M. at 9:15 A.M. There will be three offerings at this time-choose 3.The Forums Join us this Sunday for a presentation on the incredible one! The Book Study will be an on-going commit- Pop Theology - A Religion and Pop Culture Remix impact a simple mosquito net might have on the lives ment through November 20. The Bible Study will October 16, 23, 30 at 9:15 A.M. of many, and how we can contribute to this campaign. discuss the lectionary readings appointed for that When faced with trying to explain how you relate your (Estill House/Corlett Hall) particular Sunday. The Adult Forum will cover vari- life to your faith, are you more likely to quote St. Paul, ous topics described below. or Homer Simpson? This forum will tackle how Chris- tians interact with pop culture & explore how pop cul- Youth Exchange with Botswana ture reflects Christian beliefs & concepts. (Estill House/ September 25 Corlett Hall) at 9:15 A.M. 1. Book Study of An Altar in the World: A Geography of Faith Religion and Politics A delegation of youth and adults from the Episcopal by Barbara Brown Taylor November 6, 13, 20 at 9:15 A.M. Diocese of North Carolina and the Anglican Diocese A Discussion of perspectives as to how our faith should of Newcastle shared a 12-day youth exchange with October 16, 23, 30 November 6, 13, 20 or should not interact with these topics. The Rev. Dr. the Anglican Diocese of Botswana July 13-27. Come at 9:15 A.M. George Clifford will guide us through three weeks ex- see pictures and hear stories of their time in Reading & discussion of critically acclaimed au- amining how our faith relates to our political ideology Botswana and all that they experienced there. thor and preacher Barbara Brown Taylor offers and vice versa. (Estill House/Corlett Hall) (Estill House/Corlett Hall) her story of encountering the sacred in everyday life. ...Taylor reveals concrete ways to discover An Intergenerational the sacred in the small things we do and see. Advent Event Some-thing as ordinary as hanging clothes on a November 27 at 9:15 A.M. clothes-line becomes an act of devotion if we pay All are invited to Corlett Hall atten-tion to what we are doing and take time to for an intergenerational Ad- attend to the sights, smells, and sounds around vent Event! There will be an us. (Adult Learning Center) offering of fun, interactive ways to be-gin our Advent practices to help us slow down and prepare our hearts for the Christmas Season. (Estill House/Corlett Hall)